Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    ok, so i've been making conscious choices as far as food, BUT i did splurge on those chicken fingers the other day! I've been doing the 30DS for a few days. I woke up this morning and while getting ready thought...."my stomach doesn't look as jiggly as usual.....?" so out of curiosity I busted out the scale....and I've lost two pounds?! WHAT THA! and it's about to be TOM, so I haven't been feeling so hot. But what a great way to start a Thursday! It seems like for me, stressing less works. I haven't been logging my food, but have still been watching what I eat, and mentally keeping track...but if i want to eat something, I do! (in moderation of course) I'm just working out extra hard for it or not having seconds of anything in a later meal. let's hope this isn't a fluke and continues!

    Ok so has anyone seen the thread about the 35 calorie almond milk ice cream!? well I decided to try it last night. umm....serious arm workout. after 5 minutes of shaking the stupid bags of ice, the milk was JUST becoming thicker and icy. So rather than eat it like ice cream, I dumped it into a glass with a straw.....YUM. I did 1 cup of Vanilla Almond milk and 1 tbsp of honey. AND i shared it with my boyfriend. It was a nice little treat on these BRUTALLY hot days in the south! I would definitely make it again....but might look into a blender or something, it's a waste of bags, ice and salt haha.
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Sooooo my boyfriend and I just broke up (long-distance sucks). Using this weekend to wallow in self-pity and then going hard again. I wish I was the kind of person who can't eat when I am sad!

    Off to get some Wendy's, ice cream and a movie. Ugh.
  • Sooooo my boyfriend and I just broke up (long-distance sucks). Using this weekend to wallow in self-pity and then going hard again. I wish I was the kind of person who can't eat when I am sad!

    Off to get some Wendy's, ice cream and a movie. Ugh.

    I'm SO sorry girl! I know that is hard, i've been there before. Enjoy your ice cream and movie and let me know if you need anything!! Feel better soon!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Sooooo my boyfriend and I just broke up (long-distance sucks). Using this weekend to wallow in self-pity and then going hard again. I wish I was the kind of person who can't eat when I am sad!

    Off to get some Wendy's, ice cream and a movie. Ugh.

    *hugs* think ice cream and a movie is fully justified :( xx
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Apologies for being AWOL, so much been happening here I'm not sure where to start! Mum got cut up at a junction and went straight into the guy's car, everyone ok but her car is a write-off and she's got scrapes and bruises all over :/ Df also went to hospital this week after a piece of metal came off the machine he was working on (he's a metalwork engineer) and got stuck in his eye! He's also ok, they managed to remove it and flush it out and it seems to be fine. Other than that there have been huge arguments within the family about one thing and another and my brother is no longer coming to my wedding; Df's stepmother has also threatened the same. The arguments seem to blow up out of nowhere! Now just looking forward to getting the wedding over with :/ can't please anybody.

    The hen party (bachelorette) happened yesterday, was fun to see some friends I hadn't seen for a while :) as a result I'm not getting on the scales today! I did miss the weigh in at the beginning of this week, completely forgot :/ Fridays weight was 181lb anyways :) it was a loss but can't remember what I was 2 weeks before lol
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    ok ladies, looks like we've all been seriously busy and seriously slacking!!

    Charlotte- I'm so sorry!!! Are you doing ok?! Did the (much deserved) ice cream help?!

    Gayle- Whoa, that is QUITE an eventful past few weeks!! Glad to hear everyone is doing ok! And i'm sorry about the wedding craziness. But it'll all work out!
  • Charlotte- Dude. Eat away. Lol. That's totally what I would do but I would follow it with a lot of beers I'm sure.

    Gayle- I'm glad things are OK! Are you getting excited for the big day?!

    All- I am probably going to be few and far between for the next couple of months. I am event heavy in April/May and get a nice break June/July but come August and September... I think I actually have one weekend off the whole 2 months. VOM.

    I've actually been doing well as far as eating goes. The only splurges I've had are a local bison burger and fresh cut fries, a root beer float and some of my yummy refried bean dip I make. I am proud of myself for indulging but not ridiculously so. The more I stick to eating clean and the healthy, the less my "rewards" make me feel guilty. The cravings for junky food have finally started to subside. For the most part. This morning I REALLY wanted an asiago bagel, but we had a huge storm last night and a tree fell on my car, so I wasn't going anywhere. (My car is ok :)

    Didn't someone pick up a casaba melon? How did that turn out?

    Hope everyone is having a great week! I weighed at 152.0, which is only a loss of ounces, but I'm ok with that!

  • Didn't someone pick up a casaba melon? How did that turn out?

    I was the one that got the casaba melon. it was good!! tasted and looked (on the inside anyway) like a honey dew, but a little bit sweeter. Definitely worth getting again in only to switch it up a little bit. My boyfriend and I go through crazy amounts of fruit, so we are always up for trying new ones!
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Wow ladies, I've missed so much. LIfe has been quite eventful for everyone.

    Charlotte- I'm so sorry. Break-ups always suck and I hope the ice cream and beer and whatever else made you feel better.

