June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • silveryflutterby
    June 8
    1. 30DS-NO, was tired and went to bed early...gotta listen to the body!
    2. change major-YES, finally
    3. call and/or visit gma-YES, finally called her and will visit today (Thursday)
    4. finish folding laundry-NO
    June 9
    1. finish folding laundry
    2. give the dog a bath and wash her bed
    3. put papers away and clean out backpack
  • silveryflutterby
    silver, how's your grandmother?

    She's doing well, thanks for asking. She turned 90 on Saturday and has been a very popular woman this week! I didn't get to talk long because my gma and aunt stopped in to see her, but I'm going to visit her today!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this but I think this will help. Thanks for making this an open.

    My 3 goals for June 9th:
    1 - Complete at least 3 miles of walking
    2 - Drink 5 glasses of water
    3 - Log in my calories

    See you tomorrow
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Nutritional goals for June 9, 2011
    1. drink 64 ounces of water
    2. workout, intentionally
    3. write down calorie totals on my calendar

    Non-nutritional goals
    1. clean the house
    2. pull weeds in garden & flower gardens
    3. balance checkbook & pay bills (yuck!)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Momma, I love how you and your husband do activities together. I'm actually a little envious! I really wish he was more involved in that part of my life! What's the deal with the mayo? I know you mentioned once before that you put it on everything! are there other condiments that you like that you can use as a substitute? I've heard of people using plain yogurt because the taste and textures are similar.

    Thanks ... we actually just started biking about 3 weeks ago. But we do love it.
    The mayo is just a thing I love. I have always loved it and after I started actually counting calories and realized that in just over a week I had eaten 1200 calories in mayo alone, I decided that that alone will kill any progress I make regardless of how healthy besides it that I eat. So, it is gone. Mayo is the only condiment I use, except salad dressing, so if I want something I just use ranch, but I am actually doing fine without it. I put just a bit of ranch on my hamburger last night and didn't miss the mayo at all!

    Hope everyone else is doing great this week.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    June 9th Thursday's GOALS

    1) Exercise before MFP log in ..........................YES!
    2) Water, water & more water :bigsmile: ........YES!
    2) Wake up early before 6:30 AM......................YES!
    3) make fat free sugar free jello .......................YES!
    4) Stretch in the morning....................................YES!
    5) Eat more veggies ( I hear pickles are concidered a serving of veggies) That is very doable for me:bigsmile: YES!
    Hello!!! I was to quick yesterday to post my answer's. I came home late from a job & right before hitting the bed at 10 pm I decided to pig out :sad: :grumble: , But thank goodness my calories are on the low side & with the amount of exercise I put In, I still stayed way under. WHEW!!!
    I just got my HRM in the mail tonight, so hopefully I can use it for tomorrows walk. That's if I can figure it out in time :bigsmile:

    So far It looks like a great day, But I noticed this time I didn't put down gorge or staying under a calorie, for a goal.

    JUNE 10th Goal..... FRIDAY!!!!
    1) Exercise before getting on MFP or internet......................
    2) place Ad in newspaper :bigsmile: ...................................
    3) water ! water!!!! ..................................................................
    4) stay below 1300 calories....................................................

    Good Luck Everyone!! & have a wonderful Friday!!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member

    June 9th goals (posting tonight cause I have to be to the farm EARLY tomorrow)
    1. NO MAYO - YES
    2. Gallon of water - YES
    3. 8 Miles on the bike - NO....got in 6 miles before I hit a bunch of roots and goofed my bike up....hubby will fix it tomorrow...(I hope)
    4. Dishes all done before going to bed! - GOING TO DO THEM NOW.... lol

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! Keep up the good work!

    June 10th
    1. NO MAYO (this is about a way of life now!)
    2. Laundry done so I don't have to do any on the weekend!
    3. Gallon of water
    4. Rest in the evening and not feel guilty about it.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Love you too Jess! Hang in there and stay in the fight. We may have loss the battle, but we'll win the war!! :))

    Thursday recap!
    Thursday's goals:
    1. 9 reg push ups, 21 girlie pushups. NOT YET
    2. zumba in the evening. YES, JUST GOT BACK
    3. have a small treat to avoid feeling deprived. YES, A SMALL ONE! :)
    4. clean sneakers. STILL WEARING DIRTY SNEAKERS! LOL
    5. continue filling out applications on line. NO :(

    Tomorrow's goals are plan and simple:
    1. exercise from home.
    2. eat right.
    3. stay hydrated.
    4. 10 reg push ups, 20 girlie push ups (do them early so I don't get caught up and forget to do them or have to do them at 9pm like tonight).
    5. have fun!

    YAY! Laundry is already done, so I don't have to add it to my list. I would put "clean sneakers" again, but I know I probably won't do it again...lol

    Have a great night!
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    Goals for June 7:
    1. Run (Yes)
    2. Stay under calories (Yes)
    3. At least 300 ab exercises (Yes)
    4. At least 20 push ups (No)
    5. 4 bottles of water (No, only 3)
    6. Go to Zumba (Yes)

    Just realized I missed a day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Morning Everyone,

    I’m feeling much better this morning, got a clearer head and ready to go back to eating carefully and working out.

    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run
    4. Draw up a meal plan
    5. Supermarket

    Have a great day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Lunch time check in: Folowing planned meals so & 6 cups of water so far!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 9:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy portions and track my food.--Yes.
    3. Don't stress about things I have no power over!--Better
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Welcome, Tina. This thread has gotten me back on track when I wanted to give up. Setting daily goals works!

    Glad you're feeling better, Kim!

    Goals for June 10:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and track my food.
    3. Watch the evening snacking.
    4. Sort out more of my supplies.
  • MissConfidence
    Let too many days go by without updating my goals... Suffice it to say I didn't stay on track and honestly I really missed reading all your posts and see how everyone is doing! Looks like there's lots of goals being met, and that's awesome!

    Leela, I'm still trying to get fiber in through my food but if it continues being such a struggle I might have to opt for supplements as well.. It really seems like the hardest thing for me to get "the hang of"!!

    My goals for Friday:

    1) 5 mile walk - Done 1 so far
    2) Water - Half way through
    3) 30 grams fiber - 18 grams to go...

    Going to keep it pretty simple. It's my day off, TOM, and already 4pm on Friday here!! Have a great day everyone!
  • StartingOver4Me
    Kim I'm glad you feel better!!! I do too!!!!!

    Thursday June 9th.
    1.) clean the house when I get home.
    2.) water, get started NOW
    3.) laundry
    4.) be as productive at work as I can with this sinus headache.
    5.) Don't gorge myself because of my headache to try and make myself feel better.

    BOMBED!!!! But please read my blog about it!!!!

    Friday June 10th Goals:
    1.) water
    3.) be productive at work.

    that's it. Nothing too fancy today!!!!

    Yes Leela we will win this war, expecially having each other to lean on, thank you!
  • silveryflutterby
    June 9
    1. finish folding laundry-NO
    2. give the dog a bath and wash her bed-NO
    3. put papers away and clean out backpack-NO

    Oh my, I have lost my motivation already. I have been SO tired and it has caught up with me! Gotta get back on track with my exercise routine!

    June 10
    1. give the dog a bath and wash her bed
    2. finish folding laundry
    3. put papers away and clean out backpack
    4. drink 16 cups of water to flush out sodium from yesterday
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 10th
    1. NO MAYO (this is about a way of life now!) - YES
    2. Laundry done so I don't have to do any on the weekend! -No, but mostly! Daughter asked to use the washing machine, so I gave it to her.
    3. Gallon of water - YES
    4. Rest in the evening and not feel guilty about it. - NO.....I couldn't stand the house so I cleaned it, all of it, from top to bottom after dinner. But hey, at least I won't spend my weekend cleaning!

    June 11th
    1. Run at least 2 miles
    3. Gallon of water
    4. Not kill my brother cause he is an absolute idiot!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    momma, I went out with my friends today and discovered that my friend likes mayo on her french fries. I thought about you! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's recap:
    Tomorrow's goals are plan and simple:
    2. eat right. NO, BUT IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE.
    3. stay hydrated. YES!
    4. 10 reg push ups, 20 girlie push ups (do them early so I don't get caught up and forget to do them or have to do them at 9pm like tonight). NOPE, I DIDNT FOLLOW MY OWN ADVICE. I NEED TO DO THEM AS SOON AS I WAKE UP!

    YAY! Laundry is already done, so I don't have to add it to my list. I would put "clean sneakers" again, but I know I probably won't do it again...lol

    Have a great night!

    So Friday we went to the jelly belly factory. It was tons of fun. I got a small bag of sugar free jelly bellies. while we were there, I bought an italian sausage (minus the bread), a small bag of sun chips (I gave most of them to my daughter) and a diet pepsi. Later, we stopped by mcdonalds, I got a mcchicken sandwich (minus the bun and mayo...just for you momma....lol), and a swiped a few of my daughter's fries. Ordered a light lemonade (5 cals per 8oz). So all in all, I think I did pretty good under the circumstances.

    Saturday's goals:
    1. workout early!!!
    2. make sure there are no left overs in the frige before cooking something new.
    3. go to the fruit market to restock.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    1. Under on calories - Did really well until supper then it all fell apart
    2. Water - Yes:drinker:
    3. Run - No, leg was killing me after lunchtime walk
    4. Draw up a meal plan - No
    5. Supermarket - Yes


    Sorry to all you posters I've been a bit self-involved and flaky this week. I'm finding it pretty hard to stay on track this week. It had all started to feel a bit easier and come more naturally before I had my freak out, I’m hoping it was just work stress and I go back to being my regular self now. Still try again today.

    Jess – Read your blog and I really sympathise, for me its high fat foods, one always leads to another. Keep trying; we’re going to do really well at this.

    Silver – What’s your new major?

    Tinacuso – Welcome!

    Momma – Hows life after mayo? I love it too, I just had to cut out things that I would eat it with. I’ve heard that hummus sometimes works quite well as a substitute. Not the same but might be worth a try.

    Teresa – How did it go with the HRM? I just my micoach pacer through to train for a marathon (gulp!:noway: ) next year and can’t wait to get it all set up and running.

    Leela – How are the push ups going? Do you have a target in mind?

    Kathy – Hope your sleeping better now.

    Sorry to anyone I’ve missed.

    On to todays goals:
    1. Under on calories. No excuses Kim!
    2. Water
    3. Set up micoach
    4. Iliotibial band syndrome exercises:sad:
    5. Work on the house

    Hope you’re all have a lovely weekend.

  • silveryflutterby
    June 10
    1. give the dog a bath and wash her bed-YES
    2. finish folding laundry-NO
    3. put papers away and clean out backpack-NO
    4. drink 16 cups of water to flush out sodium from yesterday-NOT YET...I'm at 12 and gonna try to slam the rest...will probably be getting up to pee tonight!
    Man...I'm on a roll...and not the good kind. I haven't been very productive the past couple of days. Gotta find that motivation and get back at it. At least I did the shred tonight!

    June 11
    1. finish folding clothes
    2. clean kitchen
    3. drink 14 cups of water
    4. 30DS