C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Yay I completed Week 4 to day. I am going to go on to Week 5 Thursday. I am glad you did so well with Week 4 OneBriteSmile.
  • Wuzzlicious
    I did Week 5 Day 2 last Saturday and I'm looking to do Week 5 Day 3 either tomorrow morning or Thursday morning. I hate this long stretch between workouts, but I'm just not disciplined enough yet to wake up early enough to go before work and the childcare at the gym closes by the time I can get there afterwards. Boohoo.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    In between w3d1 and w3d2, which is tomorrow, I threw in a fun run on the treadmill. I did 20 minutes at a heart rate of 144. Beside my muscles not ready to run more than 2 miles, I think my heart can take it. I wonder if I should go directly to week 4. Week 3 only has 3 run intervals and are pretty short. Anybody skipped a week and did fine?
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    hi, w2d2 complete! doing w2d3 tmorro x
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi all!

    i finally got back on track today and did w6d1. i did it and was able to do more time at the end but because i took almost a week off it took me awhile to find my pace again. but i am ready to go to day 2 yay!

    I tried that app sports-tracker.com and i fell in love! its much more accurate then c25k program and i love how it uploads to the computer. it even has a lap button and shows your speed in both mph and mile minutes. Big fan. and the gps is great! it also works in the background so you can run both programs at once. i will definitely be using this on my longer runs.

    also i went to an info session for the half marathon i would like to do in october and it was great! it was all women of all ages and they were all really supportive. they had people who did this program last year that never even ran before and they all made it across the finish line! its kind of like a little local MFP with all the support.

    i was also happy because i received the beginners program and i saw that i was already doing more mileage than the first couple weeks of the program required which gives me a bit of a head start yay!
    our first running session will be on saturday morning and i am super excited
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @Jtp5184 - The site sounds like a cool site. Or is it an app? I'm not sure I understand how it works. If it's an app, unfortunately I don't have a smartphone and wouldn't be able to download it :(. I'm thinking about getting this Nike+ thing that will count my miles when I run outside but I'm not sure yet. You are definitely my hero for doing a half marathon. That's just awesome. I can't wait to hear all abotu it.

    @Misty - great blog, thanks for sharing! I'm also considering getting the Nike+ gadget. How do you like it? Is it worth getting?

    @Loverstreet - Sorry to hear about the pain you're having. A rest day is probably a good idea. I hope you feel better soon. Also I am very proud of you too for doing C25K and making the first step to start exercising regularly. I used to absolutely hate exercising. All the sweating and hyperventilating just wasn't for me. MFP has really changed my life for the better. While I think think the additional exercise will help you, I think more than anything, again, you should work on your diet first. Good luck!

    @dyiaane - Great job! You are just flying through this program. :)

    @Keri - Great job and thank you! I'm excited and nervous about week 5 next week though.

    @Wuzz - Good luck with the last day of week 5. That is a big jump and I know you can do it.

    @gnoccola - I haven't skipped a week but I know some people have who felt that they were already in pretty good shape. I'd say give it a try and see how you feel.

    @Olivia - Good luck tomorrow!
  • froggy77064
    froggy77064 Posts: 49 Member
    just finished w1d2 for the 2nd time(repeating w1).can't wait to get to w2.i felt great when i finished the intervals today.i was at 1.75 miles for my distance,so i kept walking with some extra jogging mixed in.my workout ended up being 4.16 miles in just over an hr with an average pace of 3.7mph per runkeeper.

    one thing i need to work on is my form.after the 2nd interval of jogging my shins started to hurt(wasn't giving up though).so during the 3rd jog interval i worked on my stride.i was almost landing my feet flat every step,so i worked on rolling from heel to toe during my stride.after the 3rd interval the pain was not as bad and by the time i finished the 4th interval,i was pretty much pain free.

    i'm looking forward to friday,so i can get w1d3 done and start w2d1 on monday.
  • yankeefamily05
    ok! I just found this thread! I just completed my first day of c25k. I used the c25k app for my blackberry! I actually really enjoyed it. Its alot different than the elliptical workout I usually do! But much more exciting:)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Wasn't feeling too great today but got my week 4, day 2 run done in the evening on the treadmill and pushed myself breaking my own record. I was able to maintain a speed of 5mph for a full 3 minute run. I'm pretty proud of that. Just one more day for this week and the plan is to do it Saturday morning at the park.

    Hope everyone is doing fantastic this week!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Completed week 5 day 2 tonight!

    Will I be able to do the 20 min run for day 3??? I don't know, but I certainly didn't think I was going to be able to do the two 8 min runs and I somehow pulled that off!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    loverstreet- you will be fine on the 20 minutes i was nervous about it too! but in order to get to 8 minutes means you must have found a pace that works for you so just do that for the 20 and you will do great!

    brytesmile-its both. its online and an app. if you use online you just use it as a logger for your excerise not as exciting as having the app because that tells you about the time and pace and gives a map of where you ran. BUT it does give you room to put your heart rate and other stats to help you SEE what you are doing. It also shows you how long you ran, the distance you ran and the calories burned for the week, month and total! that is really eye opening when you see that.

    I just did w6d2 this morning it felt good! its very humid today and tomorrow ill be worse so i will probably wait to saturday to run which is the WORST day but i have my first run with the new running group i joined. so well see how it goes. im going to that running shop tonight to get new shoes.

    also i got a new puppy yesterday :) hes so cute. this morning after my run he did sprints with me. hes going to keep me in great shape and im going to make him a runner haha
  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey all! Do you guys mind if I join your group?? I just started Week 1 on Monday. I am planning on doing day 2 today. I am quite a bit behind everyone else but the support on this thread looks great!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Need suggestion on a HRM that won't break the bank, but is accurate and shows calorie burn. I feel like my treadmill isn't accurate, but if I go by what I've read about estimating calories burned/mile, those numbers are way different. I'm hoping the HRM will finally give me the right number.
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    W2d3 done...and nearly killed me, dunno how I'm gonna do w3!! Hope others r doing better than me!! X
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    I started on monday and did day 2 yestersday will do day 3 tomorrow
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Welcome new people, Olivia don't worry it actually gets easier and you can always take an extra day for any day that is too challenging to do at first. I did that with Week 4 but in some ways it seems easier although I am on the dreaded Week 5. Today I began Week 5 and completed Day 1. It went better than Day 1 of Week 4 actually. We'll see how Day 2 goes. I did add a tiny interval onto the end so that I increased my minutes run to 17. I have another goal to increase the minutes of running in my almost 5K walk around the lake each week so I needed to add this interval to meet that goal too and I feel like it will make my upcoming 20 minute run easier as well.

    Some of us have said including me that we were not losing in the first weeks of this program but just wanted to report that I am slowly starting to lose again. I was basically in a plateau before starting this so I am not blaming C25K for my not losing for the early weeks anyway. However I do credit it and other exercise with running out of any pants to wear and needing yet another size smaller this time around. Others have mentioned almost literally running out of their running pants. Yay!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Keria thats great your running out of your pants haha thats funny.

    i gained when i started this program and just started losing now and im on week 6. it was long but luckily i cared more about the program then the weight loss. even though i was quite relieved this week when the scale FINALLY went down. lets hope its a new trend and soon i can run out of my pants too haha

    and i agree with what you said the program does get easier. week5 day 3 was my focus and then once i got passed i didnt run for a week do to issues and what not but now i am back and doing ok. that day is the metal make it or break it but all of us can make it because this program trains you well. everyone will do it just fine and then be amazed when it is over.

    happy running!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Today during my lunch hour I did Week5Day2.... one more day to go then I will be finished Week5.

    Only problem is that the 3rd day of Week5 is a BIG jump (8 minutes to 20??)... I hope I can do it! I will be attempting it on Saturday.

    One thing that I find is helping with my endurance = DON'T run too fast. KEEP a steady and sustainable pace.
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    I just did week 2 day 2 today on the treadmill. It was, honestly, the best run I have ever had! The shin splints didn't bother me too much today! :-) I wasn't winded nearly as much as I had been being...I know, I was probably running too fast, but today, I was actually running a little faster! I am so excited to be seeing a difference already! :-)

    I love my Nike+ sensor. I really like seeing how far and fast I am going because I really like running on our Rail Trail, but have no way of telling how far I am going. I am not pushing to go faster or farther at this point, but it's neat to see how it's becoming easier. I have an iPod Touch that I use mine with, but it will work with the iPod Nano too, you have have to get the sport pack from what I understand.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I finished week 8 this morning.:happy: One more week to go, and then my next goal after that will be to actually complete a mapped out 5km route. I got busy on Gmaps Pedometer last night and mapped out a couple of different routes around and through my neighborhood, complete with landmarks to tell me when to start and stop running and to help me keep track of my progress. Up until now I haven't really worried about distance, only time. Another thing I want to do is go over to the university's track one evening after the sun goes down (they keep the lights on late) to get some idea of how fast I can run on level terrain. Standard athletic tracks are what? 400 meters?

    Legs and loverstreet, jtp5184 has it right. If you can pace yourself and manage your breathing well enough to do 8, then you can do 20.

    Keri, congrats on the new pants size. I'm running out of tops to wear myself, but I'm trying to avoid shopping until the summer weight things are put on clearance. With any luck I'll be at or close to my maintenance size by then, and this far south, summer weight clothing is wearable for months after the season officially ends.

    Olivia, you'll do alright on week 3. Just concentrate on moving the oxygen in and the carbon dioxide out, and trust that your stamina will be better with each outing. I'll admit, week 3 was a difficult one for me, but by the end I wasn't getting seriously winded anymore. Week 4 was easy.

    OneBryteSmile, you should be proud of your progress! And it will only get better.