June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 14th
    1. REST MY LEGS... -YES
    2. Do my arm and ab exercises - fail
    3. Get a menu and grocery list together! - fail

    WHATEVER! I worked on the farm from 7:30am till 8:00pm. I am lucky if I even shower before bed!

    June 15th
    1. Menu, grocery list....I HAVE TO DO THESE BECAUSE #2 DEPENDS ON THEM
    2. Grocery shop
    3. Bike 6 miles
    4. Book airline ticket for my daughter

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • silveryflutterby
    June 14
    1. Run-YES
    2. Buy plants for garden-looked, but didn't buy because they didn't look very good.
    3. Wash at least 1 load of laundry-NOPE
    June 15
    1. 30DS
    2. Practice catching with my daughter
    3. Wash a load of laundry

    frubjious- thanks for the encouragement! i've been struggling with motivation lately...hope you get rested up and do well on your 5K!!

    leela- good luck with the job searching!

    pmjsmom- hope your knee gets to feeling better soon! I have been having pain in my calves and it's making working out very painful, difficult and undesirable...might have to see the doctor soon myself. :(

    missloser- good luck on the walking goal! i'm in the same situation with my running goal...kind of behind, but still going to do my best to reach it! :)

    teresa- sounds like you have a busy day tomorrow! hope you get through it and get to bed on time. gotta get that rest! ;) of course i'm not one to talk about getting to bed on time since it's 4am right now!

    momma- WOW! over 12 hours on a farm...i wouldn't get anything done either! you deserved a rest after that!

    Good night everyone! Hope tomorrow is great!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Nothing too original for Tuesday:
    1. Under on calories - No
    2. Water - Getting better
    3. Walk at lunch but take it easy - No
    4. Stretches - Yes
    5. 30 minutes on the house. - No

    Have a lovely day!

    Yesterday was a bit of a fail all round, I worked through lunch so got home and just about ate half the fridge. Must do better today. Minor set back with my leg this morning. I'm usually first in the office in the mornings. Today I turned a corner and almost walked into an unexpected collegue! I got such a fright i actually did a cartoon style leap into the air! Still its feeling much better then it did so I'm not too worried.

    1. Up calories to maintence while I can't go running
    2. Don't go over my calories
    3. Water

    Have a great day!
  • Debma1010
    Debma1010 Posts: 34
    Goals for June 13

    1. Log in and track Yes
    2. Drink plenty of water. Yes
    3. Stay on target with calories Yes
    4. Get card and Birthday Gift for Jessica! Yes
    5. Do Strength Training before Tennis tonight!!!! NO

    Goals for June 15 -

    Check household bills and pay
    Log in
    Stay under calories
    Do weight training
    Go to Kohls and use my free cash before it expires.
    Sort thru paperwork at the office
    Check my perscription
    Pick up Score book for Bill at Sports Authority
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 14:
    1. Water.--yes.
    2. HEALTHY choices and track my foods.--Not really and yes.
    3. Start sorting my wire.--No, too tired.
    4. Bed by 9:30 ( or earlier if tired!).--Yes, earlier.

    My DD got pizza for dinner last night and I had 1 piece and a BIG salad. She always get the MOST unhealthy type--stuffed crust, lots of meat, etc. It was good but LOTS of sodium!

    Momma--You worked all day on the farm--sounds like arm and ab exercise to me!

    Silver--I work at an outside lawn and garden center and the plants coming in from the growers have looked like crap lately!

    My knee is feeling better.

    I'm sticking to these 3 main goals during the work week for now. I am just SO tired after work that it's all I can do just to fix dinner sometimes! It has been VERY busy at work lately!

    Goals for June 15:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and track my food.
    3. Bed by 9:30.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    June 15th Wednesday

    1) stretch......................................................YES!
    2) Exercise before coming on MFP.........YES!
    3) Buy Veggies (spinach) I should do that tonight , But I don't feel like getting up & out :wink: ..................OOOPS Forgot :bigsmile:
    4) Think about fathers day, send out something soon :noway: ................................DIDn'T HAVE TIME
    5) Eat under my calorie goal...............................................................................................YES!!!
    6) Go to Bed early...... Thanks Kathy :wink: ..................................................................... Don't know yet :wink:


    1) Stretch
    2) exercise before coming online
    3) GET Fathers Day Gift
    4) Buy Spinach
    5) water, water & more water
    6) stay under calorie goal

    Have A wonderful evening everyone. I'm heading back out to another cleaning Job very soon :grumble:
    Hopefully I'll get to bed without pigging out tonight.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 15th
    1. Menu, grocery list....I HAVE TO DO THESE BECAUSE #2 DEPENDS ON THEM - YES
    2. Grocery shop - YES
    3. Bike 6 miles - YES
    4. Book airline ticket for my daughter - YES

    PLUS, I managed to piss my mom off by asking for prayer for my dad, we just found out he has cancer and congestive heart failure, on Facebook. SO YEAH.....go me. Somehow my mom thinks that it is a private family only matter....I say the more prayer the better, I don't care if you are family or not!

    I really have no goals for the 16th cause honestly I am really just too tired and emotionally drained to care. I do hope I remember to eat. If I do that I will be successful in the day.
    Hope you all have a great June 16th.
    Hope you job hunting goes well Leela and that everyone's aches and pains go away.
  • silveryflutterby
    June 15
    1. 30DS-YES
    2. Practice catching with my daughter-NO, but only because it poured this morning and the ground was too wet. :(
    3. Wash a load of laundry-YES
    Pretty productive day. Instead of catch we went to two grocery stores...and anyone with kids knows going to two stores with a 6 and 3 year old is no picnic!!! lol.

    June 16
    1. Wash a load of laundry
    2. Clean kitchen
    3. 45 mins of exercise

    pmjsmom- i just went to a couple of places looking for plants and they look like crap everywhere here too...what's up with that?

    Tomorrow is WI day for me....wish me luck! :) Hope everyone has an awesome day tomorrow.
  • silveryflutterby
    PLUS, I managed to piss my mom off by asking for prayer for my dad, we just found out he has cancer and congestive heart failure, on Facebook. SO YEAH.....go me. Somehow my mom thinks that it is a private family only matter....I say the more prayer the better, I don't care if you are family or not!

    So sorry to hear about you dad. I will be praying for him and your family.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Momma - I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Your family will be in my thoughts.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Up calories to maintence while I can't go running - No
    2. Don't go over my calories - Yes
    3. Water- Yes!


    I had a really productive day yesterday, did well on the calories and got loads of things i'd been putting off done. I've also booked tomorrow and Monday off work, just going to take a bit of time and chill out.

    Todays goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water - not doing so well on this so far today.
    3. Stretches
    4. Get everything done at work so i can enjoy my days off.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • StartingOver4Me
    Momma, I hate to hear that about your dad and my prayers are definately with you. I can only imagine the worry you are feeling right now-and I believe you did the right thing by reaching out for help in prayer. It would be different if you were posting that someone had an affair. Maybe your mom just doesn't want to accept it and with everyone knowing now that means she'll have to talk about it more? Who knows but I am def thinking about you.

    I have bombed most of my goals this month. lol WOW BUT I'm not doing terrible. Where I'm lacking I'm doing something else that really wasn't on my list. BUT ANYWHOOOOO. I have to get my specific goals done today!!!! They are crutial!

    1.) water----drank some beer last night and I have a HORRID headache.
    2.) enjoy my daughters class as they come take a tour where I work.
    3.) eat light. Yesterday was too much
    4.) go to Sam's Wholesale when I get off work so that I can get food and drinks for our camping trip this weekend. **KEEP IT HEALTHY**
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 15:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and track my food.--No and not all of it.
    3. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Yesterday was a bad day. Work was stressful (there's some infighting there that affects us, too--being told different things by different people. Very frustrating!).
    Then I found out that my mom (85) had to be admitted to the hospital. She fell over the weekend, was checked but appeared fine. Then she started hallucinating--seeing children, bugs, etc, and getting very agitated. She is VERY upset and angry at being in the hospital but they need to run some tests and observe her for a while. She lives in Phoenix. Please pray for her and for my sisters' who have been caring for her. They need some answers as to what's going on.

    Momma--Now we'll be praying, too!

    Kim--enjoy your time off.

    Goals for June 17:
    1. Water.
    2. HEALTHY CHOICES and track ALL my foods!
    3. Bed by 9:30.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I've been absent. My week has had high points and low points. (Jess, thanks for laughing with me during some of the lows. Sometimes you have to make light of the situation.)

    Yesterday I did burn almost 1100 calories with zumba and training and a little running. But I probably ate back most of them (if not all). Shamefully, I didn't log it. I should have. I was busy. I know its an excuse, but maybe I just didn't want to see the truth staring back at me. Today I'm off on the right track, but I always start that way and get derailed by mid-evening.

    I decided to sign up for a 5K. I wanted to do it much sooner but was sidelined by my knee injury in February. Its not until August, so it will give me plenty of time to slowly work my way back into running. I really miss the natural high I feel from running. Nam, I'm sure you can relate to that.

    Headed to zumba again tonight. My neighbor asked me how did a lose so much weight. I told her I could show her better than tell her, so I invited her to go with me tonight. I told her its intense, just do the best she can do. I'll let you know how that turns out!

    Anyway, I guess I'll set some goals.
    1. no soda (I can't believe I drank 3 cans of diet pepsi yesterday. That's the most that I have in a whole week, let alone a day).
    2. all water and tea (I didnt have a single cup of tea yesterday)
    3. eat filling foods and don't snack in between meals (guilty of that yesterday too)
    4. zumba in the evening.
    5. eat a light dinner after zumba.
    6. (and most importantly). Follow a few job leads.

    Sorry I'm so chatty today. Guess I'm just making up for the past few days.

    Have a great day!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    June 15th Wednesday

    1) stretch......................................................YES!
    2) Exercise before coming on MFP.........YES!
    3) Buy Veggies (spinach) I should do that tonight , But I don't feel like getting up & out :wink: ..................OOOPS Forgot :bigsmile:
    4) Think about fathers day, send out something soon :noway: ................................DIDn'T HAVE TIME
    5) Eat under my calorie goal...............................................................................................YES!!! BUT Still pigged out :cry:
    6) Go to Bed early...... Thanks Kathy :wink: ..................................................................... NO!!:


    1) Stretch....................................................YES!!
    2) exercise before coming online.............YES!!
    3) GET Fathers Day Gift.........................................................Still Have to do
    4) Buy Spinach...........................................YES!!!
    5) water, water & more water......................................... doesn't look good
    6) stay under calorie goal................................................I better :bigsmile:

    Hows it going ladies? I hope everyones having a Great Day!!! Enjoy!
  • StartingOver4Me
    Leela, I will always be here to laugh with you, cry with you, or to knock you upside the head........... lolol.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Leela, I will always be here to laugh with you, cry with you, or to knock you upside the head........... lolol.

    Jess, I need you to knock me out. If I'm unconscious I can't EAT!!
  • wgriff
    wgriff Posts: 2
    My Goals for Today:

    1. Stay under calorie count
    2. Run 2miles
    3. Strength Training 1 hour
    4. Drink my water at least 8oz an hour
    5. Give my feet and elbows some TLC
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Yesterday I did burn almost 1100 calories with zumba and training and a little running. But I probably ate back most of them (if not all). Shamefully, I didn't log it. I should have. I was busy. I know its an excuse, but maybe I just didn't want to see the truth staring back at me. Today I'm off on the right track, but I always start that way and get derailed by mid-evening.

    I decided to sign up for a 5K. I wanted to do it much sooner but was sidelined by my knee injury in February. Its not until August, so it will give me plenty of time to slowly work my way back into running. I really miss the natural high I feel from running. Nam, I'm sure you can relate to that.

    Leela, Leela, Leela :flowerforyou:

    You are NOT ALONE, the last three night's I've pigged out & definitely Did Not LOG it!!! Shamefully, embarrassed as heck that I ate back all my exercise calories. :cry: It always seems to come at night too. UGH!
    My husband & I used to Jog 2 miles together, way back in my younger years. I LOVED it! I know how you feel about the natural High. I've been walking NOW ever since I started MFP in the middle of November and my first goal was to jog to the beach which is a little less than 2 miles from my house, :ohwell: This whole time I have tried adding jog's to all my walks to build my strength up. BUT Still can't Do IT!!! :frown: It's my knee's, It's my energy. I just can't stick with it.
    I wish you all the BEST!! Your still young plus you've built up strength with Zumba, So maybe it will work for you. JUST TAKE care of that knee.
    DON'T worry!!! You and I are going to get our butt's back on track. :drinker: YES WE CAN !!! Yes You CAN !!
    :heart: Luv You!!!!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I thank everyone for their prayers for my dad. My mom definitely is in denial, so pray for her as well.

    I had a great day working yesterday, spent 7 hours walking a soybean field picking pigweed, burned a bazillion calories. It was hot, but it felt great and I remembered to eat so my only goal was accomplished.

    I am going to Tennessee to see atucker_mom (she is on MFP too). We are gonna walk a 5K in August so we are gonna do the route this weekend. Can't wait.

    I don't know if I will be logging on or not but in case I am not, I hope you all do well over the next few days. Everyone have a great weekend!

    My goals for the weekend in case I can't log on.

    June 17th
    1. Make it to TN safely
    2. Walk at least 2 miles with atucker_mom

    June 18th
    1. Walk a 5K with atucker_mom
    2. Ride a mile on our bikes with atucker_mom

    June 19th
    1. Walk at least 2 miles with atucker_mom
    2. Make it back to NC safely

    Blessings to you all. Have a great weekend.
    June 17th