most insensitive gift ever...



  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    HA ha, I was given a photo album that was a regift. It smelled like a basement and was not very clean.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I was so concentrated on the hubby's gifts I forgot this one...

    The Christmas that my husband and I were separated, we were getting along pretty well, some talk of reconciliation, so I asked him to spend Christmas dinner with the family. My dad, who is typically a sensitive guy, had gotten me/us a vanity plate for the front of my car that said "Sue and David" with the lovely spray painted hearts on it, the kind you buy at the fair for like $10. I looked at him and said, you know we're separated, right? He was like, but you're still married! Yea, that never went on the car, just in case you wondered.
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    im so excited this thread went crazy.

    i got a millino of em...BUT same said ex, i get a proposal but no ring...later on im like uh, where's the ring (i didnt say it like THAT) but then he says, "how much do you have in your tax return?" "1,200.00" "why dont you go pick out which ring you want, pay for it and ill pay you back."

    WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THIS???!!! so idiotic, mental-case ME goes and DOES IT?! i never got paid back...

    *face palm* thank god for second chances in life!! :)
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    I got red roses every valentines day for 9 years. Which normally wouldn't be considered insensitive, except every year leading up to Valentine's Day I reminded him that I hate red roses and would much rather get wild flowers, or peonies, or gardenias.

    hates red roses too, I love daisies

    most insensitive gift I got was a pair of sneakers I bought myself a few days prior to christmas and my husband (now ex) actually figured to wrap them and give them to me for christmas? I was like wtf? lol really? Also my sister in law regifted a wedding shower present she had of juice glasses I know this cus her wedding shower card was inside the box lol.
  • Clovergirl17
    The worst gift (or should I say, non-gift) I've ever gotten was when I was with my ex a few years ago. It was our 1-year anniversary (I'm big on anniversaries) and I spent the whole week leading up to it making a video in Windows Movie Maker of a bunch of pictures from our year together, with our song and everything. I played it for him on our anniversary, and even after watching it he STILL didn't even SAY 'Happy Anniversary', much less get me anything. And me being the love-struck girl I *was*, it took me another 6 months to ditch that loser...

    On another note (since we're ex-bashing...) we were about to go clean out his parents' old Bronco (old, had been sitting around with trash in it for a couple of years). He was a mechanic, so while he was working on the engine, I was inside scrubbing the ****ens out of the interior of the car. Before we went outside, he wanted me to wear a pair of his work pants, so I didn't get my jeans dirty. Well, when I went to try them on (he was MUCH bigger in his chest than in his waist, so while we looked proportional, his waist was smaller than mine) I couldn't button them. The jerk had the nerve to look me straight in the eye and say "Your HUGE!" Maybe because I didn't have time to let it fully sink in, I completely forgot about it and dated that jerk for a little over another year.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I was really mad at my ex one time as when he was away on a lads holiday I found some pictures on his PC from his last lads holiday of all of his mates taking it in turns to peck some girl on the lips and there was one of him!! I was furious and made sure I rang him to tell him he was in the doghouse when he got back.

    Anyway my present when he got back (you would think he would go all out because I was pissed at him) was a candle in the shape of a half peeled Banana. YEP.

    We broke up shortly afterwards after 4 and a half years together.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    im so excited this thread went crazy.

    i got a millino of em...BUT same said ex, i get a proposal but no ring...later on im like uh, where's the ring (i didnt say it like THAT) but then he says, "how much do you have in your tax return?" "1,200.00" "why dont you go pick out which ring you want, pay for it and ill pay you back."

    WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THIS???!!! so idiotic, mental-case ME goes and DOES IT?! i never got paid back...

    *face palm* thank god for second chances in life!! :)

    My wife essentially said when we were in a large mall that we will go around looking at rings and she chose the one she wanted. She didn't even give me the chance to screw up. She knows me so well :happy:
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I think the most insensitive gift came from my grandmother. She was always quick to insult have such a pretty face too bad your so heavy!

    When I was 17 and 20 lbs heavier then I am grandmother was cleaning out her closet and offered me her mu mu's and some of her old torpedo bras! Seriously?!? the way, she herself was pushing over 250 lbs! I was 17!!! How devastating to a teenager that my grandmother thought I was so huge I needed to share her mu mus! OMG!

    No wonder I had food issues!!!
  • Flocker1979
    Flocker1979 Posts: 96
    I once received a sweater that was about 4 sizes too small. My family member said "I'm giving you this so you will have incentive to lose weight". :embarassed:

    :noway: You have GOT to be kidding me!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    on the flip side the worst gift I bought someone was when I was 13 I bought my mum a set of knives and forks for Xmas. She was not impressed. My logic was that she was always complaining we didnt have any matching ones....

