Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Way to get back at it and hit it hard this morning. Great burn!!

    Yeaaaaa!! For Leap Year because that rule totally stinks! LoL. :tongue:

    You've got plenty of time between now and Friday to drink all the H20 that you guzzle and burn it up like a wildfire!!! :bigsmile: Your weigh in will be fine, and even if you are up a little bit you're back at it 100% and it won't take long for you to be back to tracking new goals!!

    Turbo Fire was only 15 minutes of HIIT but I thought I was going to puke!! :blushing: Not sure if it was not having ate before the workout (who can eat at 5am anyways!?!) Or just being out of shape but wowzer!! :huh: I have tomorrow as a rest day. In my head I'd like to do Butt Bible tomorrow but I know the rest days are important so we'll see.

    The sodium thing makes me want to smack my head because I stepped on the scale this morning (been trying to see how my weight fluctuates to see what I'm doing right/wrong) and I'm already down the 2lbs from New Years weekend. Maybe I'll have to take that advice about sodium before weigh in days. Very interesting!!

    The 9th is my Dad's birthday and that's our own celebration until February. I can avoid birthday cake, that's no biggie! So just going to keep pushing through Turbo Fire. So far I'm really enjoying it. I can see how it would make a good hybrid with my P90x.

    Have a great Tuesday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Do you like Turbo Fire more than Insanity? Its mostly HIIT right or is there resistance training involved?

    I can't eat before I workout especially if it is any sort of cardio because I feel like I am going to throw up. Granted the few times I have eaten before a workout (like a hour before) I have more energy for the first 10 minutes but feel like am going to upchuck within like 15 minutes so I just workout on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. :laugh:
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    The first time I did the DVD I do you follow Insanity with this? I thought about scraping it and then I realize 1) I needed to give it longer before kickin' it out the door 2) Jennie's also doing it and has good things to say so I kept it in my schedule. Now that I've actually given it a full shot this morning, I realize it's actually pretty awesome. You start the same warm up every time, which isn't as intense as Insanity (obviously) and I do feel a little backward doing some of the moves but when I looked at my HRM I realized it was right where I wanted it to be!! The middle of my range if about 140 and I was around 135 which for a warm up seems good to me. I think the difference is with Insanity I was always OUT of my range and I got adjusted to that. However, from what I've researched what matters is staying IN your range and I was throughout the workout. You do the warm up, pick a core workout, then a cardio and a cool down. I opted for 2 cardios, 1 straight cardio and 1 cardio toning (which admittedly I didn't finish the whole thing). I like the combination and the fact that I can pick and choose depending on how I felt. For example, when I got into the cardio toning I realized I was WAYYY sorer from yesterday's strength training than I thought when I got out of bed this morning. She reminds you often about 'hollowing' your stomach and such to make sure you keep concentrating on that core. And that's good...because I forget, often! Originally I was going to do it 1x a week with the kettlebell workout the other day (since I do the strength training 3x a week) and keep 2 days off. I may keep 2 days off but the great part about her DVD is YOU choose how long to do it. So potentially I could do a Jillian Michaels DVD got it...I love a kettlebell!! and still have time to do the Lindsay Brin DVD. Leaving me with a full of hour of working out. So my verdict on 'liking' and sticking with the definitely. Now, give me a month or 2 and I'll let you know if my body agrees with my mind that this DVD is going to work!! laugh

