NTHG 2-week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I hear ya, Kate. I need to make some changes. I got on the scale today for the first time in a while and wasn't happy to see it at 114 again. I have been working out but the diet is like, every other day. Even last night I completed my diary and then went and ate the other half of the totinos.
    I haven't been eating well, I drink too much, so I need to be better. I got Spain coming up. And I think I've sort of decided not to do the photoshoot, but it's really because I read the fine print and they won't even give me a single image for less than $99 and I can't be spending that after Spain and everything!
    What workout are you doing these days, Kate?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy, glad you are feeling good! Do you follow the nutrition plan (Flip Diet) that the author recommends in the article? You do the workout from T Nation, right?

    I did so good all last week until I woke up sick Friday :( so I haven't logged all weekend, I've been eating soup and I am so bloated I might pop!!! Ugh, I take a step forward and now 3 back. I just rested today and I will rest tomorrow, but I have to teach a class tomorrow night, so I hope I can breathe by then!!

    Here's to us all having a good week!! :drinker:
    I have never followed the flip diet, I can't even imagine what a 10% carb diet might look like!
    I hope you feel better, what did you decide on the midnight 5k?!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I hear ya, Kate. I need to make some changes. I got on the scale today for the first time in a while and wasn't happy to see it at 114 again. I have been working out but the diet is like, every other day. Even last night I completed my diary and then went and ate the other half of the totinos.
    I haven't been eating well, I drink too much, so I need to be better. I got Spain coming up. And I think I've sort of decided not to do the photoshoot, but it's really because I read the fine print and they won't even give me a single image for less than $99 and I can't be spending that after Spain and everything!
    What workout are you doing these days, Kate?

    I hear you on the shoot...that's pricey! Maybe wait for a while until you save for it then it would be more enjoyable. Or find a more amateur/independent/student photographer? I have friends who shoot and they that sort of thing thing for much less than some of the other studios!

    Work outs are still sort of this and that. I have those twice a week lunch time work outs until October so around those i am going to try to do a mix of strength from figure athlete, cardio and yoga. When they end I will do a more comprehensive program I think.

    I also can't imagine 10% carbs...yikes!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy - glad to hear that, cuz I couldn't imagine following those macros either!! I was just curious :) Sorry about the shoot, but that is really pricey! Here's one for you...Thurs, I was 111 and this morning...a whopping 118!!!! Damn sodium :explode: I'm not worried though, when I'm done with this crud I'm gonna kick some *kitten*!

    Kate, sounds like a plan!! I need to look back at my diary in June and see how many cals I was eating and what I was eating cuz it was working for me back then!!

    Reese, thanks! Hope you are up to par again soon too!!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    wow, Jen, I think that is a good reminder too about sodium and water weight in general, I should not focus on the scale but on body fat %. I have been sticking to my workout schedule very well, and I know I am making progress when I feel a new muscle;) oh, and my wall-sit times improved last night! the rope jumping is getting a little better too.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    wow, Jen, I think that is a good reminder too about sodium and water weight in general, I should not focus on the scale but on body fat %. I have been sticking to my workout schedule very well, and I know I am making progress when I feel a new muscle;) oh, and my wall-sit times improved last night! the rope jumping is getting a little better too.

    Yes, we know this about the scale, but that damn number still plays head games with us, lol!!! Great job with the new muscle and improvements on the wall sits/jump rope.

    Oh and I didn't do the 5k :( I'm so sad. My other friend on MFP didn't do it either because she didn't want to go downtown by herself.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well, Jen, I am sorry you didn't feel well for you 5k, that is a bummer, but you have to rest or you never get better!
  • lebigv
    lebigv Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,
    I am 5'3" and fluctuate between 116-118 and I want to reduce that range to 112-114 and mainly reduce body fat from my 23-24% (on Tanita). I have read every post by you NTHG gals. It is very inspiring and I really like this mini 2 week personal challenges.

    I weighed myself today and I was 115.8, yea! It came from 5 days of workout (4 1-hr MMA workouts and 1 asthanga yoga) and generally keeping active and trying to have a few non-grain days. So I am going to try to continue with it.

