June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 1:
    1. Water.--Yes
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods--.Yes.
    3. SORT OUT ONE BOX!!--No. I may as well face the fact that this won't get done til the weekend!
    3. Bed by 9:30!!!--Close, but no.

    Welcome to all the new members of the thread!

    Leela--LOVE the new pic! You look great!

    Jess--Hi! I used to camp with my kids when they were young. Loved it, too.
    Ask yourself:
    Do my clothes feel better on. Can I wear things I couldn't before?
    Do I have more energy and am I more motivated in my other activities in life?
    Can I exercise more than I did before?

    It WAS 'yes' to all of these questions for a while. Then I wasn't able to get online enough to log all my foods and I got lazy. I am back to tracking (on a program on my phone) and it is helping a LOT! I am feeling like the answers will be 'yes' again--to all 3 questions. (It's already "yes' to the last 2!)

    Kim--So glad you won't have to move. I know you were stressing about that!

    Goals for June 2:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Call about retirement fund.
    4. BED BY 9:30!!!
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    This is wonderful! I want to participate!

    Goals for June 2:

    1. Run at least 1 mile
    2. Attend Zumba
    3. No fried foods
    4. Abs, Abs, and more Abs
    5. No soda
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    June 1's goals:
    1. Drink more water than usual (8-10 normal, today striving for 12 minimum) - :smile: 11
    2. Take the kids swimming (hopefully so I can swim and not just play lifeguard/policeman) - :smile:
    3. Get to bed before 12:30 a.m. - :frown: almost, 1:00 a.m.

    June 2 goals:
    1. Drink at least 12 glasses of water
    2. Exercise on Wii for at least 30 mins.
    3. Get to bed before 12:30 a.m.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 1's goals:
    1 - Drink my ACV - YES
    2 - Shred D2 L2 - YES
    3 - Zumba tonight (if my friend can drive...) - YES
    4 - (If she can't) No More Trouble Zones - DIDNT HAVE TO
    5 - Get outside at least once, and don't take the car. - NO
    June 2nd goals:
    1 - Shred D3 L2
    2 - Get outside at least once and not just to the car and back
    3 - Eat more veggies than fruit
    4 - Tidy my room
    What is ACV Steph?
    Mollie... ACV is apple cider vinegar. It's like putting lemon in your water, but it's vinegar. With some Stevia or honey, it tastes like apple cider. It gets the digestion going in the morning, and ACV is said to be good for almost everything - internal and external.

    BouncinBack4Me... Very glad to see that you have come back. Success lies in getting back up. :flowerforyou:
    I used to be the girl in zumba that hid in the back or made sure I was always out of the view of the mirror. Now I stand next to the instructor. There may be times where she stops and ties her shoe or grab a kleenex for her nose and points at me to motion everyone to watch me. How cool is that?! Once she even left out the room to go to the restroom and I did the routine for the next song. I didn't even notice when she came back in the room. So that's definitely a YES!
    That's too awesome!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    June 2 goals:

    1. going to bed before 11 oclock.

    2. staying under my calorie goals.

    3. Go to gym regardless if I get there late.....:-) Since I can't sleep tonight!:yawn:

    well I did not make it to the gym!:grumble: So to bed by 11 so I can get my rear end in the gym tomorrow! I did not get to bed until after midnight!

    I did do an exercise DVD but not the same as gym workout. :ohwell:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    June 1's goals:
    1 - Drink my ACV - YES
    2 - Shred D2 L2 - YES
    3 - Zumba tonight (if my friend can drive...) - YES
    4 - (If she can't) No More Trouble Zones - DIDNT HAVE TO
    5 - Get outside at least once, and don't take the car. - NO
    June 2nd goals:
    1 - Shred D3 L2
    2 - Get outside at least once and not just to the car and back
    3 - Eat more veggies than fruit
    4 - Tidy my room
    What is ACV Steph?
    Mollie... ACV is apple cider vinegar. It's like putting lemon in your water, but it's vinegar. With some Stevia or honey, it tastes like apple cider. It gets the digestion going in the morning, and ACV is said to be good for almost everything - internal and external.

    BouncinBack4Me... Very glad to see that you have come back. Success lies in getting back up. :flowerforyou:
    I used to be the girl in zumba that hid in the back or made sure I was always out of the view of the mirror. Now I stand next to the instructor. There may be times where she stops and ties her shoe or grab a kleenex for her nose and points at me to motion everyone to watch me. How cool is that?! Once she even left out the room to go to the restroom and I did the routine for the next song. I didn't even notice when she came back in the room. So that's definitely a YES!
    That's too awesome!

    My Mom use to drink Apple Cider vinegar. She swears by it. I will have to see if her and my sister are still taking it.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    June goals:

    1. Continue to train for the Half marathon (and actually get my training runs in)
    2. lose 5 lbs
    3. Help my son stay active over the summer.

    Jun 2 - 194.5
    Jun 10
    Jun 17
    Jun 24
    July 1
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member

    I used to be the girl in zumba that hid in the back or made sure I was always out of the view of the mirror. Now I stand next to the instructor. There may be times where she stops and ties her shoe or grab a kleenex for her nose and points at me to motion everyone to watch me. How cool is that?! Once she even left out the room to go to the restroom and I did the routine for the next song. I didn't even notice when she came back in the room. So that's definitely a YES!

    This is awesome! it is amazing how confidence breeds confidence! Great job.:drinker:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Steph_135... Thanks for that goal Idea... Just what I need to add next time. Eat more veggies than fruit! GREAT ONE!!!
    ACV... Yikes! :sick: How much do you need to drink? I could probably handle 1/2 ounce :blushing:

    I Love reading everyones goals, It definitely helps with new idea's. And some I laugh at because I refuse to do them :laugh: Like clean the house.

    Thanks to this group, I believe I got out of my Funk. I lifted weight's 2 days in a row & worked out. YAY!!!!!

    Have A GREAT DAY :flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    June 1's goals:
    1. start the day off with a cup of water. YES
    2. eat a balanced breakfast. NOT REALLY
    3. workout from home. YES
    4. buy more fruits and veggies. NO

    Okay, so yesterday wasn't the best day. Only got half of the goals done. Here's to a new day! :drinker: :drinker:

    June 2's goals:
    1. complete shred.
    2. eat light throughout the day.
    3. drink water to flush out excess sodium.
    4. read and relax.
    5. Def. need to make it to the fruit market, I'm down to my last 2 oranges.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    NManda, how long have you been doing zumba? I started it last summer and I absolutely love it. I often ask myself why it took so long for me to try it! Are you getting good results from it? My legs are more toned than they were when I played volleyball in high school! :)) Always good to see a fellow zumba mami!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey candance, great to see you!!

    I love seeing all the new faces! I look forward to getting to know you all better through your daily goals. We are going to have an awesome month of June!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 2nd Goals

    1. NO MAYO (that will be an everyday goal for awhile I am sure! LOL) ----YES
    2. Get my laundry folded and put away. ---YES
    3. Make cookies to send to a friend WITHOUT EATING ANY OF THE RAW COOKIE DOUGH! --- YES and NO, did anyone really expect me to make cookies without eating any of the raw dough?
    4. Wash my car and clean it out. --NOPE
    5. 6 miles on the mountain bike tonight. -- Nope

    Had an unexpected date afternoon/evening with my hubby, so whatever....I am still floored that I have gone 2 days without mayo. Helmann's profit margin is gonna drop if I keep this up.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295

    My nutritional goals will be the same everyday for June, it's my personal 30 day challenge. However, everyday I will list 3 non-nutritional goals that I want to achieve.

