10 Lbs (or more) in 13 Weeks!



  • Mandalicious
    Woohoo!!! I was SO excited when I got on the scale this morning to see 130.5!! My lowest weight yet!

    Nice job, Sean and Dave. We still have a week of the challenge left and you have both ROCKED it by getting to your goal already! I, on the other hand, have gone from 137 to 130.5 but my goal was 125. I am hoping that I might break into the 120's by the end of next week, though. Fingers crossed!

    I have my Race for the Cure 5K this weekend (my first race ever). Then I want to start the Power90 Level 5 and 6 DVDs on Tuesday. They are supposed to be the last step of ramping up for P90X. My left elbow has been a little tender off and on the last few weeks (no idea why), so I hope that doesn't become a problem. Keeping my jogging limited to about 3 miles has kept my knee in check. Hurray! I just need to make sure that I fit in the exercise on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Now that I am working part time again, it's more of a challenge to get everything in! I know you can relate, Sean. Way to go on getting back to the gym this week. And, Dave, I will be interested to see how the gym goes for you now that it's too chilly for riding outdoors. I love how you sneak in the 30DS while watching Sam!

    I would LOVE to do a challenge for the fall. I am super motivated to get myself down to my ultimate goal weight of 120 and I would like to do it by Dec. 31st, 2011. I made a new year's resolution that this year would be my year to get healthy (and 2012 to stay healthy) so I would be tickled pink to knock off those last 10.5 pounds. You two have really helped me these past few months, and I have gotten so much from your support on here. You're both an inspiration! So, yeah. Let's get some more peeps and throw it down this fall! When you get a chance, give me some tips for things to keep the same and things to change to make it a better time for all...

    Our dwindled-down paltry spreadsheet will be up momentarily with our updates... Let's see what we can do for this last week, pals!!!!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Great job Mandy! Thanks for putting this together. My goal for the next week is to stay under 200 ... and maybe drop a couple more. My new goal is 179 ... Doable by mid-December maybe? That'd get me off being "obese." Yay.

    I am up for another challenge. Maybe a Thanksgiving one? Just a thought.


  • henney16
    I am bad and usually weigh myself once in the morning when I get up almost on a daily basis. I think this helps keep me in check, and see how my body reacts to choices that I make. I am happy to say that I liked what I saw this morning and hope the weight is the same or better come Friday! Happy Wednesday everyone!

    I have a few errands to run tonight, one of them being to check our Charter Fitness and sign up if I like the environment. Gonna get some miles in tonight on the stationary bike there as well as maybe some weights.

  • Mandalicious
    Wow! I had the most lovely surprise this morning! I got on the scale to see a weight of 128.5!! I got off and back on twice with the same result each time. Avoiding that ice cream urge was the right decision! :) Two whole pounds since last Friday!!! Hip, hip, hurray!
    Dave? Sean? How are you guys?
  • henney16
    Fridays weigh-in = 240.4 lbs, down 3 from last week. My body must be thanking me for joining the gym! I started our challenge at 275.8 and have lost a total of 35.4 pounds! I am so happy right now!

    NSV as well - Last night when I was leaving the gym I walked past a full length mirror and actually LIKED what I saw, a normal sized guy (with a belly of course, but I am working on that). My goal for our next challenge will be less weight because i know it will get slower and start to get harder than it has been. Plus in the coming months I have a 4 day business trip to Florida, two Thanksgivings (both sides of the family) as well as Christmas. My personal goal is to continue to eat healthy up until my trip in late October (then enjoy myself a little while I am there)

    Do we want to start a new thread, or just keep this going? Do you guys have other friends on here that we can bring into our group to make it a little larger than the 3 or so of us that made it to the end? Lets keep this going.