200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Victoria - I'm sorry to hear about the tiller. Hopefully, they won't take long to get once they're ordered. Way to go on the race! Definitely worth being proud of, as well as your beautiful garden.

    Bubblesburst - Yay for the loss!

    Nava - Welcome back and way to go on the loss. I hope your surgery goes well.

    Lacey - I know what you mean about being unaware of yourself. I'm working really hard to just acknowledge my emotions. Sorry to hear about the shoulder.

    Karen - Ugh! Sorry to hear about the TOM cramps. I have a small toy poodle about 7 lbs and I use him as a heating pad and the extra weight provides enough pressure to help ease the pain.

    Annette - I'm finding that giving into the inner child occasionally does help eliminate the all out tantrums, but it's still a work in progress. As for the 4th of July celebrations, personally I didn't do anything today as I worked last night and at work now. However, typical celebration festivities include cookout/picnics with family and friends. A lot of people enjoy spending time on the water either boating, skiing or at the beach. There are also LOTS of fireworks displays. Retails stores usually have big Independence Day sales, so shopping is another activity. I hope you can kick whatever bug you have.

    Kristina - I'm glad to hear your vacation went well. I hope you get back on track with your running this week.

    Kendal - I get what you are saying about being overweight helps fend off the d-bags. I think part of the reason my gaydar doesn't work is that my a-hole/d-bag radar is taking up that cpu power. Or, I'm just more guarded about letting people in. As for the fear that people will still insult you, it is hard knowing that some people still won't like you regardless of who you are or what you do. I used to worry about people not liking me for my weight, but after I came out as a lesbian I realized that people are either going to like you or not. I also realized that trying to make everyone like me was just too exhausting. The people that are catty and don't like other people for stupid reasons are the ones with a problem. They will make stuff up just to make themselves feel better. It is important for you to remember that you are a good person and those that don't like you are losing out on having a great friend.

    Wigglentwink (sorry can't remember your real name) - Just keep at it, the bigger losses will happen.

    Check-in for Monday... 2064 burned / 1458 consumed / 516 deficit - No exercise

    I got nothing except I REALLY need to go to the gym today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Mon 3674 burned with my 6 mile run as exercise.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    QUICK...the weight is real!! :o( For now only I hope. Scale said 219.2 this morning. Boo!! TOM going strong, so maybe I'll get lucky, esp as this week I have LOTS of extra moving I'll be doing. Love VBS! :o) OK, work...1st day back after 3 day weekend...ick stacks of paperwork. I'll try to check in...sometime.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    and btw, I'm up to 214.0 today. I knew 212 wouldn't hold.
  • elinger
    elinger Posts: 33
    Sorry forgot to post yesterday this weeks weight is 239.6 :happy:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    I haven't stopped thinking about what I posted earlier....

    maybe the other side of it is what if I lose weight, get to the "perfect" size and the a-holes in life still don't like me. I mean yeah, there are always a-holes who will find something negative to say about you, but I'm used to people saying stuff about my weight. What if they find something new to insult me about?

    I've been there. To be honest, the new attention is an insane ego boost. I remember when i had dropped to my lowest and saw an ex out one night that i hadn't seen in a couple years (i was big when we talked)....and that was my "win" situation. I paid him no mind, just some cordial words, and that was it. It wasn't 5 minutes after him leaving with his friends that he was blowing my phone up wanting to see me. He was a jerk then, and I knew he was still a jerk. But i had WON that night!

    My advice to you is that the people who like you now will still like you. The jerks in life will always be there too. (they may just like you more now, but they are still jerks.) You just figure out what's important to you and stick to your guns on what qualities you find important in a friendship/relationship.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Just wanted to let you guys know because you understand -- Despite the holiday weekend, not logging in my food, and not full-on exercising
    I did not gain! This is probably the first time in history that I ate what I wanted (just in smaller portions!) and felt good about the holiday eats! I chose much better alternatives to the typical bbq foodI also stayed fairly active on my 3 day weekend (not just laying on the couch!) Yay! Go me!

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Pre-TOM is helping me burn some serious rage calories this morning.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hailie does being a super senior mean that you will need to attend classes for a few more terms or something?? So happy to hear you passed your lifeguard test!

    Super senior means (at our school) you're too lazy, didn't give a crap to pass enough classes to graduate, etc. Therefore you have to take senior year over again making you a super senior since you all ready know what to expect. Well, this isn't my case since I have a 4.0 gpa. Stupid school.

    So what happened? Are they telliing you that you don't have enough credits?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    First thing I did when I logged onto MFP this morning was log my cals for lunch and breakfast. Today I've got to get back on track, start getting on with the exercise and move forward. I've got two and a half months before my trip and I want to make the most of P90X before then.

    I didn't get on the scale this morning, no way, no how. I drank three beers yesterday, ate cheese-its, cookies, cookie dough, etc. etc. and worked for about 4 hours in our back yard..hoping that negated the carb overload but I feel bloated and ick. Pretom symptoms are rearing their ugly heads in the manner of super crankiness. Poor Jeff and Gracie lol.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Definite ugliness on the scale this weekend. Between vacation overeating, a pizza incident yesterday, and some leftover TOM weight, I was 188.2 this morning. Holy crap, that's bad. Can I tell you how pissed I am that I'm up 13 pounds from my lowest since joining MFP. ARGH! *rage* But, really, I only have myself to blame.

    So more of an update on my life as I've been hit or miss the past few weeks. Running is back on this morning. I didn't run last week after the 7 miler long run my first day in NC. The humidity + my laziness was killing me. So, even though I really just wanted to sleep, Emma and I ran a little over 3 miles this morning. Speedy? No. But it didn't hurt too bad, and the weather was cooperative. The rest of this week's training is 4 miles tomorrow, 3 miles Thursday, and a 9-miler (ack!) this weekend.

    Eating is something I really need to get back on track on, because, if I don't include last week, exercise has been pretty good, so I need to start being much more diligent again about what I'm chowing down on.

    At this point, I'm still planning on trying to do the full at Detroit, but I want to watch myself over the next couple of weeks and see how the body is doing with it. If not, I still will definitely do the half, and I'm hoping Victoria and Kerry can join. Either way, this fall, when Hailie comes into town as well, we need to have a Michigan meet up!

    Nothing new on the online dating front. I've exchanged messages with a few other guys, but nothing has come of it. I've been pretty passive about the process, so I need to be a bit more active. After planning a potential coffee date with the doctor, nothing really came of it, which is fine. With the guy that I had a date with, I sort of broke it off with him. We continued to talk for a while after, and was trying to schedule a second date, but as I continued to get to know him better, I really wasn't feeling it.

    Work has been really busy and stressful, with multiple grants going in and lost of other tasks for me to work on and will continue to do so for the next month or so. Then our group is moving to a new building at the beginning of August, which should be the end point of some of the craziness for a wee bit of time at least.

    I'm about to post this past week's chart, so bear with me...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    This week's chart:

    Name / Challenge start / last week/ this week (difference)

    Kristina / 183.4 / 183.6 / 188.2 (+4.6)
    Victoria / 190 / 189.25 / 192 (+2.75)
    Kendal / 214.8 / 215 / 212 (-3.0)
    Lacey / 209.8 / 209.6 / 210 (+0.4)
    Amy / 199 / 197.2 / 192.6 (-4.6)
    Sarah / 208.4 / 208.2 / 207.4 (-0.8)
    Hailie / 258.4 / 256 / 254.2 (-1.8)
    Annette / 183 / 178 / 177 (-1.0)
    Karen / 217.8 / 213.4 / 219.2 (+5.8)
    Nava / 222.6 / 222.6 / 221 (-1.6)
    psychohope / 261 / 266 / 263 (-3.0)
    mrslrichard(laura) / 210 / MISSED / 214
    megruder (katie) / 240.6 / 240.6 / 238 (-2.6)
    gonnadoitjenn / 317.5 / 316.1 / 315.1 (-1.0)
    Lauren / 184.2 / 181.2 / 179.8 (-1.4)
    Ashley / 247 / 245.8 / 244.4 (-1.4)
    bubblesburst80 / 222 / 221 / 220 (-1.0)
    Pam / 229 / 228.4 / 225.6 (-2.8)
    wigglentwink / 212.9 / 212.8 / 212.7 (-0.1)
    elinger / 243 / 241.2 / 239.6 (-1.6)
    silver02bullet / n/a / 220 / 217.2 (-2.8)

    This week's winner? AMY! with a massive 4.6 pound loss, which coincidently is the exact amount I GAINED this week *side eyes Amy* Not only is that a killer loss (which you totally deserve), welcome to overweight BMI land! *TWIRLS* no longer obese! :drinker:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    I've had the giggles all morning. It helps since I just got the call that I didn't get the job.

  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Hi all,

    I don't have much time to post because I'm at work trying to catch up with what I missed by taking Friday off, but I wanted to just pop in to say that I hope you all had a great weekend. Congratulations to those of you who lost this week and to those of you who were able to eat sensibly and work out this weekend! I did fine with my eating on Friday, okay with my eating on Saturday, but then Sunday and Monday were not good. On top of that I haven't done Shred or my walk/run workout since Friday, since I had company all weekend and we were on the go constantly. I don't want to look at the scale, and I'm a little scared to find out how hard my run/walk will be tonight. I've got the bad eating/very little exercise post-holiday guilt. Ugh. Oh well, time to suck it up and get back on the horse, right?

    I'm sure I'll feel better once I get a workout in. :smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal so sorry you didn't get the job:grumble: We had a bassit hound growing up. Still my most favorite kind of dog. His name was Chester (the kitty cat molestor)...not that he mawled cats or anything, it just rhymed. He rocked.
  • Thank-you! Excellent quote, I will think about that as I go through my day.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-woo hoo! Rockin the weight loss girl! :o)

    Kendal-sorry about job chica, but the pic is awesome! ROFL!!

    Kristina is alive! Yay!

    Victoria-dirt is fun..in smaller amounts than that. Yay for a week off before you get more!

    Yay to all of those that managed to not gain this weekend! And for those of us that did...well, let's just get right back to it! :o)

    And that's about it. Other than apparently my 2yr old loves fireworks...calls them "the booms" and was just a happy camper while we watched them at church last night! And she's in her big girl bed! I'm just so sad! But she's so sweet about staying in it!! Love it! OK, back to work (ick)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Karen - I totally get you on the baby growing up thing. Gracie is almost completely done with her little toddler things that she used to do all the time. Like she always says her instead of she "what is her doing?" and a few other things I can't quite remember at the moment. Mostly speechisms I call them. Well now that she is starting kindergarten her summer camp teachers are really workinig with her and the other kids to speak properly. She came home SO excited the other day because she used the word she instead of her. I was happy that she was so proud of herself but a bit sad too. I never encouraged her to say those words, I just didn't enourage her to not say them. They are like the bastion of toddlerdom that is almost gone :sad:

    She used to say "mooch over" too instead of move over when she was just learning to talk. So. Cute.

    Now she wants hair down to her butt (and with curly hair, NO) and loves Justin Beber..wants to buy the movie so she can sing all the songs. Sigh.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The rejection sucks, but I'm not too incredibly bummed about it. Other than being able to save my house, I didn't really want the job.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- the picture definitely cracked me up. I certainly feel that way sometimes when I'm running! I'm sorry to hear about you not getting the job. More will come along!

    Pam- just get back on the wagon... fess up to the scale in the morning (it could be painful-- mine certainly was) but take it as motivation to move your body again! The longer you wait, the harder it'll be to start again

    Karen- as it stays light so long here, they didn't start fireworks around me until pretty late, and I was trying to go to bed, and my window kept lighting up with fireworks. My dog was also a bit torqued up by them... not scared, but more annoyed as they were messin' with her naptime.

    Lacey- geez... kids go grow up so quickly. Gracie has great hair--- I'm super jealous of it! haha

    ETA: forgot to mention... I have trivia tonight for the first time in like months. Bad eating ahead tonight, so I've been pretty good otherwise today to try and compensate.
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