Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey! Great workout today! Yeah some changes are easy switches (like adding more protein) but others are often not worth it in the long run (for me at least). I feel good about what I did this week so we shall see how it goes. I think it should be good though but you never know :laugh:

    Now the big thing will be keeping it in check this weekend. My husband's grandfather passed away this week so we are flying to Chicago bright and early tomorrow morning for the funeral. I will not go overboard like on a vacation or anything but I know I will not be able to eat as clean as I have since I have no control over what is being served. That and I don't think I will have a chance to work out at all either. Just need to keep it in check since I still hope to lose some weight next week as well. I will really kill it next week to make up.

    I will not have internet access (just my iphone) this weekend, so I will see you back on the forums on Monday. Have a great weekend and good luck with your weigh in :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Damn Junior Sizing. But that Target lady was definitely right...and you earned yourself that compliment. It's so nice to hear sometimes when we least expect it!!

    I do hope that tomorrow's weigh in is what you expect. I can only imagine that it will be- your diaries have looked good and Lord knows you are killin' your burns. Definitely keep at have made SUCH amazing progress since we started chatting on Insanity it's CRAZY!!:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I am feeling good about my diet portion of this whole thing and that's what's always up down for me. Going to think ahead about what to do for the weekend so I'm not mindlessly snacking like usual. We are going to be running around Saturday with the kids soccer game and then a Home Depot workshop for the I'll have to think ahead. I kinda wanted to just completely avoid all eating out for like a month!! :laugh: But I don't see that happening. I can however choose wisely and not poorly! Hell, I might even just pack a cooler and eat in the car before the kids eat. We'll see. THe kids birthday party is this weekend but cake is avoidable to me. It's just always one of those things you eat because that's the sociable thing to do. But it's a party at my house so I don't have to be sociable!!

    I do hope that your have safe travels this weekend. I'm sorry to hear the reason for your travels. And I am sending prayers to all your family and extended family over the next few days. I hope Josie does well with the quick trip too!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I am back! I had a good weigh in on Friday but I am sure I destroyed all I worked for this weekend. I ate so much crap I can't even tell you. And it wasn't even good!! It was just because we were trapped at the funeral home for 7 hours on Friday and all they had to eat was brownies and baked goods (which is what I ate tons of for both lunch and dinner). On Saturday I stuffed my face with all sorts of garbage solely because we didn't know when we would eat again and then at the reception I drank 3 cranberry vodka so......needless to say even though I am going to work my butt of this week and drop my calories a little for my birthday I don't think this week may go so well on the scale. I was able to get a quick workout in on the treadmill at our hotel to burn off a little of the crap but I can't imagine it was going to be that helpful. Its ok though. I made my bed, now I must lie in it :angry: After my birthday I am going to recommit to getting the last few pounds off for bikini season (and another round of s90!)

    Josie stayed at my parents thankfully here in Texas. She got her MMR shot the day his grandfather died and since it is a live virus she can't be around Mike's father for 14 days because he has a compromised immune system (from cancer treatments). So she stayed home which really was for the best because she would have been a nut case being locked up in a room for 7 hours straight.

    I totally get what you mean about being social though and not wanting to eat out. That was part of my success last week was not eating out at all. I was hoping to keep that streak up this weekend as well but the funeral has something else to say about that. How was your weigh in on Friday? Any better than expected?

    I did up the weight on the kettlebell to 20lbs and I think I will be feeling to difference tomorrow. It can really get your heart rate up even just by swinging it around :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I wish I could get on here with more to express than complaints and frustrations. But, alas, that's all I have my dear fellow Insanity survivor!! :huh:

    My weigh in this morning...156. 4lbs up from the 152 late last week. As a result, my husband and I have banned the scale from the bathroom. I hadn't been worried about stepping on the scale since my workouts are at least 6 days a week and my eats are in line with the clean eat challenge as much as I can. My weekend was unremarkable and consisted of the same foods I've been eating all the week. I drank more water. And bam, up 4lbs. Do I really think I'm up all that? No, but I would have atleast expected a maintain not an increase from the 154 I logged on MFP last week. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong. I considered giving up not only the scale but calorie counting in general for awhile. It's all mentally exhausting. I know there's more to it than a number on a scale but nothing has changed in forever. Measurements exactly where they were when I started TF the day after Christmas.

    I like (like as much as anyone likes) working out and I'm fine with how I'm eating but I can't take much more of the no progress. Honestly. I can't. I told husband, if the scale isn't hid by the time I get home from work...breakfast might consist of candy bars and brownies. For now, I'll just relinquish the scale to him and keep trudging along but I just feel mentally beat down. It's annoying, to say the least.

    I am so proud you got up and hit it hard today. I'm sure the weekend was filled with struggles, but time has proven you'll definitely be back in action and moving things right back along by weeks end. Sometimes life gives us baked goods at funerals and we have to deal accordingly! Next week (Or today since it's Monday) is a chance to keep plugging along!

    I'm glad the new weight is working better for you! 20lb kettlebell swings and turkish get ups will have you even more bikini ready in no time. :bigsmile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Its totally cool. This is where I come to celebrate and to vent and honestly, I am usually venting way more than celebrating. I am so sorry about your frustration. I completely get it. It is so upsetting to not see any change on the scale, in the mirror or in measurements when you have been working so hard. I wish I had some advice to help you but alas I am in the same situation as you. The only things that make me feel better is to look at pictures of where I came from and to think about the alternative: If I give up I will be 60lbs heavier again and it will suck.

    Maybe it is time for you to take a break from calorie counting. Some people do really well with it. I suck at it. As soon as I am not paying attention to everything I eat I tend to go overboard. If I do ever reach my goal weight, it will be hard to let go of counting everything. I do know people that were really successful at taking a break so maybe you should try. So far the only thing that seemed to help was the raising my calories and then dropping them way down (from like 1800 to 1350). It helped me get alittle lower but honestly it will probably not last but I am willing to give that a shot again if I need to after my birthday. I also think I will getting to liberal on the weekends.

    The scale sucks but keep your head up. I am sure you will figure it out and in the meantime you are still a badass that has come a long way!! :flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Raising your calories and dropping them down..hmm...remind me, was that during S90 when you were lifting heavy? I hadn't considered that...something to think about.

    Calorie counting. Love it and hate it. :laugh: I'm still considering this too. I eat pretty much the same things all the time so I don't think it would be difficult to not stray too far. I may still go with that for a bit and just log on to drop by the boards. No calorie counting, no scale...just some friendly banter back and forth on the boards. :happy: :tongue:

    Still on the hunt for a bathing suit? Did you get an outfit for your birthday? And are you doing 3 days kettle and 3 days random?

    I'm loving the P90x hybrid. I truly still enjoy Turbo Fire. So it's nice to keep that in there. But I definitely feel a better after burn and soreness effect from P90x. I still miss the gym!!! I can't wait to get back in there. For half a second last night, I considered selling a dog to get back into the gym. LoL. Just kidding, just kidding!!

    Tomorrow I've planned a little switch up that I'm hoping my sister and mom go for. I have that JM kettlebell workout. So I brought the two 8lb weights that I had at the house. Jillian offers a girl who uses a dumbbell for her workouts so we'll try that out. It should be interesting, the 3 of us swinging weights around in a small living room!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Well, I've decided I am FOR SURE running the 5k on the 5th of May. It's too perfect not too. Granted I wish I had more time to train since without having a gym and crappy weather, running has not been high on my priority list. BUT this race is exactly what I'm looking for as my first. It's a flat course (thank GOD!) and it has activities for the kids. I always feel so guilty wanting to do things that involve the kids not being able to be with me on the weekend. But this race has not only a 'dash' for the kids (not sure if they have one for 3 year olds yet but I'll be checking), but it also has crafty type activities to keep the kids entertained while Mommy runs and DH will happily entertain them during this so I can achieve this little goal I've been talking about for almost a year! My goal is by September to complete another one. My Aunt found us a 'Dirty Girl' 5k which is the closest thing to a Warrior Dash in our neck of the woods. I wanted at least one race under my belt before I took on this ultimate to do!! Looks like I'll be checking things off my bucket list in 2012! These little goals are exactly what I need to start focusing on as opposed to the scale!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thats so cool. I ran my first 5k when I was doing Insanity. It was a slightly hilly course but wow I was hurting the day after. Wish I trained a little :laugh: I finished in a decent time (like 32 minutes) but more importantly for me I was able to "run" aka jog the whole time. If I ever did one again I would so train for it. I am also like 30 pounds lighter so that would also be helpful.

    As for the calories, I went ahead and increased my calories to maintenance right after I finished S90. I was starting to gain so after 2 weeks of that I dropped it way down and in that first week I lost all I gained and broke through the plateau a tiny bit. I would love to have seen where I could have gone if I kept the eating in check this last weekend but since I was off the charts crazy, I expect to be back up again this week :mad:

    I am doing the KB workouts every few days with random workouts mixed in until I plan on starting s90 again. I do love the heavy lifting and I think it it got me better definition. Since I have been doing the higher reps, lower weight stuff I don't feel as "cut" as I was and even though my weight is about the same my body fat is a tad higher so I think I am going back to that. I am going to sub out the stupid ultimate ball workout (it is horrible for me, repeatedly falling off the ball doesn't get me much of a burn) with KB workouts so I will be able to get some extra full body action in.

    I am all covered on bathing suits. Actually I have too many but I love them all differently so I am going taking any back :laugh: Who would have thought I would get so excited about bathing suits? Usually I am horrified. haha I guess this is the reward of all my hard work. As for birthday, I was planning on just wearing a top with jeans since we are going bar hopping and I have a rule about not wearing skirts or dresses when I expect to get alittle tipsy (things just get sloppy, if you know what I mean). But then I made the mistake of going to Ross yesterday with my $8 store credit and found a hoochie dress for $13.99. It looks really good and I was thinking when will I ever have the chance to wear something like this again? So I got it and got all excited, then come to find out even though it has been 70 here all week that one day is supposed to be like in the 50s (and we are walking several blocks to the bars) so....we shall see what I end up wearing. Either way though I was very excited that I looked decent in a skin tight dress :tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm quitting....calorie counting that is. At least for a bit. I like the foods I eat so it's not like I need to eat them just to my diary looks nice. :laugh: But I'd like to take a break from the day in/day out eat, log, repeat, cycle. It may not work for me but we'll see. I figure after a bit of doing this then I'll drop my calories down a bit and see where it leads. I'm avoiding the scale until my next appointment with the PHC on the 26th of March. Until then, it'll just be continuing the same lifestyle just without the regiment of logs and scales.

    KILLER NEWS on the dress! Good for you, exploring more 'fun' options for your birthday. I can see why you'd go with jeans, but even if that dress doesn't get used for the bday celebrations at least you'll know you have it for when you are feeling a little spunky. I'm sure the husband will enjoy it!! :love:

    I like how you are going back to what you feel works for you. It was good to switch it up to see but S90 brought awesome definition and I can see why you'd go back. And you've found a way to keep that hefty kettebell. Awesome!!

    I'll start my training for the 5k on Friday. I have a volleyball tournament Saturday and I don't like doing strength workouts right before a day long tournament. So today is strength and tomorrow cardio. Plus, I just needed some extra sleep and running=5am workouts. This way I could still sleep in and still get a workout in after work. Win, win!! :bigsmile:

    I'm closing in on 2 weeks of the clean eating challenge. I've definitely found some yummy food. Quiona cooked with low sodium chicken broth mixed with asparagus and chicken is delicious! I could eat it every day! But I also know I have other foods that aren't so clean that I need to use in my freezer (see...Lean Cuisine) so I'll be mixing the new foods with foods I have. Hey, the price of a grocery budget ya know?:tongue: Plus, who doesn't enjoy a quick heat and go meal!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good for you on the calorie counting, can't wait to hear the results. Will you still be on MFP daily or taking a break from that as well?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm not quite sure. I find it a habit to get on and check the boards so I probably won't be too MIA. I don't know how long the no calorie counting will last since I did eat Chex Mix Muddy Buddy last night. :laugh: I called it my pre-run fuel (though I didn't run until this AM :blushing: ) In my 'real' life no one really gets the journey we are on, so I find it hard to not get on here to chat and vent. DH does but he's on a different road and is completely happy with where I am (no issues with that, but hard to talk to when he thinks I'm good :laugh: ) So you'll probably see me just about as often!

