most insensitive gift ever...



  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Ahhhh, I just love to tell this story.

    My husband and I have been married almost 18 years. but back in '99 we were separated for about 10 months. We moved back in together early 2000. Along comes Valentine's Day, so I decide to bake cupcakes and cookies for him. I spent all evening making them, packaged them up all pretty with a nice card. Now, my husband is a bowler, has been bowling on leagues for years. This was bowling night. No big deal, I'll see him when he gets home....which happened to end up being around 3 am, rip roaring drunk. The next day, nothing. No card, no gift, mumbled apologies. So that night he comes home with a card and a big chocolate heart full of candy. I look at him and say, really, you think HALF PRICE candy is going to do it? So I let it sit there a day or two while I'm stewing. Finally I decide to let it go, I go to get a piece of candy and it's gone. I ask, where is the candy heart. He looks at me with fear in his eye and says, I didn't think you wanted it, so I ate it.

    Drunk husband, half price candy, that HE ATE. that would have been the straw......I love chocolate. :laugh:
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    For my 18th birthday my dad bought me a cheese grader... nothing more nothing less.... should have at least bought me some cheese to grade with it -.-
  • Sweetcheeks278
    My MIL gave me a box of chocolates one year for Christmas from the dollar store. We weren't speaking at the time and continued to not speak for another 9 mths after that!
  • MaryKatU
    MaryKatU Posts: 146
    Every Christmas I hide my kid's gifts from Santa in a storage room in the basement. The door did not have a lock and I had mentioned to my husband that the kids are getting older and one of these years they may start snooping for their presents. On Christmas morning he gave me a door knob that has a lock. I know he meant well but really? A door knob??? I still give him trouble for that one.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    This one is insensitive but also really awkward:

    At Christmas (just 6 months ago) my dad's girlfriend invited her kids, my sister, my wife and me to the house for dinner. She gave everyone their presents but saved 2 for the very end. After everyone was finished opening their presents, she gave the last 2 to me and my wife. Everyone sat there looking at us, waiting for us to open them. She chimed in, "Open them up at the same time!"

    The one she gave to me had 2 hard core pornos in it. One was 3-D and even had 3-D glasses. The other was Avatar themed. My wife got a see-through nightie.

    *dead silence*

    To this day I want to know what she was thinking. What part about those gifts sounded like a good idea? I just can't wrap my head around it. Even my dad was speechless since she had kept them a secret.

    *blink blink* ... wow ....
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I love this thread, have laughed a lot!
    My ex father-in-law gave me a penis shaped cookie cutter for Christmas! While it was very creepy, it did come in handy for my sister's wedding shower! We used pink and blue icing....

    Pink and blue icing, LOL!!:laugh:
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    oh my gosh...i can't believe i forgot this one...
    for my 18th birthday i wanted a crockpot for my dorm room because it was one of the only electrical appliances we could have and it meant i wouldn't have to eat cafeteria food all the time. my mom did give me a crockpot but it was the used one she'd had for about 10 years. after she gives it to me (unwrapped and in a plastic grocery bag) she then tells me that now she can buy herself the a new one.
  • justcallmejennifer
    justcallmejennifer Posts: 68 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    omg too funny :laugh:
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.

    LMFAO! jews for Jesus?!?!?
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    My husband doesn't give me gifts 90% of the time, but one year I told everyone - I mean EVERYONE - including him that I really really wanted a bath robe. A nice, light weight, bathrobe. I was pregnant and didn't like clothes clinging to me while I slept but I wanted something to slip on when I went to the bathroom or whatever.
    So Christmas comes and lo and behold there was a gift under the tree for me, from my husband! I was so excited b/c it was the size a box w/ a bathrobe would be. Yay!!

    So I open it up, and its a 15 frame set. I really appreciated the thought at first but then he said, "Maybe now you can declutter this house a little and put some of those picture frames taking up space away and use these on the walls." Nice, thank you sweetheart. Didn't get another gift for 4 more years, then he bought me a Wii remote charger for Xmas. It doesn't work, never has, and he's never taken it back to exchange it.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I had an ex that used to get me these little naked women statues,I hated thoses damn things
  • reginabroyles
    omg my husband did that to me for mothers day!!! jerk!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My step mom used to give me pictures she'd copied out of coloring books, colored, and added captions to, as a story. It might have been nice for a 5 year old, maybe, but I was a teenager.

    Our 2nd Christmas (I think) my husband bought me the "George of the Jungle" movie. We'd seen in the theater and I'd said the movie was "eh." He'd loved it, and somehow got the idea that I had too.....

    Last year for Christmas my step-dad gave me a kleenex box cover. Made out of that plastic, yarn-covered stuff. Husband got clothes, kids got toys, and I got a tissue-box cover. At least he included the box of tissues.
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    How about a magazine subscription for christmas from the father of my child? Not so bad right? Oh wait...he ordered it in MY name and never paid for it...Or valentines day when he got me NOTHING....not even a crappy card. Or my birthday in April when all I asked him to do was find a babysitter so I could go out...guess who had to find one last minute? ME. And lastly, for mother's day he took me out to sushi after I BEGGED him to go. I ended up footing the $60 check.

    What did I get him? For christmas I got him a video game he wanted (even though I had no job at the time and the only money I had to buy gifts with were gift cards people had given to me!), for valentines I bought him a rose....and for his bday I got him a playstation ....father's day is coming and he wants a MLB jersey. I'm probably going to get it for him. Why doesn't this guy put any effort into getting gifts? I MOTHERED his child for effs sake.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    OK this is the best topic I have seen all day long
  • reginabroyles
    my husband called me one day and told me he bought me a surprise! I was excited since he rarely buys me gifts. He came in with a Kohls bag and said "Look honey I went shopping and bought me new shirts and pants surprise!" I was in tears! I told him he was an *kitten* and i thought i was getting flowers or something. He brought me a CHristmas Cactus the next day.

    He also did the read this card and put it back thing! How rude! He has given me a circular saw for christmas also.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Damn, This is a tough room! I guess I won't say ANYTHING about the year I bought my wife road flares for her birthday. It's a long story, but I can see there would be very little appreciation for my gift.

    I'd say it depends on the story behind it. I could see it being a romantic gift, especially if she'd recently broken down, etc. Also, whether or not it was the only gift you gave her that year because JUST a box of road flares....? :huh:
  • jcpeters13
    jcpeters13 Posts: 19 Member
    This last Christmas, my half-sister made it a point to come up on Christmas (which my parents and I usually spend with my mother's side of the family) to give me a VERY important gift: a packet of ranch dip mix and a spice packet for chili. Yep. Best gift ever! (not)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    my mum bought my partner a "men" beauty set.... like moisturizer, facial wash and lotions.... hmmm, my partner is a tradesman, and has never put on a moisturiser in his life... that was just wierd... it's still sitting in it's box waiting to be regifted to someone, i haven't found anyone appropriate that might use that kind of stuff yet...

    thing is, it is a good brand and would have cost decent money, but seriously, my partner is never going to "cleanse" and "moisturise"... a pair of socks and a packet of hankies would have actually done the job alot better.