    I think my personal challenge for the next two weeks is going to be:
    Continue my 5 workouts (the enjoyable part)
    4 non-grain days a week (not easy for me)
    Not more than 5 alcohol servings per week. (even tougher- LOL!)
    Walk an extra mile or two everyday (doable so long I get the time)
    Try to do 1 dead hang chin-up (not happening this 2-week challenge round- this is my longterm goal)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi all,
    I am 5'3" and fluctuate between 116-118 and I want to reduce that range to 112-114 and mainly reduce body fat from my 23-24% (on Tanita). I have read every post by you NTHG gals. It is very inspiring and I really like this mini 2 week personal challenges.

    I weighed myself today and I was 115.8, yea! It came from 5 days of workout (4 1-hr MMA workouts and 1 asthanga yoga) and generally keeping active and trying to have a few non-grain days. So I am going to try to continue with it.

    I think my personal challenge for the next two weeks is going to be:
    Continue my 5 workouts (the enjoyable part)
    4 non-grain days a week (not easy for me)
    Not more than 5 alcohol servings per week. (even tougher- LOL!)
    Walk an extra mile or two everyday (doable so long I get the time)
    Try to do 1 dead hang chin-up (not happening this 2-week challenge round- this is my longterm goal)

    Welcome, great goals!! Congrats on the low weight in, I love those! They can be very remotivating.

    I'm not familiar with tanita? Also, what are your MMA workouts like?
  • lebigv
    lebigv Posts: 12 Member
    So sorry- I thought body-impedance scale brand names are common knowledge on MFP (every second topic seems to be either on body fat measurements or on menstrual periods! :tongue: ). Tanita is this ridiculous body fat (impedance method) and weight scale which is very inaccurate. It changes by the hour (even if you have not drunk any water or anything). But it is quite good for measuring trends and that's all that matters to me.

    My MMA workout usually starts with 10 mins of skipping or reclining bike or jumping on a tire (or some combination of all 3) followed by 15-20 mins of plyometric and ckt training (sometimes really heavy weights/low reps, sometimes low wts/high reps for building muscle endurance with plyometric stuff in between) and then some 5 mins rest to wrap up and put on my gloves and then a few (4-6) 3-min rounds of sparring and finish with some pull-ups (I do negative and assisted) and some abs. Some days are more intense than others. When skill and technique is the focus, for example, then the stamina/cardio intenstity is much lesser.

    I really enjoy it and I hope, at some time in my life, I can actually be in a Muay Thai fight. But now, I can barely get through the 3-min sparring rounds. I have no idea how it compares, calorie-wise or strength-wise, to anything else. I am sure there are better and more efficient workout routines- but the adrenaline rush from kicking and punching at something is quite awesome :). So I would highly recommend it.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    So far I'm on track this week to hopefully get in 4 workouts, tomorrow is out and yesterday was a diet AND exercise disaster, but so far today has been a great diet day and I had more good nutrition days than bad.

    Tara--MMA sounds like an awesome workout! My zumba instructor always incorporates at least one full song of punching and one song of kicking into our routine, which I know isn't the same, but it is SO empowering and I look forward to it every single workout. It's good for getting aggression out, for sure. :wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was happier with the scale today, so I think it was the weekend before.
    Welcome, Tara, your workouts sound intense, I saw a girl who could do a few hanging pushups-she probably had 8% body fat! Really light but really strong!
    I got my workout in last night and tonight, still on SF. Tomorrow I won't workout, got a spray tan;)
    I only have a few calories remaining, I did ok with food, still not getting enough protein.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    yup, great goals Tara! MMA does sound like an intense workout! One of my Zumba babies (was my student, now an instructor) just started classes at a place that trains MMA fighters and she issued them a Zumba instructor vs MMA fighter challenge, lol! That should be fun!

    Rogie - One day at a time, way to go at it today! I also incorporate boxing and kicks/kickboxing songs in my classes!! I love to mix it up :)

    Amy, great job getting your workouts in. I've never gotten a spray tan...may have to try that!

