June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    6/12's goals:
    1. tidy the house, compile one load of clothes to wash. YES, YES
    2. cook the pork chops that have been marinating since last night. YES
    3. comb my daughter's hair. YES
    4. zumba @ 2:30 YES
    5. fit in a second workout from home, if time permits. NO :(
    6. Go to bed after basketball game. I haven't been sleeping well the last few days. YES, BUT STILL DIDN'T SLEEP WELL :(

    6/13's goals:
    Most of them are non-fitness:
    1. vacuum.
    2. sweep and mop the floor.
    3. get an oil change (one day this week)
    4. fold the clothes
    5., daughter to girl scouts @ 6.
    Fitness goals:
    1. eat healthy all day long (esp now that there are no more temptations in the house).
    2. do a not so strenuous workout.
    3. drink water, water and more water. (lately my husband and I have been splitting a can of diet soda with dinner. it's better than having the whole can to myself, but this time I'm going to drink tea.)

    I've already organized the frige so that's one less thing that I have to do. There's lots to be done, so I guess I better get started! Happy Monday, let's make it a good one!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 12:
    1. Water.--Yes, but should have had more.
    2. Track my food and make good choices.--Yes.
    3. Workout.--Yes. Only 15 minutes, though.
    4. Bed by 9:30--No.

    Well, I used the step yesterday. It was fun but I only managed 15 minutes of the workout! It will get better!

    Momma--I don't take classes. I tried a gym and classes but I never went. I find that I am much more likely to work out at home.

    Kim--I hope you start feeling better soon!

    Steph--I LOVE Fringe (it's on FOX on Friday nights during the season, Leela.) and can't wait for the new season to start!

    Leela--I hope you feel better and start sleeping better, too.

    I didn't sleep well last night so I'm keeping things simple.

    Have a great day!

    Goals for June 13:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and track my food.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • Debma1010
    Debma1010 Posts: 34
    OKay..... Tough weekend. Way off track. Cold and Rainy weekend here in Boston. Actually stayed in bed on and off all day on Sunday, didn't even take calls. It was pretty awesome, but skipped Yoga.

    Back on the Band Wagon today!!!!

    Goals for June 13

    1. Log in and track
    2. Drink plenty of water.
    3. Stay on target with calories
    4. Get card and Birthday Gift for Jessica!
    5. Do Strength Training before Tennis tonight!!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 11:
    1) Continue eating mostly fruits and veggies on Day 2 of my 2 day cleanse. - YES, the end of the second day didn't really make the cut though... I feel like I need to do it again
    2) Finish watching season 1 of Fringe :wink: It's so good and creepy. - YES
    June 13:
    1) Workout
    2) Eat a salad
    Steph, never heard of Fringe, but I hope it was a good season finale.
    Leela, thanks for taking the time to shout out to us. :happy: The finale was good, but I thought it'd be better. I'm excited for the second season now. It's kind of like PSI Factor. Have you heard of that one? It's kind of along the same lines. It's like mysterious happenings go on, and the FBI (a woman), a criminal, and his father - a mad scientist (literal) - are trying to solve them. The casting and writing is really great. Big budget.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph--I LOVE Fringe (it's on FOX on Friday nights during the season, Leela.) and can't wait for the new season to start!
    pmjsmom... Right on! Are they finishing up season 3? I *LOVE* all the crazy stuff that goes on between the characters (not even including all the external conflicts).
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Steph--I LOVE Fringe (it's on FOX on Friday nights during the season, Leela.) and can't wait for the new season to start!
    pmjsmom... Right on! Are they finishing up season 3? I *LOVE* all the crazy stuff that goes on between the characters (not even including all the external conflicts).

    I also love Fringe! Love them all even gene the cow!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 13:
    1) Workout - YES
    2) Eat a salad - YES
    June 14:
    1) Shred
    2) Eat a salad
    3) Eat reasonably, with lots of healthy yummies, which are all around the house, but I keep ignoring them. I made cookies the other day, and they are gone now... I HAVE FRUIT AND VEGGIES IN THE FRIDGE AND ON THE COUNTER!!! :explode:
    4) Aim for 10 push ups in a row. (I was doing well until I stopped. I got to 6 today.)

    Thought I'd pre-plan for tomorrow, since I often don't get on until mid-morning. I need this in my head when I wake up!

    frubjious... They were talking about the cow in a brief behind-the-scenes that I watched, and they had 2 cows for the part! One in Toronto, and one in New York, cause it couldn't cross the boarder. :laugh:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member

    June 12th (I have conquered MAYO.....I will no longer list it!)
    1. Talk about college with my daughter - NOPE....she wasn't home so whatever, she will just have to go to college when she is 50 if she can't stay home long enough to talk about it.
    2. 1 gallon water - YES....this is actually not hard cause I love water.....
    3. Get a menu made and grocery list for the rest of the month together. - NOPE.........whatever, we went biking instead. Much funner!

    June 13th
    1. Run a 5K on my treadmill
    2. Wash socks so I have clean ones to wear tomorrow! Somehow I always forget the sock load!
    3. Go to bed by 9:30 cause I am exhausted
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 13th
    1. Run a 5K on my treadmill - YEPPERS....41 minutes and 45 seconds
    2. Wash socks so I have clean ones to wear tomorrow! Somehow I always forget the sock load! - YEAH....clean socks!
    3. Go to bed by 9:30 cause I am exhausted - FAIL

    June 14th
    2. Do my arm and ab exercises
    3. Get a menu and grocery list together!

    I hope everyone is having a great week!
  • silveryflutterby
    June 12
    1. Wash at least 1 load of laundry-NO
    2. Mow the lawn :(-NO
    3. Run-NO
    4. 30DS-NO
    I didn't do any of those on the 12th and didn't set any goals for today. :( So, here are goals for the 14th.

    June 14
    1. Run
    2. Buy plants for garden
    3. Wash at least 1 load of laundry
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Book physio - Done
    2. Under on calories - Done
    3. Water – Could have been better
    4. Don't stress – Done!

    Good Morning!

    What a relief! I went to see the physio yesterday who did a bit of ultrasound & massage then said no more training this week, plenty of ibuprofen with some stretches & exercises and should be fine for Sunday’s 5k! I feel so much better, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I’m not craving junk food any more, & I slept really well last night. I would have been gutted to have had to pull out. She also gave me advice for training for the marathon next year.

    Momma – Yay for clean socks!

    Steph – Two cows! I just know I’m going to spend ages trying to spot the difference now.

    Kathy – Thanks! How’s the step going & have you managed a decent nights sleep yet?

    Leela – Looks like you were planning a super productive Monday, how did it go? 200th post hey?:glasses: Threads doing really well this month.

    Silver –Don’t get disheartened just keep trying.

    Nothing too original for Tuesday:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Walk at lunch but take it easy
    4. Stretches
    5. 30 minutes on the house.

    Have a lovely day!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Frubjious, take it easy so you can do the 5K on Sunday! And don't stess on the cow thing.....LOL
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kim, nothing got done yesterday! unbelievable. I wish I could redo Monday! The only thing I did was take my daughter to girl scouts. I didn't do ANYTHING productive. We spent all afternoon at the park, playing catch and frisbee. That was the only workout I did, but I don't even count it. Then I was tired and took a siesta. She let my sleep longer than I wanted to and next thing I know, it was time for girl scouts. ughhhh.
    So I'm going to keep my same goals from yesterday! :(

    I did one thing right yesterday. Continued my job search. It wasn't on my formal list of things to do, but that is an ongoing goal!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Sounds like you had fun though.
  • StartingOver4Me
    Leela you are an amazing, caring, kind, motivation woman.

    Kim I am so glad you got the go ahead and that they are fixing you up.

    Nam!!! You are the woman! Seems like nothing knocks you down but if you stumble you balance out quickly!!! You are and awesome role model!!!!!!! and beautiful too!!!

    All the new kids are fitting in finely with our little group. Enhancing it a tad if I do say so myself!!!

    Well I didn't do too bad this weekend nor yesterday. I have actually been coming in way under calories, but to me that's ok because I have them set a touch high anyhow. I have been struggling with my carbs, but almost zigzagging. **Not intentionally** But maybe it's working for me.

    June 14th:
    1.) water
    2.) don't get frustrated at work (im already frustrated and trying to calm myself)
    3.) Eat what I brought-don't go to lunch and try to leave at 3:30 so I can go home and get the house clean and laundry done before we go on our camping trip this weekend.
    4.) Wii fit BABY
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph – Two cows! I just know I’m going to spend ages trying to spot the difference now.
    frubjious... I know, right? Haha! Drink you water today! :drinker:

    BouncinBack4Me... Glad the calories are working out! I set my goal a little higher too, so I'm not starving myself to be under on days when I don't workout. Stay calm! Do deep breathing. In through the nose for a short count, expanding the belly, and out through your mouth like blowing through a straw for a slightly longer count. :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 13:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and track my food.Mostly, until evening, and yes--UGH!!!
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes, but slept badly.