    Glad the BF was done. Scale...WHATEVA!! BF awesome!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I hope to see you sticking around the boards. Yes it is hard to find people who know what you are going through especially at this point where everyone says "you don't need to lose any more weight", etc.

    Well the scale wasn't as bad as I thought considering what happened over the weekend. The little drop (and I do mean little) on BF was a nice bonus. It seems that the dress was the big winner on the poll. It is nasty cold so I bought some tights and we shall see how well that pans out. haha I was leaning toward the dress but didn't expect the overwhelming support of the dress over the pants :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    How was the birthday celebration?

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :glasses:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha well I am just now getting back to work so I would say good :laugh: It took two days of recovery to pull myself out from under the ether but it was worth it for my 30th. Definately not something I could do every weekend anymore. While it was fun it also showed my mortality :laugh: Wore the purple dress and it was a success. Since it was cold and raining I had to wear it with tights and boots but it worked out. I am glad I tried something different for the big 3-0 :laugh: So it was a great weekend of total debauchery (food and booze wise). It was hard this morning to get back on track but I needed it. I will just be in bed early tonight :laugh: How was your weekend?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    The dress looks amazing and you look amazing in it! Looks like you had a good time and you've earned yourself this celebration with all your hard work! New Mom is DEFINITELY not in any MOM jeans anymore!! Yea for you!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Weekend was good. Busy but active! (I have the bruised knees to prove it!) Volleyball kept me active through Saturday 9am to 5pm- Lots of games=lots of calories burned so it was a good time. And Sunday was just me and the little man so it was nice to have a quiet day outside with him playing.

    Back to the grind today though! Hit the treadmill for a crappy run (who knew bruised knees and TOM induced sore chest could affect a run as much as it did!) but I've got 2 more runs planned this week. So the knees will heal and I'll double up on the sports bra if I need to (who would have thought that with a small B that would EVER be necessary!! :laugh: ) My legs are dead after P90x legs day tomorrow and the run today. I'm hoping I can convince the family to do a core workout with some cardio tomorrow instead of the Butt Bible...I'm not sure I have a squat left in me!! :noway:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thank you! Apparently I am getting older since I seems like my body is taking a lot longer than it used to, to recover from drinking and running on no sleep. I took a long nap on Sunday, took the day off on Monday (and all I wanted to do was sleep, which I didn't but I wasn't able to work out, I was exhausted on Tuesday and could barely drag myself out of bed to workout so I actually fell asleep last night at 8pm. Yes you read that correctly. I was in bed the minute Josie was down and I fell asleep at 8pm. I then slept from 8pm to 5am and still was hitting the snooze repeatedly today. I think I am finally back to normal but of course my husband was making fun of me endless that I needed 4 days to recover from a single night of partying. haha I would like to think it is just that I have lost my tolerance for booze since I have lost an extra 30 pounds since I was 21. hehe

    That is so cool that you enjoy a sport, so that you can get some exercise without it actually feeling like exercise. Sadly I don't have an interest in most sports which stinks. I have tried to get into tennis since my husband played (and he could use the exercise) but I never really got into it and now with the baby I am not so sure we could get some time to play. Maybe when she is older and can be on the playground by herself next to the courts. I would say we could trap her in the courts with us but knowing our luck she would be get pegged with an errant tennis ball. :laugh:

    Good for you on the run! Are you doing Couch to 5k? IMO, most sports bras are CRAP. The big ones and little one suck all the same. They must be designed by men because it is amazes me how most of them are made of the thinnest, stretchiest elastic known to mankind. Most regular bras are more supportive than your basic run of the mill sport bra. annoying!!!

    Well my legs were torched from KB yesterday so I grabbed a chest workout from S90 to give them a break. I wasn't planning on starting another round of S90 until next week but now I am like, what the hell I already started the first workout I may as well make that day one. :laugh: I am glad to be back at it but not looking forward to the evil tabata workout. hissssssss!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Smart move on restarting S90. I think that's an excellent way to go (you know, being the expert I am!! :tongue: ) Mixed with your MONDO KB you'll be lean and mean even more! :wink:

    I hear ya on the drinking and out all night. We just do not recover like we used to! It amazes me that I could party all night and get up for an 8am class. Ridiculous!! I'm glad it was a fun night for you! You not only earned a little free night but you deserve a little celebration!!!

    Yeh, Volleyball has been my thing for eons, well more like decades. It's just near to impossible to get back into it with kids. Unlike workouts at 5am, I cant exactly play vball at 5am. :laugh: Though that would be entertaining. I'm trying to slowly make a come back but it's sort of a pie in the sky idea. :laugh:

    Thanks for the information on the weights. I've got the resistance band for P90x but the 5s & 8s but those obviously aren't doing me much good. I'm debating buying 1 more resistant resistance band (is that how you say that?!?!? :blushing: ) or borrowing a couple weights from my Dad. Obviously, the borrowing is cheaper but my 'corner' stash of workout goodies is starting to peek out from behind the char!! We'll see.

    I thought about running today but that may wait until tomorrow morning. My legs are still dead. And I've got a P90x workout that I can put in. Strength training might be the way to go today!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah I definately feel the heavier weights. I am sore in my chest today so that is good stuff since I did Chest and Back yesterday. I just like how I feel overall with the program versus the ligher weights more reps stuff. It really gets my heart rate up and I don't have to jump up and down to get the extra burn like I do with the lighter weights. I also like that the workouts are short and to the point.

    The last round I used the 5s just for tricep stuff and the 8s for more "away from the body" shoulder moves (like lateral raises and front deltoid raises). The 12s were my go to weight in the beginning for most moves but then I progressed to using the 15s in some bicep moves and chest moves. The only time I ever used the 20s in the first round was when it was single weight full body moves (like the clean and press and wood chop) other than that I couldn't use the 20s for anything. This time I am trying to eliminate the 5s all together and use the 8s as my lightest. My goal is to use the 12s for those away from the body moves to try to build up my shoulders. I have aways had weak shoulders so I am going to try to work on that. I plan on using the 15s now as much a possible and use the 20s for things like chest presses, etc. I did use the 20s for my chest presses yesterday and I was feeling it! I would eventually like to acquire a set of 25lbs but we shall see how that goes.

    If you are looking at buying weights the best deal by far is Craigslist. I was able to get my 15 and 20lb sets (4 weights total) for $30. I have seen some great deals on other things as well but with limited space and funds I have had to restain myself. :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Wow-Sick kid over the weekend, poor guy was throwing up for 24 hours, almost every hour. And he's so much like my husband that I'm sure he's lost a few pounds. Thankfully, he's feeling almost 100% and we are back to a slight routine. I felt even more bad because we had big active plans for bike rides and baseball so he was sick and sad. :sick: It's supposed to be nice today and tomorrow though, so I'm hoping to make up some of that with them!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the weather is improving. It makes getting out and active just a daily activity and not a 'to do'. Obviously, the workouts have to stay in check but that added chasing a baseball down or running after a child on a bike...adds to that burn!

    I appreciated your board message this morning about diet. I think alot of us having been going through the same thing for various reasons. Between what you said and just that end of winter 'ugh', feeling, I know I've been feeling it today. We'll be on track and back at it starting YESTERDAY!!:tongue:

    I've convinced my Dad to give me 15s and 20s from his stash. He has enough, lord knows! Ironically though, after doing so, I talked to DH who suggested I up my runs per week to 5 for this 5k. He knows me well enough to know that I'll feel defeated if I don't train hard for it. And though, I realize it's "just" a 5k to's a bloody 5K!!! to me the non runner. So i'm going to attempt to take his advice without breaking too much from P90x. I've got a good 3 day strength workout going now that I enjoy and I've realize that if I just 'skip' through Tony Horton yacking...the workouts are more like 40ish minutes than 60! Haha. So that works much better!!

    How are things on your end?