Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I can understand that, Jennie. Whenever you start to feel like that though, why don't you just go ahead and look at your before pics, mmkay??

    Ooh, streaming Internet TV. You fancy, Reese!!! LOL I'm glad you ladies are staying on track. I was supposed to restart CLX on Tuesday and slept through my alarm (which has become quite the common occurrence). I'm going to try again on Saturday. I'll only be lifting though so you'll only see three workout posts per week from me.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I know :happy: Cee that is so awesome that you are teaching Turbokick! Talk about an amazing life transformation!! Do you love it? Good for you for starting back on CLX. I love lifting. I would do it any day over cardio haha

    Reese - when I registered for the Lindsay Brin program I put my goal as "superfit". Ummm yeah you should see that HIIT workout that I was sent. It was crazy! Maybe I don't need to be superfit. haha!

    Well today for me was an impromtu rest day. I was up a few hours in the night with not being able to breath well from this cold. I think it has morphed into a sinus infection so I am waiting for a call back from the doctor. This has been going on for 2 weeks with no end in sight so I am hoping some antibiotics will finally get it once and for all. If I have the change I will do some walking this afternoon but nothing too awesome. Today was one of my favorite workouts though (Total Body) so I was sad to miss it. Can you believe I just said that?:laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Lol. I did the survey thing for Lindsay but haven't downloaded the workout...I'm a little scared now. haha. I wanted to wait until I was home to download it on that computer. Looking forward in a sheepish way to seeing it.

    I keep saying it but darn these super bugs! Glad you are calling in the doctor. It's about time it went away for you! My DH always seems to find the super bugs, I think he searches for them some times! He seems to have passed that on to my little one as well.

    And Cee, yes streaming internet to the boobtube. Gotta love it. My computer is in our eat in kitchen so there would be no chance I wouldn't wake the kids up! It's a little tricky so DH has to 'remind me often' about working the thing but it's pretty neat! And like Jennie said, so happy for you and your big adventures! It's awesome!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well Dr. appointment is at 3pm today. I just hope they are not just going to tell me I have a cold and to just wait it out more (I had one doctor do this and of course I ended going back with the same symptoms a few days later only to get an antibiotic that made me feel so much better within 24 hours). I have had colds before. I realize that some people may be confused but at this point it has gone on too long (with no real improvement) to be your standard cold. Well I will hope for the best since I am leaving work early for this. :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hope the Doc went well and that he gave you some fast working meds!! You may just be 100% by Sunday if he complied with your wishes for the good stuff!!

    It was an interesting morning for me. I was hoping to be able to do the Lindsay workout but it wouldn't work on the TV so I am going to have to hold off until I figure out how to burn it to DVD. So I stuck with my 'program' of JM and did 30 Day Shred and then took the dogs on a cold, snowy walk. It was nice though, quiet. which it hasn't been quiet for so long that I think I may just do it again tomorrow! Only thing is...and this is where the interesting part came up, I had to take 4 breaks during the workout...not because of me (surprisingly, lol) but because my oldest dog kept puking in different parts of the house. Appears as though he got into the laundry and ate some things he shouldn't have. Not awesome, not awesome at all. He never learns. Last year he ate a squeaky toy out of my parents' dogs' toys...and had to have SURGERY! 1500 dollars later and he still doesn't get it. WTH!?

    Regardless, I FINALLY finished 30DS and figured a walk might help him feel better. We live on a hill and getting DOWN the hill with 2 90+ dogs pulling you on a snowy hill was interesting. LoL. It was entertaining to watch I'm sure!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    First off CONGRATS on your weight loss! That is amazing!! Looks like all your hard work is paying off :wink: I am down some but not nearly close to what I was on Thanksgiving. Oh well what are you going to do huh? Maybe I have learned my lesson, maybe not. haha. It doesn't help being sick either.

    Oh poor puppy and poor you! We have had this issue with our one dog as well. She ate a leather loafer and I mean ate not just chewed on. She was sick as a dog (literally, haha) until she was able to pass the leather tongue the next day. The tongue was like perfectly intacted as well! She also pulled a loaf of bread off the counter and ate the whole thing. Now if you are wondering what a whole loaf of bread does to a dog...I can tell give them big time tummy aches and messed up poop for days. Sigh.