    What DVD is that if you don't mind me asking? Do you mean the 60 day slim down DVD? I like the idea of being able to choose different options
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    The first time I did the DVD I do you follow Insanity with this? I thought about scraping it and then I realize 1) I needed to give it longer before kickin' it out the door 2) Jennie's also doing it and has good things to say so I kept it in my schedule. Now that I've actually given it a full shot this morning, I realize it's actually pretty awesome. You start the same warm up every time, which isn't as intense as Insanity (obviously) and I do feel a little backward doing some of the moves but when I looked at my HRM I realized it was right where I wanted it to be!! The middle of my range if about 140 and I was around 135 which for a warm up seems good to me. I think the difference is with Insanity I was always OUT of my range and I got adjusted to that. However, from what I've researched what matters is staying IN your range and I was throughout the workout. You do the warm up, pick a core workout, then a cardio and a cool down. I opted for 2 cardios, 1 straight cardio and 1 cardio toning (which admittedly I didn't finish the whole thing). I like the combination and the fact that I can pick and choose depending on how I felt. For example, when I got into the cardio toning I realized I was WAYYY sorer from yesterday's strength training than I thought when I got out of bed this morning. She reminds you often about 'hollowing' your stomach and such to make sure you keep concentrating on that core. And that's good...because I forget, often! Originally I was going to do it 1x a week with the kettlebell workout the other day (since I do the strength training 3x a week) and keep 2 days off. I may keep 2 days off but the great part about her DVD is YOU choose how long to do it. So potentially I could do a Jillian Michaels DVD got it...I love a kettlebell!! and still have time to do the Lindsay Brin DVD. Leaving me with a full of hour of working out. So my verdict on 'liking' and sticking with the definitely. Now, give me a month or 2 and I'll let you know if my body agrees with my mind that this DVD is going to work!! laugh

    What DVD is that if you don't mind me asking? Do you mean the 60 day slim down DVD? I like the idea of being able to choose different options

    Lindsay Brin's Boot Camp 2 was the specific DVD that I was referring to. Jennieodwyer did the full 60 day slim down program and might have more information on if that has different options. :smile:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Do you like Turbo Fire more than Insanity? Its mostly HIIT right or is there resistance training involved?

    I can't eat before I workout especially if it is any sort of cardio because I feel like I am going to throw up. Granted the few times I have eaten before a workout (like a hour before) I have more energy for the first 10 minutes but feel like am going to upchuck within like 15 minutes so I just workout on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. :laugh:

    I do think I like to more than Insanity. At least for now. :laugh: I get more frustrated than I did with Insanity because Insanity's moves may have been difficult sometimes to physically pull of (like those pike pushups!) but the choreographer of TF throws me off enough I get a little annoyed. :laugh: But it's upbeat and the music helps keep me on cue.

    It's actually a combo of circuit training, HIIT and resistance. It came with a lower body band and I picked up a cheap resistance band with handles for upper body stuff. It's definitely not going to pull off sculpted muscles like S90 or P90x but I was glad to see it incorporates more than just straight sweat your buns off!! :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh I didn't realize it had some resistance element to it. I assumed since you see it paired with CLX that is was like Insanity in terms of mostly cardio work. I hear there is lots of cleavage displayed or maybe that was CLX? It would make more sense for there to be a crazy amount of cleavage in a weight lifting video versus cardio (I don't think anyone would want to see bouncing cleavage :laugh: ) Does Cee know you are Turbo Firing it? :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    LoL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Well there are a lot of sports bras/spandex clad women with a few men thrown in there. It definitely would be better if you are looking to gain muscle to add something like Chalene Extreme or P90x. Like I said, I'll probably experiment with that when I finish TF. Because adding that strength training is important for sure. And once I get a bit more of the weight off, it's definitely in my mind. Just like getting back into the actual gym and hit the weights again. I'd love to experiment with that Jamie Eason Live Fit program again. But that's for a time with a gym membership!!

    How are you feeling? Getting your strength back? How's the family? Feeling better yet?

    Cee does know! I had messaged her about the program earlier before I bought it. :smile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am sure Cee was excited. I have not seen her around lately. She must be busy teaching all her classes and such (so cool). I am back to normal healthwise but let me tell you. This week of being back at full steam for working out was killer! I was so tired and so sore (I feel practically crippled right now). I was also really hard to get back into the routine. Before I used to just get up and do it, no second thoughts. All week I have been struggling to get out of bed and keep thinking maybe I will skip a day. :noway: It really is amazing what 11 days of being out of your routine can do. I am still lifting my heavier weights but with all the soreness and lack of motivation I feel like I did when I first started :laugh: But the workouts were done and the weigh in is tomorrow to see where I am at and I am ready to push forward. I have some goals to hit by March (or at least summer for swimsuits!) :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Going to take the Jennie approach and try to hone down my sodium intake today. My weights been all over the place this week and tomorrow's weigh in for the MFP log. So we'll see.

