Women who put on muscle fast



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I have a propensity to gain muscle very quickly too. This site is unfortunately full of a lot of people preaching whatever they hear. ''Squats are the best exercise ever!'' ''Counting calories is the only way to lose weight!'' I lift heavy and my muscles did in fact grow a lot from it. Perhaps that's not the ''norm'' when it comes to the majority of women, but claiming that woman who lift don't bulk up is pure B.S. Some of us do.

    I think the issue is how subjective "bulky" and "toned" seems to be for some people.

    And you will hear deadlifts is the best exercise ever a lot more than squats is the best exercises ever I would imagine.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    I think that sometimes people forget when you lift heavy a few things happen:

    1. your muscles will seem larger due to growing, tearing, repairing, etc.
    2. when you start lifting you retain more water
    3. your natural increase in water consumption may make you look puffier
    4. what are you eating and taking, does it contain alot of sodium? creatine? look at your foods
    5. many times women think they are getting bulky due to muscle, but truth be told its due to the fat that is COVERING their muscle.
    6. if it was that easy to grow muscle everyone would do it.

    we as women are so used to being told what to look like. any amount of muscle is "manly". its sad.
    i see tons of women on instagram with amazing fitness physiques and guess what, people comment and say "ew, gross, man" etc. half of those comments are by other women....women who havent seen a gym in years. /rant.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I do a lot of cardio to counter my naturally tendency to put on muscle quickly. I also spend a lot of time working on flexibility, as big muscles seem to go hand-in-hand with no flexibility.

    Okay. That's it. My stomach hurts. I can't laugh anymore today or my calorie deficit is going to go too high and I'll hit starvation mode. :laugh:

    I saw no double entrendre in my post. But I'm glad you got humor from it.

    He's laughing because your post makes zero sense.

    Ever done a bulking phase? One avoids cardio in order to grow muscle mass, as cardio can be catabolic. If the goal is to reduce muscle mass, one would engage in a lot of cardio. ie; more cardio= lower muscle mass= less bulk.

    This probably has to do with slow twitch versus fast twitch ratio within a person. My biology education is at the undergrad level, so I'm not up on the minutia of cellular composition.

    I find it interesting all the boys commenting on this thread about how a female body is supposed to respond to exercise. Get over yourselves, fellas.

    My reply wasn't an invitation to post more nonsense.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I feel a little weird reading this thread. The pictures demonstrating "too much muscle" look a lot like my "before" pictures. :frown: Either I gained huge amounts of muscle just carrying groceries and working my desk job or I've always looked mannish (or perhaps perception is a bit off...?).

    :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Well apparently all this extra fat on my body makes me look mannish. I never would have known that if these kind ladies on page 1 hadn't pointed it out to me. :grumble:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I think that sometimes people forget when you lift heavy a few things happen:

    1. your muscles will seem larger due to growing, tearing, repairing, etc.
    2. when you start lifting you retain more water
    3. your natural increase in water consumption may make you look puffier
    4. what are you eating and taking, does it contain alot of sodium? creatine? look at your foods
    5. many times women think they are getting bulky due to muscle, but truth be told its due to the fat that is COVERING their muscle.
    6. if it was that easy to grow muscle everyone would do it.

    we as women are so used to being told what to look like. any amount of muscle is "manly". its sad.
    i see tons of women on instagram with amazing fitness physiques and guess what, people comment and say "ew, gross, man" etc. half of those comments are by other women....women who havent seen a gym in years. /rant.

    Dude why are you wearing a sports bra in your avatar pics? That's not cool bro.

    Oh wait.

    Herp derp. Whatever they say on Instagram, 99.99% of women would, rightly, jump at the chance to look like you.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Unfortunately not :-(
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I find it interesting all the boys commenting on this thread about how a female body is supposed to respond to exercise. Get over yourselves, fellas.

    Says the woman that writes "eat like a woman, train like a man". Ironic.

    I studied human physiology, human cellular transport, comparative micro biology among other things. I could tell you how a fruit fly responds to cAMP inhibitors, no need to be a damn fruit fly to do so.


    I like you :flowerforyou:
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ever done a bulking phase? One avoids cardio in order to grow muscle mass, as cardio can be catabolic. If the goal is to reduce muscle mass, one would engage in a lot of cardio. ie; more cardio= lower muscle mass= less bulk.

    Yep. Into my 3rd actually.

