most insensitive gift ever...



  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Hahaha these are cracking me up! Keep 'em coming!
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Two birthdays ago, my husband kept talking about how great it would be to go on a hot air balloon ride. Since I'm not so great with heights, I said that I definitely was not interested. So what did I get for my birthday? You guessed it - hot air balloon ride! My husband and I crammed into this tiny basket with the guy driving the thing, and then I got to be completely ignored for an hour while my husband was talking to the guy about hot air balloons. Ugh.

    My last birthday, he kept talking about how great it would be to get an iPad. Since we had juuuust closed on our condo and were pretty broke, I said that he was ridiculous; we definitely didn't need an iPad. I saw his credit card bill before he even gave it to me, found it, and returned it, telling him I just wanted a card and a cheap exercise ball. A few weeks after my birthday, after reminding him about a dozen times, I got my card and uninflated exercise ball.

    His next birthday - he is getting a Coach purse. His present will be getting to watch me carry it around :)
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I don't have a most insensitive gift story, but I have a most insensitive first date story . . . I met a guy on a blind date once, at a restaurant, and he was showing me his new phone and how you could play you tube videos on it. Well, the you tube video that he chose to show me was TWO GIRLS ONE CUP!! 15 minutes into our first date? I got up and walked out and have never spoken to him (he was a friend of a friend) again.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Last Christmas I did a Secret Santa with some friends from work - we had like a $30 limit or something like that. The girl who had me gave me an expired can of cranberry sauce, a generic chapstick, and a mini-journal from the dollar store. She didn't wrap it - just left it all in a pile on my desk.

    Also, my MIL bought me lingerie when my husband and I had just started dating. Awkward.......
  • tiaydew
    tiaydew Posts: 89 Member
    Ok, here's my contribution, one year my husband and I didn't make any plans for Valentines Day until the last minute. He was an hour late getting home, he'd stopped by Walgreens to buy me some chocolate, a light-up rose and valentine-y candle holder. I was a little annoyed because I was hungry and I'd told him earlier I wanted to go out to dinner and of course he was late. I give him my gift, I was pretty proud of it, it was a home-made card...and the glitter and letters hadn't even dried on it yet! :) Needless to say he got to pick the restaurant!

    I asked him if I'd ever gotten him any bad or insensitive gifts and he told me this one right away. Our first or second Christmas, I got him a book about Chess, strategy, tips etc. He was always getting beaten by another BIL and I thought it would help him, he was offended!

    Lastly, I've been married to my husband for 13 years, our first year, my MIL asked for a picture of me since she had pictures of my husband and his sister. Last year, she told my husband she was sending me something...guess what it was?? haha!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Last Christmas I did a Secret Santa with some friends from work - we had like a $30 limit or something like that. The girl who had me gave me an expired can of cranberry sauce, a generic chapstick, and a mini-journal from the dollar store. She didn't wrap it - just left it all in a pile on my desk.

    Yeah, I've grown to hate secret sister/secret santa exchanges. I feel like I try to put a lot of thought (maybe too much) into them and I get junk in return.
    That, and white elephant. Why do people think it's at all appropriate or funny to wrap up things they wouldn't even give to goodwill and call it a "gift"
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Oh and every year it seems my MIL is determined to buy me clothes. She always asks what size, I tell her, then she proceeds to buy at LEAST one or two sizes bigger "just in case". In case of WHAT???

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    These were too awesome! lol I read all eleven pages! I don't really have an insensitive gift but the first Christmas my DH and I were married his mom made me granny underwear. Yes, you read that correctly. My new MIL gave me homemade underpants! The things were HUGE too! Seriously, they could have been used as the mainsail on a Spanish Galleon! And flowers? Oh the flowers!!

    I put them on later when DH and I were alone and paraded around in my sexy new skivvies! (Should I mention that I had the leg holes up on my shoulders? lol It was quite the look!)
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for such an entertaining thread!
    Last year for Xmas my sister gave me the music for Terence Trent D'arby's song Sign Your Name.
    She said "Didn't you used to like him?"
    I never like him and I am also not a musician.....and I'm 42. LOL
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    My ex gave me flowers for my birthday one year, which would have been nice..until he told me they were left over from a funeral and he got them at a discount.
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    My MIL thinks that she and I are the same size too. I have about 4 inches on her in height, she has skinny little legs and is roughly apple-shaped. I'm pear-shaped. She keeps trying to give me hand-me-downs.

    I am 5'7" and ... not skinny. My MIL was 5"2, and tiny. She kept giving me her hand-me-downs. But I would love to have her here so I could get a hand-me-down from her again!

    She also gave me a houseful of Candlewick, and many other lovely and valuable things from her store (she was a dealer, and a world-class expert in Depression Glass.)
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    My husband has not bought me a gift since we were dating (we've been married since 2003).

    A few years ago my sister gave me a set of bed sheets for a twin sized bed (I have a queen). The sheets had little cars & flowers all over them. My guess: either garage sale or regift?

  • leasa60
    leasa60 Posts: 2
    Hahaha. Loving this thread. I got sheets from a relative on my hubby's side of the family. They were not my style to put it nicely. I took them back to S_ _ _s and when they tried to check it they couldn't find it in the computer. This was before bar codes. They called the manager and he said since they had the store name on them he knew they must be from the store chain but he couldn't swap them for me because they had to be at least 10 years old or they would have been in the database. An older lady sales clerk told him she'd been working at the store for 22 years and never saw sheets like that. Seriously they looked like something from the sixties. Oh well, I guess its the thought that counts. LOL
  • Jrh2os
    Jrh2os Posts: 28
    This thread is hilarious... For the past almost 35 years, I've been married to the worst gift giver ever (fortunately he redeems himself in many other ways). He really isn't insensitive, just clueless. He's bought clothing 2 or 3 sizes too small ("it looked like it would fit you" - who can be mad about that?), my favorite candy when I'm trying to diet ("I thought you liked that kind"). One of the funniest gifts was five or six years ago..I had spent several weekends ripping out english ivy and blackberries from the yard and beside the house (we have a 95 year old house and I swear some of the ivy was over an inch in diameter and probably as old as the house). Then for mother's day, my beloved brought me an huge english ivy plant grown around a form in the shape of a heart. At first I thought it was a joke, but I was smart enough to ask my kids to find out and they reported back, "No, Dad just thought it was pretty and that you would like it". I actually still have it in the house. Now my adult children help Dad pick out what to get for me.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Ahhhh, I just love to tell this story.

    My husband and I have been married almost 18 years. but back in '99 we were separated for about 10 months. We moved back in together early 2000. Along comes Valentine's Day, so I decide to bake cupcakes and cookies for him. I spent all evening making them, packaged them up all pretty with a nice card. Now, my husband is a bowler, has been bowling on leagues for years. This was bowling night. No big deal, I'll see him when he gets home....which happened to end up being around 3 am, rip roaring drunk. The next day, nothing. No card, no gift, mumbled apologies. So that night he comes home with a card and a big chocolate heart full of candy. I look at him and say, really, you think HALF PRICE candy is going to do it? So I let it sit there a day or two while I'm stewing. Finally I decide to let it go, I go to get a piece of candy and it's gone. I ask, where is the candy heart. He looks at me with fear in his eye and says, I didn't think you wanted it, so I ate it.

    Drunk husband, half price candy, that HE ATE.
    Other than the getting drunk part..this is so my husband
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    My MIL gave me two towels and a pair of scissors for Christmas.
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    Not insensitive, but weird. One Christmas I received a single roll of paper towels with a single-serving package of Spam taped to it from my dad and stepmom. When I unwrapped it, my husband & I looked at each other like WTF? Was it meant to be a gag gift? Or maybe I'm a messy eater. I could go out of control with one slice of Spam!
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    My husbands gramma gave me a hacksaw one year for Christmas? Then, this year, she gave me a roast, because, (and I QUOTE) "the store was having a buy one get on free sale." LOL!!! TOO FUNNY!
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    Ok, BEST gift I ever gave was for Christmas, 1990. I had been searching for it for six months, and finally found it in the trash of a flea market...and had to beg the proprietor to take 5 cents for it.

    I sent it to my sister in an envelope, unwrapped, with no note. It arrived broken. When she got it, she called me up, and we've been best friends every since. We hadn't spoken for 10 years.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    This thread is killing me! :laugh: