June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 16:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. HEALTHY CHOICES and track ALL my foods!--Yes and yes but it wasn't pretty!
    3. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Another bad day. I am going to pick up some healthy snacks after work so if I decide to have a snack at least it won't be something that triggers more eating!

    My mom is doing better. She can't take opiates any more for pain so they will have to try something else. The hallucinations have stopped and her mood is better. She will be going home in a day or two.

    Leela and Teresa--I'm with you both! I've been pigging on crap the last 2 days and it needs to STOP! WE CAN DO THIS!

    Goals for June 17:
    2, HEALTHY CHOICES and track my foods.
    3. Stay UNDER my calorie goal!
    4. Watch the evening snacking!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Anyway, I guess I'll set some goals.
    1. no soda (I can't believe I drank 3 cans of diet pepsi yesterday. That's the most that I have in a whole week, let alone a day). CHECK
    2. all water and tea (I didnt have a single cup of tea yesterday) CHECK
    3. eat filling foods and don't snack in between meals (guilty of that yesterday too) CHECK
    4. zumba in the evening. CHECK
    5. eat a light dinner after zumba. CHECK
    6. (and most importantly). Follow a few job leads. CHECK

    Sorry I'm so chatty today. Guess I'm just making up for the past few days.

    Have a great day!!

    I actually made all my goals yesterday! I'm not going to set goals today and I am sick and I'm just going to take it easy. Hubby and I may walk by the river when my daughter goes to day camp. I'm not hungry, but I will try to eat.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    Just got back from vacation....
    I made myself little mini goals while I was away and stuck to them pretty well... probably ate more than I should, but I kept it healthy, so that is one good thing.
    I am too exhausted to go back and read right now... but I hope everyone is doing well.
    Today: catch up sleep
    finish a report that I came in straight to work from the airport to do.
    Start unpacking tonite.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    1) Stretch..........yes
    2) exercise before coming online.................yes
    3) GET Fathers Day Gift..............................yes & mailed it off today Thursday
    4) Buy Spinach...........................................yes
    5) water, water & more water......................okay
    6) stay under calorie goal............................NO!!!

    Have A wonderful evening everyone.
    Hopefully I'll get to bed without pigging out tonight.

    Saturday's Goals

    1) stretch................................................................................
    2) Walk 2 hours before coming online.....................................
    3) DO NOT Pig OUT Tonight !!!!!!!!!.......................................
    4) Eat 2 veggies
    5) Clean house
    6) Iron clothes

    I hope all you Ladies have a Great weekend
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 14:
    1) Shred - YES
    2) Eat a salad - YES
    3) Eat reasonably, with lots of healthy yummies, which are all around the house, but I keep ignoring them. I made cookies the other day, and they are gone now... I HAVE FRUIT AND VEGGIES IN THE FRIDGE AND ON THE COUNTER!!! :explode: - YES
    4) Aim for 10 push ups in a row. (I was doing well until I stopped. I got to 6 today.) - NO
    Yes, it's been a few days... I've been so out of it.

    June 18 + 19:
    1) Eat veggies for snacks
    2) Eat regular meals at regular times (instead of whatever, whenever)
    3) Shred x2
    4) Language studies
    5) Piano studies
    6) Write, write, write
    My knee started bothering me last night while sleeping! This happened once before and I don't know what I could be doing IN BED to make my knee hurt! It is feeling better now but it woke me up and then made it hard to sleep. I'm pretty sure it is arthritis. If this keeps happening I'll have to save some money and make an appointment at the local clinic (I don't have insurance).
    pmjsmom... Have you heard of Glucosamine for arthritis? It's a supplement. (Best taken with condroitin and MSM.) My mom swears by it. You might like to look into it. Glad it's feeling better now, anyway. :flowerforyou:

    Teresa... "exercise before coming online " I remember trying to make that a priority... Still am!

    Mommawarrior... Best wishes and prayers to you and your family.

    Leela... Congrats on signing up for that 5k!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 17:
    2, HEALTHY CHOICES and track my foods.--Again, no and no!
    3. Stay UNDER my calorie goal!--I seriously doubt it.
    4. Watch the evening snacking!--Mostly.

    Goals for June 18:
    1. Water.
    2. Workout for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Work on my room.

    I am starting over. I am making a fresh start and I WILL make better choices today!

    Steph--I've been taking glucosamine regularly for years (ever since I had leg surgery in 2001). First because it was prescribed by my surgeon and then just because I do think it helps. Severe injuries to both legs (at different times) while younger, contribute and the doctors did say I would have an increased chance of arthitis, even with all the preventive supplements.

    Rainy here today. Got lots to do inside, though, so I don't mind too much!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday's goals:
    1. Start laundry, hubby said he will help, so I will just mainly have to do the sorting. He'll wash and dry, I'll fold.
    2. Try to eat a little more. Soups, yogurts, juice.
    3.Workout for 20 minutes. Stop if my body starts to overheat.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    sat. goals
    go to the gym (done)
    unpack (done)
    laundry (done)
    get some work done to catch up (not done)
  • MissConfidence
    I'm back. Can't give up on myself tho it's easy... I've been a slacker and an unmotivated punk. I am back with a name change (previously known as MissLoser), and I am here to kick some *kitten*. Sunday, let's go!

    1) Get blood work done
    2) 60 minutes workout - anything, doesn't matter
    3) Have a healthy and delicious chicken stir fry for dinner
    4) Have a healthy and delicious lunch full of fiber and natural yummies
    5) Log my food and exercise calories
    6) Call my dad
    7) Promotion work!
    8) Watch season finale of Survivor
    9) Drink loads of water and go to the bathroom lots of times
    10) Get out and smell the roses (perhaps not literally if I can't find any roses, but do something out that's relaxing, social, and nice)

    And that's that. 10 simple goals. I am telling myself I can accomplish these things, I am not a slacker or a punk! Just hit a moment in time where I let myself go in the wrong direction. I'll join you all in the right lane and together we'll zoom up to awesomeness!

    Happy rest of the weekend, all :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday's goals:
    1. Start laundry, hubby said he will help, so I will just mainly have to do the sorting. He'll wash and dry, I'll fold.
    2. Try to eat a little more. Soups, yogurts, juice. YUP, APPETITES DEF. BACK
    3.Workout for 20 minutes. Stop if my body starts to overheat. GETTING READY TO NOW.

    Going to set up tomorrow's goals now:
    1. workout early.
    2. drink all day long.
    3. make a special dinner for hubby.
    4. set up menu for Monday and Tuesday.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm back. Can't give up on myself tho it's easy... I've been a slacker and an unmotivated punk. I am back with a name change (previously known as MissLoser), and I am here to kick some *kitten*. Sunday, let's go!

    Love the new name!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    So far this weekend:
    June 18 + 19:
    1) Eat veggies for snacks YES
    2) Eat regular meals at regular times (instead of whatever, whenever) YES
    3) Shred x2 YES (x1)
    4) Language studies NOT YET
    5) Piano studies YES
    6) Write, write, write NOT YET
    pmjsmom... I guess arthritis can just getcha. :flowerforyou: My mom started getting it way before my grandma, and now my grandma has it worse than my mom! I'm glad you know about it, and you think it's helping though! :happy: Have you thought about or tried an anti-inflammatory diet? Or avoiding nightshade foods? Sorry if you know all this stuff. Just running my mind to think of possible things that might help.

    PamDW... "get some work done to catch up" I noticed that's "not done", and was thinking you might consider making it more specific. If you write down exactly what you need to do, you can focus in on things. I think that helped with my goals this weekend so far. I did my piano practice today, but if I had have put "do stuff I've been putting off", I might just think about all the stuff I have to do, and not get it done anyway. There are some (important) things that I've been putting off for 3 weeks now, and I'm like, HOW DID ALL THIS TIME PASS?! Anyway... Just a thought.

    MissConfidence... "Watch season finale of Survivor " The one that already passed? :laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 18:
    1. Water.--Better than usual for a weekend. Should have been more, though.
    2. Workout for at least 30 minutes.--No. Ended up going shopping with my DD and grandson.
    3. Work on my room.--Yes. Some.
    4. HEALTHY CHOICES and TRACK MY FOOD!!!!--NO AND NO!!!! UGH!!! Sometimes I can be SO dumb!

    Posting now because I don't know if I'll get here tomorrow. BAD!!! That's all I can say about today. It seems I get in this rut and have a hard time climbing back out! I KNOW I can do better.

    Love the new name, MissConfidence! We CAN do this!

    Steph--I'm looking at the anti-inflammatory diet right now. I actually picked up some vitamin E and fish oil today! I will try this and see if it helps. It's a lot like the way I want to eat, anyway,--fresh foods and get rid of the crap. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Goals for June 19:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3. Track my foods and stay in my calorie goal.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • MissConfidence
    I'm back. Can't give up on myself tho it's easy... I've been a slacker and an unmotivated punk. I am back with a name change (previously known as MissLoser), and I am here to kick some *kitten*. Sunday, let's go!

    1) Get blood work done - CHECK
    2) 60 minutes workout - anything, doesn't matter - CHECK
    3) Have a healthy and delicious chicken stir fry for dinner - Um, not quite...
    4) Have a healthy and delicious lunch full of fiber and natural yummies - CHECK
    5) Log my food and exercise calories - NOPE
    6) Call my dad - NOPE
    7) Promotion work! - NOPE
    8) Watch season finale of Survivor - CHECK
    9) Drink loads of water and go to the bathroom lots of times - Not quite..
    10) Get out and smell the roses (perhaps not literally if I can't find any roses, but do something out that's relaxing, social, and nice) - CHECK!

    Pam, nice keeping up with goals during vacation. That's really difficult for me!

    pmjsmom, thanks! I'm trying to put my past (loser) in the past and focus on my future (confidence!) thus the name change. I realized how even subtle things like that can negatively effect me.

    SO onward to Monday:

    1) Not physically or verbally abuse my landlord, as hard as it may be, just put on a smile for the fella.
    2) Drink loads of water
    3) Walk for one hour
    4) 20 minutes pilates
    5) Call my dad
    6) Log food and exercise
    7) Eat a fiber packed dinner
    8) Spend an hour reading something for fun
    9) Clean up apt.
    10) Try to make someone smile

    Have a great evening/night/day everyone!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 18 + 19:
    1) Eat veggies for snacks YES and SORT OF
    2) Eat regular meals at regular times (instead of whatever, whenever) YES and NOT REALLY
    3) Shred x2 YES (x1) and NO
    4) Language studies YES
    5) Piano studies YES
    6) Write, write, write NO :frown:
    June 20:
    1) Get everything done on the To Do list on my desk (emails, phone calls)
    2) Shred (D8 L2)
    3) BFBM
    4) Eat at regular times
    5) Eat only if / when hungry
    6) Eat veggies for snacks
    7) Keep organizing my room
    8) Be kind to siblings
    9) Language studies
    10) Piano studies
    11) Driving practice

    LONG LIST!! :glasses:

    pmjsmom... :happy: You're welcome! Good luck with your goals tomorrow! Kick that butt when you need to, but remember to go easy on yourself sometimes too.

    MissConfidence... I'm glad you smelled the roses! I really liked that goal. Your goal 1 inspired my goal 8. :flowerforyou:
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Morning Everyone!

    I did the 5k yesterday it was fantastic. I completed it in 31.30 which is better then I had expected and I didn't get any pain until the last 1k. My family came to cheer me on, it was wonderful seeing them yelling and waving from the sidelines. The best part though was breaking into the final sprint, I was almost disappointed to cross the finish line.

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3 Body Balance
    4. Laundry

    Have a lovely day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 19:
    1. Water.--Okay, not the best, though.
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.--15 minutes.
    3. Track my foods and stay in my calorie goal.--Yes and nearly.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Close.

    Great job, Kim, on completing the 5k! Sounds like you had fun!

    Goals for June 20:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Clean off my desk.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Good morning everyone! Back home from atucker_mom's house and need to get started with the week. Had a great time and I was thrilled that she rode a bike for the first time in 15 years...and she had fun! YEAH

    June 20th
    1. Run a 5K
    2. Clean the bathrooms and kitchen
    3. Gallon of water
    4 Strength training!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Going to set up tomorrow's goals now:
    1. workout early. NO
    2. drink all day long. ALMOST
    3. make a special dinner for hubby. YES
    4. set up menu for Monday and Tuesday. YES

    Monday June 20's goals:
    1. workout before noon.
    2. eat healthy all day.
    3. drink water and green tea all day.
    4. read and relax in the evening.
    ** log everything. do not close out food diary until the end of the night after I make sure everything has been added.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Came back to check in on my goals. I noticed no one else posted after me! where is everyone?!
    Kim, great job on the 5k! awesome time, very inspiring.
    Momma, how was your race?

    The goals are coming along nicely. I am getting ready to do another mini workout. probably zumba on wii. wondering when I am going to have time to read and relax, I've been ripping and running all day!