Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sigh! I assumed it would just be better after all this time. Oh well. What are you going to do? haha
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You are going to keep doing what you are doing because you look amazing!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ok miraculously enough I lost almost all the weight I gained over Christmas this week. I guess that stomach bug paid off. I am thrilled that I am back where I started and that makes the potential for me to hit my goal in two months a lot better. :happy: I have to say this is the first really good day I have had with the scale in 2 months. hehe Now I just have to keep at it!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey there. Took the weekend off here for the most part. Things are back to being busy with both kids playing soccer. It's so much fun and so good for them to get moving. It's hard to get them moving too much in the winter with it being 1 degree outside this weekend...sure it got up to 15 but you can only snow tube so much!! :laugh:

    Did Yoga (Turbo Fire calls it Stretch 40 but essentially it's yogi-y) and it left my muscles appreciative even if I get impatient. Stocked up on some chicken and veggies too. So my bag for my work fridge was well stocked this morning as I rolled into work!:drinker:

    Hope your weekend was fun and relaxing. Looks like you kept trucking along so that's awesome! :smile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    OMG!!! That is so cold! Here is Texas cold is anything below 60. :laugh: I would never want to go outside with it being that cold! Today is was 65 when I left for work haha. But with Texas weather you never know. Just like the ice storm we got last year for the Superbowl. It is always so random.

    I got one good workout in (and alot of walking on Sat) but then vegged out and had a cheat day yesterday so I was back at it this morning. Tomorrow is my most hated workout (Tabata Inferno) so it is time to face the music and not avoid it :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Looks like you killed that dreaded Tabata. WTG! That's awesome you are getting down to the wire on that S90! So awesome how you stick out your programs like a champ! :happy:

    I had a HIIT this morning. Killer but good sweat and short and sweet. Can't beat that. Always makes me think eating and then working out a little later would be preferable with these HIIT workouts. But no time to fit in eating before hand so I just have that 'ugh' feeling until I get my protein shake! Tomorrow's a rest day, and my muscles need it. Between TF and hauling those kiddos for all that snow tubing has me thankful for a mini break. Still loving TF though so appreciative of that!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have the same dilemia with eating before working out. I end up eating before working out on the weekends and I clearly have more energy but no time for that when I am working out at 5am. haha

    Yes I was thrilled that this was the last Tabata Inferno of this round but we shall meet again in round 2 :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have to tell you, when you posted that link to a sale on Lindsay's stuff, I went there...pointed my little mouse on the buy now...and then thought...don't do it! Don't even think about buying something else right now!! :laugh: I'm like a workout DVD junkie. :laugh:
    It's ridiculous. Saw a couple new JM DVDs, and had to stop my impulsiveness with that too. It's a real problem. LoL.

    I think if I can stick out this TF series, which shouldn't be a problem because aside from the 5am roll call out of bed, I truly love Turbo Fire...I will be in a great place to start heading back into the gym for strength training. If DH doesn't work at the gym, and thus get me the free membership for the summer months to the gym, I might consider S90. It sounds like a great program from what you've described. I liked P90x but I've just never been 100% sold on it. We'll see...there's months before I have to worry about that. Right now I'm just trudging along doing the Chalene soul mate workouts. :bigsmile:

    I feel good about being back in a good routine though. The other night the kids wanted to know if we could 'exercise'. I thought, this is an awesome outcome! What's better than knowing your good habits influence your kiddos? Aside from the fact they keep stealing my cottage cheese in place of a bowl of chips. :laugh: Though my oldest still tells me - compared to Dad....Mom has baby guns. LoL. Love it. Have an awesome Tuesday!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Cute! I have baby guns too :laugh: I know what you mean about getting into a routine though. I have to admit I was really struggling to get back to working out on a regular basis after the holidays but I think I am finally getting back into the swing of things.

    Oh and I have some crack for you workout junkie :laugh: I see that Ross is now selling the S90 for $6.99!!! I was annoyed since it was $11.99 when I bought it back in Sept but I am guessing they are trying to capitalize on all the new year resolution people. So if you have a Ross by you I would totally pick it up. It is so worth it for $6.99 :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Oh Ross's if you weren't 2 hours away, I would so be stalking your aisles right now! :laugh:

    I definitely think you are back into the swing of things! It looks like it from your weigh ins and logs. You and those hard boiled eggs inspired me to cook some up for DH's lunch. :laugh:

    I got some pretty sweet news that the lady who owns the gym said I could come in a couple days a week to run. I've been wanting to get back into running but it's sooooo cold here. And I can't afford the gym membership right now on top of all the other things going on. She was sweet enough to say I could hit the treadmill in the AM. So I'm hoping to take her up on that on Sunday. Saturdays are reserved for the 'big soccer' games with the kids. :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thats so cool! I wish I had a gym owner friend. :laugh: Tomorrow is weigh day and I really have no idea where it is going to go. I have been working out and eating well all week but I had such a good loss last week that I have a feeling it isn't going to be that great. That is usually my pattern, good weight loss followed by a crappy week, followed by a good week and so on and so forth. So we shall see :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    How did the weigh in go? I tried to peek at my face page but hadn't seen any updates this AM for you rockin' your workout log!

