Paelo Challenge



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    well I was crashing so badly when I got home tonight that I allowed myself some potatoes, which I suppose aren't strictly Paleo, but then neither is the cheese..... But working on the principle of 80/20 I suppose it is okay (plus, if Paleo man could make fire he could have potatoes.....)

    One good thing I am finding is that it is a piece of cake (did someone say cake?) keeping around my calorie goal yet still eating loads of healthy stuff. I was pretty full after dinner so overdid it a bit - loads of steamed veg, the potatoes, some hardboiled eggs and some cheese in a sort of warm salad with a roasted tomato sauce (my new favourite thing to make). And finally I got round to eating the Kimchi I made a few weeks back - wow that is GOOOOOOD stuff!!!

    My tough moment will be this weekend - I am going to a family get-together and will not be able to avoid bread and grains. I am going to take some sourdough bread and try and eat around the subject....

    how's everyone else doing so far?
  • Everything seems to be going well on my end. I goofed up on the first day and fasted out of stress (I think I ate a handful of pistachios for the whole day ._.), but besides that, I seem to be sticking with it. It really helps to make all my meals in advance because after working all day, I really don't want to come home and cook and that was always my problem before [ex-fastfood junkie].

    This weekend will hopefully be a breeze. I'll probably go see my parents for the 4th and they're huge meat eaters so I'll watch my portions but I don't think I'll have any problem with limited choices.

    girlinahat - Do you think your crashes are caused by the carb flu?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I don't think it could be carb flu as my carbs are only down to about 105g a day and I'm only little. If anything, it's probably more that I have not had enough sleep this week - I always find if I don't sleep enough then I need lots of food to give me bursts of energy to get through the day.

    slept well last night so am hoping that I don't feel zonked by the end of the day. I am bringing my carbs down gradually - I'm still having too much fruit so I need to work out what mid-morning snacks I can have instead (I am nut-averse!!!!!)

    will report back.

    my weekend will be a strain - lunch is normally bread and cheese with maybe a tomato on the side. Hard just to eat a chunk of cheese!!! It will be interesting to see the effects.

    thanks for the meatloaf recipe - I haven't tried it yet but will do. i've never heard of PAM anyway so was just going to do use ordinary fat (I'm in the UK so have to substitute some ingredients)
  • so i'm loving this so far!

    I make baggies of cut up onion, mushrooms and spinach to mix in w 2 eggs each morning which helps keep me on the go.
    Then I have a week supply of hard boiled eggs my dad and I share (but I only use them when i'm coming home from work starving to hold me over til i can cook a real meal)
    I am actually having fun trying new recipes- like I made chicken and fresh asparagus lightly coated with a sesame citrus sauce last night that was so fresh,light and delicious.
    I also cooked a pot of chili made of venison, onions and peppers, and tomatoes. I'll be able to use this for lunch today and Saturday!!
    I do cheat once a day though. Instead of having a piece of dark chocolate, I am using up my chocolate covered sunflower seeds. So I have a serving of them each night.

    I still workout, but I've noticed I probably don't do as much cardio as i normally did. But, despite that the weight is dropping way faster than I would ever have hoped for and I can fit in my old dress pants for work again. (In fact my good new dress pants are too loose to wear to my job since I have to walk around and bend over a lot)
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    My husband and I are starting this challenge tomorrow! July 1 - August 1...and hopefully we can make it a lifestyle change by the end of the 30 days!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    so i'm loving this so far!

    I make baggies of cut up onion, mushrooms and spinach to mix in w 2 eggs each morning which helps keep me on the go.


    thanks for this brilliant idea - I chopped up some extra peppers, leeks and mushrooms whilst making dinner last night then bagged them for throwing together with some eggs this morning.

    My firdge is mostly veggies - I am having to eat tons of them just to get through my veg box. I really DON'T think i need to take any kind of vitamin supplement..........

    I am gradually lowering my carbs and it is surprising how many some fruits have - a necatrine has 14g of carbs for example. I know for weight loss we should reduce fruit intake, but it is taking me a while to feel that I can get energy without it. Plus I don't want to throw good stuff away.

    I confess to having not been to the gym this week, nor my yoga class - i've just felt too tired, which ultimately IS down to a lack of sleep. Making a concerted effort to rest and go to bed earlier is making a huge difference and I can honestly say that today I am buzzing!!!

    Good luck for the weekend people!!! I have a wine tasting tonight so there's bound to be crackers, plus am at my folks for the weekend and won't be able to avoid bread but my veg box arrived this morning and am looking forward to stuffing myself with goodies when i get back!!!
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member

    thanks for this brilliant idea - I chopped up some extra peppers, leeks and mushrooms whilst making dinner last night then bagged them for throwing together with some eggs this morning.

    My firdge is mostly veggies - I am having to eat tons of them just to get through my veg box. I really DON'T think i need to take any kind of vitamin supplement..........

    I am gradually lowering my carbs and it is surprising how many some fruits have - a necatrine has 14g of carbs for example. I know for weight loss we should reduce fruit intake, but it is taking me a while to feel that I can get energy without it. Plus I don't want to throw good stuff away.

    I confess to having not been to the gym this week, nor my yoga class - i've just felt too tired, which ultimately IS down to a lack of sleep. Making a concerted effort to rest and go to bed earlier is making a huge difference and I can honestly say that today I am buzzing!!!

    Good luck for the weekend people!!! I have a wine tasting tonight so there's bound to be crackers, plus am at my folks for the weekend and won't be able to avoid bread but my veg box arrived this morning and am looking forward to stuffing myself with goodies when i get back!!!

    I'm struggling with the fruit thing, too. The way I see it, though, I've had great success the past month while still eating fruit (I think a lot of it has to do with the triathlon training I'm doing...burning lots of calories - hopefully the carb ones and THEN some...). Eventually I will have to reduce the amount of fruit I'm eating, but for now - while it's summertime and fruit is in season - I'm just going to enjoy it and not sweat it. Disclaimer: this may turn out to be a rookie mistake; time will tell! ;-)

    Also - I've been SO BAD about getting enough rest this week, just like you. I'm going to do better next week, because I really can't continue running on empty like this!

    Happy Weekend to all, and Happy Independence Day to all of us in the USA! :bigsmile:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

    Doing so well and then I bumped into some friends and they forced beer down my throat and made me stay out late....

    Had a bread roll at lunch. A few hours later and I am feeling bloated and my stomach isn't happy. I am looking forward to getting back home again and being in charge of my own food. My calorie count is through the roof and I'm just sitting around enjoying the sun. This weekend is making me more determined to follow this through.

    Happy independence day to all you US folks, and happy summer/ winter to everyone else.
  • I'm a bit confused.

    Paleo is also about listening to your body and eating when you are actually hungry.

    Well, The thing is today after breakfast at 8 am I never got hungry! At 6pm I decided I should probably just eat something since I don't want to get hungry after 7 and eat before bed... but I don't know if I would have even gotten hungry at all.

    So, should I eat my meals whether I'm hungry or not? Because today I only had 630 calories which I know is too little when I have a more active day like today.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm a bit confused.

    Paleo is also about listening to your body and eating when you are actually hungry.

    Well, The thing is today after breakfast at 8 am I never got hungry! At 6pm I decided I should probably just eat something since I don't want to get hungry after 7 and eat before bed... but I don't know if I would have even gotten hungry at all.

    So, should I eat my meals whether I'm hungry or not? Because today I only had 630 calories which I know is too little when I have a more active day like today.

    You might want to check out intermittent fasting. You sound like you might be a good candidate for it. I eat twice a day...once at noon, once at 8pm. At the end of the fast (noon) you will be ready to eat and by the time your next meal rolls around (can also eat 3 meals, 12pm, 4pm & 8pm). Check out

    Interesting Paleo read....
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Enjoyed the above article.

    My daughter had a mysterious horrific headache after swimming yesterday. Was up till 2am with her. Thank goodness she's feeling well now! The cost of doing the right thing as a mom - missed the Farmer's Market today...tomorrow is our last chance for provisions for a week. Not only that but I'm retaining water from just one messed up night's sleep, almost 2 lbs worth. And on top of everything else, we missed the Paleo Beach Party/BBQ, sigh.

    Rant over. These circumstances in the past would have meant a 300g processed carb, wheat based, gluten-y kind of day. Check out the diary.

    Ate baby new potatoes but used portion control. My good/low-stress/cortisol day goal is under 20g carbs. My I-am-feeling-like-the-entire-world-is-spinning-out-of-control-and-I-want-my-mommy-type day goal is under 100g. I'm at 67g and rightfully proud of my performance under extreme stress. No longer are life's challenges an excuse to harm myself. I also remembered to take my Vitamin B-Complex supplement.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully, we'll get food, supplements and supplies and be back on track.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Ok, make that 80g carbs. LOL
  • rachpiper720
    rachpiper720 Posts: 204
    So I am heading to Moab this next weekend with a bunch of carb-loaders, and I need some ideas for camping, paleo-friendly snacks. I am planning on nuts, dried fruit, and jerky. I think I might bring some hard-boiled eggs for snack at the campsite. I am not sure if I am going to be able to do much cooking other than in my dutch oven, and I might have to compromise with some of the meals because I won't be doing all the meal planning. I will try and stay as paleo as possible, but it might be hard. Can you guys offer up any other suggestions???
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    So I am heading to Moab this next weekend with a bunch of carb-loaders, and I need some ideas for camping, paleo-friendly snacks. I am planning on nuts, dried fruit, and jerky. I think I might bring some hard-boiled eggs for snack at the campsite. I am not sure if I am going to be able to do much cooking other than in my dutch oven, and I might have to compromise with some of the meals because I won't be doing all the meal planning. I will try and stay as paleo as possible, but it might be hard. Can you guys offer up any other suggestions???

