200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katie: It was totally weird for me to go from working full time to staying home. (I worked up until the past year when we moved to Germany and I couldn't find a job so I'm not really staying home to take care of the kid - although, I do that) At first, it was kind of like a vacation. I could get up when I wanted, exercise when I wanted, do what I wanted all day. It got kind of old after a while though and I had to start thinking about what I want for my future. This is why I am now working on my Master's Degree. Having all the time to myself meant that I had a lot of time to think about what I want to be when I grow up (there is just absolutely no possibility on earth that I want to just do nothing, I like working). But it is cool to not be on a strict schedule and to have clean dishes and laundry.

    Bubblesburst: Yay for no gain!

    WnT: Great job avoiding the binge!

    Karen: I hate when I have to buy the expensive stuff all in one shopping trip (laundry detg, cleaning supplies and dog food add up!).

    Hailie: Rage calories are calories burned from pure rage (they aren't "real" but we like to talk about them)

    Check in for yesterday: Burned 2571 calories/ ate 1803 calories/ 768 deficit. I lost 3 of the 8 pounds I gained from vacation. I'm hoping the other 5 disappear before the week's over. I walked the dog and did a Kettleworx workout. I'll probably do some Zumba for some added cardio. I've got finals in my 3 classes coming up so I have to study. I am saying this here because my brain is still on vacation and the LAST thing I want to do is study. I WILL study. I WILL study. Have a good one, ya'll.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katie: I forgot to mention my favorite thing about being home all day....I don't have to pack a lunch. If I want to have a scrambled egg and toast for lunch or heat up a pizza on a tortilla in the oven - I can do it. When i was working, I put together my lunches the night before so it often happened that I'd get to lunch time the next day and be really not feeling whatever it was I had packed myself. That never happens anymore. I dig that.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sat check-in 3195 burned with 4 mile run for ex. Sunday check-in no ex and only 2253 cals burned... Life's still busy with work and company. The in-laws left yesterday and 2 girls arrive Wed!!! The end of July is when life will slow down and I'll be able to catch up.

    Lacey - THANK YOU!!! the books got here safely and I can't wait to read them... Hope you find the dog soon!!!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Friday's check-in (because I forgot to tell you!):

    216.0 (My starting weight that total was 232. It was 226 when I started MFP.. With the help of MFP, I am down 10 pounds! More progress i've made with this tracker than I ever did on my own!)

  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Checking in a little late, sorry!

    Weight is back up at 222.2. Given than I had a saline drip in my arm for two days and haven't been eating very healthily (lots of mushy pasta) since surgery, I'll take it. It'll still be a bit before I can start exercise again too.

    Pain is a lot less, but I still feel tired most of the time. I haven't really stayed up past 10 for the whole week. Stitches come out tomorrow though, so that makes me happy!

    Can't type much more as I'm still on my phone! Found out that my marvelous bf spilled wine into my new laptop and that's why it's not working. Grumble. I was so so angry. Over it now, being angry doesn't solve the problem and he's going to try and get it fixed. Plus, he took great care of me all week, so I can't stay mad. I actually cried yesterday when he had to go home!!! I'm lame.

    Hope everyone's doing well!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    i stayed the same this week


    no loss, no gain

    i REALLY need help in staying on track over the weekends. does anyone have any suggestions to help me not snack/eat when my time is unstructured? i'm in desperate need of help!!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I can never seem to log in much on the weekends so I missed a lot, but I'll try to catch up!

    This weekend wasn't great for me exercise-wise...the bf & I went to see 3 movies (!) this weekend so there was a lot of sitting involved. BUT, I did have a NSV on Sunday -- during my run/walk program I was able to up the running part to 5 minutes straight, then a 2 1/2 minute break, and then I repeated that 5 more times. So that means that I actually had 30 minutes of total running time! That's a big first for me. I don't think I've ever run that much before! Woohoo!

    Megan, congrats on the loss! MFP is helping me to stay on track in a way I never could before too.

    Amy, your trip looks fantastic! Loved the pictures. My brother used to live in Germany (near Kaiserslautern) and he told me the same thing -- that people there tend to go to the market every day for their food so it's the freshest possible. When I went to visit him we walked to their local bakery, and OH MAN was it good. I ate fresh chocolate croissants every day that I was there. :)

    Katie, if you can afford to work part time, why not? Working at night has got to take a toll on you, especially with that boss. I know what you mean about things piling up around the house...having more time to get those things done without having to give up time on the weekends would be fantastic.

    Sarah (wiggle), my bf and I have been doing 30DS for about 2 1/2 weeks, and we still haven't graduated to level 2 yet. :) We plan to start it tomorrow morning though, so I have a feeling we're about to feel very sore again.

    Hailie, *crack*!! It's always hard for me to find my motivation on the weekends...maybe you're feeling it more today? The tape measure is a good plan. Sometimes when I've wanted to throw my scale out the window, the tape measure has made me feel a little better. I hope your mom is doing okay!

    Keisha, welcome! I just joined this group this month too, and they're very motivational!

    Karen, I hope Mellie is feeling better! Ugh, money problems are the worst, especially when you and your partner aren't on the same page. Here's hoping that your FIL can understand your situation and let you get by with paying less money. Congrats on finishing the 2K!

    Lacey, congrats on your goals! My goals up to this point have pretty much just been "exercise" and "eat well," but I think it's time to come up with something more concrete. The Warrior Dash sounds like a great goal -- everyone I've known who has done it has loved it.

    Sarah (thes), congrats on the loss!!

    Tammy, I understand about stressful weigh-ins. I stress out every time I get on the scale, and if I've been working hard and don't see a loss...woooo boy, I'm not happy. I have to keep reminding myself that even though my weight fluctuates, the trend is that it keeps going down. I still get upset, but that thought plus other NSVs like being able to do things I never used to be able to do helps.

    Annette, I hope you're feeling better!

    Victoria, happy belated birthday!

    Nava, hope you're feeling better, and good luck on getting the stiches out tomorrow. Sorry about your laptop. :(

    Missxlaur, I have the same problem with the weekends. I've noticed that even if I'm allowing myself to eat whatever I want that I still eat less than I used to (maybe my stomach has shrunk a little?), but I still wish I could do better on the weekends than I do. I've been trying to make sure I get exercise in on the weekends to make up for extra food, but this weekend wasn't too good for that.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I am not weighing until Wednesday this week, so I am going to take a pass on checking in. Day 22 of the 30DS and a 4.86 mile run on the schedule for today. I need to eat more than I did yesterday, but don't worry, I don't think that will be a problem!! Have to go eat my pantry now... check in with y'all tomorrow.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hi ladies! Just popping in to let you know I'm thinking of all of you! My Internet access is sporadic but I did read everyone's posts--will reply properly when I get home. Have a great week!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I decided to not try on clothes yesterday..I want the full effect at the beginning of September lol.

    Back down to 1900 cals or less today. I ate 2400 yesterday, which was WAY more than I planned, but a beer and some broccoli salad called my name last night at 9:30.

    Still nothing on Vinny. I faxed in photos and a report to the pound and another place similar and will start checking them today after work in person.
  • elinger
    elinger Posts: 33
    Hi im here for weigh in im at 236.2 and happy with that. Hope everyone else had a good weekend
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    elinger: Congrats on your loss.

    Lacey: What kind of calorie cycling are you doing? I've thought of doing that but never got around to working it all out. I'm sorry about Vinny. I was pretty beside myself when my cat took off for a week but I think I'd be a mess if it was my dog as I'm pretty sure my dog can't take care of herself the way my cat can. I hope someone picked him up and is taking care of him and will take him to the animal shelter where you can get him back.

    Sarah (WnT): How do you like 30 Day Shred?

    Pam: I lived in Germany 10 years ago and I lived near Kaiserslautern (My ex was stationed at Ramstein AB). I loved that area and, you're right - German bakeries are ridiculously good (I avoid them whenever possible).

    Missxlaur: I have the same problem keeping it together over the weekends. The best way I've found to combat it is to get out of my house (I walk my dog, ride my bike, go shopping). When I am at home, doing things that keep my hands busy also keeps me from mindlessly eating. I also try to check in with the thread over the weekends as it reminds me that I am NOT alone in this.

    Nava: I'm glad your healing from your surgery. I'm sooo sorry your bf messed up your laptop. I hope it gets fixed soon. My mom spilled coffee on her laptop and was eventually able to get it mostly working (it works but her speakers are kind of hit or miss).

    Megan: You're doing awesome!!!

    Victoria: You're halfway to the end of July! About the time that your life slows down will be when The Hubbs gets back from Italy and my life returns to normal. Yay!

    I am soooo proud of me! I worked on the review stuff for all 3 of my classes despite totally not feeling it!!! Yay for being a responsible adult!!!! I wish my sunburn would heal faster. I'm still all red and now I'm also all itchy!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - Monday through Friday 1900 cals, Saturday-Sun 2200. This Friday was also a high day for me.. time will tell if its working or not. I will get on the scale Wednesday. It kind of sucks having to remember to change the goals on the diary lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I don't really mess with my goals in my diary. I use the base that MFP has for me (I think it's 1480 or something). Then I log any real exercise I do with what my BMF says I burned (I shoot for around 300-500 calories burned during exercise) and then I eat less than that amount. So if my base plus my exercise has me around 1880 calories for the day, I'll eat somewhere in that neighborhood and then see what my actual deficit was from my BMF when the day's over (I usually burn between 2500-2600 calories on an average day which leaves me with a 600-700 calorie deficit each day).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I havent been logging my exercise calories on MFP at all. I keep forgetting because I am trying to only check the BMF site once a day in the morning for the previous day. Otherwise I get to thinking about it too much. I found previously the MFP gives me too little calories to eat unless I set it to highly active and even then it doesn't match what the BMF site says I should be eating. I just know that if my deficits are over 500 on more than a four or five day basis I don't seem to lose any weight..so am trying to see if this helps. Its all frustrating.

    Speaking of calorie burns on the BMF...I find that according to my BMF I am only burning maybe 300 calories per P90X program!! Maybe a bit more for cardio days. I don't wear my HRM but feel like my HR is way up as its pounding and I'm sweating like a pig the whole time. In fact I have to make sure I take time to cool off after I work out so I don't get overheated in the shower.
    On my P90x thread, people are burning WAY more than this...I will have to get on the BMF site and recheck this..but yeah. My burns are much lower. And thats okay, but its odd I think.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yep I just checked...according to my BMF, I am burning on avg 287 cals per work out. And this is me wearing my BMF both on my calf and on my arm. WTH? My daily overall burns are right in there with everyone else. Maybe I shouldn't be overthinking it. I am slimming down, the scale might be headed in the right direction...hmmm..
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hey! we are ABOUT to flip to thread!! WOOHOO!!! That didn't take long!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: My BMF had me burning a lot less calories than my HRM said I burned for P90X. At first it really annoyed me but since the BMF is monitoring me ALL day and not just during exercise, I think it evens out. I think HRM over estimate calorie burns.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - yeay!!!

    Amy - I thought I remembered reading that somewhere from you girls doing P90x. I agree that it all evens out its just annoying to be sweating like a pig and dying and then see only that much burned. I guess considering on average resting I burn like maybe 2 cals, and this has me at 5 per minute, its not that bad..

    God I am BORED today. I have work and am plugging through it..but its not even 1pm yet! ****!