30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    L1D3 done - next! :)
  • splendidly
    splendidly Posts: 10
    !-The Diet Solution Program-!
    !-How To Lose Weight-!

  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    OMG - does anyone's else's calves feel like they are on fire? After 8 days of 30DS in a row my calves feel like they are going to fall off - no matter what postion they are in. Walking in flats, heels, sitting - doesn't matter they hurt soooo bad!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I was gone for the weekend for a funeral so I missed 2 days of 30DS. Time to get back at it.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    feel so bad...i missed two days in a row. Things just got in the way. I usually do 30ds right away in the morning before I go to work. When I get done with work I do a Zumba dvd or a class if there is one and possibly a quick mile or 2 walk. So, maybe tonight instead of the quick walk I will do shred.
  • aogundare
    aogundare Posts: 12
    L1D4 done. I am hoping to do it again tonight to get back on track so tomorrow can truly by my day 6.
  • ArlVAMom
    ArlVAMom Posts: 42 Member
    L1D3. I am able to get through the workout okay, but all day my legs, especially my quads, are KILLING me! I can barely walk! It is hilarious. I am strugging through squats and lunges but able to do it, and I might up the weight on some of the arm moves, 3 lbs for a bicep curl is not very much and my arms are pretty strong from carrying around 2 kids! Since I can barely move the thought of running in addition to this is horrific but I am going to try to get out for a walk in the evenings just to stretch my tired little legs out.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    D10L1 DONE...237 Cal burned,tomorrow starts Level2 I think I am ready.
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    Hello everyone I just ordered mine & I am excited to try this. It sounds tuff.. Do you have to be in great shape to do this? I read on here about alot of you being runners. I don't run, I am doing good to get 1 mile of walking in a day with 30 min. exercising in.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    L1D8 is done! 2 more days of level one! I've got this! I'm so ready to be done with this level though!! Good news, I needed a little motivational boost so I took a few quick measurements and I was pleasantly surprised with the results so far! The inches are melting off of me! I'll show you guys on Wednesday after my first round of official measurements!

    Jessica, congrats on finishing level one! Did you take measurements or have any progress to share with the group? Keep up that awesome work!

    To those who have missed a few days, it's alright! Don't beat yourself up over it and DO NOT give up! Get back on track, maybe do an extra day of the level before you move on! Hang in there!

    @Taurus39 - No, you don't have to be in great shape.. It's difficult for everyone! I was pretty bent out of shape before I started, but it really improves your endurance and I HATEEEEEEE running with a passion right now.. but I do go for a few jogs or walks for other cardio workouts outside the 30DS just to keep my muscles from tensing up so much! A mile of walking is great and after a level of the shred, you might even be able to bump that up to 2 miles walking! Try it out and we're all here if you need a push to keep going! Even if it is challenging, don't give up!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Ready to do day D6L1. Wondering if I should go to L2 today. Yesterday the side lunges didn't kill me, like they usually do. Is it better to do L1 10 days before going to L2?
    I took my measurements at the start of this. But I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten any results yet. I'll wait to do my finishing measurements when I complete the whole series. I don't want to be discouraged if I haven't lost any inches yet.
    Way to go ladies on your consistency!! Your ALL doing so AWESOME.. We're all gonna be sexy B!@#&$ by the end of July :) Keep it up!!
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Day 8 of level one done and dusted!!!

    Really lacked motivation to do this today, but forced myself to complete it. One I had got through circuit 1 I felt much more motivated, circuit 2 was a struggle, I've upped my weights to 5lbs and the side lunges and lifts really hurt my arms, and circuit 3 whizzed by.

    Only two more days of level 1, then at least there is a new routine to try, and to keep me motivated.

    Keep up the good work all
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Looked at Level2 today..WOOOHOOOOO no side lunges!!!!!!! I am so excited NOT to be doing them on level 2.:smile: starting it in the morning!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    oops :smile:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    L1D8 is done! 2 more days of level one! I've got this! I'm so ready to be done with this level though!! Good news, I needed a little motivational boost so I took a few quick measurements and I was pleasantly surprised with the results so far! The inches are melting off of me! I'll show you guys on Wednesday after my first round of official measurements!

    Jessica, congrats on finishing level one! Did you take measurements or have any progress to share with the group? Keep up that awesome work!

    To those who have missed a few days, it's alright! Don't beat yourself up over it and DO NOT give up! Get back on track, maybe do an extra day of the level before you move on! Hang in there!

    @Taurus39 - No, you don't have to be in great shape.. It's difficult for everyone! I was pretty bent out of shape before I started, but it really improves your endurance and I HATEEEEEEE running with a passion right now.. but I do go for a few jogs or walks for other cardio workouts outside the 30DS just to keep my muscles from tensing up so much! A mile of walking is great and after a level of the shred, you might even be able to bump that up to 2 miles walking! Try it out and we're all here if you need a push to keep going! Even if it is challenging, don't give up!

    Yup I did take measurments and as of Friday I had lost 3 inches!!!!!! No weight yet but I am happy with the inches! I am going to try and NOT eat back my exersise calories the next few weeks and see if I can get my weight to start to move again!!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Done with D6L1... Side lunges, so much easier today. I'm using 5lb weights and today I was able to make it through without struggling. YAY!!!
    I still do girl push ups. I'm not sure I can do regular ones. What do you all do on the push ups? And if you do reg ones, when did you start? Where you only able to do a few? TIA :)
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    Thank you!! I ordered the weights and now I'm looking for a heart & calorie monitor and I'm all set.
  • maisiemum
    maisiemum Posts: 11 Member
    Done with D6L1... Side lunges, so much easier today. I'm using 5lb weights and today I was able to make it through without struggling. YAY!!!
    I still do girl push ups. I'm not sure I can do regular ones. What do you all do on the push ups? And if you do reg ones, when did you start? Where you only able to do a few? TIA :)

    im on level1 day 4 - just done it now and im still doing the easy version on the pushups..cant see that i will ever be able to do the advanced ones, ive always been rubbish at push-ups!!! im also using 5lb weights and think the workout is definately gettin easier with each day xx
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Done with D6L1... Side lunges, so much easier today. I'm using 5lb weights and today I was able to make it through without struggling. YAY!!!
    I still do girl push ups. I'm not sure I can do regular ones. What do you all do on the push ups? And if you do reg ones, when did you start? Where you only able to do a few? TIA :)

    Finished Day9 level 1 today....will be so glad when tomorrow is over and I can move on to the next level. Even if it's harder, at least it will be a change. :-)

    I'm using 5, 8 and 10 pound weights for the exercises. I still use the 5# ones for the anterior raises and side lunges. Like everyone else, I find them pretty hard.
    The push ups get better with time. I used to do girlie push ups, but now do two sets of regular push ups with the shred.
    Many fitness instructors advise doing incline push ups rather than the push ups on the knees, because they're closer to the real thing....yet still easier.
    Congrats to all of us getting ready to move on to level 2!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Done D7L1 today, and it's getting easier and I'm not aching so much...my body is starting to realise that this strength training isn't going to go away...especially my arms...which really hated me for the first 5 days!
    My arms already feel a lot more toned though...

    Getting quite scared about the prospect of level 2 now! Didn't *actually* think I'd manage 7days straight...
    Well, to be fair, I'm on week 2 of a C25K program...so I'm only running for 90 seconds at a time, with brisk walking between running intervals (I despise running, so I'm trying to build my tolerance so 3 miles doesn't feel like death). Even after shredding, I can tough those 90-second bursts out because I know I'll be allowed to walk again soon...IMO it's so much harder to tough out JM's 20 minutes on tired legs ;-)

    I'm on W7D2 of C25K and I promise it gets easier once you get past w3 and then w5...I am SO not a runner, I have never ever ever been, but I'm actually starting to enjoy jogging...even for 25mins straight! Such a good feeling afterwards.
    I guess it sucks in either order though...both are super tiring!