
  • My neck pain is back again! Boo!.....

    Anyways, My husband and I are going camping wed and thurs. I am not sure if I will get cell service to check into mfp!!!! Just so ya'll know I didn't forget!:)<3
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    SW (6/01): 196
    Wk1 (6/05): 194
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30

    did pretty good this week well except for yesterday : ( but havnt missed a workout which I do

    Monday tennis,

    tuesday active 2 & c25k

    wensday active 2 & richard simmons

    thursday c25k & jump rope & strength training

    friday active 2 & richard simmon

    saturday active 2 & richard simmons

    sunday c25k & jump rope & strength training
  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    SW (6/01): 169
    Wk1 (6/05): 169
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30

    In the middle of the week i ended up going up to 171 but i brought it back down to 169 yesterday... so even tho it doesn't look like i lost weight i gained and then lost again... Try harder this week!!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    This week was probibly at a defict from the start since I was out of town and had induldged in resturant foods and did not really join in until Friday. But, I did manage to get back to the weight I had started with at my last weigh in last monday and a couple ounces.
    I managed to walk and I did workout on the bike and ellipitical Sunday, and proud of myself that I got back on the elliptical today too.
    I am looking forward to being challenged, and love to have the accountability.

    SW (6/01): 297.8
    Wk1 (6/05): 297.4
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 287

    I also took measurments last night because for me this is about shrinking up too since I am really just getting to be serious about the exercise part.
    swaist 43.5
    ships 55.5
    sthighs 48.0
    sarms 17.0

    Gwaist 39
    Ghips 50
    Gthights 44
    Garms 15
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    SW (6/01): 240
    Wk1 (6/05): 239.4
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):
  • wenchling
    wenchling Posts: 14
    I've been doing pretty well with the workouts. One day was just gardening, but I've been walking all the other days. I've been under calories all week, but still need to work on eating healthier.

    SW (6/01): 165.4
    Wk1 (6/05): 163.4
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 155.4
  • vrags2
    vrags2 Posts: 19
    Hello everyone!

    Hope everyone had a great Monday. I have had a good last few days. Walked on Friday, Sunday, and today (Monday), also did 7 minutes on the elliptical today. Haven't been on an elliptical machine in probably 4 years. Swam on Saturday and had so much fun. I envy all of you doing JM or Insanity and look forward to the day when I can do the same. For now, me and my broken right foot will continue with walking, swimming, and ellipticaling - lol!

    SW (6/01): 283
    Wk1 (6/05): 280
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 269

  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Hey ladies great job posting your stats for this week! For those who haven't, let me know how you did with your daily workouts and calories, coz i"m thinking of adding it to the chart :)

    Still waiting on a few people:
    - caretmier
    - KHP5
    - melane71
    - pisceanangel
    - tomorrowisnotpromised
    Dont forget to post your weigh in soon.

    We had only 4days between the start of the challenge and todays weigh in, so some of you (myself included :ohwell: ) didnt see the scale move as much as you would like. HANG IN THERE! From today we will haVe a full week to our next weigh in, so keep working hard, YOU CAN DO THIS! :drinker:

    SW (6/01): 177.5
    Wk1 (6/05): 176
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30): 167
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    My neck pain is back again! Boo!.....

    Anyways, My husband and I are going camping wed and thurs. I am not sure if I will get cell service to check into mfp!!!! Just so ya'll know I didn't forget!:)<3

    Sorry to hear bout your neck girl Try taking some aspirin and a nice warm bubble bath, it might not get rid of the pain completely, but i bet you'll feel loads better after!

    @ Amandamccl
    Great job tracking your exercise girl! thats what i like to see :happy:
  • HI everyone. I weigh in on Wednesdays (I forgot to mention that when I joined). Will let you know if I am any successful for my first week then! :)
  • tomorrowisnotpromised
    tomorrowisnotpromised Posts: 120 Member
    Week 1 - 149.0
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member

    Sorry it took so long, was waiting on a couple of people.
    For those who lost weight, WELL DONE!! and for those ladies who didn't see the scale move as they would like, HANG IN THERE! This is only week 1, we have many more weigh ins ahead :)


    Congratulations to vrags2 and bethabeeg for doing so well this week! :drinker:

    If I got any of your stats on here wrong, please lemme know and i'll be sure to correct them in time for the next chart!

    We are all about nutrition this week. I know one of our rules is to stay under calories, but we wanna make sure the calories we get in are actually good ones. So to kick it up a notch, I want all of us to stay under our sugar goals FOR THE WHOLE WEEK! :glasses:

    Haha, yes I said it, and no I'm not crazy, but often we find that even though we stay under our calories, we are going over nutrients like sugar that we should really be mindful of, so CUT IT OUT! lol. You'll find that sugar also makes you retain water and also your body spends time burning the sugar that it doesn't burn enough fat!

    Try to check in everyday to let us know how you are doing with this added challenge, as well as with your exercise! :wink:


    Sorry it took so long, was waiting on a couple of people.
    For those who lost weight, WELL DONE!! and for those ladies who didn't see the scale move as they would like, HANG IN THERE! This is only week 1, we have many more weigh ins ahead :)


    Congratulations to vrags2 and bethabeeg for doing so well this week! :drinker:

    If I got any of your stats on here wrong, please lemme know and i'll be sure to correct them in time for the next chart!

    We are all about nutrition this week. I know one of our rules is to stay under calories, but we wanna make sure the calories we get in are actually good ones. So to kick it up a notch, I want all of us to stay under our sugar goals FOR THE WHOLE WEEK! :glasses:

    Haha, yes I said it, and no I'm not crazy, but often we find that even though we stay under our calories, we are going over nutrients like sugar that we should really be mindful of, so CUT IT OUT! lol. You'll find that sugar also makes you retain water and also your body spends time burning the sugar that it doesn't burn enough fat!

    Try to check in everyday to let us know how you are doing with this added challenge, as well as with your exercise! :wink:


    So true! I have been doing that alot lately. I know by camping in the middle of nowhere with not a grocery store in sight, Maybe I can break my habit. I am bringing only good, wholesome food!
    We are all about nutrition this week. I know one of our rules is to stay under calories, but we wanna make sure the calories we get in are actually good ones. So to kick it up a notch, I want all of us to stay under our sugar goals FOR THE WHOLE WEEK! :glasses:

    Haha, yes I said it, and no I'm not crazy, but often we find that even though we stay under our calories, we are going over nutrients like sugar that we should really be mindful of, so CUT IT OUT! lol. You'll find that sugar also makes you retain water and also your body spends time burning the sugar that it doesn't burn enough fat!

    Oh my. I just made it! I used up all my sugar budget! Lol. Silly cookie! (My fault!)

    And oh, I just finished week 1 of Ripped in 30!!! I am excited albeit anxious to start week 2. :))

    PS. Amazing job you guys! Especially the 2-3pounders! :)
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    well I'm over my sugar budget for today. I couldn't resist I made pig cupcakes for kobey's graduation into sixth grade. He brought three home after i sent all but three to school and i had one... Oh well I'll change my food area goal to keep in track that sugars this week :)
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Sugar is going to be a hard one since i went over at breakfast. I have a bunch of fruit in my house that needs to be eaten so I dont know what I will do this week but I do know I dont eat a lot of processed sugars although I really know that does not make a huge difference.
    I did not know that you body burns the sugar...So that is something to keep in the back of my mind. Learning all this nutrition stuff is enlightening and scary since I am older and have been eating wrong for so long.

    Today exercise wise I have burn a bunch of calories and when I got on the scale today I seen a loss (yes I am a daily weigher, it helps me remember how fat I really am) So I am excited about gearing my body up and moving to the next level of my journey. I see the 280's in my near future!
  • 11jess11
    11jess11 Posts: 24
    i have been going amazing for the last 4 day exercise could be better but food wise everything is great... hunger after dinner is gone hunger during the day is gone, what im eating is enough now :D
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    well I'm over my sugar budget for today. I couldn't resist I made pig cupcakes for kobey's graduation into sixth grade. He brought three home after i sent all but three to school and i had one... Oh well I'll change my food area goal to keep in track that sugars this week :)

    No worries girl! shake it off and start fresh tomorrow. We are all about making lifestyle changes one thing at a time.

    For everyone, it might be hard at first but you'll find you can do it. Today i went over my sugar by 4g, (damn carrots :grumble:) So what did i do? I got my butt up and worked out! I'm sore all over, but i don't have a big shiny red number telling me i could do better lol.
  • vrags2
    vrags2 Posts: 19
    Hello everyone,
    Wow!!! What a great start to the first few days of the challenge. I am so excited to see how much we will have collectively lost at the end of this. I reset my diary to monitor my sugar, previously I had the default settings. I am very curious and nervous about how much sugar I am consuming. Hope everyone is feel good, even if a little sore.

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Fantastic job everyone! So motivating to see all of your hard work pay off!

    Watching sugar this week? Eek. Making cookies and other treats for the last day of school today. Must have water nearyby and will try to take a drink whenever tempted by a goodie...

    Plan today is walk to/from school (even though it's supposed to be in the high 90's). Pack #4 kid (weighs 24lbs) on my back for an hour for #2 & #3 kids last gymnastics class/show. Do wk6day2 of C25K after lunch. And ab workout before bed. Might be tricky on that last one. Bought Zumba for wii yesterday, did it last night and, man!, am I ever feeling it this morning!!! My hips got quite the workout...more so than when I have done a Zumba class at the gym! But it was fun!

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!