Turbo Jammers 9/23-9/29

So Ladies....we are starting a Turbo Jam group!! Our goal...Turbo Jam of your choice 4 days a week!! We are doing this Tuesday through Monday. So you gotta get in your 4 workouts between those days. :)

For me, I'm going to give myself a :flowerforyou: each time I JAM. :)

I hope to meet some great ladies who like to jam as well!

Lets kick this fats *kitten*!!



  • cassangelidy
    So Ladies....we are starting a Turbo Jam group!! Our goal...Turbo Jam of your choice 4 days a week!! We are doing this Tuesday through Monday. So you gotta get in your 4 workouts between those days. :)

    For me, I'm going to give myself a :flowerforyou: each time I JAM. :)

    I hope to meet some great ladies who like to jam as well!

    Lets kick this fats *kitten*!!

  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Love, love, love TJ!!!! I'm gonna try my darndest to get on and here daily and remember to post after entering it into the exercise log.

    Sounds like fun...it's a party!!

    BTW, what's everyone's favorite workout? I like Cardio Party 3--burned 675 calories today! Also, T3 and Turbo Sculpt.

    Great idea!
  • cassangelidy
    Hey Erin,

    I don't have a huge selection of TJ...only the original 5 workouts and the 2 live workouts. My hubby won't let me get any more until he sees me using the ones I have A LOT! So this 4 days a week group will help me lose weight AND get new videos!! hehehe

    Welcome. :)
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I love my TJ workouts. I mostly just do the 20 minute workout right now...as well as the strength stuff (ab jam, turbo sculpt and the lower body workout). But I'm getting stronger and can finally get thru Cardio Party 1 without dying :) I do want to get some new DVDs....maybe hubby will let me when I hit my 15 lbs goal
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I can still only do the learn and burn one so far. This is my week for Turbo Jam though. Im trying to do one week Biggest Loser Cardio and then switch to Turbo Jam. I am so uncoordinated though that is hard for me.

  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Hey Erin,

    I don't have a huge selection of TJ...only the original 5 workouts and the 2 live workouts. My hubby won't let me get any more until he sees me using the ones I have A LOT! So this 4 days a week group will help me lose weight AND get new videos!! hehehe

    Welcome. :)

    I don't have the live DVDs. I bought the TJ Max Results package that came with the original 5 workouts, 4 bonus DVD workouts, and the weighted hand gloves and resistance band. When I first started, I didn't use the gloves...after adding them, I burned an additional ONE HUNDRED calories in a single workout! I highly recommend getting them when you're comfortable with the workout. I want to try her exercise ball routine and really want to tackle ChaLEAN Extreme when it comes out!! I have big goals! lol

    I hope you do get the chance to get some new DVDs....if you're anything like me, it's easy to get bored and I like to rotate my workouts. Let's do this!!!
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    I love my TJ workouts. I mostly just do the 20 minute workout right now...as well as the strength stuff (ab jam, turbo sculpt and the lower body workout). But I'm getting stronger and can finally get thru Cardio Party 1 without dying :) I do want to get some new DVDs....maybe hubby will let me when I hit my 15 lbs goal

    drevans_mom, keep it up!! Think of how proud of yourself you will be to think you made it through the whole 50min workout! (and in all honesty, CP 1 is my least favorite out the the CP workouts). You've done well!
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    I can still only do the learn and burn one so far. This is my week for Turbo Jam though. Im trying to do one week Biggest Loser Cardio and then switch to Turbo Jam. I am so uncoordinated though that is hard for me.


    The coordination will come, I PROMISE! I am about as white girl as you can get, but after 6 months of TJ, I can shake it almost as well as Chalene!! :tongue:
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    My TJ comes in the form of TK... aka, Turbo Kick. I'm an instructor and teach this class 2 times per week. TK is the class that TJ is based off of, and the TK classes are pretty much like doing cardio party or PK&J... only more intense! Yowza!
    I teach tonight and Saturday morning.
    Thursday nights I teach Yoga and Bellydance.
    Mondays I take aerials.
    Wednesdays I do strength.
    Fridays I do strength.

    So, in essence, I may only be doing TK twice per week, as I'm trying to focus on my lifting... so right now the only cardio I do is my classes (2 TKs and bellydance).
  • Skittles6617
    Skittles6617 Posts: 247 Member
    Okay, so how weird is this!!! I was just sitting here thinking that I bought this Turbo Jam over a month ago and have yet to put in the DVD player. Granted I am soo busy!! My husband works 3rd shift, 7 nights a week, I run my son to Baseball about 3 times a week, church twice a week and whatever else seems to come up. Most nights I am running around from the minute I get off work until about 9:30 at night. It is soooo hard to get up and work out at 5:00am and start this process all over again.

    But I am sitting here thinking that yes, I am exhausted but realizing that I think I really haven't started my workout because deep down I am terrified that it will not work and I will still look the same as I do now. I think it is easier to accept what I look like now with no exercise than to exercise and still look the same and get frustrated and quit. That is my fear. I have said it.....

    Does that make any sense?

    Then I sign on here at lunch and see this post of starting this Turbo Jammers and thinkg "God, is that you?" :bigsmile:

    Maybe this is my time to get started. But I still have that fear of nothing happening. :cry:
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Okay, so how weird is this!!! I was just sitting here thinking that I bought this Turbo Jam over a month ago and have yet to put in the DVD player. Granted I am soo busy!! My husband works 3rd shift, 7 nights a week, I run my son to Baseball about 3 times a week, church twice a week and whatever else seems to come up. Most nights I am running around from the minute I get off work until about 9:30 at night. It is soooo hard to get up and work out at 5:00am and start this process all over again.

    But I am sitting here thinking that yes, I am exhausted but realizing that I think I really haven't started my workout because deep down I am terrified that it will not work and I will still look the same as I do now. I think it is easier to accept what I look like now with no exercise than to exercise and still look the same and get frustrated and quit. That is my fear. I have said it.....

    Does that make any sense?

    Then I sign on here at lunch and see this post of starting this Turbo Jammers and thinkg "God, is that you?" :bigsmile:

    Maybe this is my time to get started. But I still have that fear of nothing happening. :cry:

    I think it's an omen! :smile: We are here for you!! No one is perfect, we all miss workouts, that's life. But 2 or 3 workouts a week is better than none! So no matter what effort you're putting forth, that's at least trying!

    Good luck! I think you will love TJ! It's very motivating, the music is FUN, Chalene is FUN....I just have a smile on my face the whole 40 minutes!
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Both Turbo Sculpt and 20 Minute workouts are on the books!!

    Here's my :flowerforyou:
  • cassangelidy
    Nice Job Erin!!!

    Skittles...do you believe in Divine appointments? I'm a Christian as well, and VERY busy as well....but when we don't take care of ourselves first...we can't give the best of ourselves to our families. Its taken a very long time for me to believe in this...but my daughter is 3 and I have a hard time keeping up with her energy. I don't want that to be her life....and the change starts with me.

    Turbo Jam is soooo fun!! After the first week, its really doesn't feel like you are working out. Once you get the moves down...you just push play and JAM!! I loooove it!!! And yes...it does work. When I was doing it regularly I lost a TON of weight. Then depression....so here I am to get my body and energy back! Turbo Jam is a great way to get me there. :)

    Skittles...just try the learn and burn. Its only 15-18 mins long...you will see how much fun it is...and when I did learn and burn I actually worked up a sweat too! :)

    Good luck!
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    I definitely don't believe it was a coincidence 4 years ago (about) when I was up late and saw an infomercial for P90, and I picked up the phone and ordered it... I believe fate lead me to it. Why? Because my life has totally changed since then... TOTALLY! I've gone from a couch potato with no career, per se, to a trained fitness instructor... and I LOVE fitness now. It was hard at first, it kicked my butt, but with determination my life changed.

    So, walk through this open door and take advantage of it. View every day as a gift... view TJ as a gift... make your way through it and succeed! :flowerforyou:
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    For those in this TJ group and making a commitment... have you seen the Million Dollar Body game that Beachbody does??? You can enter your success story and win from $1,000-$10,000 and then be entered into the grand prize... all for changing your life! It's a win DOUBLE WIN situation.

    I'm letting you know because it may be extra motivation.

    So, if doing TJ... I want ya'll to take some BEFORE photos... nice clear full body photos in a bathing suit or tight fitted clothing. Also, write down your weight and measurements.
    Seriously, you will want this stuff later.

    Why do I stress this? I stress this because I won for my age category in Feb. 07... and it rocks! $1,000 for losing weight is good by me! :)

    I'm not sure I can post the link on here, but if anyone wants it, hit me up.
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    For those in this TJ group and making a commitment... have you seen the Million Dollar Body game that Beachbody does??? You can enter your success story and win from $1,000-$10,000 and then be entered into the grand prize... all for changing your life! It's a win DOUBLE WIN situation.

    I'm letting you know because it may be extra motivation.

    So, if doing TJ... I want ya'll to take some BEFORE photos... nice clear full body photos in a bathing suit or tight fitted clothing. Also, write down your weight and measurements.
    Seriously, you will want this stuff later.

    Why do I stress this? I stress this because I won for my age category in Feb. 07... and it rocks! $1,000 for losing weight is good by me! :)

    I'm not sure I can post the link on here, but if anyone wants it, hit me up.

    Yah, I've been entering on almost a daily basis for the past 2 years. Haven't won anything yet....but it is obviously motivating because I keep entering!!!!!!!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I seen someone say that they burned over 600 calories doing turbo jam. Im courious (im sure I spelled this wrong bad speller you people will get use to it :laugh: ) I can of course only do 15 mins its only been my second time. I have been doing the cardio party. So how many calories do you think I have been burning then?? Im in the turbo jam group. We can do this ladies!!! Lets loose some weight.
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    I seen someone say that they burned over 600 calories doing turbo jam. Im courious (im sure I spelled this wrong bad speller you people will get use to it :laugh: ) I can of course only do 15 mins its only been my second time. I have been doing the cardio party. So how many calories do you think I have been burning then?? Im in the turbo jam group. We can do this ladies!!! Lets loose some weight.

    It all depends on your weight, heart rate, and time of exercising. There are tables that give you estimates, but depending on your fitness level, it can vary greatly! Like my husband and I would jog ttogether. We would both wear our heartrate monitors and in the end, he burned 1100 calories while I only burned a little over 400. He's about 100 lbs more than me, and I have a higher endurance level, so you can see the difference.

    I would recommend getting a heartrate monitor!! It's honestly the only way to be accurate!
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    Erin... what's your username there? Mine is MelanieB.
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    PS - Erin... do you update your story and photos every time you enter??? I know that whenever you reenter I believe you need to submit at least a fresh "now" photo.