June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • StartingOver4Me
    WOW I'm jealous!!!! Everyone did GREAT yesterday!!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful humpday!!! I'm going to go grab a glass a water!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    Although with this thread having so many pages already am finding it hard to read through them all and keep track, so might just write my daily goals down and then upload them on here weekly - do think this could be a good way of doing it? means we still have our daily goals but the thread won't be as long?

    Maybe do the thread each week?

    I've consulted the "vets" of this thread to get their opinion, but I would love the opinion of everyone else who has joined this month also. I think one of the things that creates extra pages is when we hit quote to recap the day. So maybe we can set our daily goals and when we come back to recap, we can just put it in sentence form.
    For example, I'll use Miss goals. If she posts this for Wednesday:
    Goal 1 = Walking, at least 1 hour
    Goal 2 = Be under or on par with my Calories
    Goal 3 = Exercise - Do work on arms
    Goal 4 = Eat nothing after 9 pm.

    when she comes back on to recap she will just say: I walked one hour, stayed under my calories, ran out of time to do arms, didn't eat after 9. And then go on to Thursday in the same message.
    Goal 1 = Walking, at least 1 hour
    Goal 2 = Be under or on par with my Calories
    Goal 3 = Exercise - Do work on arms
    Goal 4 = Eat nothing after 9 pm.

    It will take up much less space. But I do like posting on a daily basis. That is the premise behind the thread.
  • StartingOver4Me
    Although with this thread having so many pages already am finding it hard to read through them all and keep track, so might just write my daily goals down and then upload them on here weekly - do think this could be a good way of doing it? means we still have our daily goals but the thread won't be as long?

    Maybe do the thread each week?

    This is our 10th month. Ive had a GREAT time. I enjoy going through the pages and actually reading other people posts daily and offering my support. This thread is here for me everyday when I need it most. I'd rather it not change for everyone although you are more than welcome to post weekly. Just my opinion.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals forJune 7:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. HEALTHY choices (NO Candy/cookies!) and track my food.--Yes and yes.
    3. Make dessert for tomorrow's dinner.--Yes.
    4. Come back here later to refresh my memory!--No,, no time.
    5. 10 minutes of yoga before bed at 9:30.--No and yes.

    Teresa--I feel back on track again, too, and am also working on losing the weight I gained while slacking. That's why I love this thread--having a daily reminder of my goals is SO motivating for me!

    Leela (and others, too!)--I continue my post under my quote of the previous day's goals. (Be sure to have it AFTER the last 'quote' thingy.) That way there's just the one post each time I come here.

    MisstoMrs--To be honest, I've tried weekly goals and they don't work for me. I do much better with a daily goals reminder/post.

    Goals for June 8:
    1. Water.
    2. Be careful with portions tonight (DDs BF is making dinner) and track my food.
    3. Don't stress about stupid stuff that I can't change!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    I do know what you mean about it being tricky to read through it all but it only really works for me if I post each day and start over each day. I'm not sure I could face coming back and posting at the end of some of the bad weeks I've had :embarassed: .

    What do you guys think?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This format has worked well for us for the last 10 months! It seems like no one else as a problem with the original format. I will leave it up to each individual to decide how they want to post. If they want to stick with what works or if they want to try to recap in a sentence format instead. Thank you everyone for the feedback. I look forward to continuing to have daily successes!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    June 8, 2011

    Nutritional goals
    1. drink 64 ounces of water
    2. workout, intentionally
    3. write down calorie totals on my calendar

    Yesterday I actually drank more water after I posted on here so instead of 88 ounces I drank 120 ounces!! And instead of 1/2 hour workout I did 120 minutes!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    June 8th's Goal

    1) exercise before coming on MFP , Walk 2 hours.............................. YES!!!
    2) Stick to my food Diary........................................................................... YES!!! under 1300 calories Super Nice
    3) lift weights for 25 minutes................................................................. No!!! :grumble:
    4) Water & veggies.................................................................................. YES!!!!