    June 2, 2011

    Nutritional goals
    1. drink 64 ounces of water - YES 72 ounces
    2. workout, intentionally - YES
    3. write down calorie totals on my calendar - YES

    Non-Nutritional goals
    1. Clean the house (dust, sweep, bathroom, etc.) - YES
    2. Read my Bible & pray - YES
    3. Be a blessing to my husband -Tried to but I guess he would have to answer this one :wink:

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • What a great thread! A great way to make small goals and be held accountable...I'm in!

    June 2

    1. complete 30DS L1 D2-YES
    2. run at least 2 miles-NO...only got 1.25 :( calves were so tight and I have Zumba in the morning so no overdoing it!
    3. take my kids to the park or for a walk outside-YES

    June 3

    1. Zumba
    2. Give the dog a bath
    3. Make the important phone calls on my list
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    Hi! I would like to try this challenge. I have a harder-than-I-should time trying to meet my goals. Here goes!

    Thurs. Jun/2/11 Goals:

    (1)- drink 9 cups of water
    (2)- no late night pig-outs (only tea/hot-choc after 9:30) ---- Nope. Had a hot dog and popcorn...
    (3)- in bed by 11:30 - sleeping by midnight
    Not even close. It is 1:45 a.m now...

    Fri. Ju/3/11 Goals:

    (1)- no falling asleep @ my desk while @ work!
    (2)- some sort of in-office calorie burner (as not able to go to gym)
    (3)- bed no later than 2 a.m (it's Friday night after all)
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    NManda, how long have you been doing zumba? I started it last summer and I absolutely love it. I often ask myself why it took so long for me to try it! Are you getting good results from it? My legs are more toned than they were when I played volleyball in high school! :)) Always good to see a fellow zumba mami!

    I LOVE zumba too! I do it at least once a week!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Goals for today:
    1. Run after work - No
    2. Be sensible at friends birthday lunch but still have fun. - Yes
    3. Water - Getting better but more needed
    4. Tidy the house so I won't be embarrassed when my brother comes to stay tomorrow. - Yes


    Its Friday!

    I'm off to Brighton with my family today acting as a bit of a tour guide ("OK now, we're walking, we're walking... ...and we're stopping.") fortunately its going to be a lovely day but there is going to be temptation by the bucket load but loads of walking too. I wonder if I can get my parents to roller-skate...

    Any way, I didn't run last night. My running friend was sick and I couldn't resist the siren call of the sofa. Bad but I'll be back on it tomorrow morning then ever.

    1. Healthy choices
    2. Stop worrying and enjoy myself.

    See you lovelies tomorrow.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    met my goals for yesterday
    cardio at the gym this morning to build up my respiratory endurance from the bronchitis
    water (always a goal)
    Play a game with my kid that he wanted to play last night but I was too tired
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    It's great seeing everyone come back to check off their daily goals. FYI: Some people prefer to list all their weekend goals in one post, in the event that they are not able to check in on the weekend or they know they will not be around.

    June 2's goals:
    1. complete shred. NO, I WAS SO SICK.
    2. eat light throughout the day. YES, I WAS SO SICK...LOL
    3. drink water to flush out excess sodium. YES
    4. read and relax. YES AND YES
    5. Def. need to make it to the fruit market, I'm down to my last 2 oranges. NO I WAS SO SICK....LOL

    I was feeling so dizzy and nausea yesterday. I'm not sure why. But I am feeling better now. I did run a few errands yesterday, but didn't get to the market. I definitely will today as it is crucial in being able to plan my weekend menu.

    June 3's goals:
    1. call and wish my aunt a happy birthday!
    2. turn in my daughter's registration packet for school.
    3. finally make it to the market.
    4. try to get to the gym, even if its just for 30 minutes.
    5. go to DMV.
    6. return books to the library.
    7. circus @ 4:00 (I really hope to be don with 1-6 before the circus)
    8. put on a load of a laundry.

    See how much falls apart just from being ill for one day!
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