Venting and Kind of Being a Jerk, Sorry...



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'm probably going to get lambasted for this comment, but I'm having a hard time lately with certain "types" of people. First, there's those people that have never been overweight that continue to complain about their 100 lb body because their Mommy once told them they were fat...Then, there are those that complain that they're fat, but continue to go to McDonald's 4 days a week. I came here to change my life. McDonald's and my mother are not welcome!!!! I don't want someone to complain about the little tiny fat roll that they get when they put their head down between their knees doing yoga...I also don't want to hear someone constantly saying how they screwed up, when it's obvious they aren't ready to get serious about losing weight. Please, don't get me wrong, we all screw up! I'm just a little more than frustrated with people not being REAL with themselves and honestly, I think most of them need therapy...And, I say that as someone that has had therapy and can now look at myself (most of the time) very honestly...Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get that out. Thank you...

    Um...if you are "sorry" for the rant, you could have just put it on your own blog or your own profile.

    Maybe some people have different goals than you, but saying they need therapy? REALLY??? Step away from the computer next time you want to rant, find the nearest dog, and tell it to him.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I'm probably going to get lambasted for this comment, but I'm having a hard time lately with certain "types" of people. First, there's those people that have never been overweight that continue to complain about their 100 lb body because their Mommy once told them they were fat...Then, there are those that complain that they're fat, but continue to go to McDonald's 4 days a week. I came here to change my life. McDonald's and my mother are not welcome!!!! I don't want someone to complain about the little tiny fat roll that they get when they put their head down between their knees doing yoga...I also don't want to hear someone constantly saying how they screwed up, when it's obvious they aren't ready to get serious about losing weight. Please, don't get me wrong, we all screw up! I'm just a little more than frustrated with people not being REAL with themselves and honestly, I think most of them need therapy...And, I say that as someone that has had therapy and can now look at myself (most of the time) very honestly...Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get that out. Thank you...

    Um...if you are "sorry" for the rant, you could have just put it on your own blog or your own profile.

    Maybe some people have different goals than you, but saying they need therapy? REALLY??? Step away from the computer next time you want to rant, find the nearest dog, and tell it to him.
    I love you Lyadeia! :love: :flowerforyou:
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Firstly to the OP - all this does is show your own insecurities. Nobody here cares or makes a point of judging others, so why are you? Second of all I bet you'd hate for people to assume how you are feeling or experiencing life, in whatever sense - so why would you assume that about others.

    For me it's juvenile, petty, and detrimental to the forum.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Firstly to the OP - all this does is show your own insecurities. Nobody here cares or makes a point of judging others, so why are you? Second of all I bet you'd hate for people to assume how you are feeling or experiencing life, in whatever sense - so why would you assume that about others.

    For me it's juvenile, petty, and detrimental to the forum.
    I tend to agree, venting is one thing, some belong in personal blogs though, so others aren't hurt. I also find posts that start a war typically begin with judging others of us on the board.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i work in a grocery store and believe me its unbelieveble some of the things i see first of all i dont think cause your fat and lazy that should qualify you for a disablity check i know some people who are truly disabled and cant get help but if you weigh 400 lbs then they will give you a check so you dont have to work and can sit around and get fatter. there was a woman who came in the other day as i was putting out sweet goods ie honey buns little debbie cakes etc shes on one of the carts with enough hanging off the sides to create another person and she grabs up 4 6 pk of the iced honey buns as if they are sweet enough these are topped with tons of gooey iciing she says oh thank goodness you are putting these out i just love these dont you i informed her they were way to sweet for my taste ( sweets arent my problem bread is i cant resist it lol) she goes on to tell me she has at least 4 of the honey buns a day at 780 calories each i guess shes determined to keep her check coming so until the government stops that nonsense we are always gonna be the fattest unhealthiest nation on the planet okay thats my rant
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    People have their own ways getting through stuff. They post or say stuff like that because this is supposed to be a community of people that uplift them opposed to completely knocking them down. Posting something like this basically making fun of the "types" of people that use this site makes me think that perhaps you are the one that needs a bit of therapy.

    Am I morbidly obese? No. Do I want to loose a bit of weight? Yes. Do I look to this site for support, tips, and accountability? Yes. If you don't like the people on here then you do not have to be a part of MFP. There are plenty of other sites that you can use to count calories.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    lol! I love vents!
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    If people want to buy that stuff - that is their issue. The most important thing is that on MFP we're here to make a change and it doesn't matter how small or large that change is.... it's important to the ethos of the forum that we support those who want to change rather than deride those that don't.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380

    Brahahahaha.... Nice.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you have it all figured out, Why do you need the forum? This is for those who don't have it all figured out or have anything better to do with their time. Who does it hurt? There are people on here who are here because they have nothing else and are living their lives on the computer. There are people who just have questions, need support or are lonely and looking for friends. There are people who want to show off how great they look and obviously need attention. Who cares. Everyone takes from it what they want and you should too.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I know what you mean? I had to deal with a lot of that in school.. The skinniest girl ever claiming she's fat! Really annoying! So true about people going to Mickey D's every other day! I also went to therapy, and it's so true.. many, many people could sure use a session.. or 12.

    Yes, and that is the beginning of an eating disorder. It happens. And you are mad at her for it?

    We all have body issues. Someone who is bigger doesn't necessarily have one that is more important or bigger.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I am not saying that those that are thin can't be here. Who am I to say such a thing? What irritates me is that some people are vying for attention and this is the only place they get it. It takes away from us that really care about health, weight, and toning. I'm now down to 10 lbs from my goal weight and am now trying to tone my body (after 5 children), so I totally understand that people may judge me for how much I weigh now. But, I'll always remember were I started (115), where I landed (205) and where I am now (135). That's the difference. I know who I am regardless of what anyone tells me. I can't stand it when people come on here and fish for compliments or when they are so NOT ready to make the change and are STILL fishing for compliments. Thanks again...

    It's not necessarily that they're vying for attention. What if they look in the mirror and have a warped sense of body. It happens. A lot. And they do need just as much attention, if not more. Someone who is overweight on here know they have a problem. Someone who is thin who thinks they're overweight, does not.
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    The subjects of my rant were definitely vying for attention. I understand that sometimes you just want to hear flattery. I, when I'm feeling sensitive and unappealing, often tell my husband that I need him to compliment me right now. The problem I have is that they aren't asking for compliments outright, but doing this song and dance so that people compliment them constantly. Then, on top of that, they don't listen!!! I've got 5 children that need my attention. I don't need another (that is an adult) to manipulate me into talking sweet nothings into their ear. My problem isn't whether they loathe themselves, if I believed these people did, then I'd have ALL the compassion in the world for them! I know what it feels like to be stuck and frustrated and hating my body (both skinny and fat). I don't have any compassion for someone that tries to manipulate people into giving them compliments. I wouldn't let any of my children do it, and I won't let people that I don't know face to face do it. Fyi, I am not "friends" with these people any longer. I was just so frustrated and wanted to vent, that is all...
  • cieraangel
    cieraangel Posts: 88 Member
    What's the difference between their venting, and yours? The same can be said about anyone who complains about, anything.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I find post like these just make everyone who responds feel no matter what side of the fence you are on.....I feel for the op for her getting bashed everyone wants to feel validated.
  • caretheaton
    caretheaton Posts: 90 Member
    The only negativity here is from the OP... why do you all care about what other people are doing? They are the ones that have to live (or die) with their choices... the real insecure ones have to try to inflict some sort of control on the actions of others... Get real and spend more time developing your own lives.

    If that's how you really feel, then why did you need to respond to the post yourself? In my opinion, she put a full disclaimer in the subject line. If you didn't want to be subjected to her venting, then you didn't have click on the topic.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I'm 115lbs are you telling me that I'm not allowed to want to be fit and toned and healthy?

    Focus on yourself not on other people!

    I have to agree with this - I am one of the "skinny" ones - I want to be fit and healthy too!!
  • alexoftroy
    alexoftroy Posts: 40 Member
    While I respect your opinion, I disagree with it. As a slender girl who HAS been in therapy for an eating disorder that warped my self-perception to hell, it seems to me like you're making broad generalizations with little to no understanding of where certain people might be coming from. And honestly, if people "vying for attention" and such really bothers you, then why are you putting them in the spotlight with this rant? Seems a bit counterproductive to me.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Whew people know how to overreact! I'm probably the skinny person saying they're fat, and I do understand where you're coming from, but Just like when you look in the mirror and you hate how you look, so do those of us that are small. Especially if we were once bigger- our mind don't change as fast as our bodies :-)