    5) Place Ad in the newspaper for work................................. NO! :indifferent:
    6) Vacuum floors........................................................................YES!!!

    So Happy!!! I think Day 3 I'm really back on track. I can feel it!! It's scary falling off the wagon & trying to get back on :wink:

    I Like the way the Thread has been working. I Also Love The daily Goal opposed to writing it weekly :drinker: This thread Rocks. Thank's Leela & anyone else that put this Together ( vet's :laugh: ) :heart: Luv You!!!!!

    June 9th Thursday's GOALS

    1) Exercise before MFP log in
    2) Water, water & more water :bigsmile:
    2) Wake up early before 6:30 AM
    3) make fat free sugar free jello
    4) Stretch in the morning
    5) Eat more veggies ( I hear pickles are concidered a serving of veggies) That is very doable for me:bigsmile:

    Kathy... Your So right!! Thank goodness for the daily goal. Its just what I need too. Don't Stress Be Happy :flowerforyou:
    Nikki..... WOW!!! You rocked it the other day with 120 ounces of water & 120 minutes of exercise. GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you all!!! I love reading everyones post
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 8th
    1. NO MAYO - YES....and I even had a hamburger for dinner...with NO MAYO.
    2. Stay under calories (I don't think I ever do when I eat rice like a pig like I did yesterday) - YES
    3. Gallon of water - YES
    4. 3.5 miles on the treadmill - NO, went for a run outside instead, did 2.2 miles.

    June 9th goals (posting tonight cause I have to be to the farm EARLY tomorrow)
    1. NO MAYO
    2. Gallon of water
    3. 8 Miles on the bike
    4. Dishes all done before going to bed!

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! Keep up the good work!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!! My summer has not gone according to plan so far but I have joined the gym and lost a couple pounds! Sorry I haven't been around. Thanks Leela for shooting me a message! I'll try to be back more frequently once I get life sorted out.

    Good luck on your goals everyone!

  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Nutritional goals for June 8, 2011
    1. drink 64 ounces of water - YES, 96 ounces
    2. workout, intentionally - YES, 114 minutes = 1008 calories
    3. write down calorie totals on my calendar - YES

    Good night friends!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!! My summer has not gone according to plan so far but I have joined the gym and lost a couple pounds! Sorry I haven't been around. Thanks Leela for shooting me a message! I'll try to be back more frequently once I get life sorted out.

    Good luck on your goals everyone!


    Nicole, I was so glad to see your post! I'm so proud that you joined a gym and already seeing results. Get things straightened out, you know we'll still be here for you when you're ready!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wednesday recap:
    Wed. June 8's goals:
    1. go to zumba/training. YES/YES
    2. stay hydrated. YES
    3. 8 reg. pushups, 22 girlie push ups. (goal is to get to 30 real push ups by the end of the month by increasing one everyday)
    non fitness goals:
    1. go to post office. YES
    2. clean my sneakers. NO

    Thursday's goals:
    1. 9 reg push ups, 21 girlie pushups.
    2. zumba in the evening.
    3. have a small treat to avoid feeling deprived.
    4. clean sneakers.
    5. continue filling out applications on line.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    missloser, add as many goals as you want. Sometimes I have a whole laundry list of things to do too and I know I probably won't get them all done, but I have a better chance of remembering it once i've written it down, or I'll pop back on midday just to see if I left anything out. I love your fiber goal. I take fiber supplements now since I am not getting enough from my food.

    silver, how's your grandmother?

    Terry, I'm so glad you're back on track on the road to success!

    Momma, I love how you and your husband do activities together. I'm actually a little envious! I really wish he was more involved in that part of my life! What's the deal with the mayo? I know you mentioned once before that you put it on everything! are there other condiments that you like that you can use as a substitute? I've heard of people using plain yogurt because the taste and textures are similar.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    One last work out before I am gymless for a week.
    Complete all things on my to do list at work.
    Organize tonite and get everything together.
    Drink water and Eat sensibly.
    Hope you all have a good week, not sure how often I will be on!
    Think Healthy!
  • Debma1010
    Debma1010 Posts: 34
    Goals for 6/8

    Stay with in calorie allowance. Yes
    Log into other thread and put down that I gained back 2 lbs. !! :( Yes, Bummer!
    Do stregnth training! No, ran out of time!
    Drink prenty of water. Yes
    Go food shopping and get some healthy food in, running low and making it hard to stay on track. Yes, Finally

    Goals for June 9:

    1. Eat Healthy Breakfast
    2. Get through the (2) Tennis Matches I have today! One this morning and one tonight. Temperatures going to be in the Nineties here today so,,,,,
    3. Hydrate, plenty of water
    4. Do payroll at some point, Worked late last night because I have tennis this morning and a hair appointment this afternoon.
    5. Get off this chair now and get going. Spending too much time on line!

    Good luck everyone.
  • StartingOver4Me
    1.) water-get started early -- I started early, then fizzled out and then started again. lol
    2.) exercise -- I cleaned the pool and that was about it.
    2.) carbs!!!!! -- Went over what I really wanted but It could have been worse.

    Thursday June 9th.
    1.) clean the house when I get home.
    2.) water, get started NOW
    3.) laundry
    4.) be as productive at work as I can with this sinus headache.
    5.) Don't gorge myself because of my headache to try and make myself feel better.

    Nicole, so glad to see you and I hate that life is hectic but so glad you are keeping it healthy!! That's inspirational to me as when things get hectic on my end I tend to give up.

    Leela. I just love you.

    Terry!!! That's GREAT!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 8:
    1. Water. --Yes.
    2. Be careful with portions tonight (DDs BF is making dinner) and track my food.--Yes and the best I could. I was probably over but that's okay for ONE day!
    3. Don't stress about stupid stuff that I can't change!--Need to work on this!
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes, but did not sleep well at all last night!

    Had trouble logging the seafood chowder Matt made for dinner yesterday AND I had a piece of the yogurt poke cake I made (but only 1 piece) so I'm pretty sure I went over on my calories. But, WOW, was it ever GOOD!

    I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights and I'm not sure why. The windows are open so maybe I need to get used to 'neighborhood' sounds again!

    Good for you, NikkiJ!

    Hi Nicole! Keep in touch! (And I also thank Leela!)

    Our wireless signal has been bad lately so I have trouble getting here at times. I did put a different browser on my phone so I can read posts better but that gets hard on the old eyes! Oh well, it's better than nothing!

    Goals for June 9:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy portions and track my food.
    3. Don't stress about things I have no power over!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    The length of the thread doesn't bother me, and I think quoting the last message is actually better, and easier to read. :happy:

    June 7 goals:
    1 - Eat the way I used to and stay under cal - NO
    2 - Do more driving (working on getting my license by August) - YES, I even drove into the city for the first time :bigsmile:
    3 - Write! - YES, did some research and worked on the outline
    4 - Pre-log the rest of today's food - NO, and it was bad...
    5 - Water! - YES

    June 9th:
    1) Eat more healthfully
    2) Continue story progress
    3) Stay away from the computer after I catch up on MFP, and after I...
    4) Look for scholarships for September, and
    5) Look for recreational sports/groups to join this summer
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Healthy choices
    2. Walk
    3. Run
    4. Tidy


    I had a bit of a melt down yesterday. After a very long and difficult day at work I got some photos through of myself at a friends wedding when I had thought I looked pretty good and I looked almost the same as I did in the photo that inspired me to change it all in the first place! It was perhaps the lowest point I've had since starting this process. Needless to say I did the mature thing whined something about eight months well spent and ordered a pizza. I feel pretty silly about all the drama today because now I look at them the pictures aren't that bad and I know I've lost weight and I am as I type, wearing clothes two sizes smaller. I've lost perspective somewhere so I'm going to take today off, not go nuts, I'll still eat my salad, but just think about things other then diet and weight loss. Try to remember that losing weight is nice but not the most important thing in my life and then get back on it tomorrow, better then ever.

    Hope you're all having a great day.