    I bet there is some good soreness going on. I know my 1.5 weeks off working out with that flu bug definitely left me winded for Turbo Fire. Today was Fire 30 which is a lot of kickboxing type stuff and then Stretch 10. I always want to skip the last 10 minutes of stretch but then convince myself my body will appreciate it later. So far that seems to be helpful. I'm hoping to get the HRM fixed this weekend. I finally had to call Polar and they said I can change the battery for myself. So now it's just a matter of bundling up children and praying the local Walmart has what I need! We'll see. I'd really like to know the burns of TF because I feel like I could go longer with some of them (not the HIIT!!) and I'm thinking maybe I should add a little extra in if the burns are as long as I'm guessing. My eating has been pretty good aside from some pizza at my parents last night.

    DH is on a mission to gain 5lbs in a month, so I'm determined to lose 5lbs to give to him by February! LOL- if only it worked that easy!!

    Yeh, I saw Cee logged in today and said she was back with a plan. She's a busy girl, rockin' that TF. I can see how you'd want to become an instructor in this. It is alot of fun!!!

    Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow. Chug that water and keep up your great diaries. You've been eating awesome!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'M BAAACKK! Well as I am sure you saw on Friday I was up 3 pounds since before Christmas. I was sort of surprised by it just because I gave it a week to try to let things settle down. Oh well I probably was up 5 pounds for the holiday week and only took off 2 of them the following week. Sadly over the weekend illness struck me again. I think it was something I ate but I was doing to whole vomit, diarrhea thing and am still out of commission. I am back at work but no working out since I still feel so weak and my stomach is tender to the touch. Seriously I have never been repeatedly sick like this! I guess the gods do not want me to finish S90 in any reasonable amount of time :laugh: How was your weigh in? Sorry I was MIA on Friday.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey girl! Glad to see you made it back, but sorry to hear why you've been away! Super stinks that you've been hit again! I know what you mean those, this year has just smacked me with bugs I'm not used to getting! Hopefully you'll be back at it in no time. Maybe it's S90 gods thinking that they can get you to hang around a little longer if they send a bug or two your way! And the weigh in...I'm sure it feels crappy but reading your blog entry the other day was truly inspiring. So don't let it get you down, as I'm sure you already have, just keep moving forward!!

    As for me, well I was pretty upset on Friday to see my weight go up not 1 but 4lbs. Back to 154 which was were I had been sitting before I got the flu bug and lost the 4lbs in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I let it derail me this weekend. I got upset and when we went to Christmas at my Gram's I just went into self pity mode and ate out of spit. Because of that I realized I've got to stop checking the scale so much. I'd been trying to track my fluctuations and it's time to move on from the scale. At least for a few weeks. I've got to concentrate more on being in good shape and feeling good. And I am until I step on that dreaded scale. I realized how far in actuality I've come since starting this whole weight loss thing and realized that 154 even if it's not where I want to be is a whole lot better than where I've been. So my focus now is on Turbo Fire and completing that program in its entirety. I know we don't love Insanity :laugh: but I had such a feeling of accomplishment after having completed it. That that's where I need to focus. Since Insanity, I've just been focused on losing pounds on the scale and despite my best efforts to convince myself otherwise, that was the focus. I'm over it. :drinker: I fit into clothes I haven't in years and I'm just going to move forward without the scale attached to my hip!! I've definitely been up and down this roller coaster too much, so thanks for all the support along the way!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I completely know how you feel! It is hard to get past the scale especially when it is being hateful! But wwe both have to just keep in mind how much better we feel overall and not pay so much attention to the numbers. The 3 pounds was not the surprising but what really shocked me was the fact that my scale says I gained 2% body fat!! I was mad about that but it is just numbers and probably wrong about that. I have to keep thinking this is the end of the road for me and I need to enjoy the results of all my hard work and no focus so much on the last 5 pounds. but boy it is hard sometimes!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You got that right! I hopped in the shower this morning after a killer workout and thought I'll just step on the scale. And then rethought it and thought...what does it prove? Did I not just push myself in a killer workout? Do I not have a great breakfast planned? Yes, and yes! So just keep pushing forward. I'd like to make it until the 4th of February without the scale. That's my mini goal. To push through a month of Turbo and THEN do measurements to track my progress. But we'll take baby steps and see how it goes.

    I had the harder workout out on the Inferno Plan today so when I finished I was famished and my face was beet red. It was funny because I haven't looked in the mirror and saw a face that red since Insanity! :laugh: Oh the memories!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    That was how I was when I was doing Insanity. My weight was all over the place. Down 2 pounds one week, up one the next, over and over. I was so discouraged since that was when I really had alot left to lose! I still weighed myself once a week to keep track but I said to myself it doesn't matter what the scale says I am still finishing the program and doing my best. So glad I did and then so happy when I sold it :laugh:

    Have you been on I haven't been on since September because I was doing the S90 workouts. I got on this morning and realized that Zuzanna was no longer hosting the workouts (they have new hosts) and her and Freddy had broken up! I was sort of in shock and sad. Wasn't sure if you had seen it or not.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yeh I saw the post awhile back by both of them talking about the break up. Sad. I've heard good things about the new host though and it seems like the site is really moving along. I haven't followed it a whole lot lately but seems like the addition of new people has helped bring new material and workouts to the site.

    Unless something drastic happens to change my mind, I'll definitely keep Turbo Fire forever to use even after I finish. As tough as this morning was, it wasn't the type of workouts Insanity was. I mean, I like to go back and do Insanity again and it would be great to do another full round. but not because it was 'fun' and effective. Just effective in building my stamina up on other workouts and it did help me lose a few pounds. Not my 'soulmate' workout as Chalene calls TF!! :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha! That is funny. I don't really have a soul mate workout at this point. I am definately going to keep doing S90 after this round is over because I like the lifting but I would also like to try some other cardio stuff. Sadly there are not a whole lot of weight lifting programs on DVD like S90 and P90x or I would try a different one to just do some different moves :laugh:

    I like Lindsay's stuff though and I plan on using her DVDs when I am pregnant again (not for a while). I had a hard time finding pregnancy workout DVDs that were not yoga related. I found a few but they were not my thing and I needed something more challenging. So what did I do? Oh yeah I did nothing and gained a crap ton of weight. :laugh:

    Exactly 2 months until my 30th birthday time to take a few quick pics and get cracking :tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I just handed over all my extra workout DVDs to my sister and mom. I recommended Linday's boot camp for my mom to give a go since you can customize it to what you are feeling and she's starting back into moving her groove. And my sister got my JM collection and Insanity. I've got to customize her a little workout cheat sheet since she plays competitive volleyball 2x a week, she's only going to start working out 3x a week. So she asked if I'd make her a good mix for those 3 days. I'm all for it. :laugh:

    2 months. Woot woot!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Take those pics and get on it! It's all about fine tuning now that you've made such progress! I've got just over 6 months to get my booty in gear. We are actually planning on taking a 'real' vacation this year and I'd love to be able to be comfortable in summer clothes and not just okay with it. So no scale but lots of TF and good eats!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh vacation! Sounds like fun!!! 6 months is plenty of time! I took pictures this morning and I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be. My abs are coming in a little more but the rest to me didn't look as good as it did back in Sept :ohwell: It is hard with different angles and lighting but I thought since I was over 5 pounds down from my Sept pics it would look better. Oh well. Maybe just a bad day but either way I have my starting pics for the next two months. Lets do this!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ok I did a side by side cropping of the two pictures and I am starting to think that it is the lighting and skin coloring I don't like on the new picture. So that makes me feel better. Here is the side by side. The old pictures was from Sept and I was about 5-6 pounds heavier than I am now. What do you think.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yeh I think it's just the lighting. You can still see your abs in both pictures. Your posture is different in the two as well so that might be contributing to what you are noticing. But there's definitely visible lines particularly along your obliques!! You are definitely looking like a Mama who wants out of Mom jeans!!