    I've done cardio through each one. Gained at a really good rate each time. Of course you have to estimate well and "eat back your calories", but some light/moderate steady state cardio keeps the gains cleaner IMHO, it keeps your work capacity up, keeps you healtheir in general, and I feel good cardio fitness contributes to high quality of life.

    You just need to avoid overstressing your recovery with cardio; you want your recovery to be used for strength training recovery. Probably not a good idea to train for a marathon during a bulk, but you can bulk just fine when doing moderate amounts of cardio. Onyone that says you can't is either lazy, ill informed, or both.
  • piganek
    piganek Posts: 3 Member
    I always wanted to attend college but I was afraid I would get a Ph.D.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So this was... herm two weeks ago maybe.. wait August 16th actually.

    These are the most recent non flexed pictures- from Friday night- sorry about the room... it was like 1 in the morning- sewing projects- hecktic creativity muse waits on no man- or woman but just a comparison for NON flexed pictures...



    seriously- NONE of you are bulky- I don't consider myself bulky at all- I think personally I look chit hawt... and yes- I'm a bellydancer- so I'm flexible- and coordinated. :D And no- I don't do REALLY do consistent cardio.

    Seriously- no one here is anywhere remotely close to bulky.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    I do a lot of cardio to counter my naturally tendency to put on muscle quickly. I also spend a lot of time working on flexibility, as big muscles seem to go hand-in-hand with no flexibility.

    Okay. That's it. My stomach hurts. I can't laugh anymore today or my calorie deficit is going to go too high and I'll hit starvation mode. :laugh:
    Sadly I completely understand where she's coming from. A lot of body builders just happen to be unflexible before they start doing bodybuilding in the first place and don't stretch when they continue on. I dated someone who use to ask me to get things off the bottom shelf at the grocery store.

    I however have always been flexible, and the more weight I lift....I can still put my foot behind my head. I'm a novice but I can deadlift my bodyweight, so yeah...you can be flexible, do the splits, put your foot behind your head, and lift heavy weights.

    amen, I lift the heaviest of all the girls at my crossfit gym, yet am referred to as the "flexibility freak" lovingly because of the level of flexibility I have maintained and continued to improve throughout the years.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Mine of course was posted teasingly, as I sure as hell hope my arms have better definition as I get up in weights. I actually look forward to having some form of definition. Women who lift... Bulky? No. Hot. Yes.
  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    O man I missed all of this good stuff in this LONG thread….

    ME=Lots of cardio and lifting heavy weight. Ran a marathon less than a year ago…entered a powerlifting competition for this November. Do what works for YOU. .

    I am living proof that a FEMALE can do LOTS of cardio and not lose muscle. Diet is the key to success.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Oh man... I totally put on almost 10 pounds of muscle!!!

    In 5.5 years. :grumble:
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Is this thread for real? It can't be.
  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    High body fat percentage =/= muscular.

    It's the same for the guys.

    No one can really claim how muscular they are, or how "bulky" their muscles are until they are down to a low body fat percentage and can actually see muscle.

    Plenty of people, including myself, have suffered under this delusion. Go actually look at natural bodybuilders, both male and female, and how little they weigh, before deciding that you are "muscular" or "bulky." Strip the body fat off, then talk.

    THIS!!!^^^^^^^^^^^ 100%%% in with this post!!!!!
    FAT=Bulky :noway:
    This applies to most of the females complaining on this thread.
    With exception of the OP.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    omg I LOVE your skirt! Where did you get it?!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I always wanted to attend college but I was afraid I would get a Ph.D.

    Awesome freakin comparison :laugh:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I put on muscle pretty easily. Look. I put on 14lbs


    .... of not all muscle.
    Eating 2500-3000 calories a day.
    Lifting heavy weights 2 to 5 days a week.

    hey. Hey.

    Can I lick your arms?

    Oh. Is this the wrong place for? Sorry. I'll see myself out.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I find it interesting all the boys commenting on this thread about how a female body is supposed to respond to exercise. Get over yourselves, fellas.

    Says the woman that writes "eat like a woman, train like a man". Ironic.

    I studied human physiology, human cellular transport, comparative micro biology among other things. I could tell you how a fruit fly responds to cAMP inhibitors, no need to be a damn fruit fly to do so.


    I didn't even recognize you from the avatar. Quite the departure from your regular pics.
    lol what's that suppose to mean! How are my regular pics! How is this pic!