

  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    want2bAskinnyBride - please don't tar all Canucks fans with same brush as you do the ignorant few who instigated the riots which and those who got caught up in the moment and acted like complete idiots.

    The true spirit of Canucks fans was showed by the thousands who went downtown on Thursday morning and cleaned up their city, who have written messages of thanks to the Canucks players and all the emergency personnel who were working on Wednesday, who are doing what they can to assist in the identification and prosecution of those responsible for the damage... They are the majority.

    I am a Canucks fan and am proud to be one. My only regret is that I know live in the UK so was not able to assist in the clean up.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I saw the aftermath of the game on the news last night. What a shame that a few have to paint souch a bad portrait of Vancouver. My wife and I spent our honeymoon there and thought it was a beautiful, hiospitable city. Hope they get that cleaned up and punish the idiots responsible. I wanna go back soon.
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    I am just glad game 7 was in Canada and not Boston - imagine what the angry Canucks fans would be doing to Boston iright now if they are destroying their OWN city with the riots?
    Those weren't Canucks fans..those were criminals(most that had been in jail recently) That came prepared with stuff to lute the down town streets!!!!!!! Dont get that mixed up. If you watch the news properly you would know that!!!!!
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    want2bAskinnyBride - please don't tar all Canucks fans with same brush as you do the ignorant few who instigated the riots which and those who got caught up in the moment and acted like complete idiots.

    The true spirit of Canucks fans was showed by the thousands who went downtown on Thursday morning and cleaned up their city, who have written messages of thanks to the Canucks players and all the emergency personnel who were working on Wednesday, who are doing what they can to assist in the identification and prosecution of those responsible for the damage... They are the majority.

    I am a Canucks fan and am proud to be one. My only regret is that I know live in the UK so was not able to assist in the clean up.
  • Stephib10
    Stephib10 Posts: 152 Member
    Watch this little clip to see what the real Vancouver Canucks fans did to be a part of the solution.


    This is a wonderful city that I am proud to live in!
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    Watch this little clip to see what the real Vancouver Canucks fans did to be a part of the solution.


    This is a wonderful city that I am proud to live in!
    Lke very much!!!!