Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    It totally is a fluke. No question. Sorry it took so long for me to get back! I had to leave work early on Friday since Josie was apparently having a rough time at home and we were not sure if she had to go to the doctor. I think it was just teething because it was nothing a good dose of advil, half an hour of holding and a nice nap couldn't fix. I think Daddy was just having a bit of a panic attack but I can't complain since this has been the first one since I went back to work 8 months ago.

    Well I was wheels off on Friday and Saturday because we had a bunch of meals out with my husband's family. Yesterday I was decent on the 40/30/30 ratio but this week I am really going to hit it hard. Hopefully the extra protein and lower carbs will help undo this weekend's indiscretions :wink: I have heard people talk alot about doing the Zone or 40/30/30 ratio but I had no idea how much protein that was!! I thought I was doing well at hitting over 100g of protein a day but then I see I need more like 150 or more depending on the workouts!! I am going to hit it today but that requires protein at every meal/snack PLUS a protein shake and 2 protein bars!! Its crazy! I am curious to see what happens though since the people who did say they do it or a similar ratio found that it helped. I need something to push me over this hump! :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Glad she's doing well. Sometimes I think just the change in the temperature can throw them for a loop, even if it doesn't result in actual 'bugs' hitting them. Change is good, but doesn't always hit home well!! And I can relate to the Dad panic attack. My DH is phenomenal with our kids but he's home with them today and (though usually it's him they listen to better) they don't seem to be behaving well!! Kids have their own agendas!

    Protein is a funny thing. DH and I were just talking about it. He's a protein feign but doesn't find it helps fill him up at all. I'm the opposite and when I was doing the Leangains with high protein, lower carb is when I did drop down to 152 (oh how I miss you elusive #!) It does take more planning but you've got it lined up with the tuna, shakes, and protein bars. Surprisingly a lot of the bars aren't too bad. Some try to make themselves taste too much like a hopped up candy bar (ie Pure Protein bars ick!) but others are great to munch on. I saw you tried the Adkins were those?

    I'm going with calorie cycling for 2 weeks. I don't think it in itself is some magical plan. I just know that with all the other chaos...having defined #s and a plan should be helpful. I set it up so the days I usually struggle with (ie. Dinner @ Mom's) are on my higher days. Today's a real low 1200ish day...but Mondays it always seems easier to be on track and I only have 2 days in the 1200s. So we'll see. Like I said, I don't think it's a plan to solve all plans- just something to wrap my head around and make me think before I eat. :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow you are awesome to make it at 1200. I just can't go that low because it makes me a very unhappy person! The Atkins bars are ok. I got them because they were recommended by the "new Rules of Lifting for Women" book. Specifically the Atkins Advantage bars (as opposed to their indulgence bars). They are ok. Some are better than others but they definately get the protein in which is what I need! Protein is really weird for me as well. Some days I think it really helps the hunger other days I don't think it does anything haha!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    :drinker: Great job with protein today!!:drinker:

    Yeh 1200 isn't was going okay until I did my workout and then I was famished. :laugh: So I went a little over...not too much but not what was set. I'll get it. Tomorrows my high day in the 1700s - not sure I'll hit 1700 net but 1700 I'm sure. :bigsmile:

    BTW- I don't think I can do any more burpees for at least 3 days. I've done them 3 days in a row :sad: :sad: Each DVD/workout has had them somewhere in it. Oh and my booty hurts now that makes me :bigsmile:
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Amazing ladies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm going to jinx myself but I'm going to do it anyway....the scale moved in the RIGHT direction...tomorrow's log day - nothing huge but if I could record a loss for once it would feel AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :happy:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah!!! That is awesome.Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Trying to get ready for this trip, my Halloween party and Josie's first birthday party (in addition to all the usual holiday stuff such as family pics etc). So much to do!!!

    Well so far I have been happy with the 40-30-30 ratios. It definately has helped my hunger. Sometimes I am still alittle hungry but not like a ravenous beast before with this weight training program. I am actually eatting less calories on the whole (not a ton less but alittle) then I have been eatting because I don't want it. haha Hope the scale brings good news tomorrow.

    Even if the scale does look good though tomorrow, it might be short lived since I am leaving early tomorrow on this trip until Sunday night. That means 3 days of all meals out and I will be honest. I will try not to eat total crap but I am not going to worry about the diet this weekend. It is a mini vacation and I need it so bad so if I am off track one week so be it. Don't want to be totally wheels off but I am sure one or two wheels will pop off especially since I am not working out either (although there will be lots of walking).

    Yeah burpees are evil. Do you do the kind with a push up? Or just the drop, plank, back to squat then jump kind? I can seriously do maybe 8 of the pushup kind and then I am out! haha

    Well I will be MIA until Monday so have a great weekend! I am excited about coming back though. New workouts in the supreme 90 day program this week :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You are a busy girl!!! And still kickin' butt at the S90! Addin' in the protein. Making the adjustments. With all that business...a little get away won't be more than a bump in the road...IF it is anything at all!!

    Have a great time! You've earned a little repreve from all the work and counting. Take a breather, enjoy your mini vacation.

    I'll be burpeeing my way into the weekend. :tongue: And the type of burpees just varies on whatever the workout calls for. Luckily the last time was just straight up burpees-no pushups. Phew!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm baaaack! haha No morning workout for me. With the time change and getting home into bed at midnight last night from our late flight home, there was no way I was making it up at 5am. So alittle granny power walking today to get some burn and then I start my new workouts tomorrow!! Should be interesting since I assume these workouts are harder since you start them at the 3rd week of the program.

    Congrats on your weight loss!! That is a great accomplishment! Would you say that it was the zig zaging that helped you? I would definately say that it was the higher protein/lower carb diet that pushed me past my plateau. I have heard that you lose extra water weight from eatting less carbs so that might be water weight but I will take it. My goal this week is to just stay the same since I ate fairly crappy over the weekend (actually the food wasn't that bad it was all the cranberry vodkas and champagne I had!!) and didn't workout. I did try to make a point of having the most protein I could at each meal though but it was more the lesser of two evils than anything good for me like crab omelette instead of stuffed french toast. haha

    Now on to planning our Halloween party this weekend! I don't think I get a break until thanksgiving! haha
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey girl! Hope your trip was fantastic and just wanted you needed to get a little fun in before all the chaos. Enjoy the party planning for Halloween. It's all madness from here on out until New Years now isn't it?!

    Way to get back in 'the saddle' this morning with an awesome burn. That S90 seems to give you a great burn with the strength training, that's an awesome combo! I'm sure all that h20 you down will take away any bad left behind from the drinks!:tongue: As long as you had a good time that's all that matters!

    I took the weekend off from logging. Not to be bad but it was a busy weekend...who knew a 4 year olds calendar could be so busy. LOL. My oldest finished up football and he got a medal for his participation. He hasn't taken it off much since Saturday! He was excited. Then it was pumpkin carving, family shopping, fence building and birthday party galore. Lol. It was entertaining and a lot of fun to watch him with his little buddies. Plus DH and I had our first 'date' night in MONTHS. That was fun too. We talked about a lot of things that as parents you don't always have time to discuss with two kids in tow. :happy:

    I also had my 4th test at the Doctor's yesterday and my follow up is Friday. I'm a lot less nervous now. The Dr who performed the stress test said my heart looked excellent. I had to do the treadmill thing which wasn't bad except in jeans (and jeans that were WAYY too long) I was a little uncomfortable. But having him say things looked good, I'm looking forward to the Friday review to discard the heart disease worries. *fingers & toes crossed*

    I got a few runs in this weekend. We have 5 k at DH and my alma mater coming up and I'm hoping to participate in that. They haven't set the date and time yet but we caught wind of it since we still live in the town we went to school in. I was reading a book "Run Mom" about becoming a runner. Not that I want to be a full on runner (though it wouldn't be a bad thing if I was) but it was one of those free books for my kindle. It said if you can run 2 miles with no problem, the 5k is a good starting point. So DH is willing to sign up with me if it falls on a date our schedules allow. I'm excited for that. So we'll see. Should be good.

    Weathers changing though so it's back to in home workouts. And eating low for the next couple of days to keep my calorie cycling in check. I think it's probably like forces you to focus more on what you are putting in your mouth. Do I think the actual zig zagging helps? Yeh, probably a bit because I can't get used to one 'way' of eating with calories rangign from 1250ish to 1700ish. But really the bottom line is I've been paying way more attention to avoiding those cappuccinos (it's cold...and hard to avoid those) and more on eating those veggies at lunch or whatever. All a mind game probably, but if it works it works!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow you have been busy!! Yeah so far I like the S90 workouts. They are a nice combo of abs, straight weight training moves (like biceps), full body moves that really get your heart rate up while building muscles (like the clean and press) and then some interval cardio moves (like plyo, high knees, burpees, etc). The total body I did yesterday was good since it was a few circuits of full body moves (like the clean and press and wood chop) then an ab move (usually something plank) then a plyo move to finish (long jumps). It is one of the more advance DVDs. Like it had plyo push ups. Yeah I laughed at that (it is the pushup with the clap in between). I could get my hands a few inches off the ground but certain not enough to clap! haha I haven't seen a weight change so much in the program but I definately see more definition in my arms and my legs and abs feel but harder. hehe.

    Well I will be thinking about you on Friday! Hopefully everything will be perfectly fine. I am sure after Insanity and all the running you kicked butt on the stress test! I totally forgot about carving pumpkins! That might go by the way side this year since I have to do so much party planning stuff the next two days! It seems like such a waste to carve them just a day or 2 before!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Plyo pushup. Oh the joys of learning new moves. That one sounds...awesome!:laugh: Kind of like my attempt at dive bombers today. I forgot they were in the Chest & Back of P90x. I can only imagine how it looked from the outside. :blushing:

    Woke up at my old time of 5am to get in my workout. I haven't been up consistently to do morning workouts but after talking to DH about how I'm tired all the time- I realized I'm tired regardless of getting extra sleep- so I might as well get up and workout. It wasn't fun but I was glad it was over!! Plus, if I'm feeling froggy I can still get in Level 2 of Butt Bible:tongue: tonight. I'm not a huge fan of the upper body workout she has but if I can mix in her lower body ones with whatever else I'm can only help!

    With the holidays coming, I've got to get back into a good groove. This is where I lost alot of momentum last year and ended up taking on about 8lbs going into the new year. I don't want to have to start all over again come 2012!!!:noway:

    How's the party planning going!? Is it a family party or are you the hostess with the mostest for all your pals? Either way sounds fun! Halloween for us is always having my parents come over for dinner, they go trick or treating with us, and then watch the kids sprawl out all their scores!! :bigsmile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am exactly the same way about getting up early to workout! I am just as tired (sometimes more so) if I sleep that extra hour and don't work out in the morning. So unless I am just really lacked on sleep (like I was coming home from California) I just get up and do it and I am so glad when it is over. I know if I waited until after work it would never get done. Between me being tired, Josie wanted me the minute I get home and no being able to shower after she goes to sleep (the shower backs right up again her room and sometimes it wakes her). So I am all about the 5 am workout :tongue:

    The Halloween party and Josie's birthday has some family but it is mostly friends. Not exactly my finest moment when I decided to throw a Halloween party for 22 adults and 6 kids right before my daughter's first birthday party. haha

    Yeah as for the holidays, I am going to try to do my best but I am not going to enjoy myself as well. I expect a little bounce back but just not too bad :laugh: The first week of January will mark my 1 year of logging on MFP so that will be awesome!!

    Well I am totally a believer in the new 40/30/30 ratio. I didn't want to get too far ahead of myself since last week's weight loss could have been a fluke but I was able to pull an additional pound loss this week (which is amazing since I was sort of wheels off this weekend). I was just hoping to break even and I was shocked when I saw a decent loss. Considering I was sitting right around 135 for weeks, this was amazing.

    Good luck at the Dr.'s. I will be thinking of you :flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I saw that loss this morning and was excited for you! That's awesome to know you've found your groove again and even got in a little 'outing' on the weekend. Well deserved. Awesome!

    You are taking on a task with that party, eh? LoL. Sounds fun though and I'm sure Josie will enjoy the added attention over the holiday. My oldest said that lots of people have Halloween partys Mom...why cant we? So I said who do you want to invite? "Nana & Papa" (my parents) So I said sure, how about we order a pizza, go trick or treating and then look at all your candy. He was so excited...bless his heart he forgets thats how we do Halloween ever year. I can only imagine when he starts wanting his friends over. Yikes!

    Yes, I'm kind of glad my appointment is today (of course to resolve the big issue) but I'm hoping she gives me something for this cold. It's weird how often I've been sick the past few months. I'll be glad to be home from work and cuddled with the kids tonight.

    Plyometrics is the goal for tonight's P90x workout. I actually like that one so shouldn't be a big deal as long as I can breath! I was glad to see movement on the scale too. Calorie cycling and getting my baseline workouts back in is helping. I'm confident that I can keep it moving if I just keep focusing on the prize! You are right about the macros though (I read your blog too!) and I am glad that you share your 'findings' I'm sure it helps people moving along the weight loss journey.

    I'm hoping to whip up a quick noodle soup-I just like chicken stock and egg noodles on feeling crappy days. It reminds me of Grandma and that always makes me feel better!!

    Great job on the loss, hope your party goes well! And have a great Halloween weekend!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    That is so cute that your son forgets what you guys do for Halloween. Hope all goes well at your appt and you get over this nagging illness too! Congrats on your loss as well and have a great weekend!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Look @ you with the fancy signature...awesome! Love it. Great work! Shows off your progress. How was the weekend? Get everything ready and still enjoy yourself? How did Josie enjoy 'mingling'?

    Doc's appt went good. Got a script that's helping, got a clean bill of health for my heart...said sometimes flukes happen that's why you never treat on just the one test...I was fine with that...better safe than sorry. But I've celebrated the good news with some good workouts and feeling great about it. :laugh:

    I'm sure I'll indulge tomorrow with the kids trick or treating but I've been proactive and really staying low in my calories in anticipation of the fun!! :drinker: Even got a run in today which was a little let down...I told DH I'm just one of those ppl who has to run constantly to stay at a good 'running' level. I just can't hop on it and go out for a 5k. :noway: It felt good even if it was a slow pace! LoL. Calories were burned anyways.

    Enjoy your Sunday and hope your Monday Halloween is good! I have these super cute green/black striped tights to wear to work in celebration...DH apparently doesn't think they are so great but I think they are fun!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yea!!! So glad to hear that your heart is all good!! Such good news! :bigsmile:

    Yes, I finally figured out how to create a jpg that fit so I could show off all my progress in the MFP character alotment :tongue:

    Well everyone had a great time at the party and I am so glad we did it even though I got the stomach plague at the century right after. Another person who was also at the party also got it right when I did so there was something going around. I am sad I missed Josie's first Halloween but I am so glad we had the party to make up for it, even if I did get the plague there :laugh:

    I am finally back at work today but my stomach and body is definately not quite right. I am going to have to take the full week off from working out (ARRRRGGGHHH) to try to fully heal but today I am back on track with my eating since for the most part I am back to eating smaller quantities of my regular food. No more saltines and ginger ale (hurray!!)

    How was your Halloween?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Glad to hear you are starting to come around! Stomach bugs are awful- trying to find something that you can keep down! Ugh! Stinks that it impeded Halloween but I'm sure the party was just as fun!!

    Halloween was good for us. It rained but the kids were all bundled up (thankfully I bought a size bigger costume for each, and their layers fit nicely under neath!) Go figure that Tuesday and today has been beautiful with 58 degrees and sunshine! It happens almost every year though...sort of expect it!

    Now comes the next run of events right!? For us my mother in law will be in town next week followed by my cousin, her 2 year old and their new baby girl (2 months old). Then Thanksgiving, Christmas panic shopping, and Christmas. It's amazing how fast the end of the year always seems to go by.

    We are doing family portraits on Saturday. I'm so excited. We haven't had a professional one done in 2 years. I'm praying for no black eyes or stitches!!:laugh: The pictures has kept me on track (aside from my regression to a candy bar last night!) with recalling how heavy I look in our portrait hanging over our fire place. Don't want to relive that so watching what I eat and hitting the workouts!! Today's a rest day- and I'm glad for that. But tomorrow is back at it.

    Feel better and hopefully you are in full swing by weeks end! I will keep my fingers crossed that Josie doesn't catch it!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh how exciting! You will look great in these pictures! That is so funny that you say that about stitches and black eyes! Josie got her first bruise yesterday! She somehow fell right into the door frame and took it on the forehead. Nice big knot on her head now. I will have to remember to cover her in bubble wrap before our photos next month. My husband has agreed (first time since Josie was born) to be in a family picture again for Christmas so we all need to be looking our best :happy:

    Oh yes it doesn't stop for me until Christmas!! I love it but it is so much harder with having a baby now!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I love having a nice family photo hanging somewhere in the house. It's nice to look back over the years at how the kids grow (and how we change). Bubble wrap is an awesome idea! LoL. We'll definitely be having a low key next couple of days to avoid any significant injuries!

    Today I was supposed to do P90x but the Butt Bible and my kettlebell were sitting out and the living room so I decided to go with that. It was nice to mix those two together. The dogs were a pain in my butt when I'm trying to swing the kettlebell! LoL. But that comes with home workouts!

    Today's a low calorie day and my weight loss seems to be slowing (assumed it would, always does!) so I'm going to just stick with the zig zag calories and not add the exercise calories back in. If I work out hard core, and I'm be it...I'll grab a protein shake or something. But overall, I'm avoiding adding those back. We'll see. Feel like with the holidays I need to tighten the reigns before it all starts moving into to high gear. :laugh: