NTHG 2-week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning all. It's been a busy holiday weekend, and only 1 of those days was bad.

    I've stayed with the JE Live Fit Program, legs are super sore from yesterday and deadlifts *yikes* Have to get my workout in before my oldest has football practice.

    I've decided to drop my calories back down to 1200 and go with eating back exercise calories for a few weeks. I've been eating pretty well but I've gained weight. I don't know if it's TOM hitting hard or the change in routine or a random other factor that I can't nail down. So I'm going to start back at square one as if I was just starting this whole process from the beginning and see where it takes me. I'm not happy about it. But eating healthy foods, working out, and have the occasional splurge isn't paying off. So I'm not sure where else to go.

    I FINALLY got some flour to make the Jamie Eason Blueberry protein bread. I couldn't find oat flour anywhere. The 'healthy' section of our grocery store is like 2 rows, 2 shelves it's ridiculous. I looked at quiona but it was a HUGE bag and I wasn't ready to fork over $10 for a giant bag of something I'm not sure I'd be able to cook in a manner that I would actually eat it!

    I've made some home made soup and tried to pick a few new foods to mix in. I don't think eating the same things over and over really would be a factor but I'll go with anything at this point!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't know, Reese, I was watching the JE intro video and I don't think you should be strength training on 1200 calories, it might be dangerous, just stick with the program, you're building muscle, and letting your body know it's not going to starve.
    I made oatmeal for the week for breakfast, I have a lean cuisine for lunch but got tickets to the Rockies game so I don't know if I can squeeze in a jog before that, since it means a few beers and bad food choices. The thing is, beer and bad food don't even sound good!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Shander, I know what you mean. I was NOT very good at all over the long weekend and the last few weeks in general. THings have just been so nuts. I'm even feeling sick with no appetite now. Grrrr. I need to get back into the swing of things starting this week with a nice strict week coming up. Time to refocus and get remotivated. (And check in here more, sorry I've been bad)

    I've gotten a lot of compliments lately, which has been nice. Some of friends asked what I do to tone my arms and legs (I told them watching what I eat and weightlifting...for about 7 months. I'm not sure they liked the 7 months part of the equation). A guy I work with commented to one of my other coworkers after my exercise class that I was embarrassing him because I was so strong and able to use as much if not more weight than him. Then a girl in a bar over the weekend told me I was skinny!

    Sounds like you all are doing well! Amy, I'm jealous of your trip and you are going to rock your photo shoot.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Reese, I couldn't find oat flour myself, so I think I will use whole wheat?

    Amy, I need to make some oatmeal for the week, didnt get to it yesterday! Hope you have fun at the game!!

    Kate, I've been so inconsistent , but since I got back from Florida...in July!!! But Labor Day was my cutoff and I am sticking to it!!

    I spoke with my husband and I don't think I am going to bulk. I am just gonna keep doing what I've been doing because I had success with it before. The key is for me to be consistent with my eating!!!

    So glad to have you ladies along for the ride!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, Kate, and you do look great, and it was hard work, and that should teach people to be a little more realistic. I see so many people on here who are getting discouraged because they work so hard and they don't see results, and usually they are talking about days, sometimes weeks, but it takes a long time.
    I had a good time at the game but I didn't get to work out, was over on cals a little but not terrible, I didn't realize those beers at the ballpark are 24 oz! Maybe $7 isn't such a bad price after all, since it is two beers.
    I had a pork sandwich, but nothing out of a deep-fat fryer, so that's something.
    I have my IUD replaced today so I might not feel up for a workout, we'll see.
    Jen, when you say you're not going to bulk, do you mean the figure competition?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- You deserve those awesome compliments! Sometimes we forget what progress we have made!

    Jen- Good luck with the new goals and process. You'll do awesome. Sometimes we just need to set our eyes on the prize and we're off and running!

    Amy- Your right, I'm probably crazy. Just frustrated. I'm not looking for overnight results, I've been at this long enough to know it's a process. It can just have those uber frustrating days ya know?! I think that's success at the ball park...you enjoyed your time, made wise choices with what you had, and at the end of the day sometimes we've just go to live life and not worry so much!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Kate - how did I forget to comment...you look fab and definitely be proud of it girl, work it!!!! :wink:

    Amy, I agree with everything you said!! and $7 for 2 beers, not bad :drinker: That is definitely great you didn't eat anything out of the deep fat fryer...I probably would've had a funnel cake, lol :blushing: When I say I am not gonna bulk i just means I am not going to eat at a surplus while trying to put on muscle. I am still going to compete, I'm just going to eat at maintenance (once I get back down to my goal weight). After blowing up so much the past few weeks, I just can't see myself doing it purposefully, lol!!
    Good luck with the IUD, I know it is unpleasant, but thank goodness the procedure doesn't take that long :flowerforyou:
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Jen - That sounds like a great goal to set, I think you'll do fine on maintenance, and if you feel like you need to change it while you're going, then you'll be able to!

    Reese - You're right, we all have those frusterating days, just have to move past them! You're a strong girl so I know you'll be fine :)

    Amy - Good choices at the ball park!! I know they don't have the healthiest selections, but props to you on staying away from the fried stuff! I would have ended up having fries or doughboys probably! Good luck with your IUD! And are you getting excited for Spain?!

    Kate - Compliments are great and they are so true for you! You look amazing and with the way you've been working out I'm not surprised you're stronger than a lot of people! Most guys just pretend they're strong :tongue:

    Everyone is doing great!! Keep it up :smile:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thanks all! It is a good reminder to just stay at it and also a congratulations for doing that so far! Which I think applies to all of us!

    Jen - good for you for getting back to it! I'm sure you'll be great. Just remember though too, even on the days you aren't great you are still 200% better than 90% of people so don't be too hard on yourself :)

    Amy - great work at the ballpark! I always plan to fudge calories when I go...its tough not to! Good luck with the IUD! Recover quickly!

    I don't think I am going to get my work out in today but I am going to tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, hopefully!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi all! I've decided that for the next week or 2 I want to try and eat as close to goal as possible (trying for healthy things!!) If you see my diary being too low PLEASE tell me and remind me to eat more (and healthy!) Thanks girls :)

    PS - I was measured as a big size 2 for a bridesmaids dress yesterday! By March I want to be a small size 2!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi all! I've decided that for the next week or 2 I want to try and eat as close to goal as possible (trying for healthy things!!) If you see my diary being too low PLEASE tell me and remind me to eat more (and healthy!) Thanks girls :)

    PS - I was measured as a big size 2 for a bridesmaids dress yesterday! By March I want to be a small size 2!!

    Awesome! That super tiny :) I'm shooting for a solid size 4 I think. It's hard to say because it varies so much.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I'm pretty sure that particular dress runs big, one of the girls who is usually a 10 in everything had to get an 8, so that kind of makes it not as good, but once I get to be a small 2 I'll be happy :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies! It's been too long since I've checked in here. Life has been crazy since my vacation back in August and I've been having trouble re-focusing my workouts and nutrition. But, since the countdown is on to rock a wedding dress:happy: , I need to focus.

    If I can workout 3-4 times a week, I'll be happy. I'll actually be happy if I can get there 3 times this week, since monday was a holiday and I was out of town. Next week my goal is 4 workouts, which should be interesting because we are spending at least 2 evenings scouting venues for the wedding and I have a meeting after work one night. I will try.

    I'm also trying to cut back on sodium, because I know that my sodium intake has been high lately, so I feel like a marshmellow.

    Shander--wahoo on size 2!

    Amy--hope you are feeling better!
  • Stephabee38
    Stephabee38 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey I was wondering if I could join this forum... I'm trying to kick a binge eating thing in the butt and i need some motivation
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, girls, I am feeling fine today. The procedure was unpleasant but now I have 5 years of birth control. My friends came over with thai food and we watched Nurse Jackie. I didn't exercise but I brought a bag. I think I will go back to SF Day 1.
    I usually workout 5-6 days a week now, which is huge because anything more than 3 days a week used to be a challenge.
    Shander, a two is great, big or small. I don't know about bridesmaid dresses but my wedding dress was an 8 and I don't wear an 8 in anything else, so I think formal things do run big.
    Rogie, that is exciting about your wedding, enjoy the planning stages!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hey I was wondering if I could join this forum... I'm trying to kick a binge eating thing in the butt and i need some motivation

    Join anytime you'd like! We usually set our own 2 weeks goals, post them and comment on how we are doing! Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Pending feeling 100% or at least 85% LOL then my 2 week challenge is to complete Jamie Eason as laid out. I've been getting it done but by combining days or moving rest days...I'd like to stick to the program work schedule as it lies.

    2 - and this is going to be a huge struggle for me- is to log my calories but not freak out. I reset them back at a healthy 1450. And I'm going to make good stresses but work on NOT giving myself an ulcer over the entire deal. Hit the gym, eat smart, and RELAX.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy, glad you are feeling good! Do you follow the nutrition plan (Flip Diet) that the author recommends in the article? You do the workout from T Nation, right?

    Shander, yay for a size 2!

    Rogie, you will be rocking a wedding dress for sure!!

    Reese, hope you are recovered by tomorrow, good luck with your plan, you've done really well so far!

    I did so good all last week until I woke up sick Friday :( so I haven't logged all weekend, I've been eating soup and I am so bloated I might pop!!! Ugh, I take a step forward and now 3 back. I just rested today and I will rest tomorrow, but I have to teach a class tomorrow night, so I hope I can breathe by then!!

    Here's to us all having a good week!! :drinker:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Hope you are feeling better! I know what you mean about all that soup...I'm still sipping it but I can feel the effects. Might be good to keep my stomach settled but that's about it!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi all! Happy Monday!

    I am starting fresh today!

    My goals for two weeks:

    - work out 5 times a week
    - Eat 1490 cals a day (trying no exercise cals, or at least not all exercise cals?)
    - Veggies in every lunch and dinner (gotten bad about that lately)
    - Eat only 40% of cals from carbs