June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • silveryflutterby
    Silver – What’s your new major?

    I switched back to business. I'm pre-business for next semester and then I can declare a field and I'm going to do accounting. :) I think I'll like it...I HOPE! ;)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Leela – How are the push ups going? Do you have a target in mind?

    The goal is to be able to do 30 real push ups by the end of the month by increasing one regular push ups and decreasing one girlie push up everyday. I wouldn't mind breaking them up into 3 sets of 10, but I want them to be consecutive, not 10 in the morning, 10 in the afternoon, 10 in the evening. I want to be able to chase the burn to see better results. I do the regular push ups on the ground. Most times I do girlie push ups from my knees. Or I will do them off the wall or off the third step on the staircase. It's so hard to do them everyday, esp when I train and do other things. Its a lot of fatigue on the arms to do them everyday. some days I forget, some days, my arms just flat out hurt and I just try to get through the real ones and not the ones from my knees!
  • StartingOver4Me
    Friday June 10th Goals:
    1.) water :drinker:
    2.)Fast. I did GREAT
    3.) be productive at work. ---sure. Lol

    Saturday June 11:
    1.) do not binge after yesterdays fast but graze as to never over stuff my tumtum. Lol
    2.) water
    3.) clean the house
    4.) date night with my daughter. A new icarly movie comes on TV tonight.

    It looks like it's supposed to rain all day today, yuck!!!!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 10:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and track my food.--Yes and mostly.
    3. Watch the evening snacking.--Yes. Almost pigged out but stopped myself before it went too far! YAY ME!!!
    4. Sort out more of my supplies.--No. Played with my wire instead.

    Going to do lots of walking today. Our community is having a garage sale and we're not selling this year so I'll have time to check out what the others are selling. I hope to find some divided boxes for my beads and other jewelry supplies and HOPEFULLY a step for some workouts I have but haven't tried yet.

    Momma--LOVE #4 goal for June 11th! I've felt that way about family members at times, too!

    Leela--Glad you had fun. It sounds like you did pretty well under the circumstances.

    Kim--Looked up your syndrome--OUCH!!! Hope it feels better soon!

    Silver--You can do it! The shred is tough to get through--no 'at least' about it!

    Jess--Glad you are doing better. A date for an iCarly movie? Makes me miss my youngest DD--she loved that show!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Goals for June 11:
    1. WATER!!! (I have trouble with this on the weekends!)
    2. Healthy choices and track EVERYTHING.
    3. Only buy items I will use at the Community Garage Sale.
  • MissConfidence
    Let too many days go by without updating my goals... Suffice it to say I didn't stay on track and honestly I really missed reading all your posts and see how everyone is doing! Looks like there's lots of goals being met, and that's awesome!

    Leela, I'm still trying to get fiber in through my food but if it continues being such a struggle I might have to opt for supplements as well.. It really seems like the hardest thing for me to get "the hang of"!!

    My goals for Friday (with midday comments):

    1) 5 mile walk - Done 1 so far - DID 5!
    2) Water - Half way through - DONE!
    3) 30 grams fiber - 18 grams to go... - ATE A TOTAL OF 28!

    Going to keep it pretty simple. It's my day off, TOM, and already 4pm on Friday here!! Have a great day everyone!

    Goals for Sat:

    1) 30 minutes pilates
    2) 30 minutes weights
    3) Water
    4) 30 grams fiber
    5) Beat hubby in blackjack
    6) Take one dog to dog park
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 9th:
    1) Eat more healthfully - NO
    2) Continue story progress - NO
    3) Stay away from the computer after I catch up on MFP, and after I... - NOT REALLY
    4) Look for scholarships for September, and - NO... :frown:
    5) Look for recreational sports/groups to join this summer... YES... and there aren't many...

    June 11:
    1) Continue eating mostly fruits and veggies on Day 2 of my 2 day cleanse.
    2) Finish watching season 1 of Fringe :wink: It's so good and creepy.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Spent 3 hours walking around the neighborhood and was able to get a step (adjustable 3 levels!), a set of hand weights, a nice ceramic canister set and some items that will come in handy in organizing my work space! Also got some things for the baby and the kitty. Spent only $28.00 all together! Walked 3 miles and MIGHT go back out--we'll see how I feel once I get these things where they belong.

    YAY ME!!! I SCORED!!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    JUNE 10th Goal..... FRIDAY!!!!
    1) Exercise before getting on MFP or internet......................Yes
    2) place Ad in newspaper :bigsmile: ...................................No
    3) water ! water!!!! ..................................................................Yes
    4) stay below 1300 calories....................................................I don't think so

    June 11th SATURDAY

    1) Yes!! I walked 2 hours before I got online
    2) yes ! WATER
    3) I ate 1400 calories, But Im okay with that, Im still under my calorie allowance

    JUNE 12th SUNDAYS Goal

    1) Stretch in the morning
    2) exercise before coming on mfp
    3) Stay below my calorie allowance
    4) Clean the house & Iron clothes for the week

    Well i'm doing pretty good with everything. I got back down, I'm only 1 pound off from where I was 2 or 3 weeks ago.

    Have a Great evening & a wonderful Day tomorrow.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 11th
    1. Run at least 2 miles -....not yet, but I may get it in. We did do 10 miles on the bikes today though.
    2. DO ARM EXERCISES-...Yes
    3. Gallon of water - Yes
    4. Not kill my brother cause he is an absolute idiot! - YES....but only because he lives in Indiana and I live in North Carolina.

    So, life without MAYO is actually fine. I am not missing it at all and I actually don't find the need for a substitute. I DO LOVE HUMMUS though. But I don't eat it much cause some of the ingredients mess with my RA.

    MAYO ON FRIES IS AWESOME.....although I don't eat fries anymore either...but if I were forced to, I would ask for MAYO too.

    June 12th (I have conquered MAYO.....I will no longer list it!)
    1. Talk about college with my daughter
    2. 1 gallon water
    3. Get a menu made and grocery list for the rest of the month together.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday! Enjoy your families, even if they are idiots! :explode:
  • silveryflutterby
    June 11
    1. finish folding clothes-YES
    2. clean kitchen-YES
    3. drink 14 cups of water-YES
    4. 30DS-YES
    Very good day!

    June 12
    1. Wash at least 1 load of laundry
    2. Mow the lawn :(
    3. Run
    4. 30DS
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Have tried to catch up on the posts so far. Great job on sticking with posting goals regardless of how it's all going.

    I've been doing ok, lots of working out and my food has been ok but could probably be better. I need to plan my meals more. I've been eating more frequently which is getting expensive because I'm buying it all rather than taking it from home.

    Sunday goals:
    1. Water throughout the day.
    2. Sensible choices at family lunch.
    3. No workout this morning so try and run or swim when I get back.
    4. Finish big job for work this evening - no tv or radio on as a distraction otherwise I'll be up all night working.
    5. Depending on what time lunch finishes go food shopping otherwise do this tomorrow.

    I better get moving as I have a load to do before I have to leave! Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • MissConfidence

    Goals for Sat:

    1) 30 minutes pilates - NOPE!
    2) 30 minutes weights - NOPE!
    3) Water - NOPE!
    4) 30 grams fiber - YUP! Stopped counting after 38 grams!!
    5) Beat hubby in blackjack - Didn't get to play!
    6) Take one dog to dog park - YUP!

    Ok, so whatever I didn't get done yesterday will be first on my list for Sunday!

    1) 30 minutes pilates
    2) 30 minutes weights
    3) Water
    4) L3 (30DS)
    5) Complete redoing series 1
    6) Complete series 2 first 2
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Well i'm doing pretty good with everything. I got back down, I'm only 1 pound off from where I was 2 or 3 weeks ago.

    Have a Great evening & a wonderful Day tomorrow.

    Terry, I know exactly what you mean! I'm in the same predicament! Seems like you're really good at setting daily goals. I hope you have a great day too!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday's goals:
    1. workout early!!! YES
    2. make sure there are no left overs in the frige before cooking something new. YES
    3. go to the fruit market to restock. YES

    I met all my goals yesterday because I kept them short and sweet.

    6/12's goals:
    1. tidy the house, compile one load of clothes to wash.
    2. cook the pork chops that have been marinading since last night.
    3. comb my daughter's hair.
    4. zumba @ 2:30
    5. fit in a second workout from home, if time permits.
    6. Go to bed after basketball game. I haven't been sleeping well the last few days.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 11:
    1. WATER!!! (I have trouble with this on the weekends!)--Better than usual.
    2. Healthy choices and track EVERYTHING.--Yes and Yes.
    3. Only buy items I will use at the Community Garage Sale.YES!!!!

    I think I'm going to try out my new step in a little bit--after coffee! Need to get some grocery shopping done but that will depend on when my DS gets up.

    I should get the lawn watered today, also. No real rain in sight!

    Goals for June 12:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food and make good choices.
    3. Workout.
    4. Bed by 9:30
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Sunday goals:
    1. Water throughout the day. NO BUT STILL TIME TO IMPROVE
    2. Sensible choices at family lunch. YES APART FROM DESSERT!
    3. No workout this morning so try and run or swim when I get back. NO
    4. Finish big job for work this evening - no tv or radio on as a distraction otherwise I'll be up all night working. STILL DOING IT AND TAKING A SHORT BREAK!
    5. Depending on what time lunch finishes go food shopping otherwise do this tomorrow. GOT BACK TOO LATE SHOPS WERE CLOSED.

    So didn't do too well on the goals for today but I had fun so I don't mind.

    Monday's goals:
    1. Training before work.
    2. Water.
    3. Eat more greens.
    4. Keep sugar in check. This is my real problem area.
    5. Bed on time.

    I better get back to my work so see you all tomorrow!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    So didn't do too well on the goals for today but I had fun so I don't mind.

    I am in the same boat as you.....but I am glad you had a fun day!

    Leela, hope you sleep well tonight.

    pmjsmom, how do you like your new step? I used to do step and I LOVED IT! Have you ever joined a class?
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    JUNE 12th SUNDAYS Goal

    1) Stretch in the morning...............................Yes!!
    2) exercise before coming on mfp....................Yes!
    3) Stay below my calorie allowance.................Yes!
    4) Clean the house & Iron clothes for the week........Yes I Ironed, BUT No!!! I didn't clean the house :blushing:

    MONDAY June 13 goals

    1) Morning stretch
    2) Exercise before coming online
    3) stay below calorie balance
    4) 2 veggies
    5) at least 6 cups of water

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Week
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    On to todays goals:
    1. Under on calories. - Yes
    2. Water - No
    3. Set up micoach - Yes, but think i may need to redo it
    4. Iliotibial band syndrome exercises:sad: - Yes, not helping:sad: :sad:
    5. Work on the house - Yes

    1. Book physio
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water
    4. Don't stress

    Have a lovely day everyone.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Had a little extra time this morning, so I thought I'd try to address everyone.

    Kim, Congrats on being post number 200!!! and the month is not even half way over yet. I am so proud of all you for staying committed to setting up and following up on your daily goals!!

    Kathy, my therapist wants me to get a step so I can do some leg work on it to strength my quad and hammies! Sounds like you got some great deals and a great walk! Awesome!

    Terry, stretching in the morning is a great goal! I used to do a quick 10 minute yoga video first thing in the morning. I remember how good and relaxed my muscles felt afterwards.

    silver, gmom's are a blessing! I def. hope to be equally as blessed to have 60+ more years on this Earth (and the healthier the better!)

    Momma, great job on avoiding the mayo. It's so great that you don't even miss it!! I didn't sleep very well. My right elbow and the upper right side on my back has been bothering me. I think its from all the push ups. so I am going to modify that goal. I am only going to do push ups on the even days of the week (so taking a break from it today) and instead of doing reg. and girlie, I'm going to do regulars only and still increase them now by 2 every time I do it. I can still get to my goal of 30 real pushups (in probably 3 sets of 10) by the end of the month.

    MissLoser, what's series 1 and 2? what program is that? an exercise program? eating program?

    Steph, never heard of Fringe, but I hope it was a good season finale.

    Jess, hope the rain didn't have an impact on your weekend. No worries about the bread Sweetie! (sorry I didn't get back to you last night)

    Nam, I'm loving the new pic. Were you able to go to bed at a decent time? I know you had lots of work to do first.

    Okay, now I better set my daily goals and get off of here!