Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • laurad1406
    Wow Casey that's a crazy amount of hours! Haha I never finished C25K, same thing, I kind of "got over" it I guess. But I've been doing 30 DS for about 5 days and also Butt Bible here and there (HOLY *kitten* it kills). But I'm excited, when I start this new job, besides walking to and from work, I also get to go in later. Right now my bf and I get up for work at the same time, but we both have to be in the offices pretty early....but now I'll be able to wake up with him, have time to squeeze in a quick run or 30DS and still get ready for work! I'm really excited to start my new routine.

    I actually haven't weighed myself lately, I did go to the doctor and their scale said 153. But to be honest, I haven't really gained according to my scale at home, so I'm thinking I started off with the wrong weight completely haha! I want to lose 5 lbs in the next 5 weeks, hopefully at least look more toned. But i'd like to lose 10 by Christmas too, i think that's a good goal.

    i'm also debating trying out the Paleo "diet"....anyone have any opinions on that?
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    From what I've heard, you either love it for life or hate it right away and quit. There are a bajillion people on the fitness board (on Makeupalley) that do the Paleo thing, but I usually hang on the nail polish board so I don't know a lot about it myself. Might be worth a peek?
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    As I sit here and read your recent posts I am eating a bag of mini M$ 8:41 am. Whatever. It's Friday!

    I have not been slacking, but I think I maybe have hit one of the dreaded "plateaus". I gained around 6 lbs between the beginning of July and the middle of August (why is it so easy to gain so much in such a short amount of time!!!), but I have only lost like 4 of those pounds and I am still not back down to my lowest. It is getting super frustrating! But I am going to Vegas in the middle of January and my goal is to be down 10 lbs by then, which will only be about 5 pounds away from my goal weight. Remember how easy it was to lose weight at the beginning? Those were the days...

    Casey, I nannyed (nannied?) for a family for two years in college. It was a lot of fun and I miss the kids a lot! I still get to see them because I live in the same town, and they literally beg me to come back every time I see them. If only I could support myself on $10 an hour for 20 hours a week :)

    Gayle, let's see some wedding pics!!!

    Ok, that's all. Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • laurad1406
    I think we lost Angela on this thread, but she has been doing it for about a month and said it's amazing for her, and she's never felt better....there are a bunch of threads about it on here, I messaged angela and she sent me a ton of info about it. It's basically a low carb high fat high protein way of eating (and living)...I've been on this site ALL day, if nothing else it is a very intriguing read!

    Charlotte- don't you miss the days of being able to survive off $10/hr 20 hrs a week haha. and that was a lot of money! ( i remember for me it was like, yay i can get miller lite this week instead of natty light!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Bahaha Natty Light? You must be on the East Coast. I haven't had that since high school! It's mostly Coors Light here, but it's a "local" beer in Colorado, so it's legit :) But what I miss the most is the check from my dad every month. Anything I made was for going out and buying clothes. Those were the days... life out of college is not super awesome...
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member

    Gayle, let's see some wedding pics!!!

    LOL I was going to post one on my profile but it says the pic is too big! Maybe if I download one from facebook....

    Anyways, I need to get back on the wagon!! Have gained nearly 2lb since coming home - piglet!! Think I am comfort eating because I am missing our awesome holiday ;)
  • AmberM6912
    Weighing in today ladies... 135.8. about the same as two weeks ago. grr. but at least it isn't a gain.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Hey Amber, that's right! You didn't go backward, which makes it easier to now go forward! :)

    I'm weighing in this morning at 134.0... aaaaalmost back to where I was when I started this thing. I think it was a fluke that one time when I hit 133.3, because I've never seen THAT number again. Oh well. Let's get it started (ha!) let's get it started in here (and the bass keeps runnin'runnin'....) I've got that stuck in myhead this am, so you get to share it with me. :)

    Love you guys! Gayle, I'm really excited to see your wedding pics!
  • laurad1406
    ok so I didn't weigh myself this week, I'm going to try to purposely not do it because I'm getting to caught up in the number and discouraged. BUT I leave for Mexico 3 weeks from Saturday, so I promise to:

    -Not miss a day of 30DS. I start my new job on Monday and I have an extra hour in the mornings now, so in addition to the 2 extra miles I'll be walking every day, there's NO reason for me to not do it.
    -I'm also going to keep incorporating the Butt Bible, because it literally kicks my *kitten*
    -Keep an eye on my sodium intake
    -Keep carbs super light (which I want to do anyway, as I move into Paleo ideally)
    - Stay away from bloating veggies like broccoli and cauliflower but up all the others

    Also a friend suggested probiotics, I don't eat a ton of yogurt so I don't think it's a bad idea. Anyone else have input?
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    HI :) I missed you guys! I'm finally coming up for air from my textbooks. Grad school is noooo joke. I've never worked so hard in my life without actually having a job. lol.

    Anywho, I've been gaining and losing the same like 5 pounds over and over again (check in at 219)... my exercise regimen definitely needs a boost. I just can't seem to get into a routine that actually works with my class/internship schedule. And it probably doesn't help that at least 5 days out of the week, I eat like a poor grad student. ugh.

    How's everyone doing? I spent a bit of time reading all of y'alls posts that I missed (which is a ton!). I hope that everyone is doing well, and I'm glad to be back on track! Promise to check in on Mondays and attempt to keep up :)

    ps- Gayle, I'm definitely excited to see the wedding photos when you post them!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Yay! Welcome back Keshia! I can totally relate to your gaining and losing the same weight....except for me it is like the same 1.5 lbs. UGHHHH. I weighed in this morning at 153.4...was 155 on Wednesday, 154 last week. So annoying! But I have decided that I love going to group classes at my gym so my new schedule is: M/F - Kickboxing, T/Th Group Power - (weight lifting) and W - Zumba. I am trying to incorporate more weights into my routine because I used to just do straight cardio. Hopefully it will work, because I feel like I am working out harder than usual and still not losing weight. Ohhhh my life.

    Anyways, tonight I am going to this charity fashion show that my roommate is in (yea, my roommate is a model - you can feel bad for me). So that should be fun I guess. My friend and I are going to get dressed up and try to find some nice guys who are the type who go to charity fashion shows (probably old and rich...perfect ;) )

    Anyways, I am just rambling now. Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a good weekend!!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Yay, managed to change my profile pic! Not one of the better pics but pinched it off facebook so there you go lol

    Wavering around the same couple of pounds on and off at the moment, not doing any exercise (filling all my time with the studying I should have been doing when I was off getting married!) but have taken the final step and gone from veggie to vegan so my veg consumption has gotten much better :) although I did eat some chocolate biscuits today!! They were vegan so I decided it was ok LOL but of course it has sent my calorie count right up :-D must try harder!!

    Hope you're all doing ok! Looking forward to Hump Day :) xx
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    You look GREAT!!!!!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Awww, Gayle, congratulations! You look lovely (and so happy!) How was the Disney portion? :)
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Aw, thank you so much girls! We had the most amazing time :) Casey, Disney were fabulous, they took care of everything! Made it perfect :) we said afterwards, we never would have thought to have a wedding planner but went along with it because you get one as part of the package with Disney; now, after the event, we can really see why people have them! It was great to just enjoy the day instead of worrying about whether the guests had arrived or whether everything was is the right place - she sorted out everything, she was wonderful :)
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Awww, Gayle, congratulations! You look lovely (and so happy!) How was the Disney portion? :)

    And with regards to the happy? I beamed all day long :) until we went back for the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom at the very end of the day - suddenly I just got so emotional that everything had gone so perfectly and just sobbed! loool