    My knee started bothering me last night while sleeping! This happened once before and I don't know what I could be doing IN BED to make my knee hurt! It is feeling better now but it woke me up and then made it hard to sleep. I'm pretty sure it is arthritis. If this keeps happening I'll have to save some money and make an appointment at the local clinic (I don't have insurance).

    Had a bit of a sugar binge last night. Feel kind of icky today because of it. Why don't I just go to bed when I am tired? If I stay up I eat!

    Goals for June 14:
    1. Water.
    2. HEALTHY choices and track my foods.
    3. Start sorting my wire.
    4. Bed by 9:30 ( or earlier if tired!).
    pmjsmom... Right on! Are they finishing up season 3? I *LOVE* all the crazy stuff that goes on between the characters (not even including all the external conflicts).
    Season 3 ended on May 6th. They do show repeats but they are on at 11pm on Saturdays and I seldom stay up that late.
    I also love Fringe! Love them all even gene the cow!

    LOL! Me, too!

    Kim--Most of the time I sleep pretty well but lately there have been the new summer sounds (neighbors with the windows open) and now these aches so sometimes it's not so good. I'll get used to the sounds and I'll get the knee thing figured out and then it'll be better again.
    I like the step but can only do it for about 15 minutes at a time. That'll get better, too, but I sure don't want to aggravate the knee. I somehow thought I'd never get old!
    (Now I have to play 'spot the cow', too!)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I've gotten more done at 10am today than I did ALL DAY yesterday! My daughter got invited to play board games at a friend's house this morning. Mid afternoon there is a program at the library and this evening she is going swimming to practice her stroke/laps/endurance. So I know if it didn't get done before 12, it probably wasn't going to get done AGAIN. But unfortunately, I didn't get a workout in. Maybe I still will but it will be late this evening. But if I don't get to workout today, I know I will get a kick a__ workout tomorrow with zumba and training.

    Well I gotta run. I have to say that stayng off MFP is a large reason why I was actually able to get some work done! :))
  • MissConfidence
    Argh. No goals met June 12th, no goals set June 13th, and it's 6pm on June 14th...

    Well, here's to June 15th:

    I'm only a quarter away from my 100 miles walking goal for June and the month is at its half way point. Mathematically and perhaps also realistically this goal seems impossible... BUT, I have to just keep facing forward!

    1) Walk 5 miles
    2) Fiber it up to 30 grams
    3) Drink my 2 liters of water
    4) Log ALL my calories (food and exercise)
    5) Get to sleep earlier than usual
    6) Start moving out slowly
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    MONDAY June 13 goals

    1) Morning stretch. ............................yes
    2) Exercise before coming online.......................yes
    3) stay below calorie balance...............................yes
    4) 2 veggies .................................................NO I forgot I didn't have spinach in the house to eat & I refuse to eat Broccoli :bigsmile:
    5) at least 6 cups of water............................Yes

    I forgot to make goals for today
    So here I go for Tomorrows

    June 15th Wednesday

    1) stretch
    2) Exercise before coming on MFP
    3) Buy Veggies (spinach) I should do that tonight , But I don't feel like getting up & out :wink:
    4) Think about fathers day, send out something soon :noway:
    5) Eat under my calorie goal
    6) Go to Bed early...... Thanks Kathy :wink:
    I'm tired, my job canceled me today & reschelduled for tomorrow :grumble: And I'm to darn lazy to go shopping for fathers day or go buy spinach :indifferent: , Tomorrow doesn't look so good either since I have two jobs I have to do & I need to get my exercise in first. I better get a father's day gift by Thursday So I can mail it out in time :embarassed:

    It's weird I go from a sugar binge one day to a carb another. Today I'm dieing for cheese :sad: :angry:

    Kathy..... I need to get to bed by 9:30 too........ yes Good Goal :blushing: But I'll be lucky if I get in bed by 10 PM
    I think I have arthritis, I have a difficult time opening water bottles or any jars. No Pain! But No strength!
    Good Luck with your knee pain, waking up to pain gotta Suc--k :frown: . I'd probably try one of those heating pads & wrap around my knee & put on a low temp.

    Leela.... That's my problem right now, I'm on MFP and can't seem to get anything accomplished, NOTHING!!!!! Thats the reason I have to workout first before getting on. :bigsmile:
    I'm glad you got some things done

    Have a GREAT Night & I hope I'll have time to come on tomorrow