

  • tomorrowisnotpromised
    tomorrowisnotpromised Posts: 120 Member
    My weigh in for week 2 is: 151.0
  • yankeefamily05
    haha.. trust me you are NOT the only one! I am always needing to go #2. lol....=]
    I've been wanting a HRM, just so darn expensive... which one did you buy... link?

    Polar FT4F


    I think it came to 70 dollars?
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    Goodmorning ladies!!!!

    SW (6/01): 175.2
    Wk1 (6/05): 173.0
    Wk2 (6/12): 170.2
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: on the high end 165 on the low end 160
  • pisceanangel
    Good morning MFPals! Sorry for being MIA over the weekend. I went outside the city and my phone's connection was crappy! And yeah, I ate crappy too. :( Although, I am actually surprised to see that I lost .6pounds from my last weight in, considering I consumed LOTS of sodium over the weekend and TOM is slowly creeping in. Hoping to see a better loss on Wednesday though. *fingers crossed*

    SW (6/01): 174.4
    Wk1 (6/05): 173..4
    Wk2 (6/12): 170.8
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):
  • heathermrls
    good morning everyone. This hasn't been the best week for me. went on a vaca this weekend and didn't eat the most healthiest stuff and barely no exercize. gonna have to step it up this week.

    SW (6/01): 190
    Wk1 (6/05): 188.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 187.8
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 180
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    360 challenge
    Week two: I managed to move everyday! Yay me! This has motivated me to exercise and now I am ready to see more results! If they are anything like this week woot! woot! Shopping is in my future!
    Ok so the weight wasn’t that great but I am stinkin amazed at the inches lost in a week! Wow!!! Makes me want to dance. No wonder the pants I just brought home last week (from layaway, they were too tight to even button up last month when I the layaway started) fit and were even loose! Amazing!!!

    SW (6/01): 297.8
    Wk1 (6/05): 297.4
    Wk2 (6/13): 296.4
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 287
    swaist 43.5
    ships 55.5
    sthighs 48.0
    sarms 17.0

    Waist 41.5
    Hips 54
    Thighs 46
    Arms 16.25

    Gwaist 39
    Ghips 50
    Gthights 44
    Garms 15
  • wenchling
    wenchling Posts: 14
    You all are so inspiring! Everyone is doing great! The sugar thing did not go as planned this week. I did much better than usual, but will have to continue working on it. I worked out only 5 times this week, life got in the way. This week can only get better! My weigh in started things off with a bang, 3.4 pounds!

    SW (6/01): 165.4
    Wk1 (6/05): 163.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 160.0
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 155.4
  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    SW (6/01): 220
    Wk1 (6/05): 220
    Wk2 (6/12): 218.2
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Finally off that stinking plateau! And with the working out so much I truly believe I built a lot of muscle, so I think the scale lies in that way. haha. =]

    I had a couple bad days, but majority I did okay! Joined a gym in this week, and LOVE it! It's an easy walk/drive from my work, so no excuses for me!
    I've either been doing the zumba class, zumba on my XBOX Kinect, or 20 minutes on the treadmill and 30 on the circuit.

    NSV!!! : Even at the beginning of this week, I can not run very long at all, Maybe 2 minutes out of the 20.
    Yesterday I ran 1/2 of it! (well jogged)
  • endopride
    endopride Posts: 19
    SW (6/01): 180
    Wk 1 (6/05): 180
    Wk 2 (6/12): 179

    I haven't lost much weight despite working out about 4-5x/wk. but there's definately a reduction in size, all my pants are lose, and my belt is finally too big for me. yayyyy!
  • vrags2
    vrags2 Posts: 19
    Hi everyone!
    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and great start to a new week. I have had a great Monday. Dallas Mavericks won their first NBA Championship last night (yeehaw!) and I had a wonderful weekend with family from out of town. I have not been totally in control of the kitchen/meals so I was curious about what my weight would be this morning. Thankfully my family and you guys have been wonderful and I am down another 2 pounds.
    So excited to see other's results.

    SW (6/01): 283
    Wk1 (6/05): 280
    Wk2 (6/12): 278
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    haha almost forgot to weigh in. This weekend didn't go as planned I spent so much time watching my other nutrients that i completely forgot my sodium. Before i knew it, i was at 2700 on saturday and 3400 on sunday *sigh* and was retaining water like crazy. Will do better next week....

    SW (6/01): 177.5
    Wk1 (6/05): 176
    Wk2 (6/12): 173
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30): 167

    Still waiting on 4 more ladies to post their weigh ins. Hope everyone is ready for next week!

    [If you have any ideas for something you want to do for this weeks challenge, feel free to let me know!]
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    SW (6/01): 240
    Wk1 (6/05): 239.4
    Wk2 (6/12): 234
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Still having issues with my knee - but I can still walk and work out with the trainer!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member

    This week was an amazing week for weigh loss ladies! As a group, we lost 60lbs! WOW!
    So proud of all of you! Last week challenge to watch our sugar was.... challenging, but you all pulled through! :happy:


    Congratulations to jltodd99 who lost a whopping 5.4lbs! She is our biggest losers this week! :flowerforyou:

    We are all about ourselves this week. This is a week of support and encouragement.
    I want all of us to give a little about ourselves this week. Start with:

    - Your name
    - Something you've learnt during your weigh loss journey. Could be something about yourself. food, exercise, anything...
    - What do you still struggle with/find difficult as you lose weight.
    - A recent NSV you've experienced.
    - What motivates you to keep going.

    You don't have to answer all of them, but this is to encourage you to remove you mind from the scale and the numbers and focus on 'YOU'

    I bet you thought I forgot, but we will be watching our SODIUM intake this week. To challenge ourselves we will try to stay under our sodium level EVERYDAY. :noway:
    If you find yourself going over, you should drink 2 MORE GLASSES OF WATER to make up for it. :drinker:

  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    I'll go first:

    - Your name
    Max, but my friends call me Maxy.

    - Something you've learnt during your weigh loss journey. Could be something about yourself. food, exercise, anything...
    I've learnt that i will not bulk up like Arnold Schwarzenegger if i lift weights. Weights are my friend....lol.

    - What do you still struggle with/find difficult as you lose weight.
    Eating. When i was younger and i needed to lose a few lbs, i would just starve myself for days until i was happy. The weight would come back and i would do it all over again. I formed such a bad habit that now I'm trying to lose weight the healthy way, its sometimes difficult to convince myself that eating the right foods actually supports weight loss.

    - A recent NSV you've experienced.
    I can finally fit into most of the clothes i wore freshman year of college before i started packing on the extra weight :bigsmile:

    - What motivates you to keep going.
    I HATE BEING FAT. Its that simple. Every moment i spent overweight at 240lbs i hated it. I was miserable and withdrawn from the world. Losing weight has helped me get some of my confidence back. I'm starting to like myself again, and that alone keeps me going each and every day.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    My name is Laura
    I have learned and continue to learn more and more everyday about nutrition and fitness and how my body reacts to the things I put into it and what I do to it.

    A couple of my nsv this last week were the loss of inches in my hips waist and bust 2 inches! and inch and a half on my thighs and 3/4 of an inch in my arms! I love that, my husband is finally noticing that I am losing weight (after 57 lbs).
    I also was able to do 22 minutes on the elliptical Sunday. When I started I could not even do 5 minutes.

    Another thing I have learned is that I am more motovated and could not do any of this without the support of my MFP Family. I am forever grateful for the kind words, inspiration and motovation each one of you have given me.
    Thank you all for this and I hope you all have an amazing week!
  • heathermrls
    my name is heather.
    i have learned that i can actually eat lots of food (as long as i stay within my bounderies) and lose weight.
    i still find it difficult to get myself up sometimes to go workout.
    a recent nsv i have had recently is that i can fit into some of my clothes from before i was pregnant.
    what motivates me to keep going is that i want to fit in a bikini this summer and look HOT!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing good this week so far. We can do this!!!
  • pisceanangel
    Hi there! My name is Jaq.

