200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Before I found this site, I used to use thedailyplate.com - which got bought out by livestrong...and got slooooow and a PIA to use. But yes, it does have quite a bit of extra info that MFP doesn't have.

    I get off shortly. I am going to Target for a few things, then the grocery store and home for the day. It is going to be a push, but i am going to get right into my work out clothes and get the P90X work out done so I can take a shower and a nap before the fam gets home for the night.

    I am feeling a southwestern type salad for dinner tonight....corn, black beans, olives, maybe some chicken, etc. YUM
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacey is making me hungry! LOL! I'm still guessing it's TOM water weight, b/c I've been eating a LOT of celery, which is a natural dieuretic, and drinking my water. I've even had less sodium that normal (as in under 4K! LOL). I'm so blaming TOM! Yes, the boss is here, but it's Friday & I'm gonna be doing busy work the last hour I'm here! Yay!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just popping my head in to congratulate those with the big losses! Woohoo! I'm on track for a small one when I weigh in tomorrow, but at least the scale is trending down now instead of zig-zagging.

    I'm off to a Canada Day BBQ now so here's hoping I stay under on calories! Wish me luck!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Victoria - That might actually work. I hate cleaning my own house, but I'm much better with other's places!

    Silver - Way to go on the loss!

    Kendal - I'm glad to hear the foot is doing better. I'm with you taking a week off from OT. Nothing more frustrating than working OT but not getting the pay. The wife gets frustrated with the same thing as full time for her is 3 12 hr shifts, so the first 4 hrs of OT isn't really OT.

    Lauren - Yay! I love breaking through those weight barriers!

    Amy - That kind of sucks with the Wii Balance Board harassment. Do the programmers think that is suppose to be motivating? Seems like an odd programming call. As for the pizza night cheat, at first I thought you were going to order out and "cheat" with more calories. Haha! BTW tortillas is how I make my pizzas all the time. Actually I use Flatouts sandwich wraps, they have an Italian Herb flavor, are much larger than a regular tortilla and are only 90 calories! I can make a good size pizza for just under 300 calories.

    Karen - That sucks about the pre-TOM weight. You could try going to Wal-mart, taking one of the shelf, "test" it and put it back on the shelf.

    Lacey - I hate when I forget to wear my BMF. As for the blizzard, ack! I hate how many calories are in them. I break down every once in a while and pick one up, but I've down-sized to the Mini. They are still in the 300-400 calorie range, but it's not as devastating to my intake. Just remember tomorrow is a new day.

    Sarah (thes) - Have fun at the BBQ!

    Weigh-in... 238.0 Otherwise, I got nothing!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Morning ladies.It is Saturday and the weather here is glorious. I hope you all enjoy your long weekend.

    Sarah: Hope you enjoyed your BBQ. Any loss is a LOSS. Well done you.

    Karen: I concur with the comment re sticking to the same scale. Also, sometimes weight seems to fluctuate with no apparent rhyme or reason, so do not fret over the nasty little scale.....enjoy the successes you know you have had.

    Lacey: Hope you got your P90X done. You are definitely pushing me to thinking I should do some sort of programme (and stick to it). Have you ever tried the 30day shred. If so would you recommend it?

    Katie: while it can be uncomfortable that you know people are talking - go with the positive recognition being given to all the work and changes you are doing. Also - may with worth remembering as this just shows how negative we can be about ourselves at times when others can see the reality of how well we doing.

    Amy. Yippee on the weight loss. Long may it continue - with all the work you do it was time that mean scale shifted some. Sorry to hear about your neck - hoe it has loosened up abit. And Yeah - off to see hubby imminently. Has the cat shown it's face?

    Lauren: Congrats on the weight loss. 180 is my sticking point - I keep fluctuating over and under. Let's hope yours continues on a downward sprial.

    Hallie: A lifeguard? Well done you. All that time in the water was worth it!!!!! Hope the sort out re diploma soon.

    Hope: Well done on weight loss.

    Pam: Yeah for sorting out the house. Hope you enjoy your visitors.

    Megan and Ashley: Congrats on your losses - long may they continue.

    Victoria: Hope you can factor in some time for you. With all the yard work you are doing, is good that there is some you enjoy (oh, and your secret is safe, we will not let hime know!!!!)

    Kendal: hope your foot is finally feeling better. Enjoy your break from over time - certainly is a good call nott o put in extra hours that wont be recognised. Re tom eating - it happens to all but beginning to get head round that we need to accept these choices and make better ones next time. Hope you stay positive.

    Kristina: Hope you not working too hard. Miss you on here. How is the training going - have yet to sort out how to find your blog.

    Happy Saturdays xx
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Friday: 2615 calories burned/ 1696 calories eaten/ 919 calorie deficit.

    Annette: No, the cat hasn't shown up.

    Katie: It was my first attempt at making a pizza with tortillas but I'm definitely going to do it again as it was very yummy and a lot lower cal than my pizza dough recipe. Also, it took about 10 minutes to get it all together and cooked. Awesome!

    Sarah: Happy Canada Day! I hope you enjoyed your BBQ.

    Karen: I used to have the hardest time with my sodium intake but I found that when I upped my veggie intake to 5-9 servings a day, I somehow eat less sodium.

    Lacey: Your southwestern salad sounds yummy! What kind of dressing do u use on it? I was saved from having to mow the lawn yesterday by a downpour of rain. I'm hoping for the same today. I don't think duct tape would help with the wheel.

    It's the weekend! I'm really just counting down till Monday and my trip to Italy. The Hubbs hooked us up with a night in a hotel on the island of Ischia in the Mediterranean during our trip out there. I am soooo stoked to hang out at the beach!! I think today, I will be trying my hand at making doggie biscuits to give to Sofie's dog-sitter while we're away. Have a great day!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Annette - Thank you for putting a positive spin on the co-workers' discussion. I'm not so much uncomfortable about being talked about... I'm more astonished with myself that I'm working out that hard. I'd never have thought of myself as THAT person, the fitness person. Just seems rather abstract at times.

    Check-in for Friday... 2084 burned / 1495 consumed / 589 deficit - No exercise.

    I don't know what my deal has been the last couple days. I've been craving things I haven't craved for months. It's not pre-TOM so I'm not sure where all of this is coming from. The first day or two I tried eating healthier stuff and doing my normal anti-craving stuff, but it's not working. I finally decided yesterday that I need to give in with moderation or I KNOW it will just get worse, so I got a mini blizzard yesterday evening but made a veggie burger at home instead of getting the greasy fried burger. I'm now craving some breakfast food like a giant muffin, fried potatoes or french toast. Just wish I knew why this is happening.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Amy - If rain is what you want, then I hope you get it. :happy: The beach sounds great!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Friday check-in 3059 cals burned with ex being my hour long bike ride. I'm skipping ex the next 2 days!!! Don't panic as I'll still be doing yard work. I'm in charge of dinner today for the family and company... Mini hamburgs, brats, corn on cob and rhubarb pie. I'm hungry all ready. My NSV yesterday was walking by a full length mirror nude and doing a double take at my tummy. It seems to be shrinking!!! I didn't recognize it :) sorry if TMI. I smiled all day thinking of how happy I was with my bodies shape. I may buy a bikini yet - just for the hot tub when DH is the only one around (*winks*). Have a great Saturday!!!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hey all,

    I don't have time to write, because we rented a boat and are heading out on the lake near us with the bf's family today. I can't wait...I've lived in this area for a year and have hiked by the lake side, but never gone boating in the water. Fun!

    Saturday weigh in: 225.6. Down 2.8 pounds this week, WOOHOO!! Finally the scale is moving!

    Hope you guys have a great weekend, and congratulations on your losses so far!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Katie- I know what you mean by being "that girl" who is recognized for working out. My friends all say I'm an athlete now and I just don't see it.

    Victoria- YAY for the tummy shrinkage!!! I'm sure hubby will be shocked and very excited if you surprise him by coming to the hot tub in a bikini! GO FOR IT!!

    Pam- totally jealous of your day on the lake! And yay for the loss this week!

    Still jealous of everyone's european travels

    I admitted I've been over on cals all week (and sodium too). And this is after I upped them to 1920/day. I'm also seriously pre-toming.

    So how is it possible that I'm 212.0 this morning??? :huh:

    I mean, its great and all, I just fully expect to be so disappointed next week when I know I will see a gain. Why don't I believe in myself anymore? Why can't I be excited about this loss and hope for a better (lower) number next week?? When did I become so pessimistic about my weight loss? :frown:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I completely understand how you feel about the weight loss. First of all, I want to say - Congrats on the loss! It's awesome! I have spent so much of the past 2 months being ragingly frustrated with my slow progress that it nearly drove me nuts. When my scale showed me a 2 pound loss earlier this week after a gain the week prior and tiny losses before that, I SERIOUSLY thought my scale was broken. I drug the stupid thing all over the bathroom to see if the number would change. AND then, I completely believed those pounds would come back the next day. Part of me still doesn't believe that my loss this week is "real". So I feel you but you should be happy about the loss. Just keep on keepin' on.

    Pam: Great loss! Have a great weekend!!

    Victoria: It's so awesome that your tummy is shrinking!!!!

    Katie: I think sometimes cravings just happen to mess with us. You are doing a great job dealing with them.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Thank heavens that my stupid, selfish, rotten cat came back tonight! I was so worried about leaving the country while he was missing.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Thank heavens that my stupid, selfish, rotten cat came back tonight! I was so worried about leaving the country while he was missing.

    Hooray! I'm so glad your kitty is back!

    Checking in this week, I'm at 207.4 lbs which is a .8 lb loss but I will take it, especially considering how slowly things have been moving for me lately.

    Went to Old Navy today to pick up some shorts/capris/bathing suit and I think it's my new favourite store. Their size 14 fits me perfectly. I think their size 14 fits a bit larger but hey, I'm not complaining! I got a cute 2-piece tankini thing too except I went to grab a different top and grabbed the wrong size, so it's back tomorrow to get XL instead of XS. Oops!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've been eating like crap for three days now. I did get my work out in today. Tomorrow I WILL get my food back on track and not look back.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG - that cat hasn't been back 24 hours yet and I already want to kill him! He kept me & Gabe up most of the night. He would run around meowing and then jump on the bed and ram his face into my face and then run around the house meowing. I know he just wants affection as he was gone nearly a week but I'd like to point out to him (which I can't because he's a freakin' cat) that HE was the one who decided to take off. So now he's just running around being a pain in the @ss. He also knocked The Hubbs' water bottle off the table and broke it and chewed up some plastic stuff in the trash. So glad he's home! Stupid cat.

    Lacey: Get the eating on track! Good job getting your workout in, that can be tough over the weekends.

    Sarah: Congrats on your loss!! I like Old Navy's clothes too. Their jeans fit me kind of funny - I think it has to do with me having lost, like nothing in my thigh area- but the rest of their clothes are great. Yay for a tankini!!!

    Check in for Saturday: 2680 calories burned/ 1791 calories eaten/ 889 calorie deficit
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Kendal: It seems you may have pre tom blues, as well as pre tom munchies!!!!!! You lost. If it goes back on, you are back to where you were at the beginning of the week - you are not 2lbs heavier than the beginning of the week. The scales are evil, nasty things who try to rule and ruin our lives!!!!!! Perhaps it's time to think of all the things you have done/can now do, having lost all the weight that has gone already, as opposed to just thinking on the last week. It must be a frustrating time - what with your foot and possibly not being able to do warrier dash - find the positives...........We love you loads x

    Amy: I'm pleased the cat is back. Okay, so it's looking for attention, breaking things, chewing things up, keeping you awake....but that's just tonight - you go away tomorrow and wont have to give it another thought - yeah.

    Lacey: Alot of us seem to be struggling with food at present - if I knew the answer, I would be a millonaire!!!! You got in your exercise - keep going x

    Sarah: Yeah for the loss and the new clothes.

    Victoria: I'm with Kendal - totally suprise hubby with the bikini and well done for the body changes

    I am dreading scale tomorrow - I have not been making good choices!!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sat check-in 2856 burned with no real exercise - just yardwork. We had to stop mid day due heat/hummidity. It was 85 here. It's not pre TOM but I'm retaining water and the scale is up to 192 today. All of my joints ache. Hopefully, it will go away by next week.

    Amy - have a great trip and I'm glad the cat is back even if he is evil.

    Annette - good luck with the scale!!!

    Sarah - great job on the loss and new clothes.

    Kendal - be proud of the weight loss. Maybe it's from taking it easy with exercise this week like Amy.

    Time to get up and out for more yardwork befoe the heat hits.
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Thank heavens that my stupid, selfish, rotten cat came back tonight! I was so worried about leaving the country while he was missing.

    Amy-BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA how you said that made me smile! Enjoy your trip!

    Karen-I'm so excited that I passed! Eh, my school is being harsh right now and I might have to be a "super senior".

    Kendal-YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for Warrior Dash!!!!!!!!!

    Pam-I sent you a facebook request. AAAAHHHHHH!!! I'm so jealous of your traveling! Ha, I agree if I had the money too, there would be no end to the traveling! Hope you enjoyed the lake! :smile:

    Katie-Thank you! Hahahaha, I love making complaint calls too! Or else strongly worded e-mails. :)

    Annette-Yes, the time spent in the water was well worth it. Hopefully, lifeguarding will be an easy job to carry over into college--it sure beats retail or working at a food place.

    Victoria-Yayyyyyyyy! For bikini for DH and shrinking tummy!!!!! :drinker:

    Lacey-Good job for getting workouts in over the weekend--especially the holiday weekend! You can get back on track for eating!

    Asssssssssssss for me.............

    *drum rolls* This week I'm at 254.2! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!! I'm at the lowest weight I've ever been in a long time! Hahaha, I was jumping up and down naked (boobs slapping hurts--ya know when you jump up and down without a bra) I was so excited! TMI but I had to share! :)

    My school is stupid. I might have to be a "super senior".

    Laughing cow cheese rocks my world! Yum! Only 35 calories/wedge plus ritz crackers makes for a happy Hailie!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hailie does being a super senior mean that you will need to attend classes for a few more terms or something?? So happy to hear you passed your lifeguard test!

    Victoria yard work is hard exercise, no wonder if you're retaining water if it's that hot too!

    Annette let's both make good food decisions today!

    Amy what a PIA cat lol! I'd want to kill it too.

    As for me....well despite my eating habits I'm only up .2 lbs on the scale this morning and am hoping that tomorrow I will be at least maintaining or under by a bit. Plan on eating on track today and doing cardio x...I should also legs and back, but not sure if I will or not. I want to lose weight not retainr water from a super hard work out.

    Idk what's up with my body but it feels like it's wanting to hybernate or something. It's tired and my eyes are tired and when I sit on the couch I fall asleep every single time. Not really asleep but where you cant keep your eyes open and you just lay there. It's really odd. Did you guys have is happen when you were doing P90x? I just wonder if it's my body changing and trying to slow down the process or something...muscle confusion at it's finest or something?
    And once again I am at a complete loss on food. I don't know how much I should eat next week. I think I'll stick to 1900 and see where it gets me if I keep at it all week and not lose will power.

    I need to find a good pair of semi cute walking shoes with good arch support for my trip. I'd like them to be black and cute enough that I could wear them for the work portions of my trip I can buy inserts if needed. Any suggestions girls??