    I've got a late workout tonight. I don't mind at all though. DH has an away basketball game that won't bring him home until after midnight so the kids can get a little workout in with me and than hang out playing Wii for a bit while I finish up. They've been pretty good lately about letting mommy sneak in a quick workout (minus any physical altercations between brothers!) :laugh:

    We got decent snow last night and more to come tonight. It's expected up here, but that doesn't mean you ever get used to the constant onslaught of crappy weather!! :noway: It's this time of year that I threaten to move south!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Not well. Up .4lb which is why you didn't see anything on my page today. I knew it would probably not be good just because of the loss last week but I was hoping it would not be up but I do have some other factors going on that have caused me to retain to that is what I am chalking it up to. Frustrating none the less since I swear my body likes to hang out at 130 and I am just not cool with that. haha Time is running out! :mad:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Saw your post about jury duty. Hope you got an interesting case at least :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey!! Just wanted to say hey! And tell you I hope everything is going well (weight wise and life wise!!) This thing is keeping me busy! I can't imagine ever getting caught up in one that takes eons like the Casey Anthony trial! I've got so much work to do after I get home from court and then just hanging out with the kids! Plus, I did something to my neck so I've had to set up chiro appts. Needless to say, although my eating has been relatively stellar, I've missed the last two work outs. He advised doing a light workout if "you must workout" so I'm going to find a TF that's decent. Lord knows I can't go multiple days without a workout!! Sheesh, doesn't this Doc know I have committment issues! LoL! :tongue: Keep kickin' butt and have an awesome week!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ohhhh the excitement of a heated trial. Well at least you are not sequestered :smile:. Sorry to hear about your neck! I did something to mine as well last week but nothing as severe as yours, just a pulled muscle that took a few days of easy workouts to fix. Things are plugging along for me. I am on my last 2 weeks of S90 so I am ready to finish that and take some after pics even though I have no clue how they are going to look. I have only lost about 5 pounds but I am hoping the pics will show a difference from all the weight lifting.

    I lost 9lbs on Insanity but the before and after pictures showed alot more improvement (especially in my stomach) so I am hoping that is the case here. haha

    Enjoy what little time you have with the family!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Great job on the loss today! That's awesome! 2 more weeks and you are another graduate. You need to hook yourself up with a bunch of certificates that say 'Yep, I killed another program!!' I think it's great that all your accomplishments seem to inspire alot of your MFP pals. That's the great part about this site, someone's else win keeps you motivated! Great work!

    I go back to the chiro next Tuesday, small town = only 2 days of having a chiro in town. He suggested avoiding my TF workouts because of the back and forth motions. So I'm going to try and just hit the treadmill tonight for a light walk/run. I did workout monday but paid for it Tuesday. It's funny how the dumbest things like sitting in court all day can irritate a neck. My DH jokes it's got to be a lot of muscle strain to hold up my big melon! :laugh: Oddly enough, I think that's exactly it! It's kept me motivated to eat right though because without the scale I just don't know if not working out is having an effect so the only response I can have is to make good choices!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks! Hopefully it doesn't go right back up next week :laugh: Congrats on your loss, especially with your injury and jury duty! Sitting all day can take a toll. When I am on a long flight my back and tail bone kill me so I can imagine sitting for 8 hours would aggrevate your neck injury!

    Yeah I am excited about finishing the program and I haven't decided what I am going to do next. Whether I am going to go to another round right after (which I totally would) or if I would look into something else. I have been very interested in kettlebells but I am alittle scared of killing myself. haha So we shall see maybe I will do some DVDs I have to mix it up and then another round of S90 with heavier weights and get into kettlebells when my husband has a job! haha I know you love kettle bells :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Get them kettlebells! :happy: Speaking from the woman who loves them but hasn't touched them in months! I actually loaned them to my sister when she asked for a good mix of workouts!

    I definitely wouldn't worry about the lower weight loss vs Insanity. I think just looking at your pictures you can see the effects of S90 and your hard work. No doubt. It should be fun though deciding where to go from here! More strength? A change up? So many options!!

    I'm starting to feel more 'myself'. I'd been struggling with not feeling it with my pants being a little tighter and feeling a little more bloated than normal. But keeping my water up and an eye on those calories has got me feeling back at it. I'm loving it too. I want to lock up this feeling and bottle it for when I think I can take a break or when I'm just not 'feeling up to it'. 177 days and I turn 30. Am I counting? Sort of, I started a challenge and my goal is to keep the consistency through my 30th so I've got my eye on that date!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad you are starting to feel better and I saw you had a killer workout this morning!! Oh I don't have the days counted until my 30th but I am almost down to a month. We are planning an adults only party the night before (March 10th) so I need to be rocking it. I want to buy a special outfit (maybe a dress, but that does go against my longheld rule of not wearing dresses or skirts when I plan to drink more than one drink, hehe).

    I did go bathing suit shopping yesterday and though I didn't find anything it wasn't a complete disaster so that was very positive. I am still trying to figure out how to dress my smaller (but flopper) body. Now it is a matter of things having more support then just worrying about the size. haha Breastfeeding really did a number on my boobs so I am looking for some major infrastructure in a swim suit. :laugh: Also I need so find a swim bottom that isn't so low but that my extra mommy skin shows. Oh the joys of motherhood. haha