(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    My NSVs have been many over the last 5 weeks:
    -My wedding dress has been fitting bigger (have a tie up back so PHEW!)
    -2 compliments about how good I look from customers (and their wives no less as well)
    -A friend of mine said that it's great that I'm losing weight and I look fantastic
    -MY SKINNY JEANS FIT!!! (One more pair of skinny jeans to get into!)
    -My fiance has been more "handsy" ;)

    Even though I've gained a lb in the last week (could be my TOM), these things mean a LOT to me. I'm so happy to see everyone with NSVs and losses. Congratulations
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    In the last month I have burnt between 250 and 1600 calories daily. In the last two weeks, I have burned 900 and 1600 calories. My goal is to increase the amount of calories I burn a day. My NVS for this week is making it longer without having to pause my exercise dvds.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    bump....falling asleep here....catch you in the morning
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i get alot of NSV'S, especially here lately since ive broken the 20 lb. mark....the personal trainer of where i work said that he was proud of me and that he could tell i had lost a significant amt. of work. i reflect daily on how far ive come....tonight i stood on the treadmill and cried b/c for once i am proud of me.....ive always lived to make others proud, but im in this for me.....

  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    As I've started the whole thing about how many kgs of pure fat we've all burnt, I've burnt 8139 kcals of fat since the beginning of May, which overall isn't not that much, as I would have thought, since it's only a bit more than 1 kg fat or -8,55% of what I want to lose in fat.
    Set myself a challenge to burn at least 6000 kcals doing excercise this month (til end of June) and for July to burn 7000 kcals at least!

    in German we have a saying which is like "the hedgehog feeds itself slowly" or "also small animals produce dung" - I know translated they sound really strange, but all I want to say: even if it's only small pieces and slow progress, you'll get to your goal someday!

    and for the NSV - I recently wore a shirt I haven't worn for a long time (since I got it from my ex-boyfriend, not because of weight issues) and I seems as if it's fitting better, you can't see my belly in there anymore (even though it was never the problem)

    I track my measurements very unregular - so when I've got the feeling, that I've lost some cms, I do them, and for today I took them again (because of the challenge) and will track them from monday onwards for the weighins.

    I've lost 1,57 inches (do you measure in inches?? - I use cm so it's 4 cm) on my hips!!!
    and 0.5 cm or 0.19 inches at my neck! (never though I would lose inches THERE !?!

    great day!
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    I did the whole calculation of calories burned etc, and it says that since May 22 till yesterday, I have burned 2kgs worth of fat.
    Not sure how accurate that is..But I hope to get a HRM soon.
    I am challenging myself to try and do it again from June 22, till July 22. to burn at least 8000calories with exercise. Not sure how I will do when camping, but I think with all the hiking in the German mountains, I will reach it.
    My NSVs for the week is that my jeans is getting a bit too big for me.. I need to get a new one, yippy.
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    Favorite Cardio Exercise is Burpees

    NSV Monday my co-worker commented on how I keep shrinking.
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Great how everyone is doing!

    If you're interested to have a spreadsheet for Calc (free download at openoffice.org) I am willing to share a plain version of my own.

    you can download my calorie spreadsheet under this link:
    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1304945/weight loss_BoB.ods

    I've marked all the fields that need to be filled out green one June 2011 page - so even if your just using it for July or August, make sure you fill in the green parts of june 2011, because they may be needed for the automatic calculations!

    and don't be irritated by some errors like #div/0, this is, because not all required fields are filled out yet! it'll work out.

    if you do have problems, message me!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Great reminder to focus on the NSV's, not just the scale. This is especially helpful for me because I feel stuck at 27 lbs. - hoping to get to 30 sometime soon! Let's see - NSV's - everything I wear is really baggy right now & I had to buy a new swimsuit for this year because my old ones look ridiculous! I have more endurance & my back & knees don't hurt everyday anymore!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Even though I still qualify as "obese" and have a long way to go to no longer qualify, one of my NSVs is that I am able to buy bras that are not "plus size" as well as some tops :) Also, I was able to complete Leslie Sansone's 3 mile workout all the way through and I am in better shape than I have EVER been!!!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Well thanks antian because I have seen people post NSV's on site but didn't know what it meant. Believe in learning something new everyday so I guess my NSV today is learning about NSV :noway:

    haha, but seriously...my NSV is that I've lost 25 lbs since March and on my way to finishing and reaching my goal (15 lbs to go) and because of my weight loss my husband who was not very supportive in the beginning is appreciative and proud of my success and is starting to think about his own health and weight.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    My NSV this week had to be when a co-worker was told me that the weight loss was really showing. What a great feeling and yes it does make me want to try harder. I also had my sister tell me how good I was looking.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Two NSV's I've really had within the past week are: Telling others about my decision to lose weight and resisting temptation

    Throughout this past month I've only told really a select few people that I am close with about my decision to start on this journey to a more healthier life. Last week I finally decided to update my facebook with my current weight lost and was amazed at the response I got from friends and people (some I hadn't seen in years)...it was very inspiring and made me feel good that people cared enough to encourage me to move forward with this now there is DEFINITELY no turning back for me and push harder every day.

    Last night in my Public Speaking Class we had to present a demonstrative speech and MANY people demonstrated how to make lots of yummy desserts and other foods. At break we were given the chance to sample all of the goodies they had brought in but I stayed strong an didn't have ANY of it even when I was sitting right there in the room with it this for me was a major accomplishment cuz normally even up until 2 weeks ago I would have been like "but its for school I can have just a lil bit"...nope not this time :) So those are my 2 real NSV's that I've had since starting on this journey and I hope for more to come!!!! :)
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning MFP Fam! My NSV definately has to be the significant change I'm seeing in the way my clothes are fitting! I have pants that I bought YEARS ago that I'm able to comfortably slide in. I went to Old Navy (my favorite store) and walked out of there with 2 pairs of shorts. I had been a lil self conscious about wearing shorts...but I tried them on and I looked fabulous(tooting my own horn).:laugh:
  • bmidwinter
    bmidwinter Posts: 21 Member
    My NSV was last night my husband called on his way home from an errand and asked my daughter and I if we wanted some Dairy Queen treats. My daughter of course said yes and I resisted the temptation of a peanut buster parfait and said no thank you! I was really proud of myself and didn't even miss it!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    My NSVs have been many over the last 5 weeks:
    -My wedding dress has been fitting bigger (have a tie up back so PHEW!)
    -2 compliments about how good I look from customers (and their wives no less as well)
    -A friend of mine said that it's great that I'm losing weight and I look fantastic
    -MY SKINNY JEANS FIT!!! (One more pair of skinny jeans to get into!)
    -My fiance has been more "handsy" ;)

    Even though I've gained a lb in the last week (could be my TOM), these things mean a LOT to me. I'm so happy to see everyone with NSVs and losses. Congratulations

    Handsy, LOL!!

    My NSV's are:
    -Needing to borrow BF's belt to hold muh shorts up. I don't own a belt. :(
    -Dad raving about how much skinnier I look when I visit once a week! Thanks pop!
    -Mornings in front of the mirror are much more pleasent. I have a shape back, and it's an hourglass shape, not my usual busted open biscuit tube body.
    -Shoes I haven't worn in a while are super floppy?! Is it possible?
    -Shirt I was keeping for when I got skinny IS TOO BIG. Donated.
    -50% of my wardrobe gone. Some I was saving for when I was skinny. They're all ugly now! Donated.

    I still have a lot of work to do. I'm still struggling with my addiction to salt. Salt = bloating big time, for me.
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    I actually have a few NSV but the one that sticks out the most is the way my clothes are fitting, especially my PJ's. I have some boy shorts that I purchased from Forever 21 (the little girl store) about a year ago that were super duper tight and now they are super baggy! YAY ME!!!:happy:
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    My NSV is all my pants are too big! :bigsmile: I've started a pile of clothes to donate since they do not fit. My size 14s are gone and a lot of my 12s are getting loose. I don't plan on going back either. This is a lifestyle change for me.
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    My results haven't really started to show yet but I guess my NSV is that I've really been getting into working out and going to the gym.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    My NSVs are:
    Clothes are fitting looser or are just too big and the increased energy I have as a result of all the exercise I have been doing.