    I have learned a lot about nutrition and weight loss, thanks to this website and the amazing people I met. I learned that I don't have to limit myself with food and I can eat what I love and still lose weight. I learned that I can exercise at least 5x/weekly and follow a routine. I learned that moderation is indeed the key.

    Having said that though, that is one of my main challenge. I can eat "properly" at home where I can control what is served on the table. However, when I go out to a family gathering or in a restaurant, I lose control and over-eat. I am trying my best to learn how to listen to my body and stop when I am full. Not stuffed. Another struggle for me is relying too much on what the scale says. I am working on it as well. ;)

    NSVs. I have started from a loose size 18 and I am down to size 12. I have gone from a XXL to a L-M. I can finally go to stores that only offers small sizes and manage to fit in them. I am wearing dresses! My family, friends and colleagues admire what I do and I am loving it!

    I started this journey when I decided to visit my home country after 8 years. See, I have always been the fat girl and I hate it. My self esteem is the lowest when I am around them friends. I want to show them who the real me is, the one with the self-confidence. I don't want to get laughed at again, especially not because I am fat. November 18, 2011. That is the day I will make their jaw drop after the seeing the newly improved self!

    Thanks everyone for pushing me beyond my limit. We can definitely do this!!! Fighting! :)
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    - Your name
    Well my name is Bethany most people call me Betha including myself it's a name from high school, or bethabee

    - Something you've learnt during your weigh loss journey. Could be something about yourself. food, exercise, anything...
    I've learned that I have to do this for myself. I may start with people who are willing to help me on my journey but it's me who will do the final watching of calories training and so forth. It's a constant battle but when I'm in the mood of health I look at those I love around me and don't want to have the same issues they face now later on down the road.

    - What do you still struggle with/find difficult as you lose weight.
    I crave sweets once in a while and to curb it or forget about it is the thing I struggle with most. At first it was the french fries now it's sweets... but I seem to do okay somedays and horrible others...

    - A recent NSV you've experienced.
    I bought a size 13 pants from a rummage sale and they were too big!!! I loved that feeling going from a tight 18 down to a 13 is a blessing that I've been trying to reach for years now.

    - What motivates you to keep going.
    Right now it's to fit into my goal jeans... in a few months it's to fit into my wedding dress (they ordered a size smaller because i was rocking and rolling the weight loss about 3 months ago)... my soon to be hubby's chickpeas. Kobey is autistic and I want to be there for him as long as a I can even after joe dies (whom is 20 years older than me)... also to be a healthy weight to concieve our own child... and just to be happy again
  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    - Your name
    Bethany. =]

    - Something you've learnt during your weigh loss journey. Could be something about yourself. food, exercise, anything...
    That my excuse of asthma was always just a stupid excuse, and by working hard, i'm starting to overcome it!

    - What do you still struggle with/find difficult as you lose weight.
    Not being hungry all the time... work at taco bell and controlling how much I eat.

    - A recent NSV you've experienced.
    I bought size 15 pants about a month ago and they were TIGHT! They now fit! (waist is a LITTLE loose!)

    - What motivates you to keep going.
    My family.. I want to be able to keep up with my 2 year old..
    I want to be hot for myself and my husband!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Great job everyone! So motivating to hear about everyone's success!

    Your name - Chris

    Something you've learnt during your weigh loss journey. - I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Not succeeding or not even trying is just lazy on my part. And that I am the only one who can do it for me.

    What do you still struggle with/find difficult as you lose weight - I resent counting calories. I feel like life is too short to be studying the fine print on food I like. I'm not a huge eater so I much prefer to focus on the exercise component.

    A recent NSV you've experienced. - Last week I ran for 25mins straight for the 1st time in my lifetime. This week I purged my closet of oversized clothes and was able to fit in a size 6 jean I found lurking in the back. And yesterday, I played tag with my kids at the playground and was able to run around as long as them!

    What motivates you to keep going - Being a healthy role model for my family. I want my kids to be proud of me. I want my husband to have a hot wife. I want to eventually be that old lady who goes everywhere on her bike, practices yoga in the park and wears out her grandchildren. I want to enjoy and experience life...not sit through it!