    Well the doctor went well. I have a sinus and ear infection. All I can say is thank god for the ear infection because the dr. kept telling me the sinus infection would clear up on its own. Huh? (This was the dr. on call not my normal dr.) But she was willing to give me antibiotics because the ear infection could not be left untreated. Nice. So I got my antibiotics and nasonex. The nasonex seemed to really help though since I used it right before bed last night and this morning was the first time I could really blow my nose (versus blowing and nothing coming out haha). I hope I am now 100% by Monday so I can hit it hard and get it done before Christmas (which of course I will then blow it all but I digress). I am thinking of lowering my calories a little. The trainer I was messaging says he recommends to his female clients with my stats that they eat 1300-1600 calories a day whereas I have been eating 1500-1800 a day. I am going to give it alittle time but if I am still not seeing progress I might lower them alittle. I haven't lowered my calories in a long time. I was just hoping I was magical and could still lose weight with the same amount of calories :laugh:
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I love her workouts! I'm on week 8 of post natal boot camp 1. and i have amazing results thus far!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    What a long weekend! i never say that but holy hannah. The dog is finally back to 100% but my oldest and I have a bug. I'm wondering if it wasn't the food we ate last night because we both got smacked with the same symptoms and had ate the same thing. Poor little man is home from school throwing up. Luckily Daddy could stay home and man the puke bucket!! Such a good guy I married!!

    Is the trainer someone from on here? I talked to one of the trainers on here who I ran the leangains method by when I experimented with that. He suggested 10 X body weight as a simplified method for figuring out calorie deficit. He said anywhere between 10-12 calories per pound for weight loss (and of course, I went with the lowest range! lol). You are still seeing small losses though aren't you? I mean, it can't hurt to experiment a little. Just though I recalled seeing some loss the past few weigh ins.

    We went to a holiday festival with the kids last night 1.5 hour away so we ate crap for dinner but I'm sucking down water and was good the rest of the weekend. Justification? Maybe, but that's kind of how my life goes. LoL. I can't avoid drive ins all together with all the running around we do. So adapt, adapt, adapt. :smile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yes the guy I "talked to" was Steve Troutman. He is on here a lot. He gave me the same formula for calories 10-12 calories per pound and is total calories a day (not dealing no eating back exercise calories etc). I have been losing some but it is really slow going. I used to lose .5-1lb a week like clockwork sometimes 1.5lb a week here and there if I was really awesome. But now I will lose 1 pound then sit there for 2 weeks, then lose a half a pound and then either sit there for 2 weeks or gain a little. In the end I am still losing but it is at a crazy low rate. I just want to make sure I am doing everything right vs not losing weight because I am eating too much. :laugh:

    I am still trying to make up the gain I had over Thankgiving (still a pound up from that fateful Thanksgiving morning weigh in) so it is hard not to get frustated but my eating is still so so with it being the holidays. So I might just stick with what I am doing now and if I am still not making progress when I get back from Christmas I will push it into high gear with a 1300-1600 calories a day diet!

    I am finally feeling better though after taking the meds and having a nice refeed yesterday. I felt great to get back at it this morning and I bumped up all my weights. I feel like my legs are shot!

    I am sorry you are sick! I had that evilness right after Halloween but as the one guy said "I am one stomach bug away from making goal weight" :laugh: Hope you feel better soon!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sorry for lack of posting. Took a sick day yesterday and just didn't get on the computer. You know how that goes, I'm sure!!

    Read your blog post, You are an awesome writer. You'll get it figured back out. We all stumble, but I have no doubt that you'll reach your goals. It does become harder when you can look in the mirror and see the progress, or feel it in your clothes. You can become comfortable with where you're at. But we'll keep pushing and make all of our goals by 30 (lucky for me, I have a little longer till I turn 30 since I do have a little further to go! LoL)

    I got Lindsay's meal plan...did you see that? The email said 'meal plan and target weight' but it didn't mention target weight at all. At least not during the skimming I did. I was surprised it was 1200 with no variance with the working out. Food sounded good though. I'm going to read it more and see what I missed while skimming. I want to atleast finish out JM this week before considering a change. Plus, I haven't gotten the first workout burned to a DVD yet but DH says he can figure that out 'no problem!'
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    No worries. Hope you feel better soon! Yeah I got that email as well. I don't know what the deal is with not having the goal weight on there. Her website told me it was 134lb for my height but that is for an average frame and I have a very small frame so I know that is alittle high for me unless I have tons of muscle.