    Now I am a mother myself I would be so upset if anyone bought me cutlery for Xmas...
  • OttawaJeannie
    OttawaJeannie Posts: 206
    Since I saw someone else speak about their MIL...

    My ex-MIL once gave me a card, unsigned, still in the plastic drugstore bag WITH the receipt in it. Happy friggin' birthday! LOL!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I think the most insensitive gift came from my grandmother. She was always quick to insult have such a pretty face too bad your so heavy!

    When I was 17 and 20 lbs heavier then I am grandmother was cleaning out her closet and offered me her mu mu's and some of her old torpedo bras! Seriously?!? the way, she herself was pushing over 250 lbs! I was 17!!! How devastating to a teenager that my grandmother thought I was so huge I needed to share her mu mus! OMG!

    No wonder I had food issues!!!

    This reminds me of something my grandma said to me. After I lost 70 lbs, she would say a couple times a week, "you're getting too skinny." The one time I wasn't wearing a shirt, she said, "You're too fat to not wear a shirt" or something like that.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    When I got married, I moved 3 times in a 2-month span, as well as applying to and transferring credits for college. Consequently, I didn't get my thank-you cards for the wedding out right away (I think they went out 6 weeks after the wedding). My husband's relatives (not his immediate family) sent us etiquette books about a month after the wedding. Just, you know, as a "gift." It wasn't a hidden message or anything, I'm sure. :tongue: I was offended and amused at the same time. What was funniest about it was that they didn't give us a gift for the wedding. They kept saying how they were getting us something big, and they wanted to deliver it to our home themselves. They didn't visit, and when we did get the gift (sent along with my MIL and FIL when they came to visit, at the same time they brought the etiquette books), it was a clock. Not a big clock, not an expensive clock, just a regular old clock. They forgot to get us a gift for our wedding, but *I* needed the etiquette books. :laugh: I died.
  • jterry03
    jterry03 Posts: 33 Member
    On my second date with a complete idiot he told me, "do you know how hot you'd be if you worked out?" I didn't dignify that with a response - I was kind of stunned.

    On our third date (2 days before my birthday) he gave me a 30 day membership to a gym with a week of personal training.

    Yes, that was our last date - but I did use the membership - for about 4 days :tongue:

    I think we may have dated the same
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    OOH OOH a boy i was going out with in high school gave me for christmas a tape (cause tapes were the rage in 1989, im old) of Whitesnake (again, dating myself here) and it wasn't new from the store. It was played halfway. He never even rewound it AND it smelled like funyons...or however you spell those onion baked fake grossness...

    yeah, first boyfriend. poor boy.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    :laugh: I love the forks!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    On my second date with a complete idiot he told me, "do you know how hot you'd be if you worked out?" I didn't dignify that with a response - I was kind of stunned.

    On our third date (2 days before my birthday) he gave me a 30 day membership to a gym with a week of personal training.

    Yes, that was our last date - but I did use the membership - for about 4 days :tongue:

    I think we may have dated the same

    If we did, we could certainly have some fun over cocktails! Damn, he was a piece of work! :tongue:
  • annie3372
    annie3372 Posts: 14
    an exercise bike and a lady'm fat AND hairy!!! still married to him though!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Ex husband bought me a diamond necklace for my birthday....with money out of my account (he had his own account and I paid all of the bills out of mine since I was responsible)....without telling me.....yeah, Happy Birthday! You know all the checks you sent the other day? Yeah, let the bouncing start.....:grumble:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    on the flip side the worst gift I bought someone was when I was 13 I bought my mum a set of knives and forks for Xmas. She was not impressed. My logic was that she was always complaining we didnt have any matching ones....

    Now I am a mother myself I would be so upset if anyone bought me cutlery for Xmas...

    Worst gift I ever bought was for my now-husband. We had just been dating for a few months at the time and I had no money, and I had no idea what to get him. None. I'm notoriously thoughtless -- not intentionally, but when I have to get a gift my mind just goes blank because of the pressure. Anyway, I ended up giving him a movie that we'd seen in the theater, a Matchbox car (he didn't have a car, so it was kind of a gag gift and he loved it) and... wait for it... a bed pillow. Because he needed a new one. *facepalm* He got me a teardrop tanzanite necklace and a Picasso print, as well as a poem he'd written for me. Awesome sauce. I felt like a moron. :laugh: