

  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    Things went well for me! Did an hour at a Zumba class! it was amazing! =]
    Thinking about doing it tomorrow, but I need a off day...
    Idk... can't decide.. at least something maybe...
    had a bad food day today, but since I worked out was still pretty well under my calories.. =]

    ---oh and sugar was a horrible day today
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    LOL! Love Cookie Monster! Great that you have such a supportive friend though!

    I did really well yesterday too. Did my very first 25 min run. Felt great! But weekends are my weakness...actually I think any entire day spent with my husband is my weakness. He's not a fan of healthy eating just yet. I'm working on him. Plus kid #4 was up at all hours last night (really bad teething) so energy for exercise is going to be rough. And, yeah, TOM here too. Bleh. But will try my best today. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    So I'm trying to burn 3,500 calories and I was thinking it was friday today argggg... so now i have 700 more to burn in 48 hours plus work! Oh the joys of summer vacation and losing track of time :P
  • vrags2
    vrags2 Posts: 19
    Hello everyone!
    Wow - very bad day yesterday. An argument with a friend led to emotional eating and now that TOM is here I am doubly discouraged. To make it even better, I thought it would be good to weigh myself this morning. After I stopped crying I headed to the gym. Lol. Much better food choices today and with a very early morning walk (2:30 am), I am hopeful I might also get some swimming time in tonight.

    Hope all of you are having a great day!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Hey just checking in today, I bought my 3 hrm this month. I sent the other two back for various reasons. So I am not able to track my expenditures more accurately. I am confident that this tool is going to be a great asset to me. Now that I have finally found one that fits my needs.
    Have a great weekend! See you at the weigh in on monday!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Seems a few of us are having a bad case of "the weekend slump". Hang in there!. That's 1 of the reasons i had weigh in set to monday. so we can push through the weekend temptations. Its hard, and i myself fail almost every weekend, but then i get back up and give it another shot!

    @yankeefamily05: ya girl! kick aunt flo's butt and let her know who's boss! lol.

    @ bethanyfromm: great work with zumba! i haven't gone to a proper class in weeks so im very jealous! lol. Its a great workout, and its so much fun!

    @toadiejones: haha partners can be a bit tricky, but try encouraging him to get on board the healthy bandwagon, he may actually like it!

    @bethabeeg: losing track of time probably means your'e having fun, so enjoy it! 700 seems like alot, but i'm sure you can do it!

    @ vrags2: Sorry to here bout your day hon! Tom and arguments aren't a great combination, you probably had hormones flying all over the place. But you pulled yourself together and got to the gym, so great work! hope you feel better soon!

    @ Laura: i hear thrid times the charm! hopefully this hrm work like a dream for you. good luck!

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks for the great support Maxylicious!

    Was sick yesterday and only had some toast with peanut butter, an apple, and a bit of the kids macaroni and cheese at dinner...and I was STILL over on sugar!!! *sigh* Feeling better today. Hope husband is too and we can go for our Sunday family bike ride! Want to make sure it is a good day for Mondays weigh-in! Good luck everyone!
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    I have a question for everyone

    What do you prefer the Digital scale or the old fashioned ring around the weight scale?

    I have a Digital scale but right now she is reading everybody weights as different each time you step on even if it's a few seconds later.... She doesn't need a new battery so I'm not really sure what is going on she may just be on the fritz. However I'm thinking of replacing her with an old fashioned ring around the weight scale. At least then I have some sort of way of fixing it if things go wery.

    Thoughts or suggestion would be devine!!
  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    Alright sorry I haven't posted.. had to work 16 hours saturday (CNA) and then yesterday after work I went to a reception for my cousins wedding.. busy busy! cant wait for monday!!!!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Well I made it to 22 minutes on the elliptical today! Yay! I also got a walk in and did the recumbent bike. I also bought zumba for my wii. I am not sure if I will get to try it out or not today but I know I will sometime next week. I also have some other videos that I had bought and have never used so I am hoping I am on a roll! Thanks Max for having this challenge it was just the right thing to get me moving!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I have a question for everyone

    What do you prefer the Digital scale or the old fashioned ring around the weight scale?

    I have a Digital scale but right now she is reading everybody weights as different each time you step on even if it's a few seconds later.... She doesn't need a new battery so I'm not really sure what is going on she may just be on the fritz. However I'm thinking of replacing her with an old fashioned ring around the weight scale. At least then I have some sort of way of fixing it if things go wery.

    Thoughts or suggestion would be devine!!

    Keep the scale in the same place every time you use it. I have a digital one and I have a board I put under it so it is level all the time. It makes a huge difference!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Oh yea Hrm update...It works like a charm, but I was not burning as many calories as I thought. Which makes sense why when I was not counting my exercise with my calories I was losing more weight here. So it is a little disappointing that I dont burn 300 some odd calories doing 15 minutes on the elliptical but as least now I know where I stand and can work with the numbers I have. Because it is all about energy in and energy out.
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    @ LauraLLee Well I made it to 22 minutes on the elliptical today!

    That is amazing!!! I cannot use one of those machines to save my life... I'm not built right or something for them...
  • yankeefamily05
    Hellllooooo Girls!:).....Just wanted to check in:)....I just FINALLY ordered myself an HRM. I am so excited for it to come in. I am sure I haven't been burning as many calories on the elliptical as I thought, but I have still been losing weight. Isn't that weird?

    Anyway, It is my TOM (grr) But one thing I have noticed *CAUTION TMI ALERT* Is it completely CLEANS me out. Normally, I only go number 2 every other day. But during TOM its like 3 times a day. Please tell me I am not the only one....

    I am posting my weight now, Because it is almost tomorrow:)....Goal for this week is to eat better, bump up my elliptical time from 32 minutes to 35 minutes...And to be happy as usual:)!:-D GOod luck this week!

    SW (6/01): 235.0
    Wk1 (6/05): 235.0
    Wk2 (6/12): 233.2
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW:225.0
  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    haha.. trust me you are NOT the only one! I am always needing to go #2. lol....=]
    I've been wanting a HRM, just so darn expensive... which one did you buy... link?
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member

    Its that time of the week again ladies!

    Please don't forget to post your current weight. Remember, i need all the weigh ins in by TONIGHT. No more waiting on people, coz the longer i wait, the longer it takes for me to plug in the numbers and get the chart up for everyone.

    Hope you all had an amazing week!
    Have an awesome Monday!
  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    SW (6/01):169
    Wk1 (6/05): 169
    Wk2 (6/12): 166.6
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    I hope to work out at the ymca monday-friday and go bike riding saturday and sunday! and stay under calories better. and eat healthier!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    SW (6/01): 140.2
    Wk1 (6/05): 139.2
    Wk2 (6/12): 138.2
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 133

    Well, once again I will take a lb considering I didn't exercise all weekend and totally messed up eating (was sick & didn't eat Saturday and then totally splurged on Sunday). But that leaves me needing to lose 5.2 lbs in the next 3 weeks. If focussed, I think it can still be done! This weeks goals:
    1. To get my husband on board. Need his support for these last 13 or so lbs!
    2. Exercise everyday (c25k 3x, elliptical 3x, zumba, + walks&bike rides with kids)
    3. Increase water intake.

    Good luck everyone!
  • KHP5
    KHP5 Posts: 5 Member
    SW (6/01): 118.0
    Wk1 (6/05): 117.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 116.8
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 114.0
  • KHP5
    KHP5 Posts: 5 Member
    SW (6/01): 118.0
    Wk1 (6/05): 117.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 116.8
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 114.0