    Gayle- Wow, when it rains is pours. I'm glad that everyone in your family is doing okay and I'm sure the wedding will work out perfectly :)

    Christina- That is one crazy work schedule. Try your best to take some time for you :)

    As for me, things are okay. Orientation for my doctorate program started this week. I found out that my first internship will be in the school system, which is kind of a downer. I was hoping to escape kids and schools for awhile and work with adults, but I'm sure that will come. I completely forgot to check in, and I'll work on it for the next check in. I've been eating horribly because of the move and sheer laziness. Hence the chinese food that I'm about to log for dinner tonight...
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Helloo :) hope that everyone is ok and looking forward to the weekend! Osucristina, I am definitely excited for the big day - Disney holiday, yeah! Guaranteed to put a smile on my face lol

    Keshia, that's a shame about your first placement but hopefully you'll get to try out something new soon :) I was really lucky with my first nursing placement, I have always worked in the community and really wanted to experience some inpatient services so was happy to be assigned to an elderly psychiatric ward (although it was really sad working with the patients there!)

    ok, I just wanted to ask the 30DS ladies - does it ever stop sucking?? I am on level 3 now and have done it maybe 6 times (possibly more, I lost count!) and I am a complete mess every single time! Sweat pouring off me, shaking afterwards, I have been on the verge of tears at times (now understanding Biggest Loser MUCH better) - it just doesn't seem to get any easier! I do think it's working and I can see a change in shape (I think) but it's just soooooo hard. Jillian, I am really starting not to like you. That is all.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Hey guys!
    Wow, this past couple weeks has been rough! Breakups, car accidents, moves, business trips, etc... you guys are rockstars. Look what you've made it through in a short amt of time!
    I'm spending most of this next coming week packing for MY move this coming Sunday - my nanny family #1 just moved into a house with an attached apartment, and they're letting my husband and I live these pretty cheaply, so that's fun and exciting. The close quarters might get a little awkward, and I'm sure there are dynamics that will need to be ironed out, but I'LL HAVE MY OWN LAUNDRY MACHINES! I've been using the laundromat (as few and far between as I can manage) for the last two and a half years... I'm beyond excited.
    Also, the living room has vinyl wood-like flooring, which might be a little easier to do my Zumba Wii on than my current carpet. Thinking about it, though, I might need to get a yoga mat or something for Ri30 (yeah, like I've been doing THAT any kind of regular recently...)
    Do any of you do excercise in front of a TV on non-carpeted floors? How do you deal?

    ETA: Did I mention they now live on a LAKE? With a BOAT? Hopefully I'll be able to start working swimming into my new routine.
  • Another weigh in day already?!? I am weighing in at 138.1. Still really no change. I guess at least I'm not gaining. I've got to get my routine back and get back to losing because I am in no way happy with what the scale STILL says. Boo Monday.
  • Well. I'm alive. And after a carb-a-licious weekend I'm up a pound and a half. The bagels man... they GOT ME. Lol. However, my fridge is now stocked with plenty of healthy things for me to eat and the world is right again .

    I've got some new challenges for you! Yeah I think I forgot last week and I suck.

    Health: Happy meatless monday! Really it's an awesome movement (google it) and I encourage you all to try to go meatless today. Even if just for one meal. If you can't make it today, try at least one day this week. I'm working on going back over to being veg anyway, so this is really fun for me to think of new recipes. Today I'm a grilled hummus and cheese sandwich with a green salad for lunch. And probably something involving chips and salsa for supper. Even if it's only chips and salsa haha.

    Fitness: Stretching. Do any of you hate stretching like I do? Or are you all devout stretchees? BLAH if you are. Lol. I hate stretching. I hate the time it takes and how slow I have to move and stay still. BUT I know that it is crucial to muscle rehab and health. So try some new stretches! I think I'm going to incorporate my resistance bands into it, instead of the classic old school toe touches.

    Hope everyone has a great day and week!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Casey, that new place sounds great! Hope your move goes well :)

    Weighing in at 180 today, think I lost a lb since last week (I was really late for our fortnightly weigh-in LOL)

    Osucristina, I already do a meatless week most of the time apart from the odd bit of fish so will be keeping to that this week :)

    Stretching.... Yeah I don't do it as much as I should either lol but doesn't it feel so good when you're achy? ;)
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Great job, Gayle!
    I can't believe it's another weigh-in.

    I'm back down to 133.4 - shocker. I've completely shirked both of my goals for the last two weeks, ate whatever I felt like, and didn't do a single structured workout. Maybe all that packing I've been doing really does account for something? That, and the new baby at work is getting heavier and more insistent on being held... :) Oh well. I'll take it!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Well done Casey :) I did hear that lifting babies is good exercise! Maybe that will get me over my slight anxiety about having one someday LOL 'it's all fine, I'm going to be following the baby-kettlebell workout' lol lol lol
  • Hi Ladies!!! I have some big news! My boyfriend proposed last night so we are now ENGAGED! I am so excited and feel like such a girl. I can't stop smiling and staring at my ring. He did great, it's beautiful and I was super surprised!

    Anyway, I just wanted to share my news with some of my biggest supporters! Time to step up the weight loss and toning! Gotta look great in that dress!!!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Hi Ladies!!! I have some big news! My boyfriend proposed last night so we are now ENGAGED! I am so excited and feel like such a girl. I can't stop smiling and staring at my ring. He did great, it's beautiful and I was super surprised!

    Anyway, I just wanted to share my news with some of my biggest supporters! Time to step up the weight loss and toning! Gotta look great in that dress!!!

    OMG congrats!!!!!!!!!! how exciting!!!!! now is a time when it's COMPLETELY ok to be a girl and brag and smile all day haha. Keep us posted on the details!
  • Amber- CONGRATS! You should post a pic of your ring when you get a chance! Oh gosh- wedding dress shopping- how fun!!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! I have some big news! My boyfriend proposed last night so we are now ENGAGED! I am so excited and feel like such a girl. I can't stop smiling and staring at my ring. He did great, it's beautiful and I was super surprised!

    Anyway, I just wanted to share my news with some of my biggest supporters! Time to step up the weight loss and toning! Gotta look great in that dress!!!

    Aw, congratulations!!! :) great news!!
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