Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • Amber- CONGRATS! You should post a pic of your ring when you get a chance! Oh gosh- wedding dress shopping- how fun!!

    I posted a few of the ring and one of my FIANCE (ahhh!!) and I! I am SO excited!
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    I'm totally late, but CONGRATS AMBER!!! The ring is beautiful and I'm so excited for you :) Have you all set a date yet?

    I'm attempting to get back on track with my workouts post hurricane and earthquake. Ugh, these natural disasters are really messing with my workout schedule lol.

    I hope ya'll are having an amazing week and meeting all of your goals :)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey ladies - hope you are all doing well! And I hope everyone is OK after the storm! My neighborhood in CT was ROCKED by the hurricane (haha, get it?) - trees down, flooding and part of the street was washed away. But now I am a little jealous of all my friends back home who have the day off :)

    Anyways, I have sucked at using MFP/this group for the past few weeks. Is anyone else losing some motivation? Ugh. But I'm back on for real now. Let's do this!

    Hope everyone has a good day...even though it's Monday.
  • I'm totally late, but CONGRATS AMBER!!! The ring is beautiful and I'm so excited for you :) Have you all set a date yet?

    Thank you!! We are looking at June 9 but are trying to narrow down a venue so we won't know for sure until that is booked! We are super excited!
  • oh yeah... weigh in day. I'm at 136.6 which is down 2lbs.. yay!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    well ladies.....I've stopped logging, which is fine with me, for the most part i've been making better choices...the only reason i really come on here now is for the message boards! I've definitely slacked on my workouts, I need to get back into those hardcore.

    My boyfriend and I are going to Mexico with friends in 8 WEEKS, so I need to drop like...a pound a week until then. I absolutely REFUSE to be photographed in a bikini right now (not to mention a friends wife has a teeny tiny waist and great fake boobs!)

    Did we all kind of drop this MFP thing? Anyone still out there haha
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I am still here! I stopped for like...a month and things did not go well. But I am back for real. I do notice we are missing some people. Ha! I guess it's that time of year...
  • I'm half here. Busy season at work again. I've also stopped logging and I'm totally loving it. I'm also totally vegetarian! One last chicken breast and I'll be down to fish, then it's on to vegan. I think. I don't know. I'm iffy about vegan cheese. And I LOVE me some cheese lol.

    I have so slacked on my workouts. I even joined a gym, took a few spin classes (death on a bike) and then this week... life got the best of me. wahhh. I just need a physical workout partner. Someone that cares. I would LIVE in the gym. Whatever. It's a new month, time to re-motivate. Plus, this is totally superficial but WHATEVER- it's football season, and I'm determined to look better than my ex-roomie/best friend (she was always a little bigger anyway) when I go back for games. So this *kitten* had got to get back in the gym!!!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    I'm still alive... and doing a crappy job of being around at MFP. I don't have a smartphone or anything, so weekends when I go somewhere without a computer and miss a day kind of cheese me off because my counter restarts and I feel like I'm never getting anywhere... lame and childish, I know, but that's where I'm at. I'm trying to get a grip on myself, but as of right now I'm kind of just floating... DH and I are still settling into our new digs so most of my free time is spent looking for baskets/cubbies/curtains/toilet paper dispensers, etc. for the new place. Blegh.

    Amber, I'm so excited for you and your DF! I wish you endurance, joy, and peace in your wedding planning! :)
  • yea, i'm thinking I probably still won't log as much, unless it's something new that I don't know the calorie count or something. But i did go to the running store with my SO yesterday and we both got some new sneaks. Apparently I tend to land more on the balls of my feet/toes (I'm blaming years of dance?)

    In all honesty, I'm glad we're all out enjoying life! While MFP definitely helped me realize this needs to be a lifestyle change and not a diet....I don't know that I can log onto MFP every day! Or that I want to!

    I need to lose....lets see, at least 5 pounds in the next 6 1/2 weeks. (Leave for mexico October 22nd). I know it's gonna be tough with tailgates and whatnot (i live less than 10 blocks from the carolina panthers stadium) but am a HUGE football fan, so right after tailgating I usually head to the bar to be able to watch all the games. I just need to have some self control I think!
  • Weigh in day! 135.6... that's down 1lb. not too much but still moving in the right direction at least. I miss you girls!!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Good job, Amber! I am still too nervous to weight in, haha. Maybe I will tomorrow. It seems like losing is getting harder. Grrrrr.
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi girls! Hope everyone is ok :) arrived back in the UK yesterday after our wedding trip - absolutely brilliant! Had a wonderful time (as the scales show!) but so glad that I was able to shift some weight before the wedding :) thanks MFP!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Congratulations Gayle (and great job Amber!)

    I miss you guys as well... DH is trying to help motivate me to get back on the wagon. He's promised me one new nail polish for each lb. I lose, and at the end of one month if I've worked out every day (sand two freebie days) I get a makeup palette.
    Alright, alright, honey... I'll get my butt in gear. Looking forward to a weigh-in tomorrow. Not gonna be beautiful, but gotta (re)start somewhere. Love you guys!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    New nail polishes? Love it!! I am looking forward to restarting on Wednesday or Thursday this week when we get a chance to go grocery shopping and restock on fruit and veg - at the moment living off the junk we have in the freezer and cupboard since we got back from holidays! lol
  • yay! I'm so glad you girls are starting to make your way back haha! this was my favorite group/thread and I started getting sad we all weren't around :ohwell:
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Me too! I feel like we have a few men down but that is ok. How is everyone else doing? The end of summer was notttt so great for me, but i think I am doing better. I have started going to kickboxing classes at my gym and holy is so hard. I go twice a week but sometimes I am still so sore from class on Monday that I can't go Friday. I'm sure I look like a total idiot, but whatever.

    What have you all been up to?
  • i've gained a few lbs lately, booooo. I find myself being super motivated for a few days then i'll miss one and it's all gone to *kitten*.

    the good news is I got a new job, I start on October 3rd....instead of driving 30 mins or so each way i'll be walking about a mile each way every day. So that's good from the get-go! I'm really excited about it.

    I leave for Mexico in 4 weeks, ahhhh!!!!

    What's new with everyone else?!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey, congrats on the new job!! :) Great news!!

    Nothing much new here, I started my second nursing placement this week - I am being mentored by a health visitor so lots of babies everywhere! Not really used to babies so trying not to show I'm nervous LOL
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Aww, Gayle, that sounds like fun! Between my two jobs I have two babies right now, and I love them. It's really nice to leave them at their houses and go home to a full night's sleep, too. :)

    I worked something like 45 hours this last Fri-Sat-Sun because one of the docs I worked for delivered three babies... I spent more time at her house than my own, blegh! The nice thing was that they're the ones who own (and live in) the house attached to the apartment I live in now, so I wasn't ever too far from my husband. :)

    Laura, did you ever finish C25K? I probably got halfway through W3 and just had enough. Between trying to do that and Ripped in 30, I just wasn't having any kind of time to myself and I slacked off and quit both. I work from 7:15 to 6:45 most days, and it's too dark before and after work to run, so I'm pretty bummed about that. I have started Ri30 again, and I'm giving it something like 9-10 days per level, since I think I pushed myself too far, too fast last time. So, yay for reboots!

    I think right now, my ultimate goal is to be at 125lbs by Christmas. That's, what, 13.5 weeks? I just weighed in at 135.3lbs on Monday, so I need to shoot for .763 lbs/week. Doable? Maybe... Thanksgiving is coming, and Christmas parties... oh well. We can do this! Let's go! :)
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