June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all!

    Have had a crazy couple of days so haven't been on here much and didn't get around to posting goals.

    I took Thursday and Friday off from working out. I felt like I needed to give my body a break but now of course I'm chomping to get back to it!

    Saturday goals:
    1. Water throughout the day.
    2. Circuits and spinning.
    3. No chocs or any treats during the day - going out for dinner so don't want to waste my calories needlessly.
    4. Have fun!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Good morning lovelies!

    So yesterday I didn't get a workout in. I realise that if it doesn't happen early, it probably won't happen. Also, I never started the clothes. So that's on the top of the list today.

    Juen 4's goals:
    1. laundry, laundry, laundry.
    2. eat the meal that I already planned out.
    3. remember to take my vitamins/ supplements.

    That's it, pretty short and sweet today. I am feeling much better. I'm glad whatever I had didn't last long.
    Nikki, great job on the food bill. That's always an ongoing argument in the house, how much I spend on groceries. He really hates when I buy things specifically for a new recipe and then it doesn't turn out good! lol. Now when I try new recipes, I try to work with the ingredients that I already have.

    Everyone have a great weekend. I love the energy from the thread this month. Let's keep up the momentum throughout the weekend and beyond!
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    6/4 goals:
    Eat my calories
    Circuit training for at least 45 minutes (did 50 minutes)
    Get in the lake with my son today no matter how cold it is.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 3:
    1 Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and track food.--No and yes.
    3. Get to bank and do some grocery shopping after work.--Yes and yes.
    4. Watch the evening snacking!--I was BAD!

    Evidently, the retirement account people didn't give me all the information I needed for my signature guarantee that I need to get. I let the frustration get to me and I shouldn't have but it was SO aggravating to finally be able to get to the bank and then find out it wasn't the simple process the fund people had lead me to believe it was! After the WAY TOO BUSY day at work I just let go and ate a bunch of cookies and a couple of candy bars.
    You know what, though? There was a time when there wouldn't have been any cookies left for anyone else and this time I stopped after a handful!

    Goals for June 4:
    1. WATER!!!) I have a hard time with this on the weekends.)
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Sort more of my jewelry supplies.
    5. Yoga before bed (gentle type to help me sleep).
  • MissConfidence
    This sounds like exactly what I need... Thanks Leela!

    Saturday goals:

    1) Drink 2 liters of water
    2) Log my food
    3) Walk at least 5 miles
    4) Do something relaxing
    5) Drink 1 cup of green tea (would like to have this become a daily habit b/c of the antioxidants in green tea)
    6) Have slightly less sugar in my coffee than I did yesterday (am doing this practically granule by granule, lol! But, it's working.)

    Have a great saturday everyone!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I've done I think about half my goals, have to take it steady so will finish rest of them later, just checking in to say I'm pokies :-)
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    Goals for June 3:
    1. Run at least 1 mile (No, only .5)
    2. Stay under my calories (No, overy by a couple hundred)
    3. No fried foods (No, I ate fries and fried chicken tenders)
    4. 300 ab exercises (No, not even 1)


    Goals for June 4:
    1. Run at least 1 mile
    2. Stay under my calories
    3. At least 30 minutes on the stairmaster
    4. At least 250 ab exercises
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    mid day check in:
    June 4's goals:
    1. laundry, laundry, laundry.
    2. eat the meal that I already planned out.
    3. remember to take my vitamins/ supplements.

    Geez, I'm 1 for 3 today. I didn't eat the meals that I planned out. But I did change my food diary according so I consider that a victory! I will get around to that darn laundry before the night is over!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    June 4, 2011

    Nutritional goals
    1. drink 64 ounces of water - YES, 72
    2. workout, intentionally - YES, 4 HOURS!!!!
    3. write down calorie totals on my calenydar - YES

    1. power wash the house - Yep
    2. Try a new recipe for dinner - Yep, Shepherds pie delicious!!!
    3. compliment my daughter, Tiff - Yep
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    6/5 goals:
    get my house cleaned (desperate need)
    drink more water
    have more patience with my family
  • MissConfidence
    This sounds like exactly what I need... Thanks Leela!

    Saturday goals:

    1) Drink 2 liters of water - YUP!
    2) Log my food - NOPE! ONLY DID THRU LUNCH...
    3) Walk at least 5 miles - YUP! 5.15 miles
    4) Do something relaxing - NOT THAT I CAN REALLY PINPOINT...
    5) Drink 1 cup of green tea (would like to have this become a daily habit b/c of the antioxidants in green tea) - YUP!
    6) Have slightly less sugar in my coffee than I did yesterday (am doing this practically granule by granule, lol! But, it's working.) - YUP!

    Have a great saturday everyone!

    Sunday goals:

    1) LOG my food!!
    2) 2 liters water
    3) walk 3 miles or a 30ds session
    4) green tea
    5) less sugar in coffee
    6) get plenty of fiber
    7) go to sleep early!
    8) tidy kitchen
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    June 5's goals:
    Non fitness goals:
    1. Laundry- top priority
    2. Help my daughter finish her homework.
    3. Read

    Fitness goals:
    1. take vitamins and supplements.
    2. drink tons of water.
    3. stay within my calorie limits in a healthy way.
    4. workout from home.
    5. abs and arms.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Had a little time to catch up. I really hope I didn't miss anyone!

    MissLoser- welcome! glad you dropped by. Once you make it habit forming it will become just like second nature. You're doing a great job with your goals. I need to start back getting into the habit of shredding too.

    Nam, how'd you do with avoiding chocolate? :)

    Pam, I love your third goal, being more patient. Lately, my days have started early and ended late and my patience starts to run thin toward the end of the day and I often end up taking it out on someone else.

    Oh Kathy, don't worry about your sugar binge. You'll be fine. I'm sure its not something that you make a habit of doing.

    Momma, great job on avoiding mayo. I need to kick the soda habit. I usually drink on average 1 can a day. Sometimes two! :( My car needs a good washing too. I need to wash it by hand and get the nooks and crannies that an automatic car wash can't reach.

    Lareisha, don't worry about not meeting your goals. That's the beauty of this thread. And it wouldn't be considered much of a "challenge" if its something that's easy to do! I have noticed that I haven't been setting the best example on here as I sometimes fall short of meeting my goals, but that's okay. There's always tomorrow!

    Hey Terry, hope you're having a fab weekend!

    Wheelie, sometimes I check back in midday and realize I have to get moving if I plan on getting it all done! We all have pokey days! :)

    Silver, where do you do zumba? I did zumba yesterday, I'm a little sore this morning!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 4th goals
    1. NO MAYO - YES
    2. NO SODA - YES
    3. Get all laundry done for next week. (Can ya tell I have a sever problem with my laundry? I hate it......) NO - still have a few things to fold but I hung them to dry and they weren't dry before bed last night.
    4. Wash my car! - YES and vacuumed it out....bonus.

    June 5th goals:
    1. NO MAYO
    2. Pick up daughter from airport (I SURE HOPE I DON'T LET THAT ONE SLIP!) LOL
    3. Enjoy the day with my husband.....

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 4:
    1. WATER!!!) I have a hard time with this on the weekends.)--Better than usual but should have had more
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.--Yes and mostly (forgot my phone was charging and didn't have it with me!)
    3. Sort more of my jewelry supplies.--Yes.
    5. Yoga before bed (gentle type to help me sleep).--No.

    Goals for June 5:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Healthy choices and track my food (Phone is all charged up).
    3. Sort, sort, sort!
    4. Fit in a workout.
    5. Bed by 9:30. (Yoga, first, I hope!)

    It's another beautiful day here and II hope to get out for a walk or a bike ride in a bit. I need to pick up a few more things from the store, too--veggies, mostly, and coffee! Can't forget the coffee!
    Everyone sounds like they are doing really well. I hope we all have a great day!
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    Goals for June 4:
    1. Run at least 1 mile (No, only .5)
    2. Stay under my calories (No)
    3. At least 30 minutes on the stairmaster (No)
    4. At least 250 ab exercises (Yes)

    Goals for June 5:
    1. Run
    2. Stay under my calories
    3. At least 250 ab exercises
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    June 5, 2011

    Nutritional goals
    1. drink 64 ounces of water
    2. workout, intentionally
    3. write down calorie totals on my calenydar

    1. Take a nap
    2. Watch Nascar
    3. Make fruit salad

    (I know those are all things I normally do on Sundays, just couldn't come up with anything else. Today's my day of rest.
  • MissConfidence
    Sunday goals:

    1) LOG my food!! - YUP! (And I know what I need to work on...)
    2) 2 liters water - Not yet, but will not go to bed until I do!!
    3) walk 3 miles or a 30ds session - A little short - 2.3 miles
    4) green tea - BREWING NOW
    5) less sugar in coffee - YUP - a tinny bit!
    6) get plenty of fiber - MORE TOMORROW... today only 23 gr...
    7) go to sleep early! - I'll know tomorrow... ;)
    8) tidy kitchen - YUP! Tidied the entire apartment!

    Since I know tomorrow's going to be a very busy day for me, I'll post my goals accordingly..

    1) Do great in the meeting and get the gig!
    2) Walk 2 miles or 30DS or some other workout at least 30 mins long
    3) Update team 5's miles totals
    4) Log food
    5) Tea, sugar in coffee, 2 liters of water
    6) FIBER (at least 27 grams)
    7) Take at least one of the dogs to the dog park!
  • MissConfidence
    Had a little time to catch up. I really hope I didn't miss anyone!

    MissLoser- welcome! glad you dropped by. Once you make it habit forming it will become just like second nature. You're doing a great job with your goals. I need to start back getting into the habit of shredding too.

    aww that's so sweet of you to write to all of us individually! I'm thinking I need to try something else if the 30ds is too hard for me to get back into.. Just get bored of the same three workouts, I suppose, even though I know I get results. It's a mind thing I think! I'm really digging this thread, this is a brilliant idea and really keeps me motivated. So thank you again! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Had a little time to catch up. I really hope I didn't miss anyone!

    MissLoser- welcome! glad you dropped by. Once you make it habit forming it will become just like second nature. You're doing a great job with your goals. I need to start back getting into the habit of shredding too.

    aww that's so sweet of you to write to all of us individually! I'm thinking I need to try something else if the 30ds is too hard for me to get back into.. Just get bored of the same three workouts, I suppose, even though I know I get results. It's a mind thing I think! I'm really digging this thread, this is a brilliant idea and really keeps me motivated. So thank you again! :)

    OMG, its not even the same 3 workouts that I'm sick of, I'm sick of Jillian's voice and the music. So I will create a playlist on the computer that's about 25 minutes long and play it while I shred. I just have to be consistent with it because I did see results too. Level 1 is the hardest for me because all the jumping jacks are hard on my knees.
    Do you have exercisetv as part of your cable service? It has great workouts on there and every month they add new ones and keep a few of the old ones. Even if you don't have it on your tv, you can go to exercisetv.tv and they have a lot of the same ones.