Urban phrases that you HATE!!



  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    LOL! I live in the country in TN - EVERYBODY (black, white or other) says they are Fixin' to do something! I can't complain, 10 years of hearing it and my new southern drawl has incorporated a few "fixin" "darlin" and "y'all's" :laugh:

    I'm from the South and I am always fixin to do something. I never thought about it being odd until my roommate in college who was from Wisonsin pointed it out.

    I got tired of Hella when everybody used to say it. Seemed like an odd contraction to me.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Prolly for probably

    and "fixin' to start"...there's a phrase I loathe...as in "I'm fixin' to start my period"...it's just ewwww
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Oh and i shorten A LOT of words....its bad, or i have to say it with an izzle ir izz....and i say "shamon" instead of come on....i like to think i'm michael jackson. and i say "doll" a lot....

    Nah, 'Shamon' is totally Bo Selecta lol
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    Urban - look up the definition...no where does it say it has anything to do with blacks or being black - it refers to city. And not all of the comments even are about that - some are country expressions as well. Why anyone would try to make it ugly is beyond me. Everyone was just having fun stating silly phrases and words that have been made overpopular and have been so over used they are just getting rediculous. Lighten up guys! :drinker:
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    I detest this word to the core of my being.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I detest this word to the core of my being.

    YES I forgot about that one!!
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Not sure what the mods deleted. If there was any 'hating' going on then yes that should have been deleted.

    However, most (if not all) of this thread has been a laugh at the mis0use of the English language with no offence intended in any way shape or form.

    You could argue that English is an evolving language that is added to by every generation and by new sociological factors ('Yomping' fron the 80's,iPhone from the naughties) But it doesn't mean that some gentle ribbing isn't allowed. Especially where there is a perfectly good existing word.

    Personally I love 'urban' as much as I love ;chav' or 'leet' - it is all vibrant and new (ish). There is a little I dislike as it makes English harder to understand. And I make no appologies for that.

  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I loathe "My Bad!" Or when someone says 'ideal/s" instead of idea/s.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    in before the delete! :D
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Instead of using the word, "everything" it's become air-thing... makes me want to kick a puppy.
  • lijparsons
    lijparsons Posts: 258
    This is one that is going around my workplace and drives me insane. When you are in a meeting, and the person running it says, "Let's talk to that for a moment." For example, "When are we getting new office chairs?" "Let's talk to that for a moment." I want to stand up and yell, "Talk to what?!!? Oh, you mean talk ABOUT it, yes, let's talk ABOUT that!!" Idiots.
  • JWALL101
    JWALL101 Posts: 60
    Boo! That term makes my skin crawl.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    This is why we can`t have nice things sometimes.

    For the record the term "urban myth" has been around for a long time and in no way has a racial overtone to it.
    It is a term used to mean the general population.

    Unless it is meant to be derogatory to us country bumpkins. :angry:

    Kidding about the last sentence,just to show how silly things get and hoping that the mods only deal with those trying to create a problem and not the whole thread.
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    Just for the record-for those of you who can not read, my original post dealt with HATE, NOT RACISM...

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Um. I just don't like it very much when people say "vacay"...
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I hate when people say "vacay" instead of "vacation".

    Reminds me of an annoying woman I work wiith.

    Every day as she is leaving "See you in the AMS"

    and her annoying way of getting off the phone "speak at ya later"
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I just want to tell you that I think you are a very pretty woman!!

    That's it. :)
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Glad I missed the drama and sorry I actually posted in this thread because of it.

    I am going to stick with the threads that involve women posting revealing pictures. At least those threads are worth the drama that they cause.
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    I don't like when two words are combined...like chillax. (Though i don't hate the people saying the word :flowerforyou: )

    My bf always says "lol" or "for lulz" which actually just makes me laugh because it sounds so funny to hear someone saying it. I have been told off by him for saying it's text speak, apparently it's geek speak haha.

    I'm sure i annoy people because i say "defo" instead of definitely. Blame my irish cousins :P

    I don't like the word "ointment", it gives me bad visuals.

    Finally, i dislike pacifically instead of specifically.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys, I was in the middle of typing this earlier and my laptop decided to have a snooze :grumble:

    This thread has received a considerable number of reports, but looking throughout the posts, it appears that it is all lighthearted and does not have any derogatory undertones. I live in Wales in the UK and the term "lush" here is used to describe something that is beautiful, amazing e.t.c....however, I understand that it means alcoholic in many other parts of the world. Yes, there are terms that people use which may be irritating to others but we have to remember this.

    Urban phrases derive from cultural differences in language within cities and have occured for thousands of years. As a moderator, you have to understand that MFP is a very large community consisting of members who live in many different parts of the world...many of which use these colloquial terms...(I have always known pop as pop and the only soda I know is the soda stream or cream soda). We are all different which is what makes the world so interesting so I feel that this thread is lighthearted and wasn't started to upset others. However, due to recent debates on here, this thread will be monitored.

    I'm just posting this to remind everyone that if someone says something you do not agree with then please report it; do not retaliate as this usually makes things worse and causes the thread to escalate.

    Thanks for your co - operation

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator :flowerforyou: