200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Kendal - Yay for the half day! Sounds relaxing.

    Karen - I hate having numerous consecutive long day. Hopefully you can get some rest this weekend.

    Kerry - As for the weekend challenges, I'm game for whatever everyone else wants to do. As for it being a "challenge," getting in 60 min for the whole weekend would be a challenge as I don't get anything right now, mostly due to messed up sleep schedule/work (I have to work every other weekend). I just wanted to throw something out there. Sounds like you had a great weekend! Yay on getting the mower back.

    Pam - Way to go getting back on the workout bandwagon! I finally did too! I had one of those food obsession days last week. It didn't end well, 3000 calories later.

    Lacey - I think that sounds like a great idea that way the challenges are individualized to what we each need.

    Crystal - I'm glad to hear you had a great weekend. And, yes, tomorrow is a new day!

    Brandie - Welcome! Feel free to tell us about yourself.

    Check-in for Wednesday... 2793 burned / 1685 consumed / 1108 deficit - Exercise - Strength training, 30 min elliptical, 75 min water jogging/walking. Back on the exercise wagon!

    This evening I was totally going to drop the wife at work and go straight back home, but she made me put workout clothes on and told me to go to the gym after I dropped her off. I'm SO glad I did. I sometimes forget just how good I feel after I've worked out. Unfortunately I ended up burning more calories than I planned and didn't have time to eat more. :ohwell: Not much going on. Have a terrific Thursday!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wednesday check-in 2958 burned with exercise my hour ling bike ride.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Katie- YAY for a supportive wifey who made you go work out! She's awesome! Give her a high five from me! lol

    Victoria- great job getting the bike ride in. How's work going? Still crazy busy?

    Lacey- WTG for getting in your workout. I know what you mean about working out, but not bringing the intensity. Sometimes I don't know if it is because I'm being lazy or because my body is telling me to take it easy.

    Hi Brandi!! :waves: Tell us more about yourself. Where do you live? In a relationship? Got kids? Pets? Reading any good books? What kind of exercise do you prefer? Got any new "omg this is the best food ever" realizations?

    Karen- I am NOT jealous about having to be at work at 6am. I struggle to even get out of bed by 7am. I am not a morning person but I don't like sleeping in late cause I hate feeling that I've wasted most of the day in bed. And I know I would be such a KendalGrump ExhaustedPants if I had to handle your current go-go-go schedule.

    And that's as far back as I can see right now.

    The more I eat, the more I'm losing. The scale is being nice to me....too nice. I'm suspicious of it's intentions.

    I stopped logging yesterday once I got home but feel like I pigged out (black bean quesadilla, skinny cow ice cream sandwich, sweet potato fries (ate all 2 pounds of it over the course of a couple hours)). Yet this morning the scale said 211.0. LOWEST EVER. Which means I doubt it will stick around for tomorrow's weigh in. For real, it was high school the last time I weighed this. But I don't feel like I'm losing. I don't feel smaller. I still feel the same as I did at 220. Other people have started noticing again. We are our own worst critic though, right?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    you need to see the original size rather than me saving and reposting it here.

    I hope you see the same image I'm seeing right now LMAO

    (if you need to see it bigger, hold the control button and scroll up on the wheel of your mouse at the same time)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Do yall remember this time last year where I was telling you about the girl in my department who lost over 100 pounds in a matter of like, 3-4 months? I thought she was only doing P90X and following the diet they provided. Now she's putting the weight back on and I asked a friend about it. Her response was "apparantly her weight loss was not as natural as we thought...she was taking pills and getting some kind of shot....restricted what she was eating and exercising 3-4x a day". It's sad that she put that much effort into losing weight but it was still the "wrong way." If she had taken the slow approach and learned the "right way" of eating, she would have been able to keep it off.

    and yeah, I've got 3 straight posts now. lol
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Kendal, I love it. That cartoon pretty much sums up why I exercise too. :) There have been some days when the only thing getting me on the treadmill in the evenings is because I see that mean red font with the negative sign in front of it for my calories. Oh well, whatever gets us moving, right? That's a shame about your co-worker. I was just talking to my bf last night and asking him how the heck those people on Biggest Loser keep the weight off. They're losing MASSIVE amounts of weight so fast and exercising 6 + hours a day...wouldn't that be almost impossible to maintain?

    Katie, yay for getting back on the workout bandwagon, and yay for a great wife to help you out! It sure is hard to get back into it after time off...so hard to get going but you're right, no matter how hard it is to do it you can't help but feel better afterwards.

    Karen, I'm sending energetic thoughts your way! :)

    Crystal, glad you had a good time at the beach! You're not the only one whose diet went a little off this weekend...mine was WAAAAY off.

    Megan, I baked this weekend too but I baked brownies, which are hard for me not to eat. What I did instead of eating them was force them on other people. ;) Maybe baking something that I'm not into is a better idea.

    Someone just sent me a link to a site with a recipe for vodka-infused gummy bears (http://mixthatdrink.com/vodka-gummi-bears/). Wow. I wonder how you count those calories...

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendal-that picture is SO me! ROFL!! And I'm definitely a KarenGrumpy pants!! At least I think I am. I feel blah!! I think if TOM wasn't holding onto my energy, I'd be OK. I usually do fine during VBS week (I work 6-3 that week on purpose, so I'm not rushing to get to VBS). Yay for loss!! And I feel ya. I know I'm smaller than I was...lots of lbs gone, have to be, but my pants (and I mean my newer ones) don't feel any bigger. *sigh* But I keep getting compliments, so I guess I'm doing OK, and I even hear people talking about me when they think I can't hear them...LOL!

    Pam-thanks for energy...I'll take all the help I can get at this point!

    Katie-yay for wife who pushes you!! My hubby kinda just sits back & lets me do my own thing, b/c he feels if I don't do it for me & b/c I'm motivated, then it's not gonna work. I guess he's right. *sigh*

    And I think the scale hates me & I need to stay off of it! I gained another lb from yesterday!! Tomorrow is my "motivational" weigh in to keep me going over the weekend, so I'll get on it...and maybe I'll remember the scale I need to ship back...bad memory! LOL! OK, I think my lack of sleep is making my head hurt, or something (please no migraine, please no migraine). TTYL!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 3003/1890/1113 deficit. And I am weighing in at 208.2 this morning. WTH man?? I am happy to see the scale go down but still. Oh and I am going to officially change my weigh ins to Friday instead of Monday.

    This weight drop has me thinking about calorie cycling. Have you girls noticed lately that we've eaten huge intakes for a few days, then got back on track for three or four days and have seen big drops?? I am thinking that I might come up with a plan to eat around 1800-1900 cals during the week and 2000-2200 on the weekends and see what that does for me. I can't keep up with the decifits like above and lose weight, that much I know...

    Anyways, what do you girls think about it? Its worth a shot right?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- it sounds like a good idea to me.

    Is anyone else getting tired of someone deciding its "boobie day" so all the females on the site post pics of their boobs? It's gross. I'm seriously thinking of unfriending lots of people (and surprise! it's gonna be the guys who ask the ladies to update their profile pictures and then the ladies who partake). The guys who ask are freakin creeps and the girls who give in are attention seeking poop heads.

    Yeah, thats just my opinion.
  • SewJoe
    SewJoe Posts: 43 Member
    Nice to read this, I am slowly losing and getting frustrated. Your post helps me stay positive. I still need to lose 25. --Jeanie
  • SewJoe
    SewJoe Posts: 43 Member
    I want to take this challenge on~!! Not sure how to get the ticker posted and my goals. I will figure it out asap, but in the meantime, I put the info in this post. My birthday is July 26, and I want to lose 3 lbs by then.

    SW: 213 December 2010
    CW: 186 July 7 2011
    GW: 160
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Lacey, I've heard of calorie cycling but not sure how it works....does it just mean eating more calories on some days of the week than others?

    Kendal, there are seriously people deciding that it's "boobie day" on MFP and asking for/posting boob pictures? Really? I thought this site was supposed to be about losing weight; that's worse than Facebook "theme" profile pictures!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi SewJoe! Cute profile name! Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? In a relationship? Got kids? Got pets? Got milk? (haha,sorry, couldn't resist that one) Reading any good books? What kind of exercise are you into at the moment? Thinking of starting up any new exercises?
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Lacey, I totally agree that calorie cycling is a good idea. I think I have been doing it without really trying, just because I normally eat more on the weekends, and I do think it helps. Plus, why not give it a try, and why not set yourself up to succeed on the weekends? Its a win win!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just had a piece of yellow cake with raspberry and custard filling with cream cheese frosting. I didn't eat the side of frosting because its so thick...I'm guessing 330 cals? Agh! I found a pampered chef food for something similar and am going with it.

    I ate my lunch at 10:45 today due to poor food planning on my part and have been off all day because of it by an hour. I usually eat around 11:45 or so. Its annoying! LOL.

    Tonight I am making eggs benedict for the first time..its my fav breakfast meal! And its also shoulders/biceps and ab riper for me!

    I am wearing a top today that fit last weekend but was not soo loose around the upper hip (@ss shelf) area where the bottom of the shirt hits. Now its nearly too big. And my pants are falling off more than usual. Its a good day for that!

    And those are my random thoughts.

    I think I will calories cycle Friday and Saturday up to 2200 cals per day and then try to stay around 2000 Sunday, back down the rest of the week to 1900ish.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Lacey: you are an inspiration with the excercising. Great job and keep it up!! (and I want a piece of that cake, please. Not a corner or a side, but a nice big slab outta the middle. )

    Kendal: I think you are adorable. I don't post much, but you make me smile everytime I read your posts.

    SewJoe: I love your screenname and welcome!

    Pam: I have only heard good things about calorie cycling or "zigzagging" but I don't have the guts to try it...even though 0.1lb/week loss my actually kill me. *sigh*

    Victoria: How on earth do you burn 2000+calories a day? I read that and I am put to shame over and over again.

    As for me: I just completed day 18 (in a row) of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. This time *I* kicked *her* @$$. :D woot! I don't know why the scale isn't moving but I am considering testing its ability to fly and going to the doctor to weigh...since I go once a week anyway.

    I was just diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and I am trying to figure out what that means for me. It hasn't slowed me down yet, but I don't know what that will mean for the future and am open to testimony -- if you have any.

    My 1yo has decided that the terrible 2's start today - in force. And my 4 yo has informed me that though the rest of us have foreheads, he, in fact, has a fivehead.

    Ok, I think that's all I have for today and I will see y'all tomorrow!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wiggle - how much are you eating per day? I bet you would be very surprised at how many cals you burn on a day where you don't even exercise..I bet its well over 2000. YEAY for kicking JM's *kitten* today!!!

    Welcome Sewjoe!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sighs!!! I'm in a severe PMS rage. Got upset with DH and threw a plate to the floor which proceeded to shatter one of the sliding glass doors.... Truely burned tons of RAGE CALS cleaning up my mess.

    I burn 2000 cal in a lazy day when I don't do much. My ave cal burn the last 30 days is 2950... My cal burn is for 24 hours by my BodyBugg... My biggest shock after getting my Bugg was my total cal burn per day.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I think I do the zig zag thing on weekends without meaning to, but not in calories, just in my choices of what those calories consist of. Maybe I should try it the "right" way? LOL!

    Welcome SewJoe!! Tell us more about you!!

    Sarah (WnT) Your kids sound adorable! Even the terrible 2's! My youngest turned 2 in March, and she is a handful & a half! My boys were so easy...yes mommy to almost everything....for my Melodie, it's NO Mommy, NO! And me trying really hard not to laugh at her as I punish her for it.

    Kendal-those who show them off usually don't have anything worth showing other than those. And those that ask, don't have anything worth giving in return, so un-friending them sounds like a plan. You don't need that in your life, even if it is cyber-life! *hugs*

    And another day of VBS dancing is done! I love the burn, but there are parts of me hurting!! Maybe I should recommend this as a new workout!! Only problem is..the songs are STUCK!! 4 repeats a night of each set...yeah. I'm going to bed now.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Kendal - I will give the wife a high-five when we get off work! Yay for seeing the lowest number! I had that feeling when I saw 236.0 a few days ago for like a nanosecond. I'm with you on not feeling skinnier. Ugh! I'll keep chipping away at the pounds if you keep chipping away. It will pay off. (I think that was for me as much as it was for you.) BTW - Loved the comic strip! As for the co-worker, I've seen MANY of my co-workers take the weight off in less than healthy ways and I've seen it all come back. One person in particular has done it 3 different times. I feel sorry for them.

    Pam - The vodka gummy bears sound interesting. Kind of reminds me of college.

    Karen - The wife is like that sometimes, but she knows I'm having a particularly bad week so I think that's why she pushed so hard. Today was a whole 'nother story, we were both so tired when we woke up this evening that there was NO motivating each other about anything. I'm with you on the big, bad, mean scales. I've slowly gone up all week. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better for both of us.

    Lacey - I do not intentionally calorie cycle, but it seems to happen on a fairly regular basis due to weird sleep schedules and just being hungry. I've been doing this pretty much since the beginning, January 2011, and I've never really hit a true plateau. I do have a 2-week period every month in which I don't really see a loss, but once the 2-weeks are up the weight I would have lost goes away almost overnight. I've wondered if this is why I've avoided hitting any type of plateau after 6 months and 40 lbs lost. Just a thought! Way to go on the top getting too big!! BTW - I hate when I mess up my meal times. Grrr.

    Jeanie - Welcome! Congrats on the weight loss so far! To get the ticker go to the TOOLS tab and click on TICKER. Just follow the prompts to make it your own. It will then give you some html code, which you can copy and paste. Then go to the COMMUNITY tab, MESSAGE BOARDS, then just below the banner ad at the top of the page click on SIGNATURE. There you can add whatever you want to your signature. Feel free to ask more questions if you're having trouble.

    Sarah (wigglentwink) - Flying scales... Kind of reminds me of the old flying toaster screensavers! Makes me wish I was better at computer graphics and programming, just had a GREAT idea for a screensaver. I'm sorry to hear about the RA diagnosis. I hope that you are able to work with your doctor on finding ways to stave off physical limitations.

    Victoria - Here's hoping the sliding door won't be too difficult/expensive to repair and that the PMS rage goes away soon. I hate the PMS rage feeling.

    Check-in for Thursday... 2090 burned / 1528 consumed / 562 deficit - No exercise. I've decided that trying to workout or get motivated to workout when you've only had 4 hours of sleep just doesn't work well.

    I'm thinking staying in bed would have been a better option given the day I'm having. I'll just keep it at that and wish everyone a Happy Friday!