Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    Uggghhh still at 160 today! Granted, I don't make the best decisions during the weekends, but I haven't really been SPLURGING like I normally do. I bought a whole bunch of breakfast stuff to keep in my office and FINALLY everyone else is wanting to lose weight too, so we've all been keeping away from the taquitos. =) My favorite thing to do right now for breakfast is to put 1/2 c plain Quaker Quick Oats into a ziplock baggie. Add some cinnamon, 3 packets of Splenda (I have an insane sweet tooth), and 1 tsp of Brown Sugar Splenda. I keep Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze in my office for when I want iced coffee, cereal, or oatmeal (love that it's shelf stable!!! The opened ones I keep in our fridge though), so I'll add about 1/2 of that to my oatmeal. Throw it in the microwave and it's DELISH! I also like to cut up some apples and throw some cinnamon and splenda on them, put them in baggies, and leave them in the fridge. When added to the oatmeal it's insanely good.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    So my scale is packed up because the movers are coming today..... Yay!!! I'll be to the East Coast so soon :) But my weight on Wednesday last week was 227.3.... We'll go with that lol. That's 3.7 lbs down from the previous week, so I'll take it.

    Happy Monday! Of course I procrastinated, so I'm off to throw more things in boxes before the truck actually gets here :ohwell:
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Do any of you eat Activia? I have been eating it for weeks now & haven't felt the effects. I have however noticed, that the week I didnt have any Activia is when I started loosing weight and have felt less bloated. I have a few more of the vanilla ones I have to finish, because I hate to waste food, but once those are gone, I don't plan on eating it anymore. Anyone else have experiences with Activia?

    Activia has an insane amount of sugar. i would stay away. Try plain greek yogurt with berries
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    I'm clocking in at 134, which is exactly the same as two weeks ago. I couldn't be happier, since I was very, VERY undisciplined on vacation and fully expected to be up at least 2 lbs. Small victory! (My husband apparently is down 2 lbs over vacay, and couldn't be more surprised. Does it burn more cals to live in a higher altitude? :)

    Keshia, good luck on the move!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm weighing in at 163 this weekend. the last few weeks have been disappointing :(

    I need to regroup and start afresh. Stay tuned for better updates :(
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Hi Guys!!!! Holy crap my desk is piled high with stuff. ::sighs:: that's ok, I did yoga this am and meditated and I am so zen that I don't even care! Lol.

    btw- Kate- I used to eat Activia, though I'm a pretty regular person anyway so I didn't really notice much. But I will agree, it has a butt load of sugar and you are better off with a yummy flavor of greek yogurt. All those good for you probiotics and enzymes will help keep you good!

    Ok here are our health challenges- they are a little personal as they are goals for myself I have written down that I need to work on.
    1. Health challenge: Say "NO". That's right. We're not introducing anything special into our diet, but instead, learning to say no to temptations. Say no to that slice of pizza, or pass on that extra beer. Turn your nose up at that chocolate muffin (ha). Try it at LEAST once this week. ::crosses fingers:: here's hoping for myself!
    2. Fitness challenge: Yoga. You can google like a 6 minute AM yoga, or find whatever youtube video suits you and give it a try. If you haven't done it, it sucks at first. I am NOT flexible at all, but I do notice that I am very tight in the am after I sleep and doing AM yoga really opens me up. Do it whenever you feel like you need it, but I encourage you and challenge you to try it.

    Also, make sure and check my topics I post today- I'm going to share some yummyyyyy recipes including a chipotle pasta salad I created that you can eat the whole bowl of really!

  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Oops! Supposed to weigh in LOL my weight is 184.8lb this week - according to MFP it was 189 about 2 weeks ago so I'm very happy with that! Hope it keeps going in that direction ;)

    Good luck to everyone with a new job or moving house! Exciting :)

    Right then, challenges! I will try to say no to any naughty things; however, I did have great difficulty remembering to say no to the alcohol last week! Work in progress ;)
    Could totally do with some yoga! Feel like I am falling to bits this week so some gentle stretching would be very welcome :)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    hey ladies! I forgot to log my weight, sorry! I'm at 143.7, but i've been terrible lately so I'm great with that!

    hahaha last night I said NO to that second glass of pinot grigio while me and the BF were out playing trivia at the pub downstairs. I said YES to water instead.

    and I actually love yoga, I need to do it more! I did hot yoga once, anyone else ever done it? It was awesome, except I'm an idiot and while I drank TONS of water before I went, I didn't drink enough when I was done. So I was extremely dehydrated, was so sore, and had a terrible headache for a day! haha lesson learned!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I've totally fallen off the face of the earth - sorry!

    My weight's been up and down so much that I'm NOT counting Monday's weight and am back to weighing in only once/week on Fridays, so I'll roll that over to Mondays from now on.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes workout DVDs on vacation...I started JM's 30DS this morning (holy crap that was tough!) and am bringing it with me when I go out of town this weekend.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Do any of you eat Activia? I have been eating it for weeks now & haven't felt the effects. I have however noticed, that the week I didnt have any Activia is when I started loosing weight and have felt less bloated. I have a few more of the vanilla ones I have to finish, because I hate to waste food, but once those are gone, I don't plan on eating it anymore. Anyone else have experiences with Activia?

    What are you eating Activia for?

    If it's regularity, I often will have a Benefiber packet in my morning ice water (drink it fast or the water starts to taste like cardboard). I try to drink it at roughly the same time every morning and, let me tell you, it's pretty effective.
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    I started eating Activia to help become more regular. However it didn't really help but the taste grew on me, so I was eating it just as my daily yogurt for breakfast. I do find that the mornings I eat oatmeal instead I am fuller longer. I am thinking of trying those probiotic pills, I used to take a supplement to help stay regular but when I moved I couldn't find the brand anymore. Long story short, no more Activia for me and I've made the switch from the sugar filled Quaker oatmeal packets to a (hopefully healthier) Oat Revolution which from what I can tell is all natural and less sugar.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    30DS is killing me! I'm on day 2, though I didn't have proper hand weights yesterday, so this morning it felt even more intense. I know it's a good thing, and doing it at 6:30 before I'm fully awake is smart, but it is definitely nice and challenging.

    The only problem with working out that early (for me, anyway) is that it revs up my metabolism and then I'm hungry ALL FREAKING DAY! Trying to up the protein and good/healthy fats to compensate, but it's hard. The munchies are out of control! :laugh:
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I have been working out in the morning for a week now - and I LOVE all the extra time it gives me in the afternoon. But I have been soooo bad with my diet. I don't know what my problem is :(

    Like seriously ladies, I went at the nutella jar with a spoon last night :\ Someone please, kick my a**
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Sooo... I'm thinking about getting off MFP for a bit, I don't even know if it's possible to just go "inactive" but I am really over counting calories. Plus, when I cook almost everything I know my things aren't completely accurate. I'm tired of the mindset that "I have to work out so I can eat dinner."

    Just thinking for now..
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    :( don't leave us!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    What about continuing to log in, share recipes and chat with us, and just discontinuing the actual calorie logging? I feel like you're an integral part of the group and I know we'd all miss you, but it really comes down to what you know is right for you. All any of us wants is sanity and a little bit of happiness, right? :)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    i have to admit....i'm taking a calorie counting hiatus. i'm keeping up (or trying to) with the message boards and what MFP's are up to, but i was going a little crazy and starting to resent my diary!

    how was everyone's weekend!? I moved into a new apartment this weekend, so I am SORE today! but it's worth it, I love my new place :smile:
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I agree- I think that will just take a break from calorie logging! Man, I had a whirlwind of a weekend and I'm glad to don't weigh in today! Can you believe we're going on 34 days of 100+ heat?! It's the surface of the sun, and it is not fun.

    Well- it is Monday and it is time for new challenges! How did every bode with the temptations challenges last week? I did pretty well, I turned down a few things, including my fav mexican restaurant and a pizza place. Buttttt my boyfriend was visiting this weekend and we did go for BBQ (his choice, not mine blech) But really I didn't do too bad. I had a flop with a black bean burger recipe. But success with homemade chicken fried steaks!! I'm currently debating on attempting "fried" green beans, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE real fried green beans. I hope everyone enjoyed a leisurely week of workouts, I know i did! My body took advantage of it too and slept slept slept lol.

    So- here are our new challenges

    Health challenge: Go to the market and pick up something you keep wanting to try and haven't, or something you just haven't tried at all and find something to do with it. I don't know about you guys, but I hate getting stuck in food ruts. My coworker inspired this one when she told me she bought "jickama" at the store. haha. I died. (it's pronounced hickuhma). I need a pick up a few staples, so I'm going to spend some time perusing the produce and see what I can find.

    Fitness challenge: 5k. I think it would be really cool if we all found a 5k in our areas in the future (fall please, summer is BRUTAL this year) and then trained for a 5k! Let me know what you think, and I can post some links to some great training plans!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Christina, I just spent the week in Kansas City and I seriously left the hotel three times. I do not understand how anyone can survive living there. We are in Oklahoma City next year for convention, but hopefully it won't be so HOT!

    I did not do any workouts while at convention. I was literally up at 6:00 am every morning and went to bed at 11:00 pm. It was the convention for my organization, so I didn't get to pick and choose which seminars and workshops I wanted to go to, skip a luncheon or anything. Oh time was accounted for every hour of every day. I did not weigh myself this morning, but I'm sure that 7 days of hotel food has not done anything for me.

    I am heading to CT on Wednesday after work but I think I will be better about eating and exercising. I am excited to see my family and my dad and I already have plans to go running together.

    Also, something super awesome and exciting happened at convention. Remember when we were talking about our dream jobs and I said I wanted to work for ALSAC/St. Jude in Memphis? Well there were two people from ALSAC at our convention, and they both said to me, at separate times, that if I would ever be willing and interested in moving to Memphis to work for St. Jude to give them a call because they want me to work for them. Yay!

    Anyway, I hope everyone had a great week. I was thinking of you all!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Charlotte- that is so freakin awesome about St.Jude!!! How cool. Also, I happen to LIVE in OKC, so um... yeah, it's just as hot. Lol.