10 Lbs (or more) in 13 Weeks!



  • hikingvee
    hikingvee Posts: 20 Member
    Late response! Back to 140! Crazy week! : )
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Today's weight = 252.8

    Not sure how this happened cuz I checked yesterday and was at like 254 or something. Enjoyed some banana bread and a little brownie this week and thought I would pay for it today. Guess my metabolism is going really good from all the biking and what not (this doesn't give me an excuse to eat "bad" food, just allows me to enjoy everyonce in a while and not feel guilty). Cheat day today, with the wifey. Have a good weekend everyone!

  • Mandalicious
    Dave - proud of you - all that hard work biking must be paying off!

    I, on the other hand, was sorely disappointed this morning on the scale. I averaged a net of 1008 calories per day this week b/c of all my exercise. Just yesterday I ran 4 miles and walked 4 miles! But I am pretty sore from increasing the hand weights I use in my workout from 5lb to 8lb. Hope I am just retaining water... Hopefully not a long plateau (been the same weight for almost 2 weeks).

    This week: stayed the same at 132.5.
  • RubyHearts
    Hey guys hope everyone is doing good and staying positive! I didn't lose anything last week which left me pretty dissapointed, but this week i tried really hard and was pleasently surprised! I lost a pound this week ! Have a great weekend everyone =)
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Thanks Mandy - I was going to take today off, but the damn brownies sitting on the counter got the better of me and I had some (luckily they are almost gone and my wife can have the last of it tonight). I waited till after weigh in to have any of them and finally caved this morning while I was making eggs! So, now I have some work to do in the garage (woodworking project, one of my hobbies that was put on hold for my fitness activities) and then I'm gonna get on the bike before work! Hoping to get a hair cut in there some place today, which means I need to keep moving. I hear it is harder as you get closer to being at your goal weight, but I know you are determined and will push through. As I get closer I am sure it will slow down for me, but I am going to ride this momentum as long as I can to get me closer to a healthy weight!

    Nice work Ruby! I know we are all trying hard and life gets in the way. Just know that we may not be there yet, but we are closer than we were yesterday. I try to remember that everyday. I am more active now then I have been since I was in high school and I am getting healthier everyday so that I may live longer and be there for my family. Keep up the great work everyone, hope to hear more good results from our group.

  • hikingvee
    hikingvee Posts: 20 Member
    Back down to 138....hopefully can stay down : )
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Gotta fix my eating. Two bad days. Forgot to report yesterday, was down a pound tho!!

    SW 219.
    W1 (7/1) 217.
    W2 (7/8) 213.
    W3 (7/15) 211.
    W4 (7/22) 209.
    W5 (7/29) 210 OOOOPSIE up +1
    W6 (8/05) 206
    W7 (8/12) 205

    NSV running an 11-minute mile for the first time! Doing c25k.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Gotta fix my eating. Two bad days. Forgot to report yesterday, was down a pound tho!!

    SW 219.
    W1 (7/1) 217.
    W2 (7/8) 213.
    W3 (7/15) 211.
    W4 (7/22) 209.
    W5 (7/29) 210 OOOOPSIE up +1
    W6 (8/05) 206
    W7 (8/12) 205

    NSV running an 11-minute mile for the first time! Doing c25k.

    Nice work Sean!
  • Mandalicious
    Latest spreadsheet now posted: www.schmole.com/myfitnesspal/results.htm

    Can you guys believe that we are already over half way through this challenge?!

    Thought I might just do a little recap for our regulars:
    Dave has lost 23 pounds with healthy eating and riding that bike!
    Sean has shredded it at the gym, started C25K (run an 11 minutes mile!) and lost 14 pounds!
    RubyHearts is working on those last 10 pounds successfully. She has dropped 5.2 pounds and fit into single digit sized clothing!
    Runningvee has jogged her way down 7 pounds with still a few weeks to go to her wedding!
    I have lost 4.5 pounds and have really increased my jogging since the start of the challenge - 7 miles yesterday!

    I am so thankful to have all of you to count on in my progress toward better health, weight, and fitness! Six more weigh-ins... We are gonna rock this summer challenge, you guys!

    Good luck to all!!!!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Latest spreadsheet now posted: www.schmole.com/myfitnesspal/results.htm

    Can you guys believe that we are already over half way through this challenge?!

    Thought I might just do a little recap for our regulars:
    Dave has lost 23 pounds with healthy eating and riding that bike!
    Sean has shredded it at the gym, started C25K (run an 11 minutes mile!) and lost 14 pounds!
    RubyHearts is working on those last 10 pounds successfully. She has dropped 5.2 pounds and fit into single digit sized clothing!
    Runningvee has jogged her way down 7 pounds with still a few weeks to go to her wedding!
    I have lost 4.5 pounds and have really increased my jogging since the start of the challenge - 7 miles yesterday!

    I am so thankful to have all of you to count on in my progress toward better health, weight, and fitness! Six more weigh-ins... We are gonna rock this summer challenge, you guys!

    Good luck to all!!!!

    Awesome Job everyone - keep up the good work. Great job on the running Mandy - thanks for putting together the spreadsheet everyweek and giving us a recap. Totally Awesome!
  • RubyHearts
    On the 21st i will be taking a one week hiatus. My bestfriend and boyfriend are coming down to visit. Then i'm going back up to NJ with them so i might not be back until the 29th or 30th. But i'm going to stick to my diet and try to get some exercise in!!
  • Mandalicious
    @RubyHearts - enjoy your trip with your friends... we'll look forward to your return.

    Just wanted to give y'all a more detailed update about my left knee.
    After lots of x-rays and a five minute exam and discussion, the orthopedist said no high-impact exercises ever, for the rest of my life. WTF? Supposedly my body just "wasn't made for that" without surgery to shift my knee cap to a different spot. When I asked about a brace or other rehab exercises I could do to improve the situation, he basically gave me zero suggestions. So no injury or anything - just knee caps that are pulled too far toward the outside of my knees rubbing against my leg bones.

    Then I went to my chiropractor (whom I feel is super knowledgeable and love but he's been out of town for three weeks). Diagnosed exact same cause of the problem. BUT he gave me a bit more hope. Stay off of it until the swelling/inflammation/pain ceases - no more running for quite a while - or I could develop scar tissue. Work on certain prescribed exercises and stretches to change the way my muscles control my knees in the meantime. Then I can phase in low-impact exercises again. Primarily he suggested cycling (DAVE!) and swimming. Like the idea of in-line skating, too, though my balance has always been pathetic. However, he says that I can train my muscles to support my legs/knees/feet differently so that I can eventually add high-impact sports back to my exercises.

    I am really disappointed, though, because I totally expect to lose some of the cardio fitness base I have worked so hard for. By not using my knees for a while (few weeks minimum), I can't see how I am going to get my heart rate up and keep it there for any length of time. And surely I should expect some loss of muscle strength in my legs, too. Even walking causes swelling at this point. I AM doing lots of upper body work - push-ups, weights, abs, back, since that's what I can for now... along with my rehab stretching and exercises.

    Patience, right? I am just trying to believe that this is simply an opportunity to improve my biomechanics for my lifetime of fitness pursuit.

    Thanks for reading, friends!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Sorry to hear this Mandy - sounds like you have a plan in place to keep yourself active without hurting yourself in the long run. I can understand the disappointment, but I am glad you went to get it checked out before you made things worse to where you couldn't do anything! Hopefully you will grow to love biking as I have, and you'll burn a lot of cals!

  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    UGH. That's tough Mandy. There has to be some fix though ... my eldest had kneecap problems cos of tight quads and hammies pulling them out of position. Physical therapy was part of a solution. Otherwise, can you use this excuse to get a swimming pool for the backyard?
  • Mandalicious
    UGH. That's tough Mandy. There has to be some fix though ... my eldest had kneecap problems cos of tight quads and hammies pulling them out of position. Physical therapy was part of a solution. Otherwise, can you use this excuse to get a swimming pool for the backyard?

    Thanks, Sean! That gives me more hope. Working on exercises and stretches to try and correct the problem but it will probably be months... No luck on the pool, though! We haven't even hit 90 degrees in Portland all year, which means outdoor pools are not exactly inviting!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    SW 219.
    W1 (7/1) 217.
    W2 (7/8) 213.
    W3 (7/15) 211.
    W4 (7/22) 209.
    W5 (7/29) 210 OOOOPSIE up +1
    W6 (8/05) 206
    W7 (8/12) 205
    W8 (8/19) 204

    This was with only two day's light exercise .... Hopefully I can hit a full week of exercise next week, before school starts!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Todays Weight = 251.4 - Almost to my goal of 250 for our challenge and about 40-50 lbs away from my goal weigh range! I made some poor choices this week and know i need to get back on track :)

  • RubyHearts
    I lost a pound i'm 156! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Nice job Sean and Ruby - keep up the good work. We are all doing great!

  • Mandalicious
    Hip, hip, hurray to Sean, RubyHearts, and Dave! All down some weight, and I am down with that! :)

    Lost 0.5 pounds this week. Happy with that! Weight now 132.0.