30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    L1 D9 done, had to take 2 days off while I was away, but now right back on it and can't wait to move on to L2! (eek though!)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    day 9 done!
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    L1D10 is finished!!!! Yay!!! Can't wait to start L2 (even though I despise plank exercises).
    Okay, piece of advice for everyone, even though Jillian doesn't do those knee circles in warm-up that she did in level one, I highly recommend still doing them because my knees have been killing me the past two days with this level and I think a lot of stress is put on them during this level, so keep it in mind!
    I totally agree with you on this. This is my second time through the Shred and I started having really sore knees while going through level 2 the first time (I even went to the doctor about it and he said it was most likely the high impact but it wasn't causing any permanent damage or anything which is good to know). It definitely helps to warm them up beforehand by doing the knee circles and making sure you get a good stretch in afterwards!

    Congrats to everyone on the great results :smile: I didn't take measurements before starting but comparing them to the last time I measured I was down about 2.5 inches and I love that my clothes are feeling a bit looser. It's a good feeling!

    Happy shredding everybody!! :smile:
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    L2 D2 (D12 overall) done! I REALLY did not want to do it today - so tired when I got home from work. My daughter decided to have a bit of temper tantrum so I decided I would go downstairs and let her Dad deal with it :laugh: I HATE PLANKS too!! I feel like I don't get my butt low enough but hopefully like Level 1, things will get better and I will feel coordinated again by day 10!

    If it wasn't for this message board, I probably would have skipped today. Thanks everyone!
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    L2 D2 (D12 overall) done! I REALLY did not want to do it today - so tired when I got home from work. My daughter decided to have a bit of temper tantrum so I decided I would go downstairs and let her Dad deal with it :laugh: I HATE PLANKS too!! I feel like I don't get my butt low enough but hopefully like Level 1, things will get better and I will feel coordinated again by day 10!

    If it wasn't for this message board, I probably would have skipped today. Thanks everyone!

    Well done for sticking with it! I felt like skipping the other day due to kids acting up and work committments but it really is worth giving yourself a kick in the *kitten* and getting it done!

    I've done L1D8 this morning and am feeling it - looking forward to Level 2 and being stretched a bit more! and getting away from Jillian and her "phoning it in!" Please tell me she stops saying that!!! :grumble: Bloody woman is doing my head in! :huh: The only satisfaction I get from Level 1 is putting real tension into my punches directly aimed at her face - but I love her really :love:
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    I'm awake and ready for day 6 level 1. Will mix it up with Banish Fat Boost Metabolism today. Did day 5 and No More Trouble Zones yesterday.
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I just finished L2D1. This level is tough!! I spent some time just sprawled out on the floor because those plank moves in the cardio section are brutal (even following the modified moves with Anita). I'm feeling it in my shoulders right now. I'm going to tough it out through this level though! Great job shredders :smile:

    Have a wonderful day! :happy:
  • aogundare
    aogundare Posts: 12
    L1D9 is done. One more day of Level one!!!! It is getting easier but it is still hard. I still sweat buckets daily.
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    I completed D11L2 last night and wow is that a butt kicker! Lol, after doing Level 1 I was feeling pretty good about myself, but this level definitely wore me out, I had to stop a lot because i couldn't get the moves to work and they were so hard. But today is a new day and i cant wait to try it again.
  • FoxxyGirl84
    I saw this video at wal mart yesterday. I have been doing P90X but not the whole program. I do the cardio dvds and the ab ripper. How is the Shread? Are you seeing good results? Has anyone done P90X? Is it harder or easier? :)
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    ^^^ I am seeing great results.. I lost 6.5 inches from various parts of my body the first 10 days. It's a challenge.. I don't know how it would compare to P90x though..

    D13L2 is finished! Today I struggled in the last circuit with the strength section. I can't get a hang of those dang chair sits with the V arms.. It is almost more difficult than the side lunges in level one for me! I had to take a lot of mini breathers today, but hopefully after tomorrow's day 4 of this level, it will get easier!

    In other goods news, I am finally seeing the scale go DOWN instead of up. The first round the numbers were up 2 to 4 pounds (must have been water retention!), but now I am down two pounds from my start weight! Hopefully it stays like this or goes down more before my official Monday weigh in!
  • maisiemum
    maisiemum Posts: 11 Member
    day 8 level 1 finished!!!! wish i had taken measurements now before id started. but i did take a bikini pic and i will take one after the 30 days to see how i compare. Keep it up ladies ur all doing fab!! xx
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Level 2 Day 2 (Day 12 overall) - finding this level super hard TBH - I won't give up though but bloody hell.

    Like PP - I'm hoping it will get a bit easier over the 10 days.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Burned 678 calories walking and doing D14L2 shred....I have some eating to do to get my net calories to 1200!!!
    Water 5/7
    weights 5/5
    Water today was 16 cups!
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    Wasn't able to complete D12L2 today :( but I will be back at it tomorrow. Other sucky news, I'll be on vacation starting Tuesday until Friday, which means no Shred, and no fitnesspal :(
  • Your_Doctor_HERE
    !-The Diet Solution Program-!
    !-How To Lose Weight-!

  • appleskye
    appleskye Posts: 54
    FINALLY finished level one. Looking forward to shaking things up with level 2 tomorrow but not looking forward to all the planks I've been hearing about! I didn't take measurements at the beginning (no measuring tape, ooops) so I might do some today and see how I do from levels 2 and 3.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    D14L2 is done! Tomorrow I will be halfway through!

    I'm seriously shredding away, I took a few quick measurements in the heat of the moment last night and I've lost more inches in the past 3-4 days! Still struggling through the chair sits and V arms.. My knees and legs the first 3 days would shake through the entire circuit strength exercises, but they are getting stronger and not as shaky! Sweating bullets still and had to take a few breathers, but its getting easier! :)

    Hows everyone else doing? Keep up the awesome work! Hang in there!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    i never knew there'd be such a massive jump up, I'm having to do everything modified pretty much, and I'm still dripping with sweat, but so proud of myself for getting through it...
    Can't quite believe I managed to resist the tempation to sit on the floor and skip bits/turn Jillian off...BUT I DID IT!!!

    Woo! D11 L2 done!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    D14L2 is done! Tomorrow I will be halfway through!

    I'm seriously shredding away, I took a few quick measurements in the heat of the moment last night and I've lost more inches in the past 3-4 days! Still struggling through the chair sits and V arms.. My knees and legs the first 3 days would shake through the entire circuit strength exercises, but they are getting stronger and not as shaky! Sweating bullets still and had to take a few breathers, but its getting easier! :)

    Hows everyone else doing? Keep up the awesome work! Hang in there!

    OMG the chair sits and V arms are CRAZY!!!! I HATE them so much!! My arms shake and when I am at the last few I can't even get my arms to move up lol...I sometimes take a break and just do the squats.Can't wait to see what Level 3 brings us!