most insensitive gift ever...



  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    I've got a great one for you. my nino (godfather and uncle!) knew i loved to read as well as my cousin amy who is a year younger than me.

    I was 12 she was 11 and it was christmas. He gave her Jurassic Park the book.

    He gave me Get this.....

    10 Stupid Things Women Do To Ruin their Lives.

    yeah. he fell of the pedestal that day and my mother still burns with anger over it.
  • Chikeebabe
    Chikeebabe Posts: 41 Member
    This was back in the 80's. It was a men's muscle t-shirt without sleeves. The pattern was criss cross barb wire. But under the barb wire were blood spatters where the wire was supposedly poking you and making you bleed onto the shirt........Ummmmm What the.........:angry:
  • sanddollar
    sanddollar Posts: 192 Member
    After going through several years of infertility, etc., I was finally looking forward to my first Mother's day as a mom. Well, the day came, and there was nothing from my "Happy Mother's Day," no card, etc. When I asked about it, he said, "You're not my mom." Fortunately, he eventuallylearned that it's appropriate to be grateful to the woman who is the mother of your children on Mother's Day!! (Whew!!)
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    My dad once bought my mum six garden bulbs (the type that sprout into daffodils) and told her "now you can have flowers all year round honey"
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I had an ex-ex seems to be the key here-and he was the only one who ever bought me ANYTHING and it was just a ploy(of course)...who bought me a basket totalling to about 4 pounds of chocolate. I specificallly told him NOT to buy it but he went and did it anyways. I knew he was gonna do it because he asked which chocolate I prefer...granted it was tasty but it took FOREVER to go because I was avoiding it:grumble:
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    My significant other (of eight years) brought me a dryer for our first date...

    Some women get flowers... I got a dryer.

    Of course, I needed the dryer.

    That has set the tone for our entire relationship -- I break it, he fixes it.

    Love a man in tool belt!!!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Not as bad as some of yours, but this was always one of those moments that sticks out in my head as a "wtf"...

    My last year of college, my roommates and I decided to do a secret Santa stocker stuffer thing for Christmas. So one of them and I were talking about what we'd get the others if we pulled their name. Her and I were really close. So at one point in the conversation, she says to me "Oh, I won't have to worry if I get you, I already know what I'm going to get you!" So I'm like, hmm... intrigued. Well sure enough, she DID get me. So when I open the stocking, I was expecting something kinda good, or at least fun.

    She got me a bottle of lotion from Bath and Body Works. Now, I have nothing against them, but ... wtf is that ****? It wasn't even a set or a scent that I owned anything of! And it isn't like I was crazy about B&BW, either... I had some stuff from there (what college girl doesn't) but it wasn't an extensive collection or anything!

    What killed me about it was that just a few months earlier, her and her direct roommate went in on a present together for my direct roommate's birthday, and they got her an expansion pack for the Sims (which are pretty expensive, even if you split the cost). The only reason that she had even met this girl was through me, they had barely known each other a month, and weren't even particularly friendly, let alone as close as her and I were! :grumble:

    Another good one was from my husband for Christmas this year. We agreed not to do much, as I was about to be out a job so we didn't want to spend the money, but I got him a video game that he really wanted and some other small things. He said that he knew what he was going to get me and it was something that I said I wanted. So I spent MONTHS guessing and trying to figure out what the heck it was. So I thought that it was going to be pretty good. His gift to me? A framed picture of us, that he printed out from Walmart (or somewhere like that) the night before. I mean, I DID say that I'd like a blown up version of that particular picture someday, but that is not at ALL what I had in mind as a Christmas gift!! I mean, I don't need or even want a lot of stuff anyways, but I was just a little bit taken aback by the fact that THAT was what this great gift was. I could have done it myself if I really wanted it, it didn't need to be a gift. He also got me a little painting print of a horse one year... and I do like horses, and I rode them, but it was kind a weird horse and not even that pretty! :ohwell:

    My FIL and his girlfriend also have a habit of giving us really bad gifts, if we get any at all. A few years ago for Christmas, she gave us this HUGE decorative metal sun to hang on the wall. At the time, we didn't have our own place (I was still living at home and he was renting a room with friends) and we weren't even living together! We both were like, wtf do we do with this?! She thought it was the greatest gift ever. This year, they forgot to bring us the gift when we were visiting, so they mailed it to us across the country. It is a MASSIVE wall clock. I'm like, really? We live in an apartment and have no where to put it, plus, it would look incredibly out of place. It is just black with Roman numerals, and says "fleur de lis" on it in script. Now what's hilarious is that I actually love those... but the symbol itself isn't anywhere, just the words!! Nice try, I guess??

    Oh man, now that I've started, I have so many of them. The in-laws are the worst. MIL this year got nothing for my husband and I, but we invited her over my parents house for a dinner with all of us. She brought a little basket with some cheap processed cheese/crackers/meats (like you'd get from a mall kiosk)... as a Christmas gift for the 4 of us. :huh:
    Ok, BEST gift I ever gave was for Christmas, 1990. I had been searching for it for six months, and finally found it in the trash of a flea market...and had to beg the proprietor to take 5 cents for it.

    I sent it to my sister in an envelope, unwrapped, with no note. It arrived broken. When she got it, she called me up, and we've been best friends every since. We hadn't spoken for 10 years.

    What was the gift?!
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    ummmm well my parents gave me a can of this weight loss powder stuff for my 15th birthday. That was the only gift. I was 5ft 7in and weighed 110lbs (awkward teenage thing going on). what? I'm still confused.

    When I was 19...I was in my apartment, my roomate was gone for the weekend. I thought I'd get all sexy for by boyfriend since I knew he was coming to visit. Candles were happening, lingerie was perfect. I open the door. He hands we a scratch ticket that he picked up on the way (his buddy reminded him it was my bday)...didn't even take his shoes off (friend was waiting)....they were on their way up north to go snowmobiling. Douche.
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    for xmas last yr i got from my now ex(we split on 7th Jan this yr) a hand written note stating that he would take me out to our favourite restaurant for a meal and i could order whatever i well as a cheapo bracelet that i have since donated to a charity bingo nite as a prize :-s
  • sarapulsifer
    My ex named a cow after me.... I sure made him change the name and feel bad about namming it my name in the first place... :)
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.

    Ooooohhh. I think you win.

    I seriously can't think of one. Once as a teen I got the same gift 2 years in a row from an aunt, but I was just thinking she forgot that she already sent me one. She lives in a different state from all her neices.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Wait...I just remembered my husband once gave me an iron. LOL. I guess I had blocked that out, because he is such a great husband and normally gives me awesome gifts.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    im so excited this thread went crazy.

    i got a millino of em...BUT same said ex, i get a proposal but no ring...later on im like uh, where's the ring (i didnt say it like THAT) but then he says, "how much do you have in your tax return?" "1,200.00" "why dont you go pick out which ring you want, pay for it and ill pay you back."

    WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THIS???!!! so idiotic, mental-case ME goes and DOES IT?! i never got paid back...

    *face palm* thank god for second chances in life!! :)

    Oh ya! I know this...

    So me and my current bf, definitely know we will eventually get married but haven't decided on when to.

    But he has these fits where he gets convinced now we should get married and proposes. So this was once on a sunday at home. He says ok let's get married, I am like ok, but where is the ring. He says we will do that later. And later he goes back to "we are not ready to get married yet". A few days earlier again he was convinced we should get married n proposes on SKYPE! Well he is again back to "we are not ready to get married yet"!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Ok, BEST gift I ever gave was for Christmas, 1990. I had been searching for it for six months, and finally found it in the trash of a flea market...and had to beg the proprietor to take 5 cents for it.

    I sent it to my sister in an envelope, unwrapped, with no note. It arrived broken. When she got it, she called me up, and we've been best friends every since. We hadn't spoken for 10 years.

    So, wondering what was the gift you sent??
  • pizzygirltx
    pizzygirltx Posts: 96
    For Christmas last year, my boyfriend's mother and sister both asked me what I wanted as a gift. I told them I wanted JC Penny gift cards as I was losing weight and needed new pants that fit. His mom gave me a canister of pepper spray and his sister gave me a pillow blanket set (which I later saw in Walmart for 5$). They both used the excuse that they "just didn't know what I would want." !!!!!!really?!?!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    hmm... reading this thread had me in stitches... I thought our family were weird when it came to gifts.. but wow...

    anywho, here's a story for ya!

    I had a boyfriend who after 2 years of dating, decided he wanted to propose. I had no clue. Of course, this is something I really hoped for, however his proposal left much to be desired. We went to the bank for me to apply for a loan to help with the construction of an apartment we were gonna build. While waiting for the clerk, mr. man decides to pull out a box and hand it to me right there, no knees on the floor, nothing like that. Just "so want to get married or what?" Needless to say, I was kinda sympathetic to his lack of expression and I accepted. Right after putting the ring on my finger, the idiot pulls out another box with a ring for himself (which I eventually found out cost more than the one he bought for me!!)

    What an donkey!! I am really happy I got rid of him!
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    When I was a young teen, having Christmas with all of my family... I have three very competitive brothers and being cool was Very important.

    So anyway I get this big present to open in front of everyone and apparently the gift tags got switched around because when I opened it and pulled it out of the box in front of everyone, it was a lacy, frilly pink nightgown - intended for my grandma.
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    When I was a young teen, having Christmas with all of my family... I have three very competitive brothers and being cool was Very important.

    So anyway I get this big present to open in front of everyone and apparently the gift tags got switched around because when I opened it and pulled it out of the box in front of everyone, it was a lacy, frilly pink nightgown - intended for my grandma.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Ahhhh, I just love to tell this story.

    My husband and I have been married almost 18 years. but back in '99 we were separated for about 10 months. We moved back in together early 2000. Along comes Valentine's Day, so I decide to bake cupcakes and cookies for him. I spent all evening making them, packaged them up all pretty with a nice card. Now, my husband is a bowler, has been bowling on leagues for years. This was bowling night. No big deal, I'll see him when he gets home....which happened to end up being around 3 am, rip roaring drunk. The next day, nothing. No card, no gift, mumbled apologies. So that night he comes home with a card and a big chocolate heart full of candy. I look at him and say, really, you think HALF PRICE candy is going to do it? So I let it sit there a day or two while I'm stewing. Finally I decide to let it go, I go to get a piece of candy and it's gone. I ask, where is the candy heart. He looks at me with fear in his eye and says, I didn't think you wanted it, so I ate it.

    Drunk husband, half price candy, that HE ATE.

    LMAO!!! This is the best post EVER!!!!!!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    oops... I forgot to add my comment. I was gonna say that this is really funny.. a granny's frilly nightie!! lol! Good one.. thanks for making me laugh!