Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah either way I will be happy but I really hope there is just the tiniest bit of loss to get my to my goal since I have been killing it all week! I tried on my wedding dress and it was about 2 sizes to big. That was exciting. I posted the pics on my blog.

    Since I will be starting the new program this weekend (or monday depending) I am taking new "before pics" *sigh* Time to cram into that ill fitting bikini again and force the husband to take pictures. haha

    Oh when I really ran/jogged a 5k in April my whole body was so sore for like two days after, especially my abs! Guess I should have known better than to just start running without building up to it. Will do a c25k program next go round. haha

    I am sure you found a recipe by now but we had this ww recipe last night and it was sooo good! I recommend adding another veggie to it just to bulk it up but it was great.

    1 1/2 Pounds Red Potatoes -- chunked
    8 Ounces Neufchatel Cheese
    10 3/4 Ounces Cream of Potato Soup
    1 Envelope Ranch-style Dressing Mix
    12 Ounces Chicken Breast Without Skin -- cut into strips

    Place potatoes in slow cooker. Beat together the cream cheese, soup and salad dressing mix. Stir in chicken strips and spread over potatoes (or just stir all together). Cover and cook on Low 8 hours, or until potatoes are tender. Stir once after 5-6 hours. Stir before serving.

    Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 381 Calories; 15g Fat (35.5% calories from fat); 25g Protein; 36g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 84mg Cholesterol; 626mg Sodium.

    The calorie info was alittle off (and the sodium was way off) but I just plugged in into MFP and it was very reasonable (318 per serving if you make it 6 servings). Sooo yummy!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks for the recipe! We might give that a go. I had gotten a chicken and dumplings recipe off line only to have my Mom tell me she only pretends to like chix & dumplings because my Dad likes it. LoL. So I'm not going to be making that! I made some light angel food cupcakes for desert. They come over a lot to help us with the house but hardly ever to just hang out and eat so I'm trying to do a decent job!!

    I saw your blog, you look great...glowing. I thought about doing the same thing when I was at my parents the other day...I ended up not because than my Dad would have told me to take it home (and I have NO WHERE to store it!). It was awesome seeing your progress! So Lindsay is can look BETTER after having kids....motivation in that for sure!!

    I've been cleaning all morning in prep for my parents coming over so I've got to put laundry away and than Tarren's going down for a nap and Mommy's working out. I'm thinking JM's Ripped in 30 but we'll 8lb weights does that happen?!?! LoL.

    Enjoy your day!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So what did you end up making? We have been trying out alot of WW crock pot recipes and they have come out nicely. They are good since they are mostly meat and veggies but the only issue is the sodium since they often use soups and seasoning packets as the base but I generally don't worry about it too much unless it is the day before I weigh in.

    Yesterday I was at a flea market all day so I was out of pocket on MFP. It was a great day to go and I certainly got my exercise for walking for 8 hours straight! My butt is actually alittle sore this morning. haha!

    Well today was the first day of the S90 system. It was very different than I was used to since it is so much weight lifting. I got a lower burn but I think it will be a nice change to focus more on lifting and working specific muscles each day. I think it is going to be the closest thing to a gym experience I can get at home. I really need to get heavier weights for some of the exercises but I think I am going to wait until I do all of the DVDs to see how often I would really need a 15lb or 20lb set since I have 5, 8, 12lbs. If my husband joins in I am sure he will need much heavier weights though. Definately need to put more air in the ball since it really squished when I was laying on it. haha

    Yes I would say that trying to get my body back after Josie has been the best motivation ever, even more than the wedding. I hear people all the time saying that you can never get all the weight off and its never the same. I remember being 180 a month after Josie was born and the scale was starting to climb! I was like hell no! I am not going to be one of those frumpy moms wearing high waisted mom jeans to cover my pouch and muffin top for the rest of my life!! It has just made me push harder than ever before. I realize I may never get rid of all the extra skin and tissue on my lower belly but I am going to make it look the best it can possibly look before I get pregnant again! My ultimate goal is to be at this weight or lower when I get pregnant again and only gain 30 pounds (versus the 41lb I put on the first time) Then I will only have 30 pounds to lose instead of the 65-70 I am working on right now. haha
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    ::Happy Sunday!! It's been a coughy, cuddle weekend...sniffles stink but I do love the extra cuddle time!

    It was also a big 'cook/bake' weekend for me...I'm not 'in the kitchen' a whole lot- I do the basics and get out of dodge!! Usually. But it was cold, I wanted it warm...and beebopping around the kitchen and a warm stove seemed like a good start. :laugh: So I spent a lot of time messing around with our usual recipes and trying to 'lighten' them...Most turned out great...the whole wheat blue berry muffins though...they are an 'acquired' taste :wink:

    S90 sounds like a good switch up for you. The lifting is a great component to add in when you can so I'm sure you'll be flexing some hot muscles by Thanksgiving!! The Butt Bible ( that in itself makes me giggle) left me with a sore tush. It's short 20 minutes a pop, 4 times a week so I added Brin to the BB days and then the other 2 days are cardio. Yesterday was a cardio day so I did P90x Kenpo X. I've got a variety to choose for if it's too crappy to run so it'll be a good mix between a set plan and mixing it up.

    The weather here is 'supposed' to let up soon and stop raining at the beginning of the week. So I'm hoping any progress with running that I may have gained isn't lost after 5 (so far..) days off from running. Bless people who run in the rain, if it was warm and rainy...maybe but it is bitter out already. I stopped at the grocery store this morning and noticed snow on a few cars. From the higher elevations around here I'm sure...but still yikes!! I'm not looking forward to that at all.

    I'm off to get in a late workout. I keep slacking on consistenly logging on here. Things have been going good, I don't know what my deal is with not getting on here as often. It is nice to just be able to pop on here to say hey, log a couple things and pop off though. Don't feel so constrained by numbers. Hopefully the relaxed mindset, change in programming, and lightening of recipes all equate to a good week!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi! Hopr you had a nice weekend! I had a great time but went wheels off for three different meals (on three different days) so I am not sure what that will do to me this week, especially since I was up alittle last week. Oh well. We shall see. Sometimes I surprise myself. Other times I confirm my worst fears haha:laugh:

    So I take it your gym membership is now over? How are you hanging in with working out at home?

    I would be scared to run in the rain but I have all sorts of fears about sliding and falling. Props to all the people that can run in the rain and snow!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Working out at home isn't horrible. I miss the 'getting out of the house' part...not like escaping it or anything LoL Just not being distracted by the rug needed vacuumed again or the dog needing to go out. It's been fine though with starting the Butt Bible (:laugh: ) and adding in a mix on the other days. It hasn't stopped raining long enough yet to return to running but I've been getting in cardio other ways...hence the return to Shaun this AM.

    My sister started it yesterday and Plyo was her day 2 so I figured what the heck. Holy humbling experience, Batman! It was terrible! :huh: I completed it but I thought...maybe I haven't come that far! LoL

    I'm sure you're 100% back on tracking and chugging water this week. Your weigh in will be just fine!! I've been feeding my sister advice (she just rejoined MFP too) since she's been asking questions alot about the healthy eating side of it...and it's a motivator to not just 'talk to the talk' :wink:

    Seems like s90 is a good switch up. Did you get your before pics and measurements all done?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yes I did take pictures but I have to say I was somewhat disappointed though. I compared my starting Lindsay Brin pictures to my starting S90 pictures and even though I am smaller (there was about 15 pound difference in the pics) I don't really look that different. I have lost inches and sizes but I guess I thought my body composition would look alot different instead of just a slightly smaller version of all the saddlebags and poochiness I had before. I have seen many other changes but for some reason these pictures were not that helpful. Oh well onward!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Honey look at your icon. You are rockin' it and there aren't any Mom pants in your future! This s90 with its concentration on targeted muscles may do exactly that (body comp) and it looks like you are kickin' butt at it with those wicked burns. So AWESOME JOB!!!

    Butt Bible makes me laugh. That Pauline Nordine whose the trainer has this unusual accent and says things like 'you've got to make love to the butt' :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously?! It's definitely a light workout but it really burns my bum so I'm sticking with it. I did Insanity yesterday and muscles I forgot I had ache. It's kind of nice in a sadistic way. I definitely couldn't do it all the time right now until I get over this long over due bug or figure out what's making the tummy ill. But it was nice to switch it up. I'll keep doing it on Wednesdays and just do whatever DVD is on her list for that day. Oh the joys. OH!! And my Dad who finds entertainment in getting up and watching us do Insanity like it's an comedic informercial attempted that ski hop thing. Too friggin' funny to see my 54 year old Dad with bad joints half assed jumping around like a goof ball.:laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I keep thinking that but it seems like the closer I get the less difference I seem to see. Which seems odd I thought it would be the reverse. haha Maybe I was having an off day though. Who knows. I would rather be a pouchy size 6 than a pouchy size 10 anyday :laugh:

    Oh yes! I love the soreness! I am still sore from the arm workout on Tuesday and my butt is sore from yesterday and I love it!! It means I am working :wink: I am usually disappointed if I am not sore after a weight lifting workout since I feel like I haven't been working out hard enough. I love the term butt bible though. It is hilarious!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    So today's my follow up from my tests at the Doc's. If everything is clear and yet I'm still feeling icky, I think I'm going to have to start paying attention to the foods I eat. I can't imagine I'm reacting poorly to say gluten or whatever. But maybe timing? I dunno. Cross that bridge when we get there. This AM I had a protein shake for breakfast and, normally, I'd be all hopped up on it. Right now I could crawl under my desk in the fetal position. :laugh: So strangely annoying!!

    I think I've found a good balance though to keep working out while figuring this darn "health" (for lack of a better term) issue out. The Butt Bible is enough to make my buns and thighs ache like crazy after, the outside runs don't bug me much, and tonight I'm going to give yoga a go (did I mention I loathe yoga?) along with the Butt Bible upper body to try and work on my flexibility. It won't help me lose weight but I sure would like to be more flexible! :bigsmile:

    How are you doing with S90? Is it 6 days? I forget-sorry! And your absolutely right...a "pouchy 6 size" is awesome, we just have to remind ourselves of the progress from time to time. I can't get over how Josie is still less than a year and you are rockin' that sports bra like one hot mama. Amazing.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks :happy: I would only rock a sports bra here in the warm encouraging embrace of MFP. :laugh: I have finished my first week of S90 and it is a nice overall workout. There are still DVDs I haven't done yet (they don't bring them in until later this month) but I like the strength training. I still hate cardio though haha.

    This morning's weigh in was some what disappointing. I scale was the same as last week (which isn't that bad since my eating was so so over the weekend and I am starting this new program) but my body fat and some of my measurements were up alittle which I was really surprised by. I assumed my weight would be the same or even alittle higher since I have really been working the muscles this week but I was no expecting my measurements and body fat to go up. So that was annoying. I am still sitting at 135.4lb and the number is taunting me. Two weeks ago I was at 135.2lb and I though oh I would blow through that 135 goal no problem. haha 2 weeks later I am still sitting pretty at .2lbs above that number!!

    Its not that big of a deal but getting rid of these last 2% of body fat has become a bear!!! I wonder if it is going to hang out until I am done breastfeeding (which is quickly approaching). Someone told me that I wasn't going to be able to get my body fat much lower while still breastfeeding but who knows. There are always a billion excuses. I am happy with my weight but I think to get my body fat where I want it to me and start seeing a transformation, I am going to have to get off at least 5 more pounds. Which of course used to be no big thing but now it is becoming the bane of my existance :tongue: I know I am preaching to the choir though!!

    That stinks that you are still feeling bad! You can always go off of gluten for a while and see if that helps. From what I understand you will start feeling better very quickly if you do have any sort of sensitivity to it. Allergies can develop out of nowhere so it is possible. Also maybe dairy is making you feel crappy? I guess if the tests all come back normal it is easy enough to just cut these things out for a while and see if it makes a difference. Hope something helps do you start feeling better!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    What a weekend. Holy Hannah. The little one has 5 stitches in his noggin. Fell out of bed while asleep onto a plate that shattered upon impact. Scariest day of parenting yet. Had to be sedated and that was actually the worst part. Just watching him be so unware and unable to respond. I tell ya what these bos are going to give me grey hair by 30.

    Saw you rocked your workout this morning. Great job. With all we had going on I missed my Saturday workout. I have today off for some appointments but then it's back to the work week (which always make eating and exercising easier since you're already on a schedule!)

    Gotta keep it short-it's 9am and I haven't even started to get anyone ready for the day. Think I'm taking too much advantage of the day off??:tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh wow that would be so scary!! You could have used the sediation too I am sure!! Is he feeling ok now that it is all over? I missed my Sunday workout as well since I ran out of time. I had the opportunity to sleep in for once and I took it. Of course that came at the expense of my workout. Oh well Ultimate Ball will have to wait until next week. Did the evil Tabata workout this morning. It is just like Insanity and doesn't feel like it is getting any easier! haha. Arms tomorrow and this is what killed me last week where I was sore for like 3 days so maybe it will kick my butt again :laugh:

    Enjoy your day off!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Evil Tabata. Love it. :laugh: You'll have to request a bigger signature box to list all of your 'graduate of XXX'!! :drinker:

    Little man is doing well. Thanks for asking. He woke up ready to rock. No shocker there, he's my tough as nails.

    Focusing this week on really narrowing in on the diet- well healthy eating aspect and refining that. I've got a stock of Lean Cuisines to eat up. Those sales are the ban of my existence and probably my freezers too. LoL

    It's a beautiful fall day here, shocking but loving it. My oldest has a football game tonight...nothing like sunshine and a little game of flag football with some 4 & 5 year olds to keep your Tuesday amusing!! :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Seriously!! I need a bigger signature block since I can no longer list my goals :mad: I know I could delete the goals I have met but that just seems wrong!! :laugh:

    Glad the little man is doing better! I couldn't imagine giving up the lean cuisines but then again I am sure I could if they were making me feel crappy. What is on the workout agenda for you today?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I feel like Lean Cuisines and I just made up and now we are breaking up again! So unfair! :laugh: I'm sure I'll still eat them (how can you not?!) I've got to locate my old South Beach Diet book. I think that babies a decade old, definitely before marriage and kids. Yikes!!

    I went for a 2 hour hike yesterday so I just took the dogs for a walk today and did some lower body work. Stole a bodyrock, removed the 'interval' part of it and replaced it with sets. Didn't have my timer here. But it worked. I was supposed to do butt bible today but between the hikes and the fact that DH shut my alarm off and didn't wake me lol (I've been sleeping with the two little ones to keep an eye on my youngest)...I woke up 40 minutes later, woke him and said did you turn that off? his response was this :blushing:

    It does suck you would have to knock out your goals. You earned those and should be able to flaunt em baby!!! Still rocking sore muscles??
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    That hike sounds great! Are you not logging your exercise calories?

    Oh yes! I am not so much sore this time as fatigued. I upped the weight big time on the clean and press yesterday and it really worked my legs. I think that made this morning's legs workout even harder just because they were fatigued. I love it!! Particularly with my arms, chest and shoulders I love working until failure. It is such a sense of accomplishment. Now however I just want to put my head on my desk and close my eyes :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I haven't logged workouts the past two days. Not a new plan. Just haven't. If I get it in, awesome. If not, that's okay too...I know it's done either way. :wink: Moods been up and down since Friday so I haven't worried too much about logging religiously. Doc. suspects heart disease but said not to panic yet...still need to do more tests to see if those were right or it was a fluke. Praying it's a fluke.:noway:

    Glad that new s90 is workin' ya hard...even more so because you seem to be enjoying it so :laugh: Clean and presses are intense. Awesome job upping those. I can imagine why your legs were fatigued...only to find out it wasn't over yet!! :laugh: Is it like Insanity where it's shorter for the first 30 and then upped in the last 30?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Heart disease? At your age and physical condition?? That is crazy!!:noway: It must be a fluke!! When do you expect to have more answers? Does heart disease run in your family? :cry:

    As for the S90, I think the times are fairly similar since none of them are over an hour but I think the workouts get harder. There are 4 workouts that I haven't done yet and they slowly bring them in after the first three weeks. I assume these are harder but I haven't actually seen them yet. Only one (back and bi's) is fairly long with it being 46 minutes for the workout plus 10 minutes for the warmup/cool down.

    Since I have started the program I have been so hungry and thinking of raising my calories but then I started reading "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and he recommends following the 40/30/30 ratio when trying to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while losing weight. So I changed up my MFP setting to those ratios and voila, as expected I need to be eating more protein and slight less carbs. So before I start upping my calories I am going to follow this and see if it helps my hunger.

    Rest and weigh day tomorrow! Really hoping to finally see some drop on the scale!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Doesn't run in family...and has to be a total fluke...I'm getting to the point where I about 90% believe it's a fluke!! The 28th is my follow up exam to go over the until fluke.:glasses:

    So today I have a visitor at work. The babysitter had to take a day off so my 2 year old is with me. Currently he is writing on my white board, which usually is used for my daily to do caselist but's for doodling. LoL. I try not to complain about my job because occasionally I can get away with things like this.:happy:

    Did you get some feedback on getting in that protein? As much water as you put in, the sodium in tuna shouldn't be too much of an issue. You can always drink another protein shake as a snack. I think you are smart for starting with this before bumping up your calories. Probably you'll need to bump them anyways but at least you'll already be in the habit of looking for protein choices first. Excellent job on the loss today too.

    My eating is back on track. Thank the high heavens. Aside from the anxious dinner time meals, I had been okay and not even over my calorie goals by more than 50ish. It was just pizza and when your stuck pizza probably isn't a good choice. Especially if it's not Lean Cuisine pizza!!:tongue: