sexy things a man accidently does



  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    when my husband makes his tea at night, he's super cute.
  • avninjalette123
    avninjalette123 Posts: 129 Member
    I think it's very sexy when my husband take his shirt off, stretches and his belly shows.....anything that shows his tummy. I love a mans tummy. MMMMMMM =]
    I love the oh so sweepy look he gets when he first wakes up.
    When you can tell he is trying soooo hard not to smile at something, and I point to his lips and say "there is goes" and he cracks.
    I think it's sexy when he shaves his face... or the way his butt shakes when he brushes his teeth =P
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    When he's just nice... like when he lets me have the living room when my boyfriends comes to visit
    Boyfriends....Uh, what?

    As to the post, when he's playing baseball and comes off the field in ball pants and he's covered in sweat :)
  • mental_release
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Truly smile. A good, honest, joyful smile. Also, quirky/snarky facial expressions. I know it's so trite to say this, but good humor (not *kitten*/fart humor, but true intelligent humor) is a huge turn on. Also, as someone else said, stretching on the bed and flexing all the muscles at once without trying to be manly.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Hrm... accidental things that I find hot??? I don't know if there IS anything like that. I don't find guys who do household chores attractive at all... too feminine.

    I hope none of your children are male.
    I agree. I love that my husband does those things. It shows that he thinks of us as equals and not that he thinks I'm the cooking/cleaning lady. It is something that we are teaching our boys. That a marriage/partnership is a team effort and you both have to pitch in on all things.

    Hey now, you asked my OPINION on what I personally find HOT not my personal view on male vs female roles and what I think of societal responsibilities. There is a difference. So shame on your for assuming they are one in the same and trying to make a light hearted topic into something that it isn't.
  • lammermoor27
    When my guy sings to me. Anytime, any place. He has this low bass voice that makes my ovaries vibrate! Go ahead and laugh, but don't knock it til you've tried it!
  • chevysarah
    chevysarah Posts: 188
    When they drive big jacked up trucks :love:
    Not really accidently... but ya know...

  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    When my Hubby is all suited up for an interview..... If he didn't need the job then (insert adult comment here)
    He has no idea what that does to me.....Unless he reads this. I doubt he will....It's OK either way.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    my husband is in the Army, and when he walks through the door in his uniform... omg! It doesn't matter that I've seen him in it every day for 3 years, it is as effing hot on him today as it was the day I saw him graduate BCT! Another Army related one... he is an artilleryman (KING OF BATTLE-HOOAH!) and watching him fire (he's the gunner) the cannon is also HOT. Another one, kinda weird, when they are out in the field, and the cannons are rattling my windows (from several miles away) that is ALSO sexy... just sucks he isn't home cuz he's out there firing lol.

    His serious smart-*kitten* sense of humor. the way he simply cracks up at his own jokes. he's a cocky son-of-a-***** and that IS HOT. The way he checks himself out in the mirror when he thinks I'm not looking. The way he drives my car (it has way more horsepower and is way faster then his truck lol). Watching him play with our girls. Watching him play golf. Watching him work with/feed the horses and cattle when we are back home.

    Everything the man does is sexy! Then... he's been gone 8 months, I'd probably even find his BO sexy at this point! LOL
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Getting ready to workout or go for a run. A man lacing up his shoes and getting his hydro belt ready...mmm. Seeing those muscles ripple under the tight under armor clothes....*drool*.

    Doing laundry and picking up after the kids.

    Seeing him engrossed in it that nothing in the world could distract him.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Doing something (without asking) that shows he thought about me deeply .... cooking a nice meal.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    when he's not too "manly" to cry during a sad movie... or jump during a scary one!
  • IdaBetances
    IdaBetances Posts: 79 Member
    My husband plays soccer and loves sports. So any time he plays sports I melt. Soooo sexy! :love: :smooched:
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    letting our granddaughter paint his toenails. It melts my heart
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I love when I can reduce him to tears... of laughter. :laugh:

    I always consider him to be the funny one, so I get a special thrill out of making him laugh uncontrollably.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    When he gets excited about something and his eyes light up. I'm terrible because I go into a trance just looking and him and forget to listen to what he's saying.
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    lol pay close attention
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    When he says yes dear..anything you want..:)
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I love when I can reduce him to tears... of laughter. :laugh:

    I always consider him to be the funny one, so I get a special thrill out of making him laugh uncontrollably.

    Good one - I love that too....