    I may be late on this but salads are always good and at camp fires there is usually meat of some kind...carrots , and celery and raw veggies are good and portable and don't require refridgeration.. you could also take some canned tuna or chicken
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I caved and had a baked potato last night that had been cooked on the grill. used to be one of my favorite foods.. but it did not taste good at all to me.. funny how quickly your tastes change. It gave me heart burn, 20 minutes later I got really sleepy.. it left me not feeling satisfied and wanting sweets. I was hungry again within 2 hours. Eye opening experience and a big reminder that my body does not function well on high carb foods.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    well this has not been a good week for me. I had been doing so well and feeling great, and then was at the mercy of my parents over the weekend. One cheap bread roll and a few homemade cupcakes sent my stomach into a mad frenzy of cramps and bloating from which I am only just recovering and feeling better.

    It has made me more determined than before to tray and escape the grain cycle (I know, beer is made from grains, but it's fermented so that's okay right?). I am slowly beginning to work out what I can eat when to maintain that full stomach feeling.

    I am begrudgingly allowing more fat into my diet and that is helping me to feel fuller, plus the last few days I have been barely hitting 200 calories for my lunch and consequently am feeling drained and barely able to cook dinner by the time I get home - meaning I don't think about it properly and end up with 'food' rather than a nicely cooked and interesting meal.

    How do others plan their meals? Do you come up with ideas at the beginning of the week and mostly stick to them? Do you have an ad hoc approach depending on what is in the cupboard? I am beginning to see the virtues of the way my mum used to cook - a 2 week menu would be on the wall and that would govern the shopping and meals (we were very poor) - I could always tell what day of the week it was by what we were eating, Wednesdays were my favourite lunch as we had left-over sausages in our sandwiches!!!!

    I haven't looked at whether I have lost weight yet. I suspect I did at the start but after my stomach pains I don't want to depress myself.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member

    How do others plan their meals? Do you come up with ideas at the beginning of the week and mostly stick to them? Do you have an ad hoc approach depending on what is in the cupboard? I am beginning to see the virtues of the way my mum used to cook - a 2 week menu would be on the wall and that would govern the shopping and meals (we were very poor) - I could always tell what day of the week it was by what we were eating, Wednesdays were my favourite lunch as we had left-over sausages in our sandwiches!!!!

    An interesting article.

    I'm a monotonous eater. Same old standby's. The only new stuff or variety would come on a weekend when there is more time. But even on the weekend the choice is shop and fuss making a new meal or grill a piece of meat or seafood. I usually choose the easy button.

    I always have over easy eggs and coffee for breakfast.

    Lunch is a meat(beef, pork, poultry) + veggie or veggie soup. I try not to bring fish(smell to others) and save that for at home. Sometimes I'll bring a can of sardines.

    Dinner is often the same as lunch, even the same meat and veggies but I'm trying to make dinner always fish.

    If I get hungry later in the evening I often drink a couple eggs.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    well this has not been a good week for me. I had been doing so well and feeling great, and then was at the mercy of my parents over the weekend. One cheap bread roll and a few homemade cupcakes sent my stomach into a mad frenzy of cramps and bloating from which I am only just recovering and feeling better.

    It has made me more determined than before to tray and escape the grain cycle (I know, beer is made from grains, but it's fermented so that's okay right?). I am slowly beginning to work out what I can eat when to maintain that full stomach feeling.

    I am begrudgingly allowing more fat into my diet and that is helping me to feel fuller, plus the last few days I have been barely hitting 200 calories for my lunch and consequently am feeling drained and barely able to cook dinner by the time I get home - meaning I don't think about it properly and end up with 'food' rather than a nicely cooked and interesting meal.

    How do others plan their meals? Do you come up with ideas at the beginning of the week and mostly stick to them? Do you have an ad hoc approach depending on what is in the cupboard? I am beginning to see the virtues of the way my mum used to cook - a 2 week menu would be on the wall and that would govern the shopping and meals (we were very poor) - I could always tell what day of the week it was by what we were eating, Wednesdays were my favourite lunch as we had left-over sausages in our sandwiches!!!!

    I haven't looked at whether I have lost weight yet. I suspect I did at the start but after my stomach pains I don't want to depress myself.

    I pretty much ad-hoc it. Mainly because I get large quantities of meat at a time (we have a rancher about a mile away who sells splits of grass-fed beef, and a hog butcher who sells splits of naturally raised/not grain-finished pork), and generally have a pretty good variety of other things on hand... I keep an assortment of frozen veg, mainly because there are 5 of us, so the quantity of fresh veg I'd need for a week is more than would fit in my fridge. I also grow tomatoes in the summer and freeze them for later use in the year (like having canned, but better). So really, it's just a matter of figuring out what meat and cuisine I'm in the mood for that day.

    Re: lunches - you may want to add quite a bit more meat (and fat) to them. I prefer (not that it always happens) to eat bigger meals for breakfast and lunch and eat a smaller quantity for dinner.