    Yeah I have never eatten 1200 calories and had alot of luck with weight loss. The lowest I ate when working out was around 1500 but I also have never been this light so we shall see if I really need to get down to the 1300-1600 Steve recommended or if I will still get decent results with the 1400-1700 I am trying for the next 2 weeks :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    138 is what it gave me. I checked today. Yikes. I would love to be optimistic, but I have a larger frame - I can't imagine 138 being that realistic for me. But, hey it's something to keep in mind. I did print off her measurement list because I thought it was handy. I've got a workout to get in tonight when the kids go to bed and then another in the AM. Looking forward to it because with the stress that work is bringing with the holidays- JM needs to make me burn it up!! :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh tell me where to find the measurement list!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh and if you are a large frame add 10% give or take for your target goal (just like I had to subtract 10% give or take) so it would be 151-152 for you! So you are almost there!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    TRY THIS!! I hope it works..if not I got the measurement tracker after subscribing to her newsletter.

    Thanks for the tip too. I wondered how that worked. I definitely would like to think I can get down a bit more given that my tummy and inner thighs would appreciate a little more breathing room (hehehe). But 130s definitely seems a far reach for me. Of course, you never know until you start making some movement towards those numbers. So we'll just keep watching and moving on. And if need be adjust below the 145 I've set in my mind as my ultimate goal!

    Today was a hodge podge eating day...nothing horrible, just wasn't terribly hungry thanks to that bug. Are you back to 100%?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well today was another battle with the scale today. No change which was surprising to me since I felt good, workout hard, ate well and thought I was starting to see more definition in my thighs. So I went ahead and took measurements early (I know I shouldn't do it every week but I thought maybe they were down) and actually 2 measurements were up slightly (lower belly and hips). So that really took the wind out of my sails. Oh well so much for seeing immediate results but cutting my calories back. I am still surprised that I saw no change since I cut out about 200 calories a day but maybe it just needs more time.

    I saw you are not feeling well again. That stinks!! Hope you feel better soon!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    What a pain! Keep pushing, it's 2 weeks before they say you can tell whether you are in the right the direction. I'm sure you are since you just keep pushing through and making smart adjustments.

    My oldest was just 'eh' enough to need to stay home. Then it hit me as I was grabbing them breakfast. I thought it was the bug he had but it's starting to feel more kidney stones. We'll see...either way, the couch and I have been friends today. LoL. What a pain.

    I weigh in tomorrow so hopefully that goes alright. Can't really even guess anymore at what the outcome will be!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh good so you think it takes about 2 weeks? That makes me feel better :laugh: I am still going to keep plugging away for the next week and then all bets are off come Christmas :laugh:

    Hope your weigh in went well but if not don't take it too seriously since you have been sick. It is so hard to keep things going when you have been fighting something off!

    Do you have a pull up bar at your house? I know you had P90X but I wasn't sure if you did the pulls ups or not. I am very excited I am going for my first laser hair removal session this afternoon (underarms). Never had it done before but lots of my friends have had it and said it was worth it. So I am crossing my fingers that it all goes well and that I am not burned or something. :laugh:

    Did you get your week 3 Lindsay Brin workout today?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You know now that you mention it. I got the 1st workout then the meal plan and weight tracker...and haven't seen anything else. Is that the order you got it? Maybe I"m just behind, but I think it's been a week ATLEAST since I got the first workout!

    The scale was the same, which I foudn weird since the last 2 days it's been down a pound and with feeling like I had a kidney stone I CHUGGED water like nobody's business. But whatever, I'm still rockin' it. LoL.

    No pull up bar. During the summer we used the kids swing set but now that it's winter, no luck. I used the bands on the door way as the modifier in P90x.

    How was the hair removal? I've only seen it on tv. Interesting.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Saw you hit it hard today. Great job. Back on track then I see?! That's a good direction to be with the upcoming holiday just 6 days away! Are you all ready for it?

    My calorie deficit should be fantastic (LOL) thanks to alot of throwing up and the inability to eat over the weekend. Ended up having to go to the ER after getting dehydrated. It's impossible to keep yourself regulated when you have sick little ones too. Yowser. But I'm back to work today and although I'm still feeling the 'eh' the doctor laid out my allowed foods to get myself back on track so more clear broth and crap for a couple more days. Then I'll work back into my normal HEALTHY eating pattern.

    DH was a good guy and got up and worked out this morning. I'm just not up to it yet. Hopefully mid week or at least by Friday. What was it you said...we are just a few 'bugs' away from our goal weight? LoL.