Labor Day Challenge--Any takers??



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Posted - down to 236.6 this week :)
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Just checking in - haven't been too active on here lately, but have been keeping up with posting on the spreadsheet. I'm down to 229 - only 30 pounds to reach 199 by New Year's!
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Today's news said there are 100 days left in 2011. :noway: Where does the time go ??

    Emmaleigh and JRdoty congrats on the loses ! That's great to see. :drinker: I had turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy and dressing tonight. Good thing I don't weigh in until Tuesday. Shooting for the 180 's !! :bigsmile: Got all day Monday to work it off.:laugh:
  • krevelle65
    Sunday's weight 251.2 up again
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    hello everyone! I hope you all had a good week! Today is the end of week 4 so please post or send me your updated weight for the week! I can't believe it's already October!! Today it's a little cooler but it's supposed to be up to 89 again on Thursday!

    Have a good week 5!! :)
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Still at 229 this week, but at least it didn't go up!
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning....yes it is ! I am down 3.6 lbs. this week to 186.4 ! I am totally in cloud 9, which is good because it's rainy and gray here. :bigsmile:

    Nobody posts here anymore , kinda bummed about it :sad: Hope everyone is doing great. I'll follow along on the spreadsheet. I miss hearing everyones daily stuff.

    Have a great week !!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Good morning....yes it is ! I am down 3.6 lbs. this week to 186.4 ! I am totally in cloud 9, which is good because it's rainy and gray here. :bigsmile:

    Nobody posts here anymore , kinda bummed about it :sad: Hope everyone is doing great. I'll follow along on the spreadsheet. I miss hearing everyones daily stuff.

    Have a great week !!

    wow that is a great loss!!! congrats!!!!!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Hey all!! Today is the end of another week! Please either send me or post your updated weights!!

    I've really been's like every other week is a good one, then bad then good then bad and so-on

    earlier this week I had FINALLY lost 4 of the 5 pounds I had gained back, but then friday and saturday I ate SOOOOO bad! Seriously, yesterday we ate out every meal. I am so ashamed! But I'm trying not to feel too bad because it already happened, and I never want to do that ever again! Today I'm starting all over.....I really want to be at my goal weight by around the end of our challenge, maybe even a little before....and I know that if I continue down the same path, it won't happen! I've been at or around the same weight since like's almost the second week in Oct. grrrr....and it's not a plateau really...I just keep gaining and then losing the same weight. I've been stuck in a vicious cycle. and I HATE IT!!!!! No more going over my calories, no more excuses. I NEED TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Good morning....yes it is ! I am down 3.6 lbs. this week to 186.4 ! I am totally in cloud 9, which is good because it's rainy and gray here. :bigsmile:

    Nobody posts here anymore , kinda bummed about it :sad: Hope everyone is doing great. I'll follow along on the spreadsheet. I miss hearing everyones daily stuff.

    Have a great week !!

    Congratulations on a fantastic week!

    You are right, no one posts much any more (me included!) and I think that needs to change for me. This really helped hold me accountable. This past week has been really tough, including starting a new job and the death of a very close friend of my boys in a motorcycle accident. I love my new job-but there is a lot to learn and I have been exhausted and not working out the way I should. And I am angry about the accident (90 year old driver in an SUV cut off the bike-witnesses say our friend (on the bike) was not speeding or anything, just reckless (careless) driving by the car) and realized I was eating away my exhaustion and anger. And that helps no one. Thanks for listening!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Hey all!! Today is the end of another week! Please either send me or post your updated weights!!

    I've really been's like every other week is a good one, then bad then good then bad and so-on

    earlier this week I had FINALLY lost 4 of the 5 pounds I had gained back, but then friday and saturday I ate SOOOOO bad! Seriously, yesterday we ate out every meal. I am so ashamed! But I'm trying not to feel too bad because it already happened, and I never want to do that ever again! Today I'm starting all over.....I really want to be at my goal weight by around the end of our challenge, maybe even a little before....and I know that if I continue down the same path, it won't happen! I've been at or around the same weight since like's almost the second week in Oct. grrrr....and it's not a plateau really...I just keep gaining and then losing the same weight. I've been stuck in a vicious cycle. and I HATE IT!!!!! No more going over my calories, no more excuses. I NEED TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

    You will do it my friend. I've been about the same since the end of August too-that cruise really messed me up! (But sooo worth it!) This week is refocus! Step one will be to make sure I cut back again on my soda consumption and increase water up to the 8 cups a day. That is all I plan to focus on this week. Baby steps!
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Maureen I am so sorry for your loss~ hugs~ that is so tragic. I hope your job becomes easier quickly. I'm glad to hear you have a new job, these times sure are tough for finding them. I'll always be here to listen and hold you accountable too :wink: Small changes add up, so drink up my friend, enjoy your water this week.

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I also will start posting more -- this month has finally been a bit of a breakthrough month, although I am sure being sick for the last week definately helped it.

    Maureen, Im sorry for your loss sweetie. I know what its like to have anger for dumb people ... Im going through it right now with my sister, but when I was 18 my best friend was killed while driving to my house because of someone running a stop sign. Anger is natural unfortunately .. but you will get past this I promise you.

    Ace: all you need to do to lose weight is to focus on making good choices! Be more gooder than badder ... small changes add up to great success!!

    Love ya all!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I just wanted to share that I am doing better on the water-although not perfect. Yesterday I got in 7 glasses and today I am at 8. Trying to hold myself accountable by posting here as well as in my diary.

    I am still having a hard time fitting in the exercise with the new job. By the end of the day I am exhausted (in a good way!) Maybe tomorrow I should try to get up 30 minutes earlier and go for a walk before I get ready for work. I just HATE mornings!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Guys I have a problem ... I seriously could care less if I ever ate again. I have no appetite and when I try to eat I get full and sick to my stomach rapidly. Im sure it wont last but LOL its kinda crazy right now!!

    On the upside I got a 3 mile run in tonight ... first run since I got sick ... :)
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Guys I have a problem ... I seriously could care less if I ever ate again. I have no appetite and when I try to eat I get full and sick to my stomach rapidly. Im sure it wont last but LOL its kinda crazy right now!!

    On the upside I got a 3 mile run in tonight ... first run since I got sick ... :)

    It happened to me too! Glad I am not the only one. I was really starting to get worried, thinking maybe my gallbladder was acting up. It got better though and man-o-man did my appetite come back!

    Glad you got a run in (I'm sure it was driving you crazy!) but be careful! Pneumonia takes a lot out of you and you need to recover. Dr. told me it could take up to 6 weeks for me to feel fully normal again.
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    I weighed in up this week .188. So much for my ride on cloud 9. :laugh:

    I keep reminding myself it's just a number and I am feeling really great. My goal is 179... just to be rid of the 8, but my weight according to height should be anywhere from 155-165. My daughter is 155 , and I would LOVE to see that number, but she's 19yrs. old. I just can't imagine those numbers for me. If I could cut off the belly flap and my wings, then I could see it to be possible. All in time... I have to remember I've only been at this since February. There's no race to the finish line. But I do see one in my future where's that crystal ball ??

    emma...hope you feel better soon. I don't think I've ever lost my appetite....ever !!

    Maureen, how has the " getting up early " going ?? I'm sure it's a struggle if you're not a morning person. We just do what we gotta do. :grumble: I love mornings...after 6:30 at night , I'm ready for pj's. Although 2 of my gym classes are at 6:30 in the evening, but I really look forward to them.

    Have a great week everyone. I'll check back.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Maureen, how has the " getting up early " going ?? I'm sure it's a struggle if you're not a morning person. We just do what we gotta do. :grumble: I love mornings...after 6:30 at night , I'm ready for pj's. Although 2 of my gym classes are at 6:30 in the evening, but I really look forward to them.

    Have a great week everyone. I'll check back.

    I really did try to get up early to go for a walk-but it's dark outside! Tried walking with the TV, but didn't feel comfortable. Training is over tomorrow and on Monday I will start with what will be my "normal" routine. I just need to suck it up and stop at the gym on the way home. (It will be dark then soon too!)
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I weighed in up this week .188. So much for my ride on cloud 9. :laugh:

    I keep reminding myself it's just a number and I am feeling really great. My goal is 179... just to be rid of the 8, but my weight according to height should be anywhere from 155-165. My daughter is 155 , and I would LOVE to see that number, but she's 19yrs. old. I just can't imagine those numbers for me. If I could cut off the belly flap and my wings, then I could see it to be possible. All in time... I have to remember I've only been at this since February. There's no race to the finish line. But I do see one in my future where's that crystal ball ??

    I totally see you on this!! My goal for the end of this month is 179...just so I can get out of the 80s! I'm at 182 right now and I feel like I've been here for an eternity! My ultimate goal is 155..... How tall are you?
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    The past 3 days have been really good for me. I basically restarted, and I'm so glad I did. I still get on the scale every morning hoping, but nothing has happened so far....I really need to stop doing that haha. It will come! Today we went out to breakfast, but I made some really good choices, and I can still eat enough for the rest of the day haha. Usually if we go out to eat, my whole day is ruined.
    I'm going to try to check in on this forum every day, i've been slacking a lot on it! I've been so busy with school, this semester is my busiest yet, I have so much hw every week!

    Today, I aslo lowered my sodium from 2500 to 2000. I've never really gave any attention to section, but now I'm going to focus on it more, because I know how much sodium affects belly weight...which is basically where all of mine is lol. Ugh sometimes i just want to cut it all off! Haha I'm not sure if when I lowered my sodium, it lowered my other categories, but idk.

    Another thing is, I'm, once again, having problems with hair loss. it will stop for a bit then start again, for what seems like forever. Like it's driving me insane! When I was taking biotin, it seemed to be better, but I kept forgetting, so I'm thinking that's why it started again. So I've been trying to start taking one a day again....I was also thinking maybe it's because I straighten my hair like every day, so maybe my hair is getting really damaged, and I also died my hair a lot of the past couple months. Does anyone know if these could be the cases? I've stopped dying my hair, and I think I'm going to give my hair a break from the blow dryer and straightener for a bit. Any ideas?