Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Look at you go with the kettlebell! You are back to your old self :smile: Is the medicine you were given helping? I went today for my physical and it has been 2 years since my last one. I was 28 pounds lighter which was cool but the coolest part was that the bottom weight on the scale was set at the 100lb mark. It was just so cool to see that! It tickled me so :laugh:

    Tomorrow is weigh day for me. I am not sure what to expect. Even though my calories have been down this week from being so sick my weight has been all over the place. Interesting experiment. I lose weight eating 2000 calories at 40/30/30 (and working out) yet I gain weight eating 800 calories at 100/0/0 (not sure if dry heaving is considered exercise). haha. I also weaned Josie this week so that is interesting.

    Oh I so get what you are saying with the dogs! My two will not leave me alone when I am on the floor. They want me to pet them when I am stretching and then they are all over me trying to lick me when I am doing ab work. It is cute but also frustrating!

    I am so hoping to start working out again on Saturday, even though I am feeling better I know I am weak since things really easily wind me. I feel like a 90 year old woman ! :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm definitely feeling a lot better. Thank goodness! And the kids are starting to get 100% over it too. So that's a plus. Awesome on the physical. That's very cool and well earned too!!

    How was the weigh in? Feeling up to hitting those weights this weekend? Seems like alot of people on MFP are catching the bug. We'll be fighting it for the next few months I suppose.

    Do you have to make any adjustments to your intake with Josie being weened?

    Tomorrow is our big picture day, I told the babysitter of my youngest that I almost sent the bubblewrap. She agreed she'd keep an even closer eye on him today. LoL. He's 2 so I expect a few bumps and bruises from his craziness but just get him through this weekend!!

    I ended up going over yesterday. My father in law stopped in right as I was getting ready to make my dinner. I had fixed the kids dinner but wanted to get some cleaning done before I sat down to eat. That was a BIG mistake. When your daily calorie goal on Thursdays is 1250ish, you NEED to eat at regular hours. It was 830 before I even got a bite of food and by then that whole slow down, stop when your full button was turned off. Only went over 250ish but it threw off my calorie cycling so I am going to try to hit a little under today to balance out. It'll be a busy day at work and a busy night tonight trying to get everyone's clothes ironed and everything settled for the weekend so everything should work out just peachy!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So glad you are feeling better. Great job on your loss!! I was surprised to see a drop in the scale today since it was way up earlier this week. I am sure it is all my muscle mass wasting away from not working out all week. :laugh: I hope to be back at it tomorrow but weekends are always harder for me to find the time. Weirdly enough my lower back has been sore for a few days (maybe it misses all the workouts) :laugh: We shall see if doing weights makes it better or worse.

    I am currently at 1600 base and I was expecting to drop it to 1500 once I weaned Josie but since I was sick I didn't bother. I think I might just leave it at 1600 and see what happens. If I am still able to lose I am just going to keep it at that. I have never eatten below 1500 (even when not breastfeeding) so I don't want to go there if I can avoid it especially since I am getting close to maintenance. The 40/30/30 can be hard to stick with sometimes but it really has made a huge difference for me. I was hanging around the same weight for weeks and since I started the 40/30/30 I have lost 4lbs in 3 weeks. Crazy. My only concern is how my body with react once I am in maintenance and add back some carbs (not a ton but just not watch them as closely). Oh well at this point I am not going to worry about it.

    Good luck today with your pics! I am sure they will be awesome :happy:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I made my goal of swapping yesterday's 1200ish day that I ate 1500 at to today. Stayed right at 1200 and with the kids out already, all I'm thinking about is cleaning and sleeping so no worries. I've got to up my protein again, it seems like that's one of those things if I don't pay attention...I end up dropping. I eat around 80g but it should be more around 100. So I'll be focusing on that now that I have the calorie cycling under way.

    I think it's great that you are able to eat a healthy balance of food and still lose. It's awesome. With all those hard workouts you are knocking out, you earn those calories. I'm looking forward to next week, we have 2 days off for Election and Veteran's Day so I'm hoping to spend one of those in the kitchen prepping so I can behave with all the visitors we are expecting in the next couple weeks!!

    DH and I picked out outfits for the kids for our pictures tomorrow. So funny because what I picked up was not what he liked so I had to pull out my oldest's out grown clothes and find something complimentary for my youngest. Finally we found something we can agree I've just got to find something that is suitable for me. He wanted me to find it now knowing how 'moody' I can get when trying on clothes but I told him I could pick something out it, only to hate it in the morning. So I'm waiting until we are ready to walk out the door! Lol.

    Have a great weekend!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So how did the pictures go? Hope there wasn't any last minute head gashes! I am so jealous of your short week this week! I guess I got a short week last week but it wasn't fun being dead sick the whole time!

    Yeah I have to really, really work on keeping up the protein. If I don't pay attention instead of 40/30/30 it is usually 60/20/20. Lots of meat, tuna and protein powder! It really does amaze me how much food is mostly carbs. I guess it is because meat is expensive and pasta and breads are cheap!

    Feels so good to be back to working out! I am still trying to get back in the swing of things but it feels great to be doing it even if it was weak :smile:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    So glad you are back at it 100%. It's got to feel good to be back in your normal routine!

    I had a long weekend of holiday shopping (which was not fruitful!!) and some nice family time so it's been a good week. Back to work today but only for today and tomorrow- off again from Veteran's Day. Love November here! :smile:

    Our pictures went awesome. The kids did great. So glad they turned out. Time to create some Christmas cards out of them. Love that it's starting to feel like we are getting into the holiday season.

    I did my workout outside with the kids yesterday since it was almost 70 here! Which is sooo unusual for PA but today is the same! THe kids have a four wheeler loop they ride so I ran it while they rode it and then while they jumped on the trampoline I went through some circuit full body work. They got a kick out of my doing lunges around them jumping on the trampoline. My oldest even gave me a few 'try this exercise' moves so they were just loving it.

    I doubt there will be any scale movement this week thanks to not being home to enjoy that delicious soup I made over the weekend! I haven't been out of control it's just one of've got to stick to your plans to make that scale move type of things. But that's okay. As long as I maintain the last losses, we'll knock out next week before Thanksgiving shows up!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So glad to hear the pics went well. I always get really tense about taking photos with Josie. It is so time consuming and expensive getting ready for the picture and then one crappy day for the baby can ruin all your hard work, but it is so rewarding when it does workout :laugh:

    I feel really good about getting back into the rhythm of working out again. I am frustrated though that today was supposed to be a new workout in the S90 system but I wasn't able to get to it because of Josie being up half the night with a fever. Oh well there is always some power walking today and I can work the new video tomorrow :happy:

    I love the holiday season but let me tell you (as if you don't already know) it is wearing me out!! I never knew how much work went into everything until it was my responsibility! When I was in high school and college, it was awesome! I just came home and everything was planned. Sure I helped decorate a tree or peeled some potatoes but that was it. It was stress free! No planning, prepping, decorating the whole house, etc. It was fun the first few years we were in the house and we went over the the top with 2 trees and throwing parties. Now with Josie everything is 3x times harder! It is fun but wow it is exhausting at the same time. I miss the old days of my mom and aunt handling everything and I just had to go shopping :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    My mom has yet to give up full responsibility for Christmas. I'm just responsible for running around like mad to make sure we get everywhere we need to go and to be sure to bring all the side dishes and what not. She still 'hosts' on Christmas Day and Thanksgiving. Traveling to our house for my grandmother would be too much so Mom does it and I just show up and do what she tells me or bring whatever I've made before. Christmas morning we do breakfast with my father in law but that's not too bad and Christmas Eve it's over to my DH's grandparents and we just bring a cookie plate. Some day I am (and probably will regret!) hoping to host the holiday but it's just easier at this point for us to go to them then all of them to come to us!! The shopping part doesn't usually stress me out but I"m usually 50% done by now and I'm no where near. So we'll see. I'm looking forward to Black Friday and hoping that will jump start my shopping!!

    I hope Josie's fever is back down and that she's feeling well again. Teething? I always loved trying to guess what's wrong with babies and whether they need to go to the doctor or just some TLC from Mama. When my 4 year old says, Hey Mom my ear hurts. I'm glad it's gotten a little simpler. LoL.

    I pulled a crock pot Mama day 2 days in a row. Fixed beef and potatoes for the family ( I had left over home made soup, too yummy to let it go to waste!) and today I threw in a Jennie O turkey so I'm looking forward to going home and dinner be DONE!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh your holidays sound awesome :happy: When we fly to NJ to see extended family I get a break and everything is done but other than that it is all me. If I don't do it, nothing gets done. The one year we were traveling a lot so I decided not to put up a tree and I was so depressed about it so my husband and I agreed to at least make the effort to put up the tree no matter what is going on!

    Your new family pictures look great! You look fabulous and your kids are such cuties. Sure you don't want to add a baby girl to that mix? :laugh:

    Thankfully Josie is all back to normal!! I got to do my new S90 workout (back and Bi's) and boy and I sore today. All sorts of muscles I didn't even know I had are sore!! I am sure that is a good thing though :happy:

    Enjoy your day off!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Holy hannah. What a weekend! We took the kids to the bounce house on Friday and Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. They love their wings. LoL. Then it was off to visit my cousin (with the 4 week old little girl and 2 year old boy) who had flown in from Colorado. We spent the weekend, talking, playing with the kids, and eating way too much. It was great but man was I glad to get home yesterday to my yogurt, soup, strawberry filled fridge and my go to Lean Cuisine meals. :smile:

    I spent alot of the weekend holding the Ella, the little one thinking 'I could do this again!' and I probably could! But that won't be happening! LoL :laugh:

    I went wheels off this weekend. So I'm probably going to reset my weight tracker just to be honest with myself. It was an eye opener. Being honest with myself that if I don't get it in line, this holiday season could undo everything I've worked all year on. And it can't happen. It was nice though because I saw some family I hadn't seen in years and they complimented my weight loss. If I can just focus in on those nice comments to keep me in line!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sounds like a fun weekend! Maybe the scale will be nicer than you think. I have gotten lucky a few times with a loss after a bad weekend :laugh: I always record whatever the scale says on Friday morning. It stinks having to record a gain but once it is done its done.

    Today was the last new DVD in the Supreme 90 series: chest, shoulders and tri's. Wow I felt like a total weakling! This is the only workout I have done so far that my arms have just given out. They have what they call "spider pushups" which is like what we did in Insanity. The pushup where you bring your one knee to your elbow. It was all fine and dandy the first round but the second and third round I could only do like 5 before my arms just gave out. There was one other move near the end of the video that my arms also just kept giving out on. I fell on the floor like 3 times. haha. I also had to keep lowering the weight as well. So I see why this is the last video. It is hard!!!! Oh well hope it gets better next time around.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    How's those arms today Miss Jennie??! Still feeling the after burn!?

    I'm counting down the minutes until I can devour some more yummy homemade Zuppa Tuscana soup. I have made this 2 weeks in a row, have probably ate it 8+ times, and plan on eating it almost every day this week...and yet I am still not tired of it. It's just sooo good. Amazing! Plus the weather (rainy and chilly) deems it to be a soup worthy day. LoL.

    How many more weeks of S90? I up'd to Butt Bible Level 3 today - and my glutes are speaking to me. LoL. I had been on hiatus from that after wanting to give Jillian a go for a few weeks but back to Pauline and her crazy comments today. I keep toying with the idea of going back to Insanity but I'm just not ready for that beating right now!! :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I was trying to get all sorts of birthday stuff done for Josie's party this weekend. Have I told you lately how much I can't wait for this weekend to be over? haha

    My arms are still alittle tender but let me tell you. It is my abs that are still killing me!! It is crazy. I don't know what specific move made them so tender but seriously they are still slightly tender to the touch 2 days later! It is crazy!! I am not sure how much longer I have to go. I only finished the first month last week so I have just under 2 months left. It is funny that since I am enjoying (well as much as a person who hates exercise can enjoy a program) I am not too concerned about how much I have left. I can tell you that I have 5 more Tabata Inferno workouts left (I hate that workout so much I count then down haha).

    So annoyed with myself. It was my husbands birthday yesterday. I brought home a small cake to split (one of those baby cake sized ones). I assumed we were going to have one of our normal meals since we went out to celebrate on Saturday so I wanted to have alittle something special for the actual day. Well of course as soon as I get home he says he wants to order pizza from this new place we have a credit to. Normally I wouldn't take part this close to an important weigh day but it is his birthday and I feel bad. So I eat a few of the cheese fries and one slice of the double cheese, double pepperoni pizza (nice huh) and think ok that isn't bad since I had 1000 calories I could eat and I can have a small piece of the cake. Ok so I am feeling ok about this.....until I foolishly eat a second piece of the pizza and later feel way overstuffed and still eat that piece of cake! So mad at myself. I was really hoping to hit 130 or less this weigh in (and I wanted to hit it before Thanksgiving) and I hope I didn't completely ruin in all with my ridiculious gluttony! Normally I am ok with a cheat day but uhhhhhhh so mad that I might have blown this weigh in over something I should have never done! I guess I just have to get over it and move on.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm going to have to do it...I'm going to have to suck it up and go back to Insanity. I mentally don't want to. NOT AT ALL! But I'm getting lax. Way to lax. And I've got to step up my game and get back to 515am workouts. I don't know what my deal is. It's not like I'm at a comfortable place with my weight. Granted my clothes fit fine. But I'm not where near where I wanted to be. I looked back at when I restarted MFP after the hiatus over the end of last year and realized I've only lost 9lbs in a year. Now that sounds crappy to say because it is 9 lbs but come on....push push push and then let it go and start all over?! That's ridiculous. P90x just isn't working for me without having resistance bands or bigger weights and though I love Butt Bible it's more like a supplemental workout than a full blown thing. Granted it leaves me with sore glutes! LoL. But I need to push myself to get back into the game and I need to do it now. So I'm going to started tomorrow morning and stop bs'ing myself.

    I know that your eating last night probably left you feeling crappy, and I'll keep my fingers crossed it doesn't throw off your weigh in. But remember, you are very dedicated. Your focus reminds me to get my butt moving. So don't let it get you down. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves how we don't want to feel to remember why we do what we do. And it's really hard when it comes to pleasing people (Tuesdays at my Mom's...I know the feeling) But, it'll be fine I'm positive!! If you can keep working out and eating well with all you have going on...what was yesterday when you're already recovering and on track today?

    I'm going to have DH take before pics for me again tonight. I need to remember what it is I'm trying to achieve here. I wish I understood my own up/down momentum because it's darn annoying. But I'll be on top of it tomorrow kickin' Shaun T's butt all over the place.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Fit Test done. Butt Bible Level 1 done. Food diary planned and forging ahead.

    You had an awesome burn this AM. Killin' the program as usual!!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good for you!! So glad I sold my Insanity :laugh: I generally enjoy the lifting it is the hard cardio like the Tabata Inferno that just kills me. So I don't think I could ever get through Insanity again! You are much stronger than I :laugh: Way to recharge and get after it!!

    I know I am being to hard on myself about the weight. I am just so annoyed since I was in a good place when I weighed in on Tuesday morning, then when I neurotically weighed in this morning (after the night of gluttony on Tuesday) and I was WAY up. At this point I am just hoping to not gain this week. I am very proud of myself but I still see areas that I want to lose some more weight in, so I want to keep pushing to see some loss on the scale. I just want some clear definition damn it! Not the fleeting moment of abs I see if I am in the correct lighting! I see these pics of women with good definition and I see that I still have quite a ways to go. It might not be a ton of weight but I still need to lose a few more pounds before I think I will start seeing anything. haha

    On a sad note, I have dropped another cup size. This was fun at first now it is just upsetting :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Today was Plyo. You remember Plyo don't you? :laugh: It's one of the few DVDs I've grabbed since finishing Insanity because it's a decent burn without killing me. I added a portion of Butt Bible just because I had time.

    How was the weigh in? I'm in the midst of TOM (oh the joys!) so although I had a slight increase I don't know whether to add it and then just (hopefully) resubtract it next Friday. What do you do?

    Dropping cup sizes is something I'm familiar with! I've never had a large chest but one that fit nicely in fitted tops and gave me some cleavage to lour DH in back in college:bigsmile: . But now, it's straight Bs and Cs for me. It does make buying sports bras super simple. LoL.

    I'm finally out of my home made soup and I'm thinking this weekend, I'll make more but freeze it for a later date. I have left over spinach that needs used before it goes bad. but at the same time, I had stocked up on Lean Cuisines that need eaten so I'm going to go with those for the next week or so as my go to lunch at work. I had a Stouffer's sub last night and oh my goodness was it delicious. Just like ordering for a sub station. Reminded me why I don't mind frozen meals at all!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Weigh in for me was exactly the same. Which I guess is good considering the pizza fiasco as well as my body still trying to get adjusted from weaning Josie (something hormonal is still going on so who know if that is effecting anything).

    Sorry to keep it so short today! Have to run and finish party stuff (so glad when the party will actually start on Sunday). Have a great weekend!!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Weekend was nuts but the party was great I am I so glad it is past me now. Since I was so crazy with getting stuff cleaned and set up I didn't get to workout all weekend boo and of course I ate tons of cookies and cake at the party (and also a few too many mimosas haha) So it felt good to be back on track this morning with a tough workout!

    Glad it is a short week! I will be weighing in on Thursday morning (instead of my usual Fridays) since there is no way I am going to weigh in after Thanksgiving :laugh: Not sure the next three days will make up for all the crap I ate and drank yesterday but we shall see!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Oh the joys of busy holiday seasons. LoL. I wanted to take part in a local Turkey Troy 5k they are having near by but it's too far to travel on Thanksgiving and still make it back in time to help my Mom with dinner. Wouldn't be right to leave her high and dry. It sounded like a lot of fun too. Maybe next year with some better planning. I'll get that 5k in if it's the last thing I do!!!

    Insanity is going well. Last workout was interrupted by two kids fresh from their baths trying to jump on the workout train. You know how that goes. LoL. But it's good to be back in the swing of things. Even though I was still getting workouts in, there's something about doing the program mentality. And although I am supplementing lighter workouts (like Cardio Recovery) with the Butt Bible (since I feel it working my buns so well!), Butt Bible just wasn't enough program by itself. Nothing wrong with it as a supplement though!

    I went and saw Twilight's latest with my Mom & sister yesterday so there was a little splurge of popcorn. I'm washing that sodium away with LOTS of water today. LoL.

    DH & I have workouts planned for Thanksgiving too. For different reasons- he's lost weight from being sick constantly so he wants the benefit of a workout pre-EAT everything and I want the benefit of knowing I just put in a hard workout and dont' want to throw it out the window from one days gluttony. So he's helping keep me on track!