

  • So I'm really sorry but my laptop is broken and its too much for me to go back and find my prior weights. My CW is 229.8! Hope you don't mind going back and retrieving those for me?


    SW (6-1) 235
    WK 1 (6-5) 235
    WK 2 (6-12) 233.2
    WK 3 (6-19) 230.0

    WK 4 (6-26) 229.8
    WK 5 (6-30)

    GW 225.0

    Ty sweetie!

    you're welcome =)
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    HI I wanted to invite you all to participate in this challenge I have put together.

    This will be the 2nd challenge I have hosted the first challenge I hosted just ended and we end up losing a total of at least 109.7 lbs!

    So, that makes me excited to move forward in my journey and I would be honored if you join with me.

    Send me a message with your information by July 6th if you would like to participate (STARTS JULY 8TH).

    Turn Your Knowledge into Power 8 week Challenge!

    This is an 8 week journey to take our knowledge of fitness and nutrition and put it into action.

    What does that mean? It means to make connections with each other because studies show people who have support lose weight and tend to keep it off with that kind of support.

    It means we will take some time and learn to understand ourselves more and arm ourselves with the knowledge that is out there to better encourage our weight loss.

    It also means that we are going Move! We are going to get out of old routines and move our bodies so that we not only burn calories, but reshape our bodies.

    So if you are committed we would welcome you on this Journey to Turn your Knowledge into Power!


    This is a challenge that requires participation at least once a week, but I encourage you to participate more than that.

    Every week we will have a physical challenge and a knowledge challenge.
    Example of a physical challenge would be 30 Jumping jacks a day. And knowledge challenge might be sharing information with each other through quizzes or articles about our health and nutrition, as well as our physical training.

    We will also share a NSV every week as we train ourselves to become the physical and emotional people we want to be.

    This challenge will last a total of 8 weeks from July 8th through September 2nd.

    Weigh ins are every Friday. I will post the result of our weight loss and inches lost every week.

    So that means you have to go and buy a measuring tape and take measurements of your:


    I will also need a starting weight and a comment from each of you as to what your goals are during these 8 weeks. (Be realistic when setting your goals so we can achieve what we set out to do.)

    So make sure I get these numbers and measurement asap so I can make a chart.
    I am excited to start this and I hope you join us on this journey!
  • melane71
    melane71 Posts: 35
    Did someone see the post with the last weigh in results?
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Did someone see the post with the last weigh in results?
    I dont think Maxy posted them yet.
    Maybe she is waiting for tomorrow? Thats the final weigh in right?
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    SW (6/01): 140.2
    Wk1 (6/05): 139.2
    Wk2 (6/12): 138.2
    Wk3 (6/19): 138.2
    Wk4 (6/26): 136.4
    Wk5 (6/30): 135.5

    Challenge GW: 133

    I'm still really pleased with my progress this month! I don't think I would have lost that weight at all if not for the challenge. And now I have faith that I can do it. Next month, I will keep on going! If considering the 360 part of the challenge,

    3 - 30 days of pushing oneself - I was definitely more committed this month. Hubby (who is not yet committed to losing weight ) is kind of tired of my constant diligence! Wants his partner in crime back. No way buddy! :laugh: Gonna say "Check!"
    6 - Working out 6 days a week - I only had 4 days this month that I didn't exercise/get moving in some way. And they we sick/injury/recovery related. So "Check"!
    0 - Staying under calories goal - I usually had one over day a week. And it was never due to falling off the wagon or anything. It was just usually on the days I couldn't workout as intensely. Gonna give myself a "Semi-Check!" on that one.

    Thanks everyone for the support this month, congratulations on your success and good luck with your future goals!
  • SW (6/01): 190
    Wk1 (6/05): 188.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 187.8
    Wk3 (6/19): 185.3
    Wk4 (6/26): 183.2
    Wk5 (6/30): 182.8

    Challenge GW: 180

    well i didn't reach my goal but i still think i did really well. we are all winners just for sticking to this. good job ladies. cant wait to see how much i can lose next month.
  • Final weigh in: 228

    Didn't hit my goal! But still very happy! I haven't seen the 220s in 3 yrs:)
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    360 Challenge
    Week 5: Well I did not meet my weight goal, but for me I really like the added motivation to exercise. And It paid off for me. I was able to meet most of my goals in inches loss and I am thrilled!
    Good job everyone! And happy journey!

    SW (6/01): 297.8
    Wk1 (6/05): 297.4
    Wk2 (6/13): 296.4
    Wk3 (6/19): 295.2
    Wk4 (6/26): 295.8
    Wk5 (6/30): 295.6

    Challenge GW: 287

    swaist 43.5
    ships 55.5
    sthighs 48.0
    sarms 17.0

    Waist 41.5
    Hips 54
    Thighs 46
    Arms 16.25

    Waist 39.75
    Hips 51.0
    Thighs 45
    Arms 16

    Waist 39
    Hips 50.5
    Thighs 45
    Arms 15.5
    Waist 39.0
    Hips 50.5
    Thighs 43.75
    Arms 15.5

    Total loss
    Pounds -2.2
    Waist 4.5 inches
    Hips 5 inches
    Thighs 4.25 inches
    Arms 1.5 inches

    Gwaist 39 Met
    Ghips 50 off by a half inch
    Gthights 44 over by a quarter inch
    Garms 15 off by a half inch.
  • wenchling
    wenchling Posts: 14
    Well, I didn't quite make my goal weight, but I think I have made some good habits. I also bought some size 10 (I've been a 14) Levi's today. They are a little tight, but I got them up and zipped no problem! And they aren't even the stretchy kind! I am motivated to keep going for sure.

    Thanks to you all for your words of encouragement!

    SW (6/01): 165.4
    Wk1 (6/05): 163.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 160.0
    Wk3 (6/19): 160.0
    Wk4 (6/26): 158.6
    Wk5 (6/30): 158.6

    Challenge GW: 155.4
  • melane71
    melane71 Posts: 35
    yesterday was the last day of the challenge so here we go:
    SW (6/01): 126
    Wk1 (6/05): 126
    Wk2 (6/12): 122
    Wk3 (6/19): 124
    Wk4 (6/27): 121
    Wk5 (6/30): 122

    4 lbs short of my goal I gained many friends though :tongue:
  • 11jess11
    11jess11 Posts: 24
    yay have internet again :D current weight is 88kg 1kg short of my goal :D
    congratz to everyone :D
  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    sery this is late but my last weight in was 160
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Sorry so late...I too did not meet my goal

    SW (6/01): 240
    Wk1 (6/05): 239.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 234
    Wk3 (6/19): 234
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30): 238

    Was a bit frustrated that last week and it showed in the scale. I was down 2 from where I started and I have since dropped down to 233 so I am still making progress even though June is over.
    Thanks for encouraging me along the way!
    My new goal is to be 200 (or less) by Thanksgiving.
    My son may be getting married in January so I have a whole new reason to keep motivated! Best wishes to everyone on thier journey.