Over 200 New Year New Me Part 49



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I did miss checking in yesterday boo! I was swamped at work and really hurting (right side is inflamed from the last "expansion" and there's no escaping it!).

    Calories: Under (I slept through dinner)
    Water: awesome
    Exercise: none
    Proud - I was a hurting puppy but I stuck it out at work and when I got home I took some pain medication and went to bed. I woke up late and thought about getting dinner but I just wasn't hungry. I'm proud I let myself go negative once in awhile.

    Calories: remember those extra unused calories from above? USED!
    Water: fine
    Exercise: none
    Proud: Our Thursday night dinner got here and I was still really hurting and exhausted (I think pain makes me sleepy) and rather than going to Trader Joe's or Whole Foods (whole paycheck) to get fun cheeses and stuff for our Grilled Cheese themed dinner I stopped at a low end grocery and got cheap processed cheese and some fake wheat bread. My friends brought bacon and onions and mushrooms to cook up for filling options - and we make the grilled cheeses! I had one with smoked cheddar and pepper jack stuffed with mushrooms, sautéed onions and bacon YUM!!!

    Work has been insane. I can't talk about it but those of you in HR know how heart breaking some events can be. I have to say (again) I LOVE WHERE I WORK because we consistently do the right thing for our patients and our employees. It makes me a little teary eyed at times!

    I didn't weigh myself this am so I'll exempt myself from this weeks weigh in :)

    LOVE YOU ALL BUNCHES!!!!:heart:
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Recent check-ins (haven't done this in AGES)

    Calories: 4 under
    Water: 80+ ounces
    Sodium: 123 over
    Exercise: 20 minute power run
    Proud: That run felt so good, even after a full day of work

    Calories: 67 under
    Water: 48 or so ounces
    Sodium: 260 under
    Exercise: nothing (lame)
    Proud: I asked for what I needed at work instead of being quiet and waiting

    Today - so far so good, will have a proper check-in tonight or tomorrow morning. This feels good!

    (or I'm still high off my awesome run this evening...)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    LADIES! (YES I'M YELLING - IT'S CALLED EXCITEMENT!!) WE ARE 100% FOR OUR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY CHECK-INS!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good work everyone! Let's keep it up - we know it can be hard to check in over the weekend, so we'll accept weekend check-ins on Monday. Have a great weekend lovely ladies!!

    Wednesday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren - Check!
    Momma - Check!
    Deb - Check!
    Jess - Check!
    Pos - Check!
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout - Check!
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather - Check!
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    Thursday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren - Check!
    Momma - Check!
    Deb - Check!
    Jess - Check!
    Pos - Check!
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout - Check!
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather - Check!
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    So who has Blue's contact information? Facebook? School phone? Knows where here next gig is going to be? Because I miss Bluenote!!!

    And Chris :bigsmile: And Renee (sp?) who has been doing awesome...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Melinda, I have been trying to get a hold of blue. Last time I heard her 80 something year old father fell and was hurt. Nothing since. I have tried contacting her via mfp and no response so I finally contacted her via her personal e-mail address. So I have been waiting to see if I get a response. I worried about her dad. I hope all is well.

    Check in for Friday

    Calories: I am not sure... I have not been keeping track too well today. If anything I am close to maintenance today
    Water: Good I think again not keeping track just drinking it
    Exercise: Okay I took a walk with my 9 yo then I mowed the lawn. I also cleaned out the little boys closet and he came home so happy because I dug out some old favorites...

    Proud that I kept very busy today.. No laziness for me
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over ... not by alot counting exercise calories ... but I was waaaay too stuffed last night, and it showed on the scale this morning with a 2 pound gain - I hope most of it is water retention
    exercise: great - turbo kick class - I haven't done turbo kick in about a year
    water: not so great
    proud: that I pushed to get to turbo kick, was volunteering at school and almost done but not quite - and I asked if someone else could finish up so that I wouldn't miss my class ... I usually hate to do that - but of course nobody cared so it was good that I left.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Calories: over (not by much still WELL below maintenance)
    Exercise: Maybe a walk this evening but not positive been feeling very light headed and weak
    water: Trying with all my might to get it all down. I am there if you count my 32 ounces of sugar free lemonade (crystal light)

    Proud: That I am on here on a Saturday giving the good the bad and the ugly even though I don't feel good!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I love seeing all of you ladies back in action. :love:
    I'll be rejoining you (not that I've ever really left) in just a few short WEEKS!! :noway:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Friday I ate pretty well. A bit difficult with the 3 hour drive north. NO exercise.

    Saturday - ate well, 5k walk, not quite enough water

    Sunday - knee killing me (time for new shoes?), still working on the water, food poor

    Monday I will officially check in again. I have no internet access over the weekend when we are at our camper.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Checking in


    Calories: over
    water: YEs
    exercise: NO

    Proud: I am here !!! Even if I am over again!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for Saturday:
    calories: kinda good - but that is because I kicked some serious butt exercising
    exercise - very good
    water - I think pretty good
    proud - not eating the best -but really pushed at stepand body pump

    checking in for Sunday:
    calories: pretty good - over again on carbs but again kicked even more exercise butt
    exercise - great - step and a very fast paced hour walk with a friend
    water - good
    proud - wow am I tired
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Julie, I just read ur signature ... Ur so close to giving birth. I a
    So happy for u.. How do u feel? Are u ready? Let me know if there is anything u need... Wish u the best!

    Check in 6/11
    Calories: over
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: lots of walking
    Proud: that I am still logging in :)

    Check in 6/12
    Calories: over, but under exercise calories
    Exercise: walking and evening tennis in my backyard with my kids
    Water: not enough
    Proud: I didn't eat after playing tennis.. Drank water, took a shower and went to bed. We playedfor 3 hours, outside
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I really, really pushed with exercise this weekend ... it felt good - but I am exhausted today. I did manage my usual hour of step this morning (and I started adding a 2nd set of risers again - I haven't done that since I injured my neck a year ago). But I think the rest of the day is going to be slow going, and a day off from exercise tomorrow (but will probably mow lawn).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Laila -- Thanks. :smile: I'm not at all ready and very ready at the same time if that makes any sense. I've been having crazy braxton-hicks contractions for about a week now. I've been having them daily since about 27 weeks but now there are times when I have 7-8 in an hour which starts to get really uncomfortable for me. They slow way down when I take it easy and get much worse when I've overdone it physically.

    I'm starting to hope she comes a couple weeks before her "due date" because I'm beginning to get fed up with being uncomfortable. I don't expect she will, though. She'll come out when she's good and ready. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Mavericks are 2011 NBA Champions!! WOOHOOO!!!!! I know nobody is as excited here as I am but I have to share my news!!!

    I didn't track my food this weekend but I did good eating wise. No exercise and I got my water all weekend. First time in months I've had a successful weekend. I'm down 2 pounds from Friday so I count it as a victory!!

    I'm back in the competition for Biggest Loser at work. Back to my starting weighted I weighed in at! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Looks like everybody did pretty well this weekend. So proud of everybody that's been here and checking in!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, before I even came on here I said My online weight loss friend is going to be very happy.... She is always going to a Mavericks game. So Yay for you Jess. We are watching the Stanley Cup around here. My hubby loves the Flyers and the Sharks... So his teams have not made it to the end but now we are cheering on Boston..Just cause it's an American team. But honestly I am ready for it to be over. I enjoy hockey much more when the hubby plays...Cause I know I get one of the sexy players after the game:blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I lost 2 pounds since last Monday... YAY momma
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for the weekend!

    Calories: under a bit
    Water: excellent
    Exercise: nada
    Proud - I went home after work and fed the animals, checked chicken's water supply and packed for eh weekend. I was tempted by a stop for soda on the drive to the lake, but I stuck with diet and NO food :)

    calories: over (but worth it!)
    Water; Good
    Exercise: none
    Proud - we went out to eat and had fried (local) fish and chips. They had AMAZING desserts but we skipped that and stopped at the dairy dock. Not great - but a orange and vanilla kiddie cone had be be less damage :)

    Calories - WAY WAY OVER
    Water: OK
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I'm not real sure... I guess when I made umbrella drinks I just blended fresh fruit, no sugar or honey etc... then added some rum. So for a fruity drink it was 90% fresh fruit?

    So far today it's looking bad. I misread the calories on the lunch entrée and it was 370 - which means I'm already close to 1000 for the day due to a peanut butter snack and a boatload of fruit for breakfast.

    I feel pretty good today, and If it holds up I may go for a walk this evening. I'm excited to feel good!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess, before I even came on here I said My online weight loss friend is going to be very happy.... She is always going to a Mavericks game. So Yay for you Jess. We are watching the Stanley Cup around here. My hubby loves the Flyers and the Sharks... So his teams have not made it to the end but now we are cheering on Boston..Just cause it's an American team. But honestly I am ready for it to be over. I enjoy hockey much more when the hubby plays...Cause I know I get one of the sexy players after the game:blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I lost 2 pounds since last Monday... YAY momma

    Yay for momma and the 2 pounds!! That's so sweet you thought of me! I got messages from several of y'all who were thinking of me. I was very excited dancing around my living room!!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Weekend check-in!

    Calories: 105 under
    Water: 72+ ounces
    Sodium: 331 over
    Exercise: 30 minute run, 10 minute warm up/cool down walking
    Proud: I got through my first week of work and had a great evening run

    Calories: 40 over
    Water: 72 ounces
    Sodium: 425 over
    Exercise: nada
    Proud: Went out for Mexican and was able to only have a rational amount of chips and only one margarita

    Calories: 21 under
    Water: 56 ounces
    Sodium: 127 under
    Exercise: wonderful 1 hour walk with my bestie
    Proud: I didn't feel embarrassed at the pool in my bathing suit - I just felt cute!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Julie - I'm so excited for you...it seems like just a little awhile ago you had baby fever and now you're about to pop!
    Momma - I'm happy you're here, even if you're over. I wasn't great all weekend either.
    lstpaul - way to go with the exercise and pushing yourself!
    Jess - congrats on your team's victory! And excited for you rejoining your company's Biggest Loser program.
    Melinda - ugh I've done that with food and it's so annoying when you realize how many calories are actually in it versus what you originally thought.

    I had a good day today...am getting into the groove at work, understanding what on earth I'm actually supposed to be doing and then doing it. We're really busy and my boss definitely has very high expectations, plus I'm managing a subordinate for the first time. So lots of pressure.

    I started working with my new trainer today and could tell I'd lost some cardio shape and tone because I nearly barfed all over him. Managed to NOT barf everywhere (thankfully) and the rest of the workout went well, but was a bit embarrassed. I'm sore all over and think he'll be a good replacement for my old trainer, so am hopeful moving forward.

    Oh, and I've updated my goals to be a little bit less weight-focused. My family is currently planning a 35th anniversary trip for my parents next summer and I just want to hit my goal weight by then (June 2012). I was to be thin and gorgeous in Russia next summer!!!