MEAT Me at the Beach (6/16-19 weigh-in)



  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    Holy moly what a chart!

    Thank goodness you have patience to do this and kudos to you. :)

    I've changed my starting weight to 136.5 because it's been going up and down lately.

    My first goal is to eat at least 2 veggies/fruits a day...currently I'm getting zero. My second goal is to increase my water consumption from 1-2 cups to 4-5 per day.

    Good luck ladies!!
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for the amazing chart!!! And thanks for such a thoughtful challenge for this week. My plan...

    1. Work out at least 30 minutes 6 times a week. ( I plan on actually starting the Brazil Butt Lift videos)
    2. I really want to start c25k (but am scared to overwhelm myself and not do ANYTHING) so even if I don't start it, I will be trying to run/walk 3 times a week
    3. Make better food choices, including really outlining what food choices are best for me and what I should erase from my mind.
    4. Really focus on getting in LOTS of water (at least 64 oz a day)
    5. Stay positive! I have really lost a lot of my motivation and I can feel it in my lack of commitment to myself, so I really want to focus on logging in to the actual site at least 2x a day and making sure I stay accountable to my challenges
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    As new meat says it's easy to put those numbers down there and just hope you attain them.:ohwell:
    To get my body to cooperate when not traveling I'm going to continue the walking and wii dancing at least 6 days a week. :heart: I will also add in at least one day a week at Bally's where I continue to pay yearly dues but never attend. :grumble: They just added Zumba and that should be fun.:tongue: Also since these 12 weeks will include at least 4 out of town hotel stays - I'm committing to NOT saying "what the heck" for at least 2 meals a day and using the hotel gym and/or at least putting my tennis shoes on and walking out the door at least once a day for an hour. Whew:wink:

    Current Weight (As of June 3, 2011): 167.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 155.8 lbs
    Weight Category: REDUCE (-12 lbs)

    6/9: **start of challenge** 166.4
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 163.8 >>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 159.8 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 155.8 >>>
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    6/9: **start of challenge** 186.0
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 184>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 180>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 175

    Thought I'd be a bit more realistic this time. I noticed as well that I'm not on the final chart from last challenge, probably gave you the weigh in late sunday so no biggie. looking forward to this one as well, bit more on track this time around.
  • candlelady1
    candlelady1 Posts: 52 Member
    bump thinking about goals:smile:
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    My goals for this challenge are to hit "Onederland" and to finish the couch25K program. I was halfway through it, but I had to stop it because of an injury. Hopefully when I start it again, I'll be able to fully finish it.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I have decided that for ME... I need to make a new plan each week. I feel like if I keep the same challenge and don't "check" myself weekly, I'm more inclined to cheat... Soo.... Week 1 is as follows!


    *Exercise for 240 Minutes this week
    *Plan Week's Dinners on Monday
    *At LEAST 8 Cups Water per day!
    *Check in Daily to report my success or re-evaluate days that didn't go as planned!

    P.S..... I would kind of LOVE it if I had an accountability partner. I really need someone who has already been having success with an exercise regimine and is totally motivated to hit their goal in this 12 week challenge. It doesn't matter to me if our goals are the same, but just someone who will check in on me at least a couple times a week. Let me know if you are interested! :0)
  • jen0125
    jen0125 Posts: 53
    I LOVE the mini groupings and the rhyming names! I was lucky to lose last challenge without trying or making many changes. This time I want to focus and get serious (and work on my dysfunctional eating). I am stealing a few great ideas as well.

    Goals for this challenge

    1. Stop eating at night!! for the first four weeks I will cut out all eating between midnight and 3am. the next 4 weeks no food between midnight and 5 am. the last 4 weeks i will reign in to my goal of no eating between 11pm-6am.

    2. Try one new healthy recipe a week

    3. Focus on larger portions of veggies and fruits per meal

    4. Do my own half marathon on the stepmill in august. Since I am no longer able to run, and the stepmill has become my exercise go to, but I want to train for something!! I already do 4-7 miles up those darn steps, so I should be able to do 13.1 miles!! Full stepmill marathon in November, but I guess that is for another challenge =)

    5. Stop using snacking in bed as my way to relax, unwind, and fall asleep!!!!!!!! I don't feel really committed to starting this goal, so I just hope to stop by the end of the 12 weeks

    I love, love, love this group!!!!
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Oooh - was on vacation last week when you posted this new thread!!! Just posted my weight from the previous challenge. Here's my newest stats for this challenge! Thanks Vic!!!

    Current Weight (As of today): 176.2
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 160
    Weight Category: Reduce

    6/9: 176.2
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight _170__>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight _164__>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight _160__>>>
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks again Vic for organizing this and coming up with the weekly challenges/reflection, these really help me.

    The Plan:
    Continue to log my food and exercise on MFP, but add more protien rich foods.
    Continue my cardio (running/walking), but only 3 days a week instead of 7.
    Add resistance training 3 days a week, giving me one rest day (which I haven't been doing).

    The Goals:
    1. Complete a 5K race actually RUNNING the whole thing (race scheduled for July 24th)
    2. Increase my upper body strength through resistance training (continuous goal, str will increase regularly)
    3. Fit into size 40 waist jeans (by the end of the challenge)
    4. Loose a total of 12 inches from waist, hips, chest and thighs (end of challenge)
    5. Loose the 27.6 lbs that I stated I wanted to for the challenge (end of challenge)
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks again Vic for this Challenge!

    5 Goals I would like to achieve this summer:

    1. To actually live my life instead of thinking about it!
    2. To shrink till I need to buy some new shorts!
    3. Start training for another half marathon, and sign up for one (thinking Rock'n Roll Vegas Dec. 4th)
    4. Organize my house so I feel more relaxed, to allow me to focus on the fun aspects of life, instead of procrastinating!
    5. To commit to some of my online commitments again, from MFP, to blogging
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    bump... I hope I can still join. :happy: If so, I'll post my stats later.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I forgot the gameplan portion....

    this month will be difficult as we are moving in a couple of weeks and the kids are out of school but as one of my mfPals said (paraphrasing)true strength is succeeding when everyone would expect/understand your failure. It's easy to succeed under perfect circumstances. I'm gonna be strong.

    six days a week average 400 cals burned per session
    Runs three days a week (1 long run gradually increasing mileage)
    Nike training app (lean) 3 days a week
    One active rest day.

    Min of 100 grams of protein a day
    Log and plan my day out at the beginning of the day
    Keep fridge stocked even during the move this month
    80 oz of water
    Limit diet sodas

    PoshTaush~. If you are still looking for an accountability partner I would love to do it with ya. I'm on my phone and it's hard to PM from here :)
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Aright, here are my goals for the next 12 weeks. Some are going to be more difficult than others:

    1. Log all my food the night before and allow 100 calorie wiggle room
    2. Work out 4 days a week (at least 1 day of running)
    3. Measure my portions since they have been getting to big lately
    4. Feel comfortable in my swimming suit (hopefully have the bikini out by end of summer)
    5. Be in bed by 10pm and get up by 6am during the week
  • grahamckas88
    grahamckas88 Posts: 129 Member
    What a great chart! Thank you for taking the time to organize this!

    My goals...

    Drink more water (8 - 10 cups a day)
    Cut down on sweets (notice how I said "down" and not "out") I'm trying to be realistic! :)
    Try not to blow the diet while on vacation!
    Finish c25k (currently on w4d3)
    Run 5K scheduled for July 30th
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Week 1 Challenge: Make a Game Plan

    12 Week Outline – Start P90X on 6/15/11, End P90X on 9/11/11, log everything (except on monthly cheat day), allow for mistakes along the way, stay positive, and remember the ultimate goal.

    Plan for Wks 1-4: NET 1240 calories 6 days a week, NET 1540 calories 1 day a week, one cheat day a month, work out 6 days a week, log all food and water. Goal is to lose 3 lbs and 1.5 inches overall in 4 weeks. Re-evaluate at the end of 4 weeks and make adjustments as needed.

    Week 1 Refection: Accomplishments & Timeline

    1. Reduce the amount of processed foods eaten
    2. Learn new recipes and cook dinner at least twice a week
    3. Take my vitamins DAILY
    4. Remember the cookie cake incident and control compulsion to eat until getting sick
    5. Measure success in ways other than the scale; don’t get down about a number
    6. Be able to do at least 2 pull-ups/chin-ups without help
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member

    The Goals:
    1. Complete a 5K race actually RUNNING the whole thing (race scheduled for July 24th)
    2. Increase my upper body strength through resistance training (continuous goal, str will increase regularly)
    3. Fit into size 40 waist jeans (by the end of the challenge)
    4. Loose a total of 12 inches from waist, hips, chest and thighs (end of challenge)
    5. Loose the 27.6 lbs that I stated I wanted to for the challenge (end of challenge)

    I want to add another goal:

    6. Stay under my sodium limit of 2500mg/day
  • enriquez18
    enriquez18 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello, I don't see my name on the chart. Did I miss it? Please let me know.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
  • MaryW1962
    MaryW1962 Posts: 23
    Thanks for the invite. I would love to join "Meat me at the Beach"!

    Current weight: 136.2
    Goal 1(1st 4 wks) 132.2
    Goal 2(2nd 4 wks) 128.2
    Goal 3(3rd 4 wks) 125 :laugh:

    My goal for this week is to get back on track. I've been away from home this past week and I kept up with my exercise but not my eating and logging in my food. I gained 2 pounds back. :sad:
    I need to learn to control my eating when I'm on vacation or just away from home. I'm a real schedule person and when I get off my regular schedule it messes me up. I have a vacation coming up in two weeks and I don't want to gain weight again.