    I made through teaching two classes today. They were definitely harder than usual because it's still difficult for me to breathe right now. But it felt good to sweat. I'm holding off on weights until Thursday and that will give me a whole week off of them. Hopefully my weights will go up too!

    Feeling better so able to eat like normal today, yay I logged :blushing:
  • lebigv
    lebigv Posts: 12 Member
    LOL at Zumba-MMA challenge! I have done Zumba too. I think they are both different. MMA is more anaerobic. In MMA, you usually go crazy high (I would say at 85-95% of VO2 Max) for 3-5 minutes and then drop to rest for about a minute. In Zumba, you do intervals of about 80% for about 5 mins and then 60% for 5 mins *continuously* for the whole hour or so.

    An MMA person would probably be good at hill-sprints or crazy 100m sprints, while a Zumba person would win in a 400 metres .... and they would both lose to a marathoner :).

    Just guessing ... I personally find that they work very different areas of fitness.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    taramistral - I use a handheld omron...I don't know how accurate it is either but I just try to track progress! Also, as a former 400 runner, it's an all out the whole time ;)

    Jenomaha - glad you're feeling better! Two classes would be tough...though I have to say, I sometimes envy your job is physical!

    I think am going to miss some of my goals this week...I am crazy busy AGAIN and couldn't do my morning work out. I am intent on doing it tomorrow before I catch my flight to Boston and on Friday before my meeting. Hopefully I can pull off some weekend work outs too!

    In good news, I finally had a good low carb high protein lunch. (Haven't been doing so well with that!)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Tara - the two workouts are definitely different and work different areas of fitness. But you haven't taken my class :devil: I wear an HRM and although I've been teaching it for 2 years and taking it for 2 1/2 yrs, the way I set it up, every class I work between 85-95% for about 9-12 min, recover for 3-4 and we follow that intermittent training (determined by the songs vs set times) for the entire hour. But every teacher is different. When I go to someone else's class and burn less than at least 400 cals, I am disappointed, lol! I like to get my burn on!!

    Kate - life gets busy, but hope you can get in your workouts!! I am very lucky to get paid to have fun and exercise...it definitely doesn't feel like a job, I LOVE it so much!

    I must have overdone it yesterday, had difficulty breathing all day today, so it was a rest day for sure. I have to teach tomorrow, so I hope to be doing better again. My goal is to be able to do weights also! I get cranky when I can't lift, lol!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Seems like a few of us our having 'one of those weeks' for a variety of reasons!

    I've gotten in my training (missed yesterday, but made it up with today's workout) but still feeling sick. Going to the doctor today. Hopefully be over it ASAP. Still need to hit up an extra cardio session this week thanks to the bug leaving me to nauseated to get it in today. Man I dislike being sick!! LoL.

    Hope everyone's week calms done, they get to feeling 100% soon, and we kick butt at our challenges!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I ended up getting out of class early and I did workout before the spray tan so I was pretty pleased with myself. My diet has not been great, but I have been sticking to the scheduled workouts. I am terribly distracted thinking about Spain, I am pretty wortheless at work, but trying!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well, they talked me into keeping my appt for the photos, they have a payment plan! oh well, I guess that will make me behave more in Spain!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    well, they talked me into keeping my appt for the photos, they have a payment plan! oh well, I guess that will make me behave more in Spain!

    You are gonna love doing those photos. and when you see what they look like afterwards...awesome!!! I have a fitness photo shoot scheduled in 5 weeks...that's what's keeping me in check now :bigsmile:

    That is quite the incentive to be good, huh, lol!!!!

    Eating has been great and I finally got the scale back down to my reset weight (111.2) now to break through that and get under 110. That's all I want!!! Haven't done weights in over a week because I've been saving all of my energy to teach my classes...was gonna lift tomorrow, then I get a call to sub 2 classes back to back, ugh!!! NO MORE CARDIO :sad: Ok, I'm done whining, lol!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!!