200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    211.4 this week. Down .6 from last week. (but up .4 from yesterday) Still I'm pretty happy with it. This is the smallest I've been in a decade. When you think of it like that, it seems pretty awesome.

    Glad its Friday. Going to the pool tomorrow with the high school bff. She just got a job and will be moving to Wisconsin in 2 weeks. :sad: We don't see each other all the time, but it will be so weird without her around.

    I'm wearing a shirt that's way too big for me. It has a square collar and its annoying as crap cause I have to keep checking to make sure my bra straps aren't showing. I think I will just leave my hair down all day and hope it keeps them covered. It's such a pretty shirt, but I think it's time to give it away (give it away, give it away, give it away now.....haha, *insert random song lyric*)

    TOM is beating me up today.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Friday ladies! I'm still in Naples but I return home to Germany tomorrow. We've had such a great time on this trip! I can't wait to post the pics! The only advice I have for anyone contemplating a trip to Southern Italy is to NOT plan it in July!!! Seriously, I have been melting the whole time I've been here. I don't know how these people take this weather every day!!!! It IS making my skin REALLY nice, though. We hiked up mount Vesuvius (and they aren't kidding - that's a HIKE) and we tromped around Pompeii. The past 2 days we've been on an island in the Mediterranean called Ischia. I'm sun burnt to within an inch of my life but we've had a great trip. I'll post more to you all when I get back home!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Argh!! I've been GOOD this week, why is the evil scale going UP?? BUT...NSV, I have a shirt I bought at Kohl's in preparation for VBS that was a regular XXL. It fits!! No tightness or spare tire showing!! I usually can't shop at regular stores, so I'll take it! Yay!

    And sorry no other replying, but we're SO busy today!!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Lacey: Every year high school students have to take the MCA's to see if the teachers are teaching to standard. Well, since I went to college instead staying at the high school they told me I didn't have to take the test. (I was being taught by college professors instead of high school teachers.) In short, if you don't pass the MCA's you can't graduate. Well, now they are going back on their word and want me to take the test. Fine I'll take the test. But, of course, just my luck, Minnesota is in a government shut down currently so testing isn't possible! URGH! At our high school you need 28 credits to graduate, I had 32 credits at the end of this past year. :)

    Kendal: Sorry about the job but something better will come along soon! What did you mean by saving your house? (((((((hugs))))))) Your picture made me giggle!

    Karen: Enjoy VBS!

    Sarah: I love your profile picture!

    Jenn: Yayyyyy for making smart choices!

    Kerry: Awwww, you and Chris sound like an amazing couple! :)

    Pam: As of right now, yes, I'll have to re-do the year again. Actually I am suppose to graduate in 2012 but I did skip a grade and I was excited to go off to college this fall. So it's mixed emotions.Thank you for the congrats!

    Amy: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! I'm so jealous! I hope you enjoyed your trip! You could always go back not in July when it's not so hott! *winks*

    Victoria: Happy Birthday! (Oh, the joys of facebook!) :)

    As for me, life is stressful. Urgh, not much else.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi ladies! I'm alive and well post surgery, back home and trying to relax. In lots of pain, but I know that'll get better. Not going to write much as I'm on my phone (my brand new laptop seems to have decided not to work anymore) but I wanted to let y'all know I'm ok. More later!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- Part of the fallout of the divorce was he moved out and left the house to fall on my shoulders. I can't afford it so it's going into foreclosure. I have been served papers and the court date is set for November. I don't make enough to even try an attempt to refinance into my name though because right now, his name is on it along with mine. His credit will be ruined when it goes into foreclosure too. I worry that if I take it out of his name and try to save it, he will get off scott free and then I will only ruin my credit. It's been on the market for over a year now but I think I've had maybe 3 showings in the past 8-9 months. No one is looking and no one would pay what I need them to pay (even though its totally fair) because there are so many "deals" out on the market right now.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Official weigh in, drum roll please!!! 207.6!!!!!! I am very happily trying not to think about the fact that it could increase next week...especially since I am trying the whole calorie cycling thing. I've been hungry for two days, so am happy today to be eating 300 cals more!

    Karen - you've been moving around a lot in the evnings for VBS, its something your body may not be used to, so maybe water weight? Hooray for the shirt fitting so well!

    Nava - hope you feel better soon!

    Kendal - would your mortgage company agree to a short sale? You may get lucky and it won't sell at auction and you can continue to live there without paying the mortgage and banking that money until they make you move. Lucky in that the money you have can go towards other bills or savings. I know a few people who haven't made payments in over a year and have got the mortgage co's to forgive the money. This year we made the decision to stop making payments on our house for three months in order to force them to give us a better apr or lower payment because Jeffs job changes caused a reduction in payment. It took months but they finally did it and our payment was lowered. Not by much but it was enough. Its a major headache. The bassit hound pics continue to crack me up!

    Amy - I've heard that Ischia is amazing.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Weighing in today at 181, which is .5 pound down from last week, which I will totally take considering 4th of July weekend happened in there, and its TOM.

    Lacey, YAY ON YOUR LOSS! So exciting! I have been hungry ALL week, and I can't seem to shake it. It sucks.

    Kendall, the house stuff just sucks. If I knew what your ex looked like, I would hunt him down and punch him nutsack. Really really hard.

    Nava, so glad to hear surgery is over and went well! Rest up and get well soon!

    Hailie, hopefully the government shutdown ends sooner than later so you can just take the test and be done with it. What a bunch of CRAP. I'm so sorry sweetie.

    Karen, I agree with Lacey, maybe you're holding on to some water weight cuz you're moving so much more this week. VBS was so fun when I was a little kid... I hope you are enjoying it! I actually taught VBS in Spanish at a church in Tucson the summer after my senior year of highschool. It was awesome.

    As for me, I'm good good good. Work is slowly yet surely getting less busy (fingers crossed), and its full on summer fun around here. This weekend I will be in a pool both days. Saturday we are going to some friends' house here in town, Sunday my two best friends from highschool are coming into town and we are going to my one friends' parents' sheep farm where they have a pool. It will be fun.

    I have a 3 mile run on the plate for tomorrow, which won't be my longest run yet since I've done a 5K, but I feel the longer runs looming in the distance. I'm excited and nervous. I like running, but it is HARD. Seriously, harder on me than P90X. I'm excited when its a P90X morning not a running morning because I know I can do it. The whole time I'm running, I'm thinking about being done, or considering walking. I'm really hoping I can break through that at some point in time.... I'm sticking with it for now, since Kristina and Victoria both have said the first 2 miles are always the hardest, and then after that is when it gets good. You girls better be right!

    Chris and I are going on a date tonight. He called me and asked me on a date and everything, and even set up a time to "pick me up." :love: I hope he brings me flowers. lol... (he won't, I promise you that!)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just popping in quickly to say Happy Birthday to Miss Victoria. I :heart: you!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Rage calories = driving around looking for your dog who got out of the yard. Who has apparently been in out of the backyard for a week and none of my neighbors bothered to tell us. It = my husband telling me Saturday that there were no holes in the fence cuz he'd just checked them out to make sure. It also = me wanting to walk out in the middle of my cul de sac and walk in a circle flipping them all off with the exceptions of the few who tried to catch him. ( most people are home on my street all day). I've looked for over two hours and can't find him. And the dog catcher can't eithe. O
    I have a feeling he will come home tonight.

    Rant over. Going to do rage yoga x now.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yes, apparently Victoria thought we wouldn't notice her birthday message on facebook and just let it slide by. I THINK NOT!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Birthday, Victoria!!!

    Kendal: I am sorry about your home, but I truly believe you will have a soft landing after this fall.

    Lacey: I'm so sorry about your dog. That just sucks! What the heck? Your neighbors just, what? Watched your dog run away...whatever...not my problem. *kitten*.

    Kerry: great job on the weightloss -- even with the holiday weekend. I, too, have a 3 mile run slated for tomorrow a.m..

    Amy: Jealousy is not attractive on me, so I'll just say...."have a great time" even though I am GREEN with envy. :)

    I ran 2.99 miles tonight in 35 min and 15 seconds. I was only supposed to do 1.75, but I got a bug in my butt that kept me going. I am so sick of the 0.1lb/week loss. Hopefully, stepping up the excercise again will dothat for me.

    Today's quote from the 4 yo: "Mom, it's ok with me if you make me somma those chocolate chip cookies. But if you can't do that, banana bread will just have to suffice." And the 1 yo is potty training...on the carpet. I love my life - a lot.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for help w/motivation for evil scale. Have a small 2K to walk tomorrow w/the kids while pushing Mellie in the stroller. Baby steps. There's even a 20 yd dash for Mellie to do!! So cute! Aaron & Casey have their own little runs too. Sorry, I get excited when ALL of my kids can do stuff!!

    Amy-glad you're having a good time & can't wait to see pics!!

    Hailie-hope all works out, maybe if gov't gets in gear you can still take test & get what you need to start college in fall.

    Kendal-stinks on house. My BFF went through something similar, only was just a truck, so not quite so bad. Hope all gets better soon. *HUGS*

    Sarah (WnT) Yay for run! The 4yr old sounds like a hoot!! And I had a potty on the carpet, in the car, etc yesterday too. Gotta love it! And they say girls are supposed to be easier than boys in that dept...psh!

    Lacey-hope dog comes home soon! Boo on neighbors being oblivious!!

    OK, sleepy time! No up at 5am!! Yay!! TTYL!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Happy Birthday Victoria!

    My hotel tonight has wifi so I should be able to weigh in tomorrow. How dorky am I, bringing my scale on vacation! Ten more hours on the road tomorrow! Driving from southeastern BC to Olympia, WA. We logged 7 hours today--I went in to work 2 hours early so I could leave early.

    Have a great night all!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! My in- laws arrived yesterday and we went out for a nice dinner. My extra time was spent cleaning (*yuck*). My MIL is allergic to cats. Check-in for Thurs was 2510 cals burned with no exercise. Check-in for Fri 2528 burned with no exercise. My weight yesterday was back up to 192. Gotta get up and get ready for my run.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Have been MIA again - well missing in non action really. It would seem these last few weeks I have had some sort of virus which has now been addded to by a chest infection. Means I have lost a bit more weight but I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a weight loss plan!!!!!

    Have tried to catch up with posts but still not functioning well. Can just about manage - Happy Birthday Victoria. Nava - hope you get better soon - glad surgery went well. Lacey - hope your dog has returned and am with you re disbelief about others sometimes. Kendal - hurrah for weight loss. Amy - glad hols went good. Victoria - not sure when i will ake it back on so this weeks weight will need to be todays - 175.

    Everyone else - loves you and keeps it up.....oh - and if thread changes in my absence come find me someone xx
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hi all,

    No time to catch up -- I have to make it to the farmer's market before all the good stuff is gone. :smile: I don't know if your farmer's markets are like this, but where I am if you go there even an hour after they open they're practically wiped out already! Good stuff though.

    Saturday weigh in: 225.2. I'm down .4....it's not much, but after that crazy holiday weekend I'll take it!

    Congrats to everyone on your loses so far, and have a great weekend!
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    Hi, I know I have been MIA. I just wanted to check in and be honest for a minute. You are all very encouraging, but I am struggling with psoting my weight every week. I found myself stressed about the scale for the first time since I started. It has NOTHING to do with anything you guys have said or done. Weekly weigh-ins are just too stressful to me right now. I'd love to still pop in from time to time. Hope all is well with everyone. Thank you for all the support.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Very quick post as we drive through the prettiest scenery on the planet. Yesterday morning I was 209.0 and I ate crap all day. So of COURSE I'm 206.4 this morning. -1 lb from last week! Woot!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi, I know I have been MIA. I just wanted to check in and be honest for a minute. You are all very encouraging, but I am struggling with psoting my weight every week. I found myself stressed about the scale for the first time since I started. It has NOTHING to do with anything you guys have said or done. Weekly weigh-ins are just too stressful to me right now. I'd love to still pop in from time to time. Hope all is well with everyone. Thank you for all the support.

    Then don't post it. We won't judge you for not posting your weight. If posting your weight stresses you out, then its negative reinforcement for your weight loss journey and we don't want that. Tell us about your personal struggles so we can tell you about how we are going through (or went through) the same thing and let you know that you are definitely not alone. Tell us about your successes (even the tiniest ones that you think are no big deal) and we will cheer you